My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 337: There must be a reason to go. ===

No, Jane, are you serious?

"There is still a subway in operation now, didn't you say that if there is no subway, you can only ride a bicycle." Li Ziqian was puzzled.

"I just want to ride."

"you sure?"

"Yes, let's go back by bike." There was a hint of pleading in Mo Nanbei's eyes.

From Mo Nanbei's point of view, riding a bicycle home at night seems like a... very romantic thing?

"Alright, alright, ride a bike." Li Ziqian compromised.

It's not very far anyway, and the ride won't take long.

Besides, it's a bit of exercise.

Then, the two of them scanned the small yellow car and started the journey home.

Although it was night, it was still bright, riding a bicycle, feeling the cold wind whistling past my ears, and feeling the feeling of them hitting my face, as if I had a deeper understanding of the charm of this city.

The two were riding bicycles, with Mo Nanbei in front and Li Ziqian in the back, keeping a safe distance and being able to sense each other's state.

There are not many cars on the road at night. There are only cars of various colors galloping. It is rare to see people like Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei riding shared bicycles.

"Mo Nanbei, what kind of wind are you blowing tonight? You have to go to the school's artificial lake to see it." Li Ziqian was right behind Mo Nanbei, and Mo Nanbei could hear him clearly when he spoke.

"You take care of me! I just want to go!"

"I care about you, you have to have a reason to go, right?"

After being silent for a while, Mo Nanbei replied, "Because I don't think I have much time to stay in this school. If you haven't deeply felt the beauty in the school, it will be a big disadvantage."


The official words came out of Mo Nanbei's mouth, and Li Ziqian felt a little numb.

"You look down on people, you!"

"Go to the artificial lake, what can you feel?"

Tonight, Mei Li Ziqian didn't know if Mo Nanbei felt the artificial lake. He only knew that Mo Nanbei was frightened by the artificial lake.

"I think that although we usually live on this campus, no matter what we do, we are too rushed, and we have never calmed down to take a good look at this school, so I think we can stop and take a good look every now and then. It's also a good thing."

"Isn't there a lot of time in the future? If you can't see it someday, why do you have to choose today?"

At this time, they came to a traffic light intersection. The two stopped one after another and looked at each other. Mo Nanbei replied, "Because the study in the next semester will definitely be more tense, how can there be time to stop and look at it? Wait until the college entrance examination. In the future, when I look at the school at that time, the mood is different from the current state, because by that time, it means that I no longer belong to the students of this school, so it is better to look at it now.”

The green light came on, and the two got into the car and continued to pedal forward.

"It makes sense." Li Ziqian said behind Mo Nanbei.

Unexpectedly, Mo Nanbei actually has a pair of beautiful eyes, which is really rare.

"It makes sense. If it weren't for you, I could have stayed in that place for a while."

"That's why you're too timid!"

"Your sister, Li Ziqian!"

Amid the noise along the way, the two finally arrived home. After parking the shared bicycles, Li Ziqian dragged Mo Nanbei to the street ahead to buy barbecue skewers.

Both of them were pale and bloodless from the cold wind, and their hair was messed up into chicken coops.

After laughing at each other, one person took a bunch of skewers home.

When they got home, they put the string on the coffee table, and the two sat on the sofa to rest.

Although he didn't ride the bicycle for a long time, he still had some physical exertion. Li Ziqian touched his face at this time, and found that he finally became warm.

The two of them ate the skewers with relish. Li Ziqian wisely opened the refrigerator door, took out two cans of Coke, and handed a can to Mo Nanbei.

Of course, Li Ziqian is still Pepsi as usual, and Mo Nanbei is delicious.

Until now, the two have occasionally quarreled because of different cola parties.

Li Ziqian burped contentedly after eating the barbecue skewers he bought happily.

"What's next?" Li Ziqian asked.

"Code word."

"Stop playing games?"

"Of course, but of course you have to code first. I didn't code yesterday, did you forget?" Mo Nanbei reminded.


Yesterday, because it happened to be the first day of the holiday, the two of them decided to play games passionately and interrupted.

It can't go on like this today.

And Li Ziqian also plans to do some archives.

If I don’t do some filing, I always feel uneasy and insecure.

And there is very little motivation to save the manuscript. Since I have this idea now, I should seize it and save more.

Next, the two of them began to sit in front of the computer at the speed of life and death.

When two people are typing words, they usually don't speak, but sometimes Li Ziqian will talk a little more when he encounters Carvin's situation.

"How much have you written?" Li Ziqian leaned over to look.

"A little over two thousand, what are you doing?"

"I'm thinking about how I plan to spend this winter vacation."

"Are you sick, why did you think of going on winter vacation?"

"It's not good to have a holiday soon."

Mo Nanbei paused and stopped the movement of his hands, "Queshi."

Just like last time, the holiday is coming soon. Once the holiday is over, although the happiness of not having to go to school is obtained, it also means that the two people will spend less time together.

Advantages and disadvantages.

"But it doesn't matter, we can still make appointments to meet often like summer vacation." Mo Nanbei comforted.

"What are you talking about? I asked you what plans you have for the winter vacation."

"Uh..." Mo Nanbei suddenly felt as if he was a little self-indulgent.

"How should we arrange the winter vacation, but Old Wang said that you should study independently when you have more time."

"...Take a good self-study."

Li Ziqian was speechless, thinking that the teachers of all subjects have left homework today, and Li Ziqian really didn't feel it, but the teachers of all subjects actually said, "Your class teacher wants you to have a good year, so Let our teachers leave less homework."

Probably if there is no such requirement of the head teacher, the homework left by the teachers of each subject will be a few more sets of papers on the existing basis.

Well, that's for sure.

Still have to thank a wave of old kings.

"Hahaha, if Old Wang said that it was Li Ziqian's suggestion to stay less homework, the students would probably thank you very much." Mo Nanbei laughed.

"Forget it, I don't want the society to die."

Li Ziqian also felt fortunate that Pharaoh didn't mention his name when he left homework, after all, this is not a glorious thing.

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