My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 216: Better than you ===

In the middle of the boring and mandatory learning content, Li Ziqian felt the need to reward himself for playing the game.

"Number one! For the first victory!" Li Ziqian was ready to go, and he was ready in front of the computer.

Mo Nanbei, who has completed the study task, has also been waiting for this moment for a long time.

It's still the familiar big fight, or the familiar one for the first victory.

Li Ziqian was matched with Riwen, and Mo Nanbei was matched with a female gun.

"Not bad, not bad." Mo Nanbei muttered to himself complacently.

Li Ziqian knew what this guy was complacent about, because he matched the long-handed hero who just happened to be.

Because of this, you can live.

Sure enough, halfway through the game, Li Ziqian took a heroic sacrifice after buying equipment and looked at the record, and saw that Mo Nanbei, a terrifying woman, was able to keep the number of deaths only once after the number of deaths of the entire team reached an average of about four times. .

Looking at Mo Nanbei's female gun again, my dear, the blue bars are empty and he is still insisting on saving his life.

"You can die once and then go home and buy some equipment."

How to play a female gun without blue and no damage?

"I, I don't want to die? Why don't I want to take advantage of my head, after all, I'm still hiding my blood!" Mo Nanbei said while shrugging his shoulders to avoid the attack.

After consuming a bar of blood for Mo Nanbei, she compromised.

But not completely compromised.

"I'm going to send the tower." Mo Nanbei decided to sneak into the tower from the grass while not many people on the opposite side were resurrected.

As expected, Bobby, who bumped into him head-on, was beaten and his head was removed.

"Damn!" Mo Nanbei was very dissatisfied.

But he laughed at Li Ziqian who was in the process of supplementing the blood pack.

Originally, if Li Ziqian played the game alone, it would be normal operation and normal death.

But having Mo Nanbei to play with is different.

I can always find some fun for Li Ziqian in ordinary games.

What is this woman's costume concept based on "alive" and "cd", strange routines, and character selection criteria that are unwilling to play ugly heroes.

It's outrageous.

"Still give the head to the other side? Little trash." Li Ziqian laughed mercilessly.

"...You're still laughing at me? Look at me, I've only died twice, and you've died five times." Mo Nanbei opened the record and pointed to Li Ziqian's death count.

No way, this is the only point that Mo Nanbei can laugh at.

"Ah yes yes yes."


Originally, it was to reward myself with a first victory after studying, but I didn't expect that this first victory would directly win in the middle of the night.

After the passion for the game, Li Ziqian looked at the clock on the wall and couldn't help but sigh.

The passing water is like a gentleman, and I don't give up day and night.

"It's 12 o'clock." Mo Nanbei also noticed the time.

"Yes." Li Ziqian agreed.

The two looked at each other for a while.

Yes, today is a waste of a night.

"Is it a little unreliable to study at home?" Li Ziqian looked up at the ceiling and couldn't help thinking to himself.

"Isn't it because you are not self-disciplined?"

"Then you can't either. You are very active when you are asked to play games."

How to say, you have to persuade a little bit? ? ?

Although the two are not substantially different...

"That's the game you asked me to play."

"When the time comes, you don't know how to stop it?"

"I..." Mo Nanbei was speechless, and slammed a hammer directly on the computer table.

How to stop? In fact, both of them are the same, and no one can stop them when their interest comes.

It's like two good sisters meet to lose weight, and then one says "forget it", and the other never refuses.

This is the state of Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei.

"How about going to the library tomorrow?" After thinking for a while, Mo Nanbei suddenly said.

"Are you serious?" Li Ziqian looked embarrassed.

No matter what Li Ziqian thought about it, he felt that there was no way for something like the library to be linked to him.

The quiet atmosphere, the suppressed emotions, only the sound of flipping books and the rustling of learning.

Strange to think about.

"So what's so fake? Besides, there are no computers in the library. You can't go wrong and play a game while studying there."

Listen...that seems to make sense.

Since the two of them hardly play mobile games, it seems that there is no obstacle if the big obstacle of the computer is removed during the learning process.

"It's really okay." Li Ziqian was shaken.

"Go ahead that weekend, try it out, maybe crack a new and efficient way to learn."

"That's fine."

Anyway, it's all learning. Since it's for learning, maybe it will get different results when you go to the library?

So, the library project was settled in such a vague way.



Li Ziqian washed up and was neatly sorting out his schoolbag.

Because today is the day to fulfill the agreement with Mo Nanbei and go to the library.

In order to prove that today is indeed a different day, Li Ziqian also brought a new notebook on purpose.

Even the refills inside the pen are new.

Because, before going there, Li Ziqiantian really thought that he would learn so much that the original refill would not be enough.

When Mo Nanbei came to look for him, Li Ziqian was already ready to go.

"Go." Li Ziqian waved his hand.

The library team set off.

Mo Nanbei looked at Li Ziqian, who was fully equipped and aggressive, and said, "Damn, we are going to a library, why are you acting like you are going to fight."

Li Ziqian suddenly thought of a sentence he used in his Chinese composition last time, and blurted out, "Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared."

"Can you stop being so stupid?"

"It's worse than you."

"Depend on."

The two sat at the breakfast shop and planned to have a simple and delicious breakfast first.

Because only a good breakfast can ensure the efficiency of the day's study.

Mo Nanbei asked for sweet tofu nao plus two buns, and Li Ziqian asked for a portion of uncooked fried rice and a bowl of porridge.

The store owner saw that the two students were still carrying schoolbags on the weekend and couldn't help but ask, "Isn't today the weekend, do you still have to go to school?"

Li Ziqian, who was drinking porridge, opened his mouth and returned to the store, "If we don't go to school, let's go to the library."

"It's so easy to learn, and sure enough, high school students are hard working." The store complimented a few words, and sent two more raw fried rice as a sign of encouragement.

"Thank you, uncle." Mo Nanbei smiled, and unceremoniously shoved two uncooked pancakes into his mouth in front of Li Ziqian.

"I don't want to rob you, I have what I have." Li Ziqian pointed to the three remaining uncooked pancakes in front of him, showing off his face.

Mo Nan watched from the north, and when Li Ziqian relaxed his vigilance, he quickly attacked with one hand.

Luckily, Li Ziqian took care of it quickly, so he was able to keep the last raw fried rice.

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