
Li Ziqian's question was asked directly to Mo Nanbei.

But honestly.

seems like it.

Super Smash Bros. is a classic off-line direct one-line team fight just after the end...

Thinking of this, Mo Nanbei coughed awkwardly, she pretended to be stupid,

"Well, what?"

It meant that he was asking Li Ziqian what he said had anything to do with her.

Li Ziqian: ? ? ?

Good guy, now that death is imminent, why are you still acting stupid?

Is there any reason for this?

He certainly couldn't let Mo Nanbei fool him like this, so he asked Mo Nanbei,

"So you are so embarrassed that I have so many heads??"

Mo Nanbei: ?

She didn't want to listen to the words so hard to stop.

So Mo Nanbei directly retorted,

"What is k? This is not your son's filial piety to your father and me??"

"What? What??? Wow, Mo Nanbei, you cooked porridge once and floated away!"

"Oh yes yes yes yes!"

Mo Nanbei didn't know what was wrong again, so he simply gave up explaining to Li Ziqian, and just put on a bad tone.

Ah yes yes yes, this tone... how should I put it, it is suitable for many situations.

For example, the head teacher reprimanded you, saying that you really plan to not work hard all your life and become an idle fish who can't turn over?

Then at such a time, just reply directly.

For another example, when encountering a "friendly" interaction with a foolish teammate, saying that you are so good at ranking, do you really know nothing about your own food?

Then return one, yes yes yes.

But why the **** did Mo Nanbei use it at this time! !

Li Ziqian was mad, he was a little exasperated,

"you you……"

He took a deep breath and glanced at the time, it was already eleven twenty-five.

Forget it! Codewords matter.

"I don't want to talk to you too much, type on the keyboard! Awakened the codewriter!!"

Then, start outputting to the keyboard for a while.

Seeing this scene, Mo Nanbei snorted.

Silently, he sent the screenshot to the group, and by the way, he also brought the screenshot of ez + ice support that day.

【Cat North and South: Picture Picture】

[Mao Nanbei: I really can't understand it, I can't understand it! ! 】

[Mao Nanbei: Excuse me, why do I have to put up such a stupid Aidisi for a support like me who kills every game? 】

[Cat Nanbei: Speechless! ! ! ! ! 】

[Mao Nanbei: It's just too embarrassing to bark, saying that you dislike my cold ice support? 】

[Mao Nanbei: Maybe it's because people are not good enough to blame the road for being uneven. I'm used to it. Which of the assistants doesn't love Edison like a father. 】

Of course, Li Ziqian hadn't noticed this information yet.

In order to speed up his progress, he locked himself in the small dark room.

Fairly smooth.

Finally finished the submission before twelve o'clock.

After Mo Nanbei submitted the manuscript, he also chose to leave.

"See you tomorrow, dog!"

Mo Nanbei slipped away after speaking, walking very quickly, strangely.

"...See you again!"

Li Ziqian watched Mo Nanbei leave. Seeing her slipping away so fast, she couldn't help but feel suspicious.


Wouldn't she do anything wrong?

With such doubts, he subconsciously opened the mobile phone software before going to sleep.



[Su Suzi: Pfft... Qianshan is here! 】

[Grand Master Guan: I'm used to it, the quarrel between old couples is Jiang Zi. 】

[Twilight Beiming: I'm used to it, the quarrel between old couples is Jiangzi. 】

[Treading the waves and boating: I'm used to it. The quarrel between old couples and old wives is Jiangzi. 】

[Su Qinggu: I'm used to it. The quarrel between old couples is Jiangzi. 】

It is followed by N +1s.

I glanced at the chat records, almost all of them were sent after 11:50, and after 11:55, I started to focus on the screen.

Understood, they all focus on paddling after submitting the manuscript, right?


Li Ziqian was in a very good mood. He looked at the neat queue in the group and thought of how cute Mo Nanbei looked today, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

[Qianshan: I'm used to it, the quarrel between old couples is Jiangzi. 】

The water group is over, broken sleep!

Closing his eyes, he still felt something was wrong.

Do not.

Why was he so stunned by the dog son's momentary obedience?

Education is still education!



[Qianshan: @Mao Nanbei only sends kda but not output what is it? 】

[Qianshan: Huh? The operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the output is two hundred and five at a glance? ? 】

[Qianshan: This is it? 】

[Qianshan: Screenshot of the output @ Mao Nanbei It seems that there is no need to save face for you as a father, Nizi. 】

After doing this, he could be considered a comfortable dream.

"Drip drip!"

Mo Nanbei sent a message.

