My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 339: Because I'm afraid of being fat ===(1)

Pharaoh is still talking about some end-of-term summaries that are almost the same as usual, and they are still those inspiring words.

Li Ziqian sat up straight on the surface and looked at Lao Wang as if he was listening carefully, but in fact he didn't know where he was thinking in his head.

After saying those official clichés, Pharaoh continued to stare at the white A4 transcripts. He thought it was over, but he did not think that Pharaoh cleared his throat and mentioned Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei again. .

"Here I would like to say a little more, Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei, Li Ziqian is still the classmate who has made the most progress and deserves praise. I also hope that Li Ziqian can continue to work hard, but Mo Nanbei is actually still If there is room for improvement, you should work harder towards the first place, there are several points on the roll surface that should not be deducted." Old Wang said, and his sharp eyes also came over.

Mo Nanbei only felt the coolness behind him.

No, didn't I already say about myself just now, why is there another blow? ?

Li Ziqian still had a beautiful face, and his mood was already floating.

Mo Nanbei glanced at Li Ziqian's attitude at this time, and pinched Li Ziqian's leg very unhappily.

"Hey." Li Ziqian snorted softly, rubbed his injured thigh, and looked at Mo Nanbei with a face full of resentment.

This dog woman is really ruthless! !


Now that the results have been announced, it proves that you can go home soon.

Time seems to have returned to the time before the summer vacation, and the two are now facing the problem of moving.

"I don't want to move." Mo Nanbei sat on the sofa and looked at Li Ziqian.

The last time I went home was the same, and the expectation revealed a lot of reluctance.

Li Ziqian knew what Mo Nanbei was thinking, and patted her head, "It's fine, it'll be fine after the last half year."

That's right, it's good after the last half year. The best result is that the two of them get admitted to the same university, live together and rent a house, and continue to stick together every day.

"Okay." Mo Nanbei nodded and turned to stare at his toes.

Obviously I don't want to do this, but every time I leave, I get sad for no reason.

Mo Nanbei said again: "Tomorrow my mother will pick me up, so I won't look for you anymore, I'll go home directly."

"Well, me too."

Mo Nanbei looked at Li Ziqian's face, and always felt that it was full of indifference and indifference. In addition to being angry, he said, "Damn, can't you say something like you miss me?"

Li Ziqian was amused for a moment, and quickly replied, "I miss you."

"Cut~" Mo Nanbei glanced at Li Ziqian, but his heart filled with joy.

The next day, Mother Li came early, and dragged Li Ziqian three to five and divided up the things that should be cleaned up, but it was also because Li Ziqian had few things to clean up.

After going downstairs and putting things into the car, Li Ziqian realized that his father was also in the car, and when he asked his mother, he realized that it was because his father missed him, so he came to pick him up diligently, but about such a

In fact, Dad Li refused to admit it.

After returning home, the heating at home was already on, and the house was warm, but Li Ziqian's coat seemed to be a little redundant. After hanging up the coat, Li Ziqian sat on the sofa chatting with Dad Li, while Mom Li Responsible for cooking lunch in the kitchen.

I looked around the house, and it was no different from the last time I came back, but I also added many new items, such as a festive lucky bag for decoration and a small red lantern hanging next to the TV.

Going home will give Li Ziqian a sense of belonging.

"Xiaoqian, tell Dad, how are your final exam results?" Dad Li looked like a gossip.

Li Ziqian sighed, and sure enough, for his son who he hadn't seen for half a year, what he wanted to know most was his grades?

Li Ziqian decided to sell it, "Guess what."

"I guess, second to last?"

Li Ziqian's face darkened.

"Hey, by the way, how old are you in high school?"

Li Ziqian's face darkened again.

? ? ?

Is this really my dad?

It is estimated that Li Ziqian's expression at the moment is what Dad Li wants to see, and he patted the table and laughed, "Hahaha, I'm joking, how could I not know that my son is in the third year of high school, and he must be studying very well. Bar?"

