My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 205: Nobu Nobu ===

Casual shrimp seems to know that this woman Mo Nanbei is not easy to mess with, so it is better to quit the battlefield as soon as possible.

[Shrimp and Shrimp: Yeah, the weather is getting colder and colder, so I'd better go to bed and write. 】

【Shrimp and shrimp: 886.jpg】

Then he sent an unidentified emoji and disappeared.

Such a group is like this, and those who are active suddenly become cold.

With the casual shrimp's exit, there was no movement in the group.

A man can bend and stretch, and those who can't be provoked will not be provoked, and the feeling of being slapped in the face is not a good feeling. Casual shrimp understands this very thoroughly.

It's almost 12 o'clock.

Mo Nanbei yawned and saved the novel to go home.

Before leaving, Mo Nanbei said sincerely, "Is it such a pity that Children's Day is over?"

Mo Nanbei always felt that this holiday belonged to him, as if there were a lot of things that he didn't have time to do.

Although today is not particularly different from usual.

But I ate more strawberry cakes and strawberry daifuku in the morning, played more games and touched more fish in the evening, and it was also a shining day in ordinary ordinary days.

"It's okay." Li Ziqian said lightly: "We will soon usher in the next festival that belongs to us, June 18, Father's Day."

"Li Ziqian." Mo Nanbei roared, "Fuck you, don't talk if you can't talk, okay?"

the next day.

On June 2nd, the courier service was very strong, and the Caigou doll bought for Mo Nanbei had arrived.

When the package was opened and the doll was handed to Mo Nanbei, Li Ziqian clearly saw the rare light flashing in the girl's eyes.

Just when he thought that Mo Nanbei wanted to thank himself, Li Ziqian broke his fantasy with a loud shout of "Fuck".

"This thing! It's so cute!" Mo Nanbei put the doll in his arms.

Looking at Mo Nanbei's reaction, Li Ziqian felt that something was amiss, he coughed twice, "By the way, I bought this doll for you, shouldn't it be me that you should hug?"

Mo Nanbei glanced at Li Ziqian sideways, "Let's talk when you look as cute as him!"

as cute? Li Ziqian's expression twisted.

What is the same method? Green, and how many pieces of lettuce are on the scarf?

A whole strange live.

Mo Nanbei tugged at Li Ziqian's cuff and softened his tone a little, "You sit down first, it's really hard to look up at you."

Seeing Li Ziqian sitting beside him, Mo Nan said, "Although it wasn't a gift I received on Children's Day, as long as it was given by you, I'm still very happy, thank you."

Rarely, Mo Nanbei's attitude is sincere, and there are no swear words in a few words.

Li Ziqian scratched his head, still a little uncomfortable facing Mo Nanbei who suddenly became serious.

Maybe Mo Nanbei felt that the language expression was not too enthusiastic for his love for Caigou dolls, and then Li Ziqian saw this guy's almost fanatical way of expressing it.

Holding the doll in one hand and writing homework without hindrance.

When operating the game with both hands, the doll stayed on Mo Nanbei's legs, and would never leave the doll because he felt that the doll was obstructing the operation.

When coding, the doll is also inseparable.

Even when he was about to go home, Mo Nanbei was holding the doll tightly with both hands.

Even so, from the looks of it, the slim black long and straight beautiful girl is holding the doll, no matter how you think about it, it must be a very cute girl who needs to be protected, right? ?

A pity, a pity, a long mouth.

This is.

my dumb bride? ?

"Do you have to sleep with it at night?"

"How do you know?...You take care of me!" Mo Nanbei suddenly broke the beautiful fantasy just now as soon as he opened his voice.

"It's okay, it's fine."

Although it seems that Li Ziqian feels helpless, but this is a gift from him. Mo Nanbei likes it so much, and it also makes Li Ziqian feel at ease.

If a gift makes both the giver and the receiver feel happy, that's the best outcome.

After Mo Nanbei got home, she still held Caigou in her arms. She pinched Caigou's nose, thinking of Father's Day.

Reciprocal exchanges, how to say, should return the gift, right?

While returning gifts on Father's Day always feels like an advantage and satisfying someone's odd idea...

However, putting these aside and not looking into it, Mo Nanbei thought that he did not seem to have given Li Ziqian a gift in earnest.

Maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing to add a little color with a gift on a day-to-day basis.

Come and don't go indecent.

Mo Nanbei is also seriously managing this relationship.

Although it is true that I have given gifts before, but they are all for the sake of mentality.

What to send wreaths and coins on the Qingming Festival, moon cakes on the Dragon Boat Festival, and dumplings on the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Thinking of it, Mo Nanbei still finds it a little funny.

I should have gone to rest, but because of this sudden idea, Mo Nanbei began to browse Taobao.

Mo Nanbei, who usually seldom browses shopping websites, suddenly felt that picking gifts was so difficult.

The dazzling products made Mo Nanbei feel dizzy, and many of them were exaggeratedly titled "My boyfriend cried when he received it".

Mo Nanbei thought that he really wanted to give this thing to Li Ziqian, maybe he really "crying".

In the end, unable to stand the fight, Mo Nanbei chose a gift for Li Ziqian.

A black bracelet, simple metal style, with a sense of design but not tacky.

White Lover Chocolate, although the name makes Mo Nanbei always feel strange, but it is really carefully selected, although in the end I don't know whether Li Ziqian ate this chocolate or Mo Nanbei ate it himself.

Copybooks, because he disliked Li Ziqian's own bad-looking characters, and this person had previously posted on Moments that he wanted to practice calligraphy. Even though Mo Nanbei thought this guy was helpless, he still bought copybooks.

Afterwards, Mo Nanbei picked out some cute stickers for decoration and a small greeting card.

At that time, stickers can be attached to the outer packaging of gifts, and greeting cards can be written with jokes and the like, and it is best to have a wave of this guy's mentality.

Although I haven't figured out what to write for the time being, I have to buy it in advance.

Looking at the order he submitted, Mo Nanbei couldn't help but nodded affirmatively.

In this way, it seems that he is indeed preparing a gift for Li Ziqian.

It is estimated that Li Ziqian will be deeply moved when he sees it.

Mo Nan Bei Yangyang was proud, and for a moment he felt that he was going to be moved by his serious and grateful spirit.

Really silent tears.

Mo Nanbei was actively preparing for the gift, and suddenly felt a little strange.

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