He squinted his eyes and saw that it was another kind and familiar Zaun rap.


Not a big problem.

He blinked and sent a voice message, "Good night..."

At the same time, Mo Nanbei also received news from Li Ziqian.

She clicked on the voice angrily.

Putting the phone to her ear, she heard Li Ziqian say softly, "Good night..."


The key is that the voice is very close to her ear, just like Li Ziqian is in her ear, saying goodnight to her gently and softly.


It's too late to continue thinking about it.

Immediately after the voice: "Mother sucks."

So the whole voice is actually, good night mom? ? ?

Mo Nanbei: ? ? ?


She decisively took out her mobile phone and recorded her voice, "You're a good night too!"

Exploded! !

Shattered, Shattered! Dog life matters!


Coming soon again, happy school time.


Happy hammer.

Li Ziqian took a deep breath and fell into deep thought when he saw Mo Nanbei's voice in the early morning.


But it seems that he barked the dog first, so he triggered Mo Nanbei's passive skill of barking along with the dog?

So, this wave is his problem?

"No, I'll never have a problem."

He strengthened his beliefs.

It is still the same as usual to start with Mo Nanbei, go to school together, and arrive at the school.

As soon as I entered the house, I got bad news.

"The men's and women's relay races have been selected."

First of all, in the boys group...

Li Ziqian calmly listened to the teacher's announcement of the names, and raised his eyes in disbelief, "...Huh?"


Is he in there? ? ?


When he turned his head, he saw Mo Nanbei gleefully smirking.

Li Ziqian: ?

Why do you laugh?

Isn't she his girlfriend?

Shouldn't she communicate with her sorrows and joys, and feel sorrow with him at this time?

At this time, by coincidence, Lao Wang suddenly announced,

"Oh, by the way, in the women's relay race, Wang Shuhuan asked for leave, so she can't participate. I need a classmate to sign up actively."

"So who wants to come?"

He glanced at everyone in the class.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, no one is willing to pick up this stubble at such a time.

Relay race?

They just want the school to hold a sports meeting to avoid a full day of study on Friday.

But torture yourself to get involved?

That's impossible.

Therefore, in this situation where everyone has to take a step back, as long as whoever stays still, it must be the one who stands up!

Will be the unlucky person to participate in the relay race.

Everyone knew this, and so did Mo Nanbei, and he was ready to retreat as soon as his little feet stepped back.



Why is Li Ziqian willing to let the dog son be an orphan?

Since the old father can't escape...

Then let's be a father and son soldier together!

︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

So, he silently grabbed Mo Nanbei's collar.

Mo Nanbei couldn't move for a moment.

? ? ?

She glanced over with a murderous look on her face,


His mother!

Because of the presence of Pharaoh, the quintessence of the country behind her was spoken out by her silent mouth.

Li Ziqian blinked and actively reported to Lao Wanghui.

"Student Mo Nanbei seems to be very happy to participate! I think she can run faster than Wang Shuhuan, and she will be the first for our class!"

Mo Nanbei: ? ? ?


Where did her motor cells develop?

This Bo Mo Nanbei was not afraid of being kidnapped by Lao Wang Daode, so he changed his tune immediately and hurriedly struggled to Lao Wang,

"Mr. Wang, I'm not physically fit, I don't want to hold back the class, I..."

But obviously at this time Old Wang didn't listen to Mo Nanbei's explanation at all. He waved his big hand to Mo Nanbei and said confidently,

"I think you can."

That style is like a better thanme of the strength of nobodyknowyour's relay run.

Mo Nanbei: ? ? ?

Can? !

Think she can? !

"No no no... Teacher, I really don't think I..."

At this time, seeing that his big plan was about to be completed, how could Li Ziqian let Mo Nanbei continue to explain something, and hurriedly interrupted Mo Nanbei, and continued to remonstrate to the old king,

"Pharaoh, Mo Nanbei is just too shy. Besides, since we are one class and one big family, we must be tolerant of each other through weal and woe, right~"

Sharing weal and woe, mutual tolerance?


Mo Nanbei: ? ? ?

She sent it, she really sent it this time.

"I don't want to drag the classmates down, and I don't want to affect the honor of the class collective."

She turned her head and looked expectantly at the students who retreated, "Really?"

Of course, her classmates responded in unison: "I believe in you! You are the best!"

Mo Nanbei:  …

Trust a geek.

They clearly just don't want to participate in sports!

Seeing his classmates being united, Old Wang nodded with relief, and decided with relief, "Well, since that's the case, remember to cooperate and run in more!"