Li Ziqian breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he was really wronged to be a school dad who had been in school for so long, and he really didn't even know what grade he was in.

"It's not bad in general." Li Ziqian paused for a while, taking a sip of water, "The nineteenth in the final exam grade."

Dad Li was full of joy, and slapped his thigh, "Nineteenth in the grade? Not bad, isn't this a stable double-class university?"

Even Li Ma, who was cooking in the kitchen, was disturbed and came out with a spatula, "What's stable?"

"Your son, the nineteenth in the grade, isn't this a double first-class university?"

"Oh." Li Ma took the spatula and swiped excitedly in the air a few times, "Isn't this an improvement from the last time? It's great, it seems that Xiaoqian really worked hard in school."

After Mama Li finished speaking, she hurriedly came to Li Ziqian's side and sat down again, "Tell me, if you have any requirements for the winter vacation, we will satisfy you."

"I..." The two people's reactions were so intense, but Li Ziqian couldn't get used to it for a while, "I want to have more money for the New Year?"

"Hey, isn't this nonsense, don't worry, you will be indispensable for the New Year's New Year's money this year." Li Ma was still beaming with the pot and shovel.

Dad Li couldn't stand it any longer, so he tugged at Mom Li's apron, "Come on and cook, don't run around here with a spatula."

"I'm happy!" Li's mother glanced at Li's father, and pretended to hit Li's head with a spatula, so scared that Li's father hurried to hide.

After chatting with mom and dad for a while, Li Ziqian went back to his room and sat on the bed to play with his mobile phone.

The room was still the same, and it was no different from the last time I left, but what was surprising was that both the floor and the various objects placed were spotless.

It seems that during the days when I was not at home, my parents also spent a lot of time.

Picking up the phone, Li Ziqian started sending a message to Mo Nanbei.

[Qianshan: What are you doing? 】

[Cat Nanbei: I'm in a daze. 】

At this time, Mo Nanbei, like Li Ziqian, was also sitting on the bed in his room and began to think about life.

[Qianshan: Is everything going well at home? 】

[Mao Nanbei: Don't mention it, I'm so exhausted. 】

Li Ziqian wanted to laugh, because every time Mo Nanbei moved home, he couldn't stop complaining that he was dying of exhaustion.

It's no wonder that every time school starts, she brings so many messy things to school, and she has to take it back after the holiday. Who is tired if she is not tired?

Still asking for trouble.

[Qianshan: If you are not tired, God will not allow it. 】

[Mao Nanbei: You are so fond of swearing, didn't you use it when I brought those things? 】

[Qianshan: Okay, anyway, it's you who will be tired next time. 】

[Mao Nanbei: I am tired and I am happy. 】

Li Ziqian wondered why this person was like a stubborn donkey?

He really couldn't figure out why Mo Nanbei had nothing to do with bringing the decorative paintings on the wall to the school.

It is said that it is to influence the heart when playing games, but in fact it is useless.

At least bring a **** statue or something to hang it on, and you can worship it.


Because the college entrance examination is approaching, this winter vacation is relatively short, almost less than a month.

This winter vacation is not like the last summer vacation, where he sleeps until the sun rises every day. Instead, he wakes up at about seven or eight in the morning. After getting up and washing up, he starts bombarding Mo Nanbei with information.

According to Li Ziqian, the vacation is not long. If a lot of time is to be wasted on sleeping, then how much golden time will be lost.

Because once you choose to sleep in the morning for a long time during the holiday, it means that you will lose the morning in the day.

It was also the first time that Li Ziqian discovered that he had to have such a sense of time and to save time so well.

During the winter vacation, a set of cotton pajamas has become Li Ziqian's standard. If you don't wear it to the point of smelling it, you will never change it. Every day, the messy hair and the disheveled clothes are completely different from him in school.

But after all, winter vacation, if you don't wear pajamas, you will have no soul at all.

Every morning, I still say good morning to Mo Nanbei first, good afternoon before going to bed, call each other during the day to urge each other to do homework together, and play games at night.

