My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 201: . is driving me ===

Such a blunt start of a group has a significant effect in diverting Mo Nanbei's attention.

"You are riding a horse... are you driving me???"

"Huh? Yes? Am I telling the truth?"

Having said that, Li Ziqian spread his hands innocently.

"I just said that there is a lot of water in your article, what are you thinking?"

"Fuck you, don't die!"


"You're acting stupid! You're acting stupid!"

"I don't know if I'm dead or stupid, but I just know that someone won't finish writing today's update.

When the time comes, if I die or if I'm stupid, it won't be me anymore. "

Mo Nanbei: ! ! ! ! !

Hearing Li Ziqian's emotionally delicate sentence of fifty steps with a hundred steps, she fell silent.

Mo Nan pursed his lips, and quickly tapped on the keyboard with both hands.

There is no way, after all, he has already put down the big gamble. If he follows the shrimp spelling and loses, then Mo Nanbei probably won't be able to raise his head in the group in the future.

Seeing that Mo Nanbei had already entered the state so quickly and started to code, Li Ziqian knew that it was not easy to continue to fish, so he began to stare at the screen intently.

No way, Mo Nanbei, who has always been competitive and strong, became like a meditating holy monk after entering the state, and no one could invade.

It took less than a minute from the fierce war of words between the two just now to the current lack of desire.

After the discussion just now, this time, Li Ziqian seemed to have a sudden rush of thoughts, and the afterimage of his hands almost appeared, which made Mo Nanbei on the side couldn't help but cast a strange look.

After a thoughtful pursuit, Li Ziqian threw his pick, waved his hand, and tugged at Mo Nanbei's sleeve, "Let's go, let's play a game."

Mo Nanbei replied while dancing on the keyboard, "No, how much have you written?"

"2k." Li Ziqian smiled and opened the game directly again.

"I only wrote 2k, what kind of games are you playing?" Mo Nanbei found that Li Ziqian's passion for writing text was not as good as when he was studying.

"Let's play a game first, code words or something, and then talk about it after the game is over."

Although Li Ziqian himself knew that "say it again" is probably impossible to say.

"Hurry up, hurry up, I'll pull you on the number."

Unable to resist the temptation of the game, Mo Nanbei looked at his codeword count of more than 8,000. After a few seconds of psychological struggle, he finally opened the game in a sloppy manner.

After a round of being forced to advert and being brutally beaten by Mo Nanbei's Lulu and snatching the MVP, Li Ziqian couldn't help sighing, "It has to be you, it has to be you."

Of course Mo Nanbei knew what this guy Li Ziqian was talking about, and refused to accept: "I won the MVP by my ability."

Ah yes yes yes.

Li Ziqian said something, but still gave Mo Nanbei a compliment.

At this time, it was already 12 o'clock, and Mo Nanbei, who was preparing to go home, still glanced at the spelling records in the room uneasy.

Looking at the word 0 following the random shrimp, Mo Nan was delighted.

Worthy of being a casual shrimp, a face-slapping professional.


Sitting in the classroom, Li Ziqian looked up at the head teacher who had sold the key to announcing his grades, and couldn't help but get excited.

Say that you care about the results this time, but you don’t care that much, but say you don’t care, in fact…

Alas, it's all the fault of the head teacher for being so rude.

When I read about Mo Nanbei's grades, as expected, it was still the third at that age, as if not only Mo Nanbei and Li Ziqian, but also other students in the class seemed to have gotten used to it.

The first and second grades may always change, but the third grade will never, definitely Mo Nanbei.

Therefore, this part of the announcement of the grades that will arouse the nervousness of other students, here in Mo Nanbei, there is no suspense at all.

"Mo Nanbei's grades have been very stable. If this continues, the double first-class universities will definitely not be asked.

Yes, just keep going. "The head teacher showed a simple and honest smile.

It is estimated that even he himself wondered, how can this girl control her grades so steadily every time?

Evil, so evil.

However, according to Mo Nanbei's own words, the third place in the test is to leave room for his future.

If you are the first in the test grade, you have to work hard to keep the first position every time and there is no room for improvement, but if you are third, it proves that you always have room to work hard and always have hope.

Although every time Mo Nanbei said this, Li Ziqian felt that this girl was rebellious, but after thinking about it carefully, it really was the case.

Xueba is really a Xueba, out of line.

When Li Ziqian's name was called, Li Ziqian, who was lying on his stomach, jumped up from the desk.

Li Ziqian's heartbeat started to speed up at the simple and honest look of the director.

"Student Li Ziqian is very good this time. From the 49th place in the last monthly exam to the 42nd place in the current grade, although the progress is not great, but he is indeed working hard. Everyone should learn from Li Ziqian. what."

As soon as these words came out, Mo Nanbei's expression became unbearable. She seemed to be trying to restrain her smile that was about to burst out.

Li Ziqian knew what Mo Nanbei was thinking, and he couldn't hold back.

Well, you don't have to think about it to know that this girl will definitely attack her for a while after class.

After the results were announced, the head teacher started chatting, first summarizing the results of the classmates, and then starting to emphasize the time arrangement.

"Classmates, don't think that you will relax after the mid-term exam. There is still a long way to go, and there is a long way to go. May will soon pass, and June will usher in the final exam. Don't think that you There's still a lot of time left..."

The pressure from the head teacher also made the atmosphere in the class more serious.

This is the case in high school, becoming stronger after fighting mentally and physically again and again.

Even so, Li Ziqian felt that he was about to recite it.

But it will still cause Li Ziqian to think, although this ranking is more valuable than the monthly test, but in a key high school, everyone will work hard, and the scores of the top 50 in the grade are also very tight.

If you relax a little, your grades will drop by nine levels.

Li Ziqian couldn't help but sighed silently in his heart. Although the learning effect of his cramming in the past few days is not bad, but if he wants to improve again, he probably can't let it go for a while in the future.

Still have to work hard, after all, Mo Nanbei's grades are so good, Li Ziqian knows that he can't be too bad, and the crazy climb is for a good college life and a flat future!

Long live the fish!

Of course, the current efforts are for better fishing in the future.

But such a rebellious idea cannot be spoken.

After class, Mo Nanbei's Hei Changzhi swayed and teased Li Ziqian: "Learn from Li Ziqian, what do you want to learn? Is it to play the game after learning 2000, or Ou Huang to bet on the question, good luck what?"

Li Ziqian knew that most of the credit for her progress this time should be attributed to Mo Nanbei. If it weren't for her amazing notebook, her grades would probably have improved quite a bit. Thinking about it like this, she unconsciously became dog-legged.

"Study I have a great girlfriend." Li Ziqian looked into Mo Nanbei's eyes with a proud look.

This time, Mo Nanbei was at a loss for words, and Li Ziqian blocked the stinky reply that flashed in his mind quickly.

Mo Nanbei looked at him and coughed lightly, tucked his long hair together, and was stunned for a while.

Both were silent.

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