My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 224: Also ask a hammer ah ===

After the completion of the big project that Lao Wang explained, Mo Nanbei began to move.

Some of the ones who stayed in Li Ziqian's house and wanted to take back had to be packed up and brought back.

Although I hate this project very much, I still have to face it.

Looking at the spices, onion, ginger, and garlic left over from the last and last cooking in the kitchen, Mo Nanbei was thinking about taking it away.

"Will these be broken here?" Mo Nanbei is mainly out of this.

Li Ziqian was standing behind Mo Nanbei, "Spice should not be, I don't know if it's onion, **** and garlic."

After all, it's a two-month vacation.

"Then it's convenient for you to take these with you. If it's inconvenient, I'll take them."

"This is..."

Without waiting for Li Ziqian to give an accurate answer, Mo Nanbei bluntly said, "Okay, just bring it with you.

Li Ziqian:  …

Then why are you asking yourself? ?

However, it was expected that Mo Nanbei might have more things as a girl, so she would not fight for this thing with her.

Pack what can be carried away, and put things that can't be carried away with dust bags. After finally packing up, Mo Nanbei is ready to go back.

Because it took a lot of time for the two of them to pack up, they didn't plan to play games.

Before going home, Mo Nanbei tidied up his collar and said to Li Ziqian: "Tomorrow my mother will come directly to help me move things, so I won't go back with you, I'll go back to my house at the parent-teacher meeting the day after tomorrow. ."

Li Ziqian nodded, "It's not a coincidence, my mother is also coming tomorrow."

Obviously it should be a happy parting scene, don't make it so sad.


the next day.

Li Ziqian's mother, Wang Qiongying, arrived as scheduled.

After school today, Mo Nanbei is no longer with him, because he has to go out to dinner with his mother.

Wang Qiongying, who said she was going to take Li Ziqian for a big meal, asked her son what he wanted to eat, but after thinking about it for a long time, Li Ziqian felt that going to an open-air barbecue restaurant would be the most comfortable.

I ordered a bunch of beef, mutton, squid and duck intestines with the barbecue boss, and asked for a can of beer and a bottle of fruit orange.

The beer is for myself, and the fruit orange is for my mother.

Wang Qiongying, who hadn't seen her son for a long time, seemed to have a lot to say. She sat down on the low bench and looked at Li Ziqian's expression as if she was saying, "My son has grown up".

"Why did you lose weight, didn't you eat well at school?"

I always hear this sentence when I meet a parent I haven't seen in a long time.

Thinking about his daily affairs for so long, Li Ziqian is sure that he eats well every time.

Presumably the reason for the hard study for the recent final exam?

"Mom, don't read it wrong." Li Ziqian was more suspicious of his mother's worries.

"I think it's thin. You have to eat well at school, but it's not that you didn't give you enough money." Wang Qiongying continued to work hard.

After all, adults know that children in school are hard, especially in high school, so they don't want Li Ziqian to suffer from stomach problems or something.

Soon, the quick boss gave twenty strings first, and the evening breeze came out in a hurry, and Li Ziqian suddenly felt that his mother's face was a little older.

"Is it hard at school, can you handle it?"

"Come on." Li Ziqian first took a bite of two skewers of beef, and then drank a sip of beer, feeling very satisfied.

"You also spend more time on your studies, don't gossip in class, and complete the tasks that should be done. Don't let me talk about you all the time."

Li Ziqian's chopsticks movement paused, a little surprised.

Damn, how does my mother know that she likes to fish in class?

Knowing a child is like a mother.

"I got it."

Li Ziqian continued to eat noodles. Actually, he was not very happy to listen to his mother's nagging, but compared with Mo Nanbei's mouthful of "Damn, shit", it was like listening to Xian Le's ears for a while.

After a few more simple chats, Wang Qiongying finally hit the nail on the head, "How is your exam this time?"

If you look at it before, Li Ziqian may still be a little afraid to answer such a question, but judging from the situation of the final exam, Li Ziqian is very happy to chat.

"It's normal, the top twenty-three in the grade." Li Ziqian pretended to be relaxed.

Although this was the result of being tortured by studying for a long time in a row, it seemed like a very easy thing to say from Li Ziqian's mouth.

"You did well in the test, you little **** finally stopped worrying about me." Wang Qiongying's eyes flickered a little, and her face showed joy.

After drinking beer, Li Ziqian hiccupped and found that the style of painting at this time seemed to be a little different.

"It's just so-so."

"Then what do you mean, the next exam can be in the top 10 of the grade?"

"Of course...not that."

Frightened that his mother really set this goal for himself, Li Ziqian decided that it would be better to keep a low profile.

"Any plans for the holidays or something?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet."

Li Ziqian really didn't think about it, because Li Ziqian, who has experienced many vacations, found that making a vacation plan in advance is the most likely to be slapped in the face.

Li Ziqian, who was once young and ignorant, also made many holiday plans that only existed in name only.

Similar to what must learn a skill, what alliance rank must reach a certain rank and so on.

In the end, Li Ziqian found that it was more pleasant to lie in bed until noon.

"I haven't come back for nearly half a year. Your dad and I miss you very much." Wang Qiongying slowly picked up a bunch of mutton and bit it.

"Mom and dad, I miss you too." Li Ziqian's mouth was full of meat, and the answer was vague.

Wang Qiongying patted the table, "Because you're not here, we haven't held any family activities for a long time, so let's go on a trip with the whole family this holiday? We've discussed it with your father."

Li Ziqian:  …

Now that everything has been negotiated...

Also ask a hammer ah? ?

But dare not speak out, Li Ziqian had to nod again and again.

After a barbecue, Li Ziqian felt at ease both physically and mentally.

The rest of the task is to quickly pack up the unpacked things in the rented house and take them away, and then go home.

With the help of his mother, Li Ziqian lightly packed his things, and then got on his mother's car and set off on a journey home.

When he got home, he simply sorted out the things he brought back, and Li Ziqian lay down on the bed in his long-awaited bedroom as he wished.

Li Ziqian, who was completely relaxed, couldn't help but praised "It's really comfortable!" several times.

This soft quilt, this gentle lighting, this clean and tidy display, all of this is still a familiar taste.

It's really a gold nest and a silver nest that is not as good as your own...

Forget it, don't say it.

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