During the winter vacation, Li Ziqian has been controlling his speed all the time, and he is really combining work and rest. He also tries his best to avoid five minutes of homework and two hours of gaming.

Because Li's father and Li's mother are close to the New Year's holiday, they are basically at home every day, so Li Ziqian no longer has to touch the kitchen every day to find food by himself.

The twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the auspicious and festive atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger. Lanterns and Chinese knots have been blown up in many places in the community, which are also part of the Chinese New Year.

But even so, Li Ziqian still thinks that the older he grows, the more he thinks he has no taste for the new year.

The days I looked forward to most when I was a child seem to have become less precious now.

From Li Ziqian's point of view now, it seems to be nothing more than eating and drinking, visiting relatives and friends, and these seem to be

It has nothing to do with myself.

It wasn't Li Ziqian who woke up in the morning, but his mother knocking on his door to wake him up.

"Xiao Qian, get up soon." Li Ma knocked on the door.

"Okay." Li Ziqian rubbed his eyes, sat up from the bed in a daze, and hurriedly put on his clothes.

Today, I can give up the immutable set of cotton pajamas for a while. Li Ziqian casually took out a new down jacket that my mother bought from the closet and put it on her body. A pair of loose trousers.

After all, if you don't wear long johns, it's easy for your mother to find out and beat her.

The reason why I didn't wear pajamas was because I agreed to go out with my mother to buy New Year's goods today.

In fact, Li Ziqian also wanted to continue playing in pajamas, but was reprimanded by his mother for being disrespectful.

Because of this, Li Ziqian had to put on a wide down jacket.

After washing up, I sat at the dining table and had breakfast with my mother.

"Where's Dad?" Li Ziqian saw that there was no father figure on the dining table, so he thought he had not gotten up yet, so he got up and planned to wake up his father.

"Where are you going? Your dad went out early in the morning." Li Ziqian pressed Li Ziqian to the seat again.

"Where did you go?"

"Your dad has a friend who came back from out of town, and the two of them went back to the old days." Li Ma took a mouthful of porridge and wrote lightly.

"That's it."

Huh, I didn't expect Dad to be quite human.

After having breakfast with my mother, it is time to leave.

Li Ma walked in front, Li Ziqian followed behind, and the two were going to the underground garage to drive out.

In fact, the supermarket is not far, and it is not troublesome to go there by bicycle, but because of the cold wind and the large amount of things to buy, I still choose a car as a means of transportation.

After getting in the car, Li's mother was in charge of driving, Li Ziqian sat in the co-pilot, and slowly drove out of the community as the car moved.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Li Ziqian sent a message to Mo Nanbei with his mobile phone.

[Qianshan: Morning, morning. 】

[Cat North and South: Early and early. 】

Li Ziqian took a picture of the scenery outside the window and sent it to Mo Nanbei.

[Qianshan: My mother and I went out to buy New Year's goods. 】

At this time, Mo Nanbei was still lying in the warm bed, because the family's New Year's goods were bought early, so Mo Nanbei didn't need to worry about it at all.

[Cat Nanbei: What's the use of aunty calling you? 】

[Qianshan: Don't look down on people, I can help my mother carry things. 】

[Mao Nanbei: No wonder, that's what you use. 】

[Qianshan: Rolling and rolling. 】

Seeing her son staring at the phone and smiling, Ma Li couldn't help but glance at her son several times.

"Son, what are you looking at, so happy?" Li Ziqian noticed that the screen on Li Ziqian's phone was obviously the chat interface.

"Oh, no." Li Ziqian put away his smile and cut to the main screen unnaturally.

Li Ma continued to drive the car with the steering wheel in her hand, and said, "Isn't it about falling in love?"

Li Ziqian was startled and seemed a little flustered, "No, I'm chatting with my classmates."

"It's fine if you don't. You are about to take the college entrance examination. If you fall in love at this time and affect your studies, you will lose a lot, you know? When you go to college, I won't say anything about falling in love again, but now You must remember not to take detours, you know?"

