My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 194: Is it still possible to sell like this?


While walking between the shelves, Li Ziqian took out his mobile phone and played the video he had saved, confirming the ingredients and seasonings he needed to buy this time.

Sheep scorpion is definitely a must, in addition to lemongrass, onion, carrot, celery, ginger, coriander, four to five bay leaves, two cloves, garlic, chicken frame or chicken stock, two pieces of Angelica, Two white kombu, white pepper and rice wine.

The sauce needs to be prepared, such as shallots, chives, monosodium glutamate, pepper oil, garlic, apples...

Oh hoo, there's still a lot of stuff.

have to.

One by one, waving his fingers to sum up here, looking at the left hand that raised and put down several times, Li Ziqian simply opened a memo to summarize the things he was going to buy today without being lazy to recognize the reality.

If I go home later and find that I have less materials to buy, I won't come back to make up for it.

This supermarket is quite large and has a dedicated fresh produce section.

Li Ziqian glanced at the clerk who was standing in front of the shelf and scanned the video, and asked her,

"Auntie, is there any sheep scorpion?"


The chubby, chatty aunt who looked about forty years old put down her phone, put on a mask and gloves, pointed to the meat in the tray on the far right of the window, and replied to him.

"How much is a pound?"

As soon as he heard that Li Ziqian was going to buy sheep and scorpions, the clerk's eyes instantly lit up.

"Forty-five pounds, if you take all of it, I'll give you something cheaper, thirty-five."

Hearing this, Li Ziqian was stunned for a moment.

Is it still possible to sell like this?

"Ah? How many are there?"

"Seven pounds." The clerk replied casually.


seven pounds...

He thought for a while, can he and Mo Nanbei really eat so much?

Based on the principle of making a meal, even if you can't finish it, you can just reheat it next time and eat it easily. He thinks it should still be possible to buy it.

And the pot in the house is big enough, and there is no problem in handling it at one time.

can buy!

After a round of logic, Li Ziqian nodded and said to the clerk,

"Okay, take it all for me, and do you still have the chicken rack?"

"Yes, yes, I'll give you ten dollars and take it away." The clerk nodded frantically, and then grabbed the chicken rack on the other side with the pockets.


Seeing that Li Ziqian's expression was very subtle, the clerk aunt hurriedly continued to explain,

"It's all fresh, but not many people come to buy it today, and it's a waste to keep it. Even if you don't throw it away, it won't be easy to deal with tomorrow."

"Ang, it's okay, I know, you can wrap it up for me."

Li Ziqian also nodded in understanding.

After all, this supermarket is also a chain. If there is any quality problem, it is shoddy and sick, then they will be in bad luck, and they are at most gastric lavage.

Expressing his understanding of this situation, just like when the morning market is about to delist, things will always be extra cheap, Li Ziqian readily accepted the promotion from the clerk and auntie.

After weighing the weight and sticking a label symbolically, the clerk then signaled Li Ziqian to scan the code to pay directly.

"Just swipe it to me, and tell others when you check out later, just show her the payment record after I paid."

"it is good……"

After going to the shelf to fill up the remaining vegetables and seasonings, Li Ziqian pushed the cart to the cashier to check out.

Take out your phone, scan the code, and check out.

Adhering to the principle of not wanting too much, Li Ziqian sold everything mentioned in the video except salt and sugar.

When he took it, he felt that he was really a genius and thoughtful, but at this moment, standing in front of the supermarket looking at the full bags in the shopping cart, he fell silent for a while.


How to get it back! ! !

However... The corners of his mouth could not be restrained from rising when he thought of the expressions that might appear on Mo Nanbei's face when he ate this delicious sheep scorpion.


Sure enough, only an old father can share his joys and sorrows with his son. When he regards Mo Nanbei as his girlfriend, all he can do is gloat.

Make an effort.

"Huh? What a coincidence, I met you at this time and bought a lot of things?"

Li Ziqian heard the sound and saw that the person who spoke was actually Mo Ranqiu.

Seeing Li Ziqian looking up, Mo Ranqiu showed a very polite and courteous smile,

"I'm down to buy something to drink. There's no more drinks at home. You know, a must-have for creators."

The tone of the conversation was a little more chatty and lively than the combing when we first met.

It seems that she is in a good state of mind recently.

"It's not a coincidence, it's almost the same situation here on my side."

Li Ziqian smiled and briefly exchanged a few words with her,

"I bought some sheep scorpions, and I'm going back to cook some for Mo Nanbei.

Do you want it by then? I'll let her get you some when she goes back. "

Since Mo Ranqiu is a favorite female friend of Mo Nanbei and a neighbor, he symbolically greets Mo Ranqiu a few times.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it, it's just... Now there's nothing at home to give back to you."

Hearing this, Mo Ranqiu smiled, frowning slightly apologetically and responding to Li Ziqian.

"It doesn't matter, you and Mo Nanbei had a good time, and you just bought a lot. The auntie who sells fresh food in this supermarket was so enthusiastic that she gave me the rest of the meat.

Mo Ranqiu: ...?

Now this time?



As an excellent cartoonist, when she heard these keywords, in just a split second, a plot of one less book emerged in her head.

Are you living together?



She blinked, looked Li Ziqian up and down with a slightly subtle expression, nodded, raised her hand and patted his shoulder in admiration.

"Yes, very strong practical ability."

Li Ziqian: ? ? ?

He is so messy in the wind, okay?

"No, where do you want to go? We just go home from school to do homework, code words and play games together. When it's bedtime, she goes back to her house."

Hearing this, Mo Ranqiu covered her mouth and smiled,

"I didn't ask anything, why do you explain so much?"


Li Ziqian looked at Mo Ranqiu's smirking expression, and suddenly everyone felt bad.

