My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 211: I must take good care of what you don't have ===

"Li Ziqian! You **** come here!"

Hearing Mo Nanbei in the kitchen calling him, Li Ziqian put down the book, got up quickly and hurried to the kitchen.

"Come on, come on."

Facing the temptation of food, Li Ziqian only has food in his eyes.

Only then did Mo Nanbei turn off the two pots of cooking. Although the stewing time took a little longer, the longer the stewing time, the more delicious and soft it would be.

Li Ziqian laboriously brought the two pots of food to the dining table, and then helped Mo Nanbei pull up the chair.

Mo Nanbei untied his apron and hung it on the wall. He said embarrassingly, "Oh, such a gentleman, pull me a chair."

"Isn't it bothering you to watch today's dinner?" Li Ziqian laughed twice.

If I don't treat Mo Nanbei a little better, I will delay my meal for a while...

... Li Ziqian's account is still clear.

Use chopsticks to tear off a piece of the soup-soaked noodle cake spread on the dish, then pick up the scallop meat and boneless pork chop and place it evenly on top, roll the noodle cake, and put it all into your mouth , Li Ziqian, who tried this new way of eating, couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh my god, it's absolutely beautiful!"

Mo Nanbei wandered the chopsticks in his hand a few times, and said disdainfully, "Of course, don't look at who did it."

Even though he said that, Mo Nanbei was still worried.

Because it is a new cooking method, I am more concerned about other people's opinions.

Fortunately, there was no rollover.

Still that sentence, Mo Nanbei's dictionary doesn't contain the word "cooking over"!

Li Ziqian took a few bites, and did not forget to open the Coke that Mo Nanbei bought from the supermarket.

"Chi~~" Due to the bumps, thick foam also spewed out as the bottle cap was opened.

Li Ziqian screwed on the bottle cap in a panic, pushing his feet on the chair and backing a few steps in fright.

Seeing this, Mo Nanbei here also said kindly, "Haha, stupid."

Stumblingly took out a few pieces of kitchen paper and wiped off the Coke dripping on the table, Li Ziqiancai sat back and continued to eat, and also responded kindly, "Shabi, let's eat your meal."

Foaming cola, delicious pork chops seafood, dusky night, two people at the table.

Li Ziqian suddenly felt that no matter how beautiful the world's lakes, rivers, mountains, seas, and sunsets were, they were not as beautiful as the scene at the moment.

But, again beautiful scene.

It is also easy to be broken by Mo Nanbei's stinky mouth.

"Your mother, Li Ziqian, you have to clean up the place after the meal." Mo Nanbei rubbed his stomach and shouted at Li Ziqian as he looked at the mess of cups and dishes on the table.

Dirty and laborious work is left to Li Ziqian to do.

Handling ingredients is one thing, and of course cleaning up the kitchen is also a big thing.

The word "wash the dishes" makes me scared to hear it.

Li Ziqian knew that although he didn't contribute much tonight, he still ate a lot, so he volunteered to do the work of washing dishes by himself.


Seeing Li Ziqian wearing an apron and diligently washing dishes and pots, Mo Nanbei nodded with satisfaction.

"Young man, he has a bright future. He is a good hand at washing dishes. If I open a restaurant in the future, I will let you be responsible for washing dishes and dishes every day." Mo Nanbei gave Li Ziqian a thumbs up and said with emotion.

"Gan, get out of here." Li Ziqian felt bitter.

Work and be humiliated at the same time.

"Boy, I'll see if you can."

"Don't say it, don't say it, I'll be the president in the future. Can I invite you to be my personal chef?"

"Just you, bah!"

"Just you? Bah!"



"Come here after you finish your work, and I'll check your recitation."

"... OK, OK, you don't even know how to memorize it yourself and check others."

Li Ziqian washes the dishes and chokes people.

Thinking of when Mo Nanbei went out to buy vegetables today, his endorsement efficiency was quite high.

Sure enough, this dog woman didn't bother her by her side, and her recitation efficiency was quack.


The weekend really went by quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was time to go to school again.

Li Ziqian also once wondered if he was running at a faster speed when he didn't care about the weekend.

Although according to Li Ziqian's own plan, weekends and normal school days are full of learning the word.

However, the time arrangement is relatively freer when studying independently.

Therefore, in contrast, it is more refreshing to be at home on weekends, and occasionally I can eat dishes made by Mo Nanbei.

In the morning class, Li Ziqian listened carefully to the English class.

But this is still serious refers to not dozing off, but occasionally wandering.

Even Mo Nanbei thought this kid was strange.

"You're so strange." While the English teacher was expressing himself eloquently, Mo Nanbei couldn't help poking Li Ziqian's elbow and sighing in his soul.

"That's it." Li Ziqian also made no secret of it and was generously praised by Mo Nanbei.

"Did you listen?" Mo Nanbei asked.

"Nonsense, if you didn't insist on talking to me, I could always follow the teacher's train of thought." Li Ziqian was distracted by Mo Nanbei's poking.

However, Mo Nanbei couldn't be blamed for this.

Because most of what the English teacher said was familiar to him, and the teaching method that liked to repeat it many times was a torture to Mo Nanbei.

My ears are calloused.

My mind is not in the classroom, so I like to look around, especially watching Li Ziqian's class status.

I thought this guy was dozing off or fishing again, and he was about to laugh at him.

But now it seems that he has underestimated this guy again.

"Hey, don't underestimate me, okay? I said to study hard, then do what I say." Although the last time Li Ziqian made a vow was the last time.

But it did not affect Li Ziqian's lofty ambitions again.

Besides, Li Ziqian was serious this time.

"You bully, you bully." Mo Nanbei had nothing to say.

How to explain this scene now?

Mo Nanbei, a school tyrant who deserted and was too bored in class, disturbed Li Ziqian, a fish hunter who wanted to listen to the class and study hard? ?

"That's that."

Although Li Ziqian's heart was already flying, he still stared at the English teacher without changing his expression.

Seeing the English teacher's wanton slobber when he talked about the use of love, Li Ziqian began to be thankful that he was not sitting in the first row.

Isn't it pure to wash the face and hair of the students in the first row?

"Just listen to the praise, you are really shameful." Mo Nanbei poked Li Ziqian's elbow again.

"It's worse than you."

"You want to be shameless, Li Ziqian."

"I must take good care of what you don't have."

"!!! Your mother!"

Sure enough, once the chatterbox was opened, it couldn't stop.

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