"I know, I know." Li Ziqian nodded as if pounding garlic. In fact, he really sighed in his heart. Fortunately, my mother didn't ask any more questions.

But if possible, Li Ziziqian really wants to tell his mother loudly that falling in love really doesn't affect his studies, at least he is not badly affected.

Moreover, if it wasn't for Mo Nanbei, it would be impossible for him to improve his academic performance so quickly.

"It's good to know." Li Ma seems to be very relieved about Li Ziqian now, so she won't say anything more.

Li Ziqian deliberately turned down the brightness of his phone while his mother was not paying attention, and continued to chat with Mo Nanbei.

[Qianshan: It’s so dangerous, my mother almost discovered it just now. 】

[Cat Nanbei: What did you find? 】

[Qianshan: I discovered our secret. 】

[Mao Nanbei: Che, what secrets can we have? 】

[Qianshan: You don’t understand, now that the college entrance examination is approaching, falling in love is a big taboo on the parents’ side. 】

At this moment, Mo Nanbei, who was in the bed, turned over and snorted disdainfully.

[Mao Nanbei: Then did I delay your study? 】

[Qianshan: Of course not, without you, I would not be able to progress so fast in my studies. 】

Seeing this Mo Nanbei was overjoyed, the corners of his mouth curled up into a smile, and replied with a smile, [Mao Nanbei: That's about it. 】

The car didn't drive fast, but it quickly arrived at the entrance of the supermarket. The supermarket is very big, and almost everyone nearby will come here to buy New Year's goods. heap.

From a distance, it looks like a car dealership.

Fortunately, Li Ziqian and Li Ma arrived early, otherwise it would be difficult to find a parking place.

After getting off the bus, Li Ziqian quickly sent another message to Mo Nanbei.

[Qianshan: I have to go to the supermarket, I will talk to you when I go back. 】

[Mao Nanbei: I know, let’s go. 】

At this point, Mo Nanbei sat up straight on the bed, and after stretching, was finally willing to get up.

The supermarket is large and crowded. It is divided into several floors. Each floor has its own function and sells different things. The things that Li Ziqian and Li Ma want to buy only need to be gathered on the basement floor, so they pushed a cart and went straight to the store. negative layer.

Li Ziqian is responsible for pushing the cart and following behind Ma Li, while Ma Li is responsible for wandering between the various divisions and selecting the desired New Year's goods.

Li Ziqian, who was in charge of the cart, felt particularly bored, and couldn't help asking, "Mom, why don't you ask Aunt Zhao to come over with you for things like shopping for New Year's goods?"

Aunt Zhao is Li Ma's good best friend, and usually the two of them will be together in whatever they do.

"Don't mention the one surnamed Zhao." Li Ma's voice was cold and her face was not good-looking.

Li Ziqian knew that this was another quarrel with his girlfriend.

However, this is already commonplace for Li Ziqian. Three days of small quarrels and five days of large quarrels is the standard for the two of them. Occasionally, if they can insist on not arguing for a week, Li Ziqian will feel uncomfortable.

But it's also strange, he is forty years old, how can he still like to play this little girl's tricks every day.

"What's the reason for the quarrel this time?" Li Ziqian asked casually, but after saying this, he regretted that he shouldn't have asked at all.

Sure enough, Li Ma immediately seized the opportunity to complain, turned around and walked side by side with Li Ziqian, "You don't even know, I'm really **** off, obviously that dress looks good on me, and the lady in the cabinet also looks good. She has been complimenting me all the time, she has to say that I am not good-looking, saying that I am ugly, take it off quickly, I think she just doesn't want me to wear good-looking clothes to steal the limelight, blah blah blah..."

From the fresh area to the vegetable area to the dried fruit, Li Ziqian just listened to her mother chatting all the way, obviously she could explain things clearly in a few words, and her mother just wrote a small composition for herself.