Sure enough, it was Mo Nanbei who was deceiving!

At first glance, this is the master of black and black!

Or his silly ink sauce is better!

He didn't admit that it was his own stupidity to panic and do nothing. Li Ziqian completely blamed Mo Ranqiu for being a bad woman.


go home.

When he reached the door and raised his hand to enter the password, he suddenly thought of Mo Nanbei's bad taste.

She always knocked on the door when she came to look for him before. She clearly knew the password, but she always asked him to come and open the door in person.


It seems that I have never had a chance to knock on my door, why not try it?

Maybe you can use this to understand your own good eldest?


As the saying goes, practice tells the truth!

He raised his hand and knocked on it.

"Knock Knock-"

He first tapped twice "gently".


Silence is today's corridor.

Okay, it can be seen that Mo Nanbei doesn't want to pay attention to him at all.

Li Ziqian took a deep breath and knocked hard a few times.

"Knock Knock Knock-"

This time, there was finally movement in the room.

You could vaguely hear someone yelling in exasperation.

"You're going to die!! If you know the password, just come in by yourself!"

Hearing this, Li Ziqian smiled, but he continued to knock on the door.

"Knock knock knock knock --"

And this time it was a lot rougher than before.

Mo Nanbei was already directly... blown away!

"Lying! Slot! Li Ziqian, your mother is dead!!"

She slammed the keyboard with her hand, rushed to the door, followed the cat's eye and glanced out to confirm that it was Li Ziqian, a dog, she opened the door and continued to curse at Li Ziqian,

"Nima's, don't die!"

"Are you blaming me for not opening the door?"

"Fuck, the password door, open your mother!!!"

This man did it on purpose!

She is dying fast!

Can you stop torturing her!

As a diligent person, can you really only have four thousand blood?

Of course not! Especially the last hour, isn't that struggling as much as you can?

Can't get along with anything, but can't get along with money? ? ? ?

"Wow, can't I just ask you to open the door?"

Before waiting for her emotional point to explode, she heard Li Ziqian say to Mo Nanbei with an aggrieved face.


"All right, no matter what."


Turning her head and scolding Li Ziqian lazily, she took a bag from the man's hand and brought it to the kitchen.

The dog just told him that when he went to the supermarket, he missed him a little bit.

Seeing him come back, in fact... she was still a little happy.

but! ! !

This dog thing, he doesn't deserve it! ! !

die! ! ! !

"I seem to understand why you always knock on the door when you come to my house."

Seeing Mo Nanbei who threw all the ingredients on the cooking table waiting for him to process, Li Ziqian suddenly spoke to her.

"...Huh?" Mo Nanbei was stunned after hearing Li Ziqian's sudden words without a reason.

"Well, you can probably figure out what your dog thing means."

Mo Nanbei: ...?

If this person can't speak, don't say it, okay?

Why torture each other? ? ? ?

"Don't bark, son of a dog!"

"What? Have you forgotten that I haven't made you a sheep scorpion yet."



Still got it, right?

Like who can't cook?

Although it's a little more attractive that he does it himself?

Ok? ? ? ?

At this moment, I heard Li Ziqian continue to say,

"A little sincerity, okay?"


Go and go.

Looking at life like a villain.

Sighing, Mo Nanbei glanced at Li Ziqian helplessly, feeling that he had decided to compromise on his small request.


"Well, good."

Saying that, Li Ziqian touched Mo Nanbei's head.

At this moment, Mo Nanbei felt that his compromise was worth it!

This 'good' and this 'touch your head'.



For the time being, I'm not ready to fight against this thing called Dad.

There are benefits after all.

The big one.

"Then father, I'm going to cook something delicious for you, please code."

With that said, Li Ziqian walked towards the kitchen.

The teaching in the video says that soaking the sheep and scorpion in cold water overnight will make it taste better and "transparent", but now the time is limited, and this step can only be done next time.

Blanch the mutton in a pot of cold water.

After foaming, skim off the scum, add cold water, bring to a boil, skim off the scum, then add cold water...

After three or four cycles of this, the mutton will be washed very cleanly and without the smell of mutton.

After adding cold water for the first time, add lemongrass, onion, carrot, celery, ginger, and coriander; for the second time, add bay leaves and cloves, then throw in two cloves of garlic, and simmer for a while.

Put the blanched sheep scorpion in a pot with hot water, use a gauze bag to hold the bought chicken frame, add two pieces of angelica, two pieces of white kombu, white pepper, and a little rice wine and simmer for an hour.


The stewing process was somewhat boring. After walking out of the kitchen, seeing Mo Nanbei still staring at the screen and banging on the screen, Li Ziqian spread his hands and sat back in front of the computer to write a few words with her.

Soon 12 o'clock arrived, and the speed of Mo Nanbei's life and death officially came to an end.

The two played a few games happily, and then he went to the kitchen to deal with the sheep scorpion and prepared two sauces by the way.

The first is the green juice. Cut the shallots and put them into the blender in a ratio of two to one. Add monosodium glutamate, sugar, and a few drops of pepper oil. Mix them into green mud and put them in the refrigerator to cool for a while.

The second sauce is a mixture of mashed garlic and apple mash, add soy sauce, sesame oil, shallots, ginger, and a little spicy millet, stir well, and then add a spoonful of chives.

After the soup is out of the pot, skim off the chicken oil, use the chicken oil to stuff the potatoes as a side dish, add a little salt and black pepper.

After the potatoes are cooked, turn the casserole and put on the induction cooker.

After such a tossing, the two people's supper is a success. He glanced at the brightly colored dishes in the casserole with satisfaction, nodded with satisfaction,

"This wave should be, blood horses are delicious."

Otherwise, wouldn't he have failed himself and the expectations of his dog son?

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