My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 227: I think it's better to buy something to refresh my brain ===

So under the leadership of Ma Li, Dad Li, who didn't believe in evil, opened a door a little and took a peek at Li Ziqian's condition inside.

Due to the limited angle, I can only see Li Ziqian's oblique back, but I can still distinguish Li Ziqian's flowing pen and the occasional rustling sound of flipping books.

Is this really learning? ?

"Is he really doing his homework?" Dad Li squinted slightly, as if he wanted to see more clearly.

Aren't you deliberately trying to trick adults in troubled waters? .

After all, the image established by this **** Li Ziqian has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

I would rather believe that this guy fought with the head teacher in order to avoid summer homework than that he can write homework in advance.

The rustling voice alarmed Li Ziqian.

He scratched his head and turned his head to see the two heads curled up under the door.

"Damn it!" Li Ziqian couldn't hold back and called out.

What is this about? ?

I didn't expect that the helmet plan would be discovered, and the two of them couldn't continue to hide in the crack of the door, so they had to stand up straight and look at Li Ziqian fixedly.

But because they peeked at their son and were found to be embarrassed, the two of them didn't know what to say when they stood there.

"You two are this??"

"It's okay, I just care about you. I don't come out when I see you. I want to see what you're doing." Li Ma explained.

But looking at the posture of these two people, Li Ziqian said that he already understood it, and he was just confirming whether he was really doing his homework.

"I'm doing my math homework." In order to dispel the doubts of the two of them, so as not to secretly look at them again, Li Ziqian held up the math paper they had written to the two of them.

"Oh, my son is studying. Your dad and I shouldn't bother you. You are studying. If you have any needs, please ask."

"Look, I didn't lie to you, I'm really learning." Wang Qiongying sat on the sofa and poked Dad Li.

"Really, the sun is out in the west."

I don't know if I don't see it, I was startled when I saw it.

Who would have thought of this.

Self-consciously writing homework ahead of time is really strange.

Ma Li looked up at the lamp on the ceiling and said, "The child works so hard, can't he buy some kind of reward?"

"I think it's better to buy something to make up your brain. He actually took the initiative to study. It must be because his brain is broken." Dad Li stepped forward and said seriously.

Take the opportunity to replenish your brain as soon as possible, and there should be a way to remedy it.

"You said, did he make a bet with his classmates?" After thinking for a while, Li Ma suddenly had an idea.

Dad Li, who also agreed with Li Ma's statement, felt that it was indeed very reasonable. He nodded and said, "Yes, it is similar to the bet of who is the dog after writing."

"It's really possible."

The two of you just said what I said, and directly guessed Li Ziqian's strange behavior.

Sure enough, no matter what it is, he is unwilling to believe that Li Ziqian studied on his own initiative.

I was immersed in writing math papers here, but I didn't expect that two hours had passed and I had already processed two sets of math papers.

Li Ziqian, who was about to rest for a while, lay on the bed and turned on his mobile phone to condolence to Mo Nanbei.

[Qianshan: What are you doing? 】

[Cat Nanbei: Focus on homework?]

[Qianshan: I don’t believe it. If you focus on your homework, will you still have time to read the news on your phone? 】

[Mao Nanbei: Damn, didn't you have to take the initiative to find me? 】

[Qianshan: I just raided Chagang and found out that you didn’t pass the test. 】

[Mao Nanbei: Go to hell, you, you won't be writing all the time, just spread out your homework and say hi? 】

[Qianshan: Damn, who is like you, I wrote two math papers, okay? ? 】

Li Ziqian opened his favorite emoji pack, and swiped to find a suitable emoji to describe his mood at the time. By the way, he scolded Mo Nanbei.

In the end, one cat slapped another cat in anger, with the text "I **** beat you to death" emoji.

[Mao Nanbei: I wrote two math papers and four English reading comprehension papers! 】

All right, you win.

Li Ziqian shrugged.

[Qianshan: I didn’t expect that you also started with a math paper. 】

Because Li Ziqian thinks mathematics is easy to handle, it is natural to start with simplicity.

But I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that Mo Nanbei was also a routine.

[Mao Nanbei: Come on, all fools know that they should start with the simple ones first. 】

[Qianshan: Actually, you still don’t want to do homework, so just write some math to deal with it? 】

Mo Nan's face, who was seen through, did not change his color, and was not broken by Li Ziqian at all.

[Mao Nanbei: It’s like saying something different from someone else, besides, I wrote four more reading comprehension! ! ! 】

Li Ziqian looked at the English karma that was also on the table, shook his head, and really didn't plan to write.

OK, you can win, right?


At dinner, Li Ma cooked a table of dishes, six dishes and one soup, which should be regarded as a reward for Li Ziqian who worked hard.

No matter what the purpose is, after all, it is really serious study.

That alone is worthy of praise.

And, according to what Dad Li said, he also made an old hen soup for Li Ziqian's brain.

Although it is jokingly said that Li Ziqian's brain is broken and needs to be repaired, it is actually used for his study.

After eating, Li Ziqian went back to his room and planned to chat with Mo Nanbei.

In fact, I can't say why. After doing other things, the first thing I want to do is to go back to my room and send a message to Mo Nanbei.

Li Ziqian couldn't help rubbing his head.

Are you sick? ?

This disease is called, no-prone disease.

Why do you have to chat with that wicked woman?

Although the inner activity is like this, the actual action still cannot deceive people.

Li Ziqian skillfully opened Mo Nanbei's chat dialog.

[Qianshan: After dinner, my mother is very good at cooking. You should learn more. 】

The speed at which Mo Nanbei responded to the news was not delayed at all.

[Mao Nanbei: Am I not good at cooking? 】

[Qianshan: You are still waiting for the fire, after all, you always like to watch videos to cook. 】

I can't remember that if you can only rely on video to cook during the cooking process, you are not really able to cook.

This is Li Ziqian's own definition.

[Mao Nanbei: Then you are not allowed to eat the food I made while watching the video. 】

[Qianshan: I don't eat it, I eat what my mother made. 】

Li Ziqian, who comes home from vacation and has her mother cooking, speaks stubbornly.

[Mao Nanbei: Then next time I cook, you are not allowed to eat it! ! 】

It's so deceiving!

Eat it in your mouth and say that people are not good!

[Qianshan: I don't eat, I don't eat. 】

Hehe, just don't compromise, anyway, when I get to school, I will definitely forget about this matter, whether I should eat or not.

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