The relationship between the two of them for so many years, the jealousy, and the ivory that can't be spit out from the dog's mouth are all pulled out, and there is no lack of Li Ma's angry accusation against Aunt Zhao.

Li Ziqian followed, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, why is this person like this?" Ma Li's mood was clearly a lot clearer, and said, "It's my son who is reasonable."

But in fact, Li Ziqian wanted to say that maybe the cabinet sister just wanted to sell her clothes and flattered a few words, what happened to her mother and took it seriously?

But in order not to be beaten on the festive days of the upcoming Chinese New Year, Li Ziqian still shut up.

After the bitter complaints in her heart were expressed, Li Ma became obviously much more cheerful, and even the posture of buying things became much lighter, and she asked Li Ziqian over and over again what she wanted to buy.

Li Ziqian also understood a truth, whether it is a flowery girl like Mo Nanbei or a middle-aged woman like her mother, they all have very similar hearts.

I'm in a good mood, and I'm really happy to see everything. There were very few things in the shopping cart just now, and half of them are already piled up.

Li Ziqian sighed and shook his head, still obediently being the tool man.

But Yuan Jia Luzhai said it well. As soon as Li Ma and Li Ziqian walked to the fruit area to buy some must-have fruits such as durian cherries and sugar oranges, they bumped into Aunt Zhao.

Li Ziqian saw this embarrassing scene behind Ma Li, thinking that there is nothing more dramatic than this.

Aunt Zhao came alone and also pushed a cart. When the two met, they were only shocked, and then lowered their heads and wanted to leave.

But this is not a wide road, and they didn't want to make their wishes come true. The carts of Li Ziqian and Aunt Zhao were confused and stuck, and they struggled forward and backward.

Li Ziqian smiled, realizing that it was time to play his part.

"Aunt Zhao, come to buy New Year's goods." Li Ziqian greeted Aunt Zhao.

Aunt Zhao also smiled, knowing that she had to stay and say a few words at this moment, she brushed the broken hair between her forehead, and replied, "Yes, Xiaoqian, when are you on vacation?"

"It's been a while since I was on vacation. What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here." Li Ziqian politely said.

Aunt Zhao still laughed awkwardly, "Yeah, what a coincidence, I haven't seen Xiao Qian for a long time, and she has grown taller."

Although he said it to Li Ziqian, he still didn't raise his head, put a hand on his forehead, and put up a curtain of sight with Li Ma.

At this moment, Ma Li was obviously unable to hold back, and without saying a word, dragged Li Ziqian's cart and secretly exerted force, wanting to leave this ghost place quickly.

Li Ziqian looked up and down Aunt Zhao's dress, the blue coat was quite luxurious, "Aunt Zhao, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are still the same as before, so young and beautiful, this dress suits you very well."

Sure enough, women like to listen to compliments. Aunt Zhao's expression became brighter immediately after hearing this. She raised her head and looked at Li Ma who was standing beside her, and said, "The same is true for Qiongying, the clothes fit well."

Li Ma was wearing a long red down jacket today, which was very festive, but it made Li Ma look a little younger.

Hearing her compliment, Ma Li was stunned for a moment, then she opened her brows and looked at Aunt Zhao, "Actually, this suit of yours is more beautiful, and you look like a rich wife."

"Hey, hey, what's the matter, your clothes make you look younger, but you look like an eighteen-year-old girl."

"What nonsense are you talking about, she's forty years old, like an eighteen-year-old girl."

"If you don't believe it, let Xiaoqian talk about it. It doesn't look like it."

"Go, go, don't talk nonsense."

"You also buy New Year's goods, right? Let's buy them together. I don't know what to buy by myself."

"Okay, let's be together, Xiaoqian is too stupid, it's useless at all."

Then Li Ziqian saw that the two people who had been tit-for-tat just now were now like sisters, walking side by side arm in arm.

Li Ziqian was embarrassed, obviously he was the lubricant for the relationship between the two to return to good, why did he still use himself? ?