Mo Nanbei:  …

Depend on.

After Lao Wang left, Li Ziqian showed a relieved expression, "I know that my son can't bear the old father to face the wind alone."

Hearing this, Mo Nanbei smiled and replied angrily,

"Heh... I wish you were killed directly in the wind."

"Oh yes, I'm your father."

"I am your father."

"Riding on a horse, I'm your father!!"

"I am your father."

In the face of Li Ziqian's repeater mode, Mo Nanbei once again unsurprisingly... broke the defense.

"I! Yes! You! Dad!!!!!!"

Then, when Mo Nanbei called out his father's long voice, Li Ziqian nodded in relief, "Hey."

Mo Nanbei: ?

Li Ziqian patted her shoulder in relief, and said to Mo Nanbei with a look of relief,

"You are finally willing to admit that I am your father."


Hearing this, Mo Nanbei immediately exploded.

Why can this dog be inserted seamlessly?

Why? ?

Classes, classes, recesses, and lunches were spent like brushing tasks.

After lunch, Mo Nanbei took a bottle of happy water to the rooftop.

It didn't take long for Li Ziqian to take his place.

He looked at Mo Nanbei with a smile, stretched out his hand, and patted her shoulder,

"Don't be afraid, ah, since the old father is here, I will give you spiritual help."

Which pot is not opened to mention which pot.

Are you really going to let her live in the shadow of the relay running?


He succeeded.


Mo Nanbei glanced at Li Ziqian and sneered, "Help?"

"Unless you can wear women's clothes and go to the relay race on the day of the sports meeting, it's not a help!"

Li Ziqian: ?

Is she dreaming?

Didn't wake up?

Spreading his hands, he said helplessly,

"I said duck just now, I will support you mentally!"

"So in action... don't even think about it."


Just pretend to be innocent!

Mo Nanbei: ¥@…@! ! @! @¥

What should she say? !

So angry, the more you think about it, the more angry you become!

Take out the happy water and unscrew it.

Okay, she couldn't unscrew it.

I don't know why, as long as you are a girl, you can't escape the fate of being unable to unscrew the bottle cap.

It's not that she's hypocritical, it's mainly...

The area of ​​the bottle cap that can be used is just a little bit. The bottle cap is uneven to increase the friction force. When she twisted it around, her thumb and index finger were sore.


It doesn't seem to be able to screw it off.

Do you want to help the hanged man?

Help a geek!

Do not! Da Baa!

She was speechless again, um...

So why do you want to buy Coke in bottle caps today, isn't it delicious to buy cans? ?


And Li Ziqian sat on the side with interest and watched Mo Nanbei go crazy with this bottle of happy water.

An irritable, tangled and embarrassed look appeared on her face, and her already cute appearance, such a toss...

It seems cuter.

It's like a golden retriever loli is incompetent and furious, it's so funny... just

Although he didn't know what happened, Li Ziqian, who said it was very interesting to eat melons, leaned forward and asked Mo Nanbei,

"what's wrong?"

If you have any problem, call me dad, I will help you solve it~

After all, for the sake of you being so melon, I will not reject you~

Li Ziqian showed his thoughts on his face without any concealment.

Mo Nanbei:  …

Hearing Li Ziqian's ill-intentioned question, she was silent for a moment, and then sighed heavily.

After hesitating and struggling for a moment, she finally gave up.

She passed the Coke in her hand and said to Li Ziqian,

"Hey, help me... unscrew the cap for me."

Unscrew the cap?

ha? ?

Li Ziqian glanced at Mo Nanbei in shock, and then glanced suspiciously at the bottle of Coke.

He is now deeply suspicious of one thing.

That is……

Isn't this Mo Nanbei's trick?

What a coke bottle that has been shaken for a long time.

Or maybe the cap of a Coke bottle was secretly coated with 502 glue?

Now pretending to ask for help is to arouse his curiosity, and then take the opportunity to take revenge for his previous all kinds?


Thinking of this, Li Ziqian hesitated for a while.

"This this……"

Mo Nanbei:  …

Looking at Li Ziqian's appearance, the complex expression on her face that was tangled up in a ball dissipated, and she gradually became speechless and then said angrily to Li Ziqian,

"I said, it's true that I can't unscrew the cap of a bottle as a girl, but... it's hard to say whether I can unscrew your skull. Do you want to try?"

"Do you really want to continue with Jiangzi? Will you fulfill your boyfriend's obligations? Is it okay to be a person?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Ziqian looked at her with complicated eyes.

His main focus here is...

"You one, girl?"


Does she also match these three words? !

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