My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 335: How is your new book ===

It was a coincidence that he broke a classmate's toy, so now Mo Nanbei had to call the girl in the back seat and ask for her home address.

Although the girl clearly said that a toy is nothing, Mo Nanbi still insisted on paying for a new one, but she was stubborn, so the female classmate had to tell Mo Nan the north address.

Then Mo Nanbei and Li Ziqian went shopping on a certain treasure. After finding the exact same toy as the female classmate's pirate bucket, the passionate order address filled in the female classmate's home.

After doing all this, the two of them began to sit on the sofa in a daze. Although they were still a little unfinished about such a game, they still had to face the situation that they could no longer play.

But to be honest, Mo Nanbei is still some other people who are glad that the Truth or Dare game can't continue.

Otherwise, I really don't know what the sinister and cunning Li Ziqian will make him do unconscionable things.

"Alas." Li Ziqian lay on the sofa and let out a long sigh.

"What are you sighing for?" Mo Nanbei was sitting beside Li Ziqian, looking at Li Ziqian with a puzzled expression.

Li Ziqian ignored Mo Nanbei, but instead let out a long sigh.

"Are you sick? Do you want to learn from Qu Yuan, too, to cover up your tears, and how difficult it is for the people to live??"


"..." Mo Nanbei glared at Li Ziqian with a foolish look.


"You **** never finish." Mo Nanbei was annoyed.

"You do not know me."

"How can I understand you if you don't tell me."

"If you understand me, you should understand if I don't say it."

"Nima, I can only understand you if you say it!"

"I really need to know what I'm saying."

"Li Ziqian!" Mo Nanbei rolled over and wrapped his arms around Li Ziqian's neck, "Are you okay? Just tell me if you have something!"

Li Ziqian, who was suddenly locked in the throat, was a little surprised, but quickly put on a melancholy look, "Then I will tell you, are you willing to help me?"

"You tell me, how would I know if you don't tell me?" Mo Nanbei let go of Li Ziqian and stared at him.

"Then you have a big adventure."

"??? Lapi!"

"Oh, well, I knew you wouldn't agree."


Mo Nanbei twitched the corner of his mouth, but he really didn't know where Li Ziqian learned the kung fu on his mouth.

"I promise you, head office!" Mo Nanbei compromised.

It's just a big adventure anyway, what a big deal.


"Nonsense, ask me again and I will regret it."

"That's good." Li Ziqian laughed, his mood changing very quickly.

What's so special, Mo Nanbei swallowed, and as soon as he saw Li Ziqian's smile, he regretted that he agreed to Li Ziqian's request.

"Tell me what I'm going to do."

"You will pack your breakfast every day in the future. No matter what you eat and how much you have to eat, you will pack it."

Mo Nanbei: "..."

Damn it, this Li Ziqian really made a fool of himself in playing Truth or Dare.

"Every day in the future will be too scary, right next semester?" Mo Nanbei asked.

Mo Nanbei, who always had a hard time choosing, sometimes couldn't even figure out what to eat, so it was really difficult for her to take care of the breakfast for the two of them.

Li Ziqian thought about it for a while, and seemed to think it was a bit inappropriate, so he changed his words, "Then it will be a week."

After all, people can't take things too far.

"Anyway, it's going to be a holiday soon, so I'll pack you the rest of the breakfast for the next few days."

"Also." Li Ziqian is also considered to be willing to come.

"Then agreed."

"It's a word."

Mo Nanbei can be considered a long-term experience. If he doesn't play, he doesn't know. After playing with Li Ziqian, he realized that Truth or Dare has a new understanding for Li Ziqian.

In this situation, it seems that there is no other fun, and the two can only play games.

The two sat in front of the computer and took their numbers.

Li Ziqian always felt that the last time he touched the game seemed to be a long time ago, and the alliance has launched a few new small activities.

Because Infinite Vitality is a limited-time mode, the two of them still play this mode with the idea of ​​doing it together and cherishing it.

Another reason why Li Ziqian likes this mode is that it is really exciting to play skills without consuming mana.

Played several rounds in succession until 11:30 in the middle of the night.

Li Ziqian found that time flies very fast once he is playing games. If he is not careful, it will be gone in a few hours.

What a time thief.

However, after playing several games, Li Ziqian's feeling was obviously different from before.

When I was busy studying before, I might only be able to play one or two games in order to limit the game time, but I would feel unsatisfied every time. Now I can open the game to play, but I feel that the game is just so, and it is not so attractive. .

Damn, what's with the sudden depression.

The Soyuz of the two were still in the same room, but there was no point to start matching.

"How is your new book?" Li Ziqian asked.

"It's still the same, I've also spent a lot of time in business recently."

As for a new book, the beginning is always the most difficult and requires the most attention, because only in this way can we retain readers.

"You can show it to me when it's almost written, and I'll help you with the staff."

Mo Nanbei glanced at Li Ziqian suspiciously, "You can give your own to the staff first!"

"What? You look down on me again, don't you?"

"Go away."

"You are afraid that my sharp eyes will see the shortcomings of your new book, and you are afraid that my evaluation will be too subtle."

"Shit, are you crazy?" Mo Nanbei was amused by what Li Ziqian said.

"So remember, let me see when it's almost written."

In fact, Li Ziqian was very interested in Mo Nanbei's new book on a different subject, so he read it.

At that time, you can find a few mistakes from the eggs, and use this to humiliate Mo Nanbei.

"I know, I know, idiot."

"By the way, what are you going to do tomorrow?" Mo Nanbei asked again.

Now that there is no suppression of learning, on the contrary, it is not clear what to do every day, and the extra time needs to be actively arranged instead of passively accepted. "

"I'll still play games until late at night tomorrow."

"You know how to play games and play games, can't you do something different?"

"Are you asking me to do something different? Aren't you also a girl addicted to the Internet?" Li Ziqian disagreed.

Besides, it's going to be a holiday soon, and there are really not many opportunities to play games together like this, okay?

To learn to cherish!

"Going out for a walk tomorrow."

"Going out for a walk after self-study next night?"

"Yes." Mo Nanbei looked very serious.

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