As a result, Li Ziqian's identity as a tool person has been upgraded, from pushing one shopping cart to two.

And Li Ma and Aunt Zhao are like a pair of good sisters who simply go shopping, laughing and making trouble.

Li Ziqian is a servant who simply serves the two of them, and is responsible for pushing shopping carts and weighing loose items.

What a sin.

Li Ziqian realized that he really owes his mouth to say those few more words.

Even if he didn't intervene, in fact, the two would reconcile immediately.

Women's friendship seems to be like this, on and off, but it doesn't leave each other.

During my visit to the supermarket today, in addition to buying some beverages, milk, dried fruits, fruits, red wine and meat, which are necessary for the Chinese New Year, Li Ziqian also picked up a lot of snacks. How can I say that today’s person is also a very competent tool person. Not getting paid is impossible.

After leaving the supermarket, Li Ma and Aunt Zhao were still very reluctant to part.

Li Ma said, "How did you come here? You can't hold so many things. Do you want Li Ziqian to help you carry the things with you?"

Aunt Zhao declined with a smile, "No need, no need, I also came by car, no trouble."

"That won't work either. It's not easy for you to carry so many things into the car. Xiaoqian, go and help Aunt Zhao move things." Li Ma turned her eyes to Li Ziqian.

Li Ziqian has a bitter look on his face, but he has no right to refuse.

You are arrogant, and I have to be the tool man.

Li Ziqian nodded, and had no choice but to obey her orders, and conscientiously carried all the things that Aunt Zhao bought into her car.

After sending Aunt Zhao away, he turned around and carried his belongings into the car. After everything was done, the two sat down in the car seat.

The car started and started rushing in the direction of home.

Li Ziqian was tired and panting, and the air conditioner was running in the car, so it was so hot that he took off his jacket.

Li Ma was driving the car intently and humming a song. It could be seen that she was in a very good mood. After a while of rest, Li Ziqian felt a little coldness, and then put on her coat again.

"Son, you said it would be nice if you could drive, then I wouldn't have to drive." Li Ma said.

Li Ziqian here is heartbroken and unbelievable. Obviously, he has become a real tool person, and his mother even wants to save the effort of driving.

It's really heartbreaking.

"When I go to college and learn my driver's license, I'll drive."

Hearing Li Ziqian's answer, Li's mother was obviously happier, "Ah, my son is so nice, tell me what you want to eat at night, and Mom will make it for you."

Li Ziqian, who has mastered the emotional code of his mother, replied: "I like to eat anything I do."

After receiving praise from Li's mother again, Li Ziqian started to open his mobile phone to send a message to Mo Nanbei, and told Mo Nanbei everything he encountered in the supermarket.

[Mao Nanbei: Hahaha, I didn't expect that you are still a peacemaker? 】

[Qianshan: Low-key and low-key, it is also a skill that is occasionally discovered. 】

At this time, Mo Nanbei was sitting leisurely and comfortably on his sofa, happily showing off sand and oranges, occasionally freeing up his hands to reply to Li Ziqian's news.

[Mao Nanbei: Good boy, there is a future, I can already see what you will look like in the future. 】

[Qianshan: What does it look like? 】

[Cat Nanbei: Don't worry. 】

In fact, Mo Nanbei's mind at this time had a scene of Li Ziqian persuading himself and his best friend to fight, and he was unexpectedly happy.

After getting out of the car, Li Ziqian was in charge of carrying the heaviest things, while Li Ziqian was in charge of carrying the light ones. Finally, when she returned home, her mother was in charge of storing all the things she bought, while Li Ziqian was lying on the sofa and pinching her already sore. arm.

Ma Li looked at her son with suspicion, "Is it that exaggerated?"

Li Ziqian cried and said, "It's not you who moved things, of course you don't know."

"Yeah, if I ask you to do some work now, you will quarrel with me, then when I'm old, you must not dislike me to death."

Li Ziqian: ? ? ?

Why did my mother steal the concept again? ? ?

In order to hinder a fierce battle that is about to break out, Li Ziqian decided to hide in the room.

Turn on the phone and continue chatting with Mo Nanbei.

[Qianshan: I'm home, what are you doing? 】

At this time, Mo Nanbei, who heard the ding-dong of her phone and was watching a movie with her mother at home leisurely, picked up the phone, [Cat Nanbei: Watching TV. 】

Then he added another sentence, [Cat North and South: Crazy Showing Sand Tangerine]

Li Ziqian lay on the bed in order to make his posture more comfortable, [Qianshan: I heard that eating too many sugar oranges will make your face turn yellow. 】

[Cat Nanbei: Is it true or false? ] Also followed up with a surprised emoji.

[Qianshan: I lied to you to dry hair? 】

[Mao Nanbei: Then I have to eat less. 】

At this time, Mo Nanbei put the sugar orange that he had just held back into the fruit bowl, wiped his hands, and pushed the fruit bowl with the sugar orange to the ground away from him.

Seeing this, Mother Mo didn't understand, "What are you doing, Beibei, eat?"

"No, I'll eat less." Mo Nanbei shook his head with his hands in his hands.

"What's the matter? Do you want to eat other fruits? There are navel oranges and cherries at home. Do you want to eat them?"

"Okay." Mo Nanbei nodded.

Although the sugar orange can't be refused one bite at a time, if it can make people turn yellow, Mo Nanbei is willing to reluctantly part with her love.

Li Ziqian rolled over on the bed a few times, but still felt that lying on the bed was the most comfortable. He held his phone high and continued to chat with Mo Nanbei.

[Qianshan: Why don't you go shopping for New Year's goods? 】

[Mao Nanbei: Didn't I tell you, my family has already bought it, just waiting for me to eat it. 】

Li Ziqian snorted and smiled slightly.

[Qianshan: You can pull it down, the food for the guests is not for you. 】

[Cat Nanbei: Just for me to eat, you bitch. 】

[Qianshan: I don’t know if my aunt will accept me when I go to your house for New Year’s greetings. 】

[Mao Nanbei: I don't know if Auntie will accept you, but Uncle's fist will definitely accept you. 】

[Qianshan: I rely on it, so terrible. 】

[Mao Nanbei: Of course, you kidnapped his daughter, or when the college entrance examination is about to take place, of course it will come to you. 】

[Qianshan: That is terrible, can I return it? 】

[Cat Nanbei: You dare! 】

Mo Nanbei's anger +1.

After dinner in the evening, Li Ziqian took a bath and continued to change into pajamas and lie on the bed.

I turned on the computer and browsed for a while, and suddenly the idea of ​​​​wanting to watch a movie came into being.

Since his mother was already suspicious of whether he was in a relationship or not, Li Ziqian didn't plan to call Mo Nanbei anymore, but continued to chat on his mobile phone in a proper manner.

[Qianshan: In? Watch a movie together? 】

Mo Nanbei's schedule is always the same as Li Ziqian's, even though they can't see each other now, they are doing the same thing.

For example, two people are now sitting on the bed in their pajamas.

[Mao Nanbei: OK, I'll find it for you. 】

[Qianshan: No, no, no, I don’t want to watch the second dimension. 】

You don't need to guess to know that once Mo Nanbei recommends a movie to him, it must be impossible to escape the law of the second dimension.

It's not that Li Ziqian is very repulsive to the second dimension, but he is thinking that after so long, he should change his taste.

When the two of them meet at school to watch movies or anime, they are inseparable from the second dimension.

Obviously there are so many excellent film and television works in 3D.

[Mao Nanbei: Don't you look at the second dimension? What's so good about that? 】

Mo Nanbei, a girl who is obsessed with the second dimension, only sees those things of the second dimension.

[Qianshan: I'm looking for a movie, we can watch it together. 】

[Cat Nanbei: Okay. 】

Although a little reluctant, Mo Nanbei agreed.

Looking at the newly released films, Li Ziqian always felt that they were almost meaningless. After searching hard, he chose a classic foreign healing film.

Such films often make people discover the beauty of human nature, and are definitely strong chicken soup for the soul.

[Qianshan: How about this? 】

Li Ziqian sent Mo Nanbei a screenshot of the inspirational healing film called "Weakness" that he chose.

[Mao Nanbei: Do you always feel bad? 】

But from the movie poster and name, it is really impossible to see the selling point of this film, and it is difficult for people to imagine anything.

[Qianshan: I have seen the introduction of this film before, and I think it is pretty good. 】

[Mao Nanbei: Have you seen it all? Isn't that a spoiler? 】

[Qianshan: No, no. 】Li Ziqian quickly explained.

[Qianshan: I just read the introduction, I probably know what this is about, but I don’t know many details. If I haven’t seen the introduction, how would I know this movie is good? 】

After Li Ziqian's hard persuasion, Mo Nanbei finally compromised.

[Mao Nanbei: Well, just look at this. 】

After getting permission, Li Ziqian used a software that can watch movies together and imported the movie into that software.

In this way, the two can watch movies simultaneously.

After everything was properly handled, Li Ziqian couldn't help but sighed the greatness of technology.

Before the movie started, Li Ziqian also tiptoed to the living room to take a sip of water.

On the surface, he was drinking water, but he was actually observing the movements of his parents. After learning that the two had already returned to the room to rest, Li Ziqian became bolder. After returning to the room, he made a voice call directly to Mo Nanbei.

In this way, watching a movie at the same time and communicating the plot of the movie by voice call is really like going back to the time when the two of them were still sitting on the sofa in the school rented house and anime together.

At the beginning of the movie, in response to the current atmosphere, Li Ziqian also took out a few packets of happy things.

There are movies, people watching movies together, and snacks, beautiful!

The first half of the movie is all about explaining the background of the story. The plot is flat and straightforward with a little ups and downs, which affects people's heartstrings.

"Li Ziqian, what are you eating?" Mo Nanbei couldn't help shouting to Li Ziqian on the phone.

In fact, Mo Nanbei heard Kazkaz's voice from the very beginning. It was nothing at first, but the bad thing was that Mo Nanbei became more hungry the more he heard it.

"Leshi, do you want to eat?"

"I eat it, you give it to me."

Li Ziqian laughed twice, then grabbed a handful of potato chips and said deliberately, "Come on, ah~"

Mo Nanbei couldn't hold back any longer, and said angrily: You are crazy. "

"You eat and you curse, why are you doing this?"

"Eat you!"

Mo Nanbei said bitterly, the fool Li Ziqian was just using another method to **** for himself.

"Don't you have anything to eat at home?" Li Ziqian felt that it would be too miserable to watch a movie without food to accompany him.

"Yes." Mo Nanbei glanced at her closet. She knew that in addition to the crowded clothes, there were all kinds of snacks.

"Then why don't you eat?"

"Because I'm afraid of getting fat."

"Puchi." Li Ziqian laughed out loud, "Are you afraid of being fat?"

Li Ziqian thought that when Mo Nanbei and himself were at school, they always refused to refuse all kinds of delicious food, so why did they appear reserved when they went home, and said that they were afraid of getting fat? ?

Dogs don't believe it!

Mo Nanbei's eyes almost rolled to the ceiling, but Li Ziqian couldn't see it, "Eating high-calorie snacks at night can make you fatter. I'm too lazy to explain to you, idiot."

Mo Nanbei who said this was serious, because she actually cared about the famous saying of gaining three pounds during the festival. In order not to confirm that Li Ziqian's prediction that she would gain weight when school started came true, Mo Nanbei decided to still It is better to be reserved where you can be reserved.

For example, like now, don't eat snacks before going to bed.

"Okay, you're right, then don't eat it." After that, Li Ziqian also deliberately amplified the crunching sound he made when he was biting at the potato chips.

Mo Nan North

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