My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 341: How come you don't know anything ===(1)

The New Year's Eve dinner in the evening was eaten at the uncle's house. It was also faced with a large table of people and a large table of dishes.

Because he was not in his own home, Li Ziqian seemed more restrained, sitting on the sofa with his mobile phone in his hand, occasionally raising his head to say a few words to his grandparents.

In addition to the uncle, uncle, aunt and aunt, Li Ziqian also discovered some special faces.

They could have been at peace with each other, but Ma Li poked Li Ziqian and called people.

Come, come, the most difficult thing to deal with is still here.

Li Ziqian picked up the phone, laughed silly, and looked at the person who came, unable to hold back a fart for a long time.

Only then did Li Ma give a hint, "Li Xiaoqian, why don't you know your name is Second Aunt?"

After receiving the instructions, Li Ziqian responded immediately, "Second Aunt Happy Chinese New Year."

"Oh, I don't know the child anymore." The sixty-year-old man in front of him smiled.

Li Ziqian laughed awkwardly.

"Xiao Qian, I hugged you when I was a child, don't you remember?" The second aunt smiled again.

Li Ziqian pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled stiffly.

I am most afraid of adults saying such things!

Could it be that Li Ziqian didn't drink the Meng Po soup well, and could he still have such an amazing memory when he was a child?

After a few more words, Li Ziqian was finally able to sit in the chair again and concentrate on playing with his mobile phone.

It's a pity that this is not home, and Li Ziqian can't go back to his room to avoid the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

In the uncle's house, you have to sit in the living room honestly and watch the lively people in the room.

Li Ziqian was bored and continued to chat with Mo Nanbei.

[Qianshan: Have you had the New Year's Eve dinner yet? 】

At this time, Mo Nanbei was working hard with Mo Mu in the kitchen to prepare the evening New Year's Eve dinner.

Even a family of three can't make do with it, and the New Year's Eve dinner has to fill a table.

Mo Nanbei heard the beep from the phone, wiped his hands, walked out of the kitchen and took out his phone to reply to the message.

[Mao Nanbei: Not yet, it's only seven o'clock. 】

The Spring Festival Gala hasn't started yet.

It seems that everyone eats the New Year's Eve dinner at the same time. Basically, the New Year's Eve dinner runs through the Spring Festival Gala.

[Qianshan: I haven't either. 】

[Cat Nanbei: What is delicious at night? 】

[Qianshan: I don’t know. 】

[Mao Nanbei: Why don't you know anything, what do you know? 】

[Qianshan: I know you are an idiot. 】

[Mao Nanbei: Saying that your lunch and dinner are full of Han Chinese, you can't survive it? It's just you. 】

[Qianshan: Googling, who said I couldn't support it? 】

[Mao Nanbei: Let me guess, you won't have to make up a dumpling supper tonight, right? 】

[Qianshan: Get out of here! 】

What kind of guesswork is this?

Looking at the busy group of people in the kitchen, Li Ziqian knew that today's dinner was definitely not easy.

Rubbing my stomach, I always feel that the big fish and meat at noon have not been digested.

The days of Chinese New Year are the days when the mouth enjoys happiness and the stomach suffers.

I originally thought that when I arrived at the uncle's house, I could avoid the harassment of the bear children, but it was not the case. When the uncle's grandson Yangyang came to him and leaned on his shoulder, staring at the screen of his mobile phone, Li Ziqian realized that something was wrong. .

Why are there bear children everywhere?

"Brother, what are you playing?" Yangyang was not afraid of life at all, and could not wait to put all his weight on Li Ziqian's shoulders.

"I..." Li Ziqian looked at his QQ chat page and hurriedly withdrew, "I didn't play anything?"

Yang Yang, who had a good eye, saw the game on Li Ziqian's mobile phone at a glance, and pointed and said, "Brother, can you show me the game?"


Li Ziqian was silent.

Why do bear children have one characteristic?

What about the upward mentality and studious spirit that teenagers should have? ?

But this is better, asking Li Ziqian to play for himself, instead of directly asking Li Ziqian's mobile phone.

In the panic, Li Ziqian flipped the screen a few times, not knowing what was in his mind, and blurted out, "My game is broken and I can't play it."

Damn, Li Ziqian is feeling weird himself.

What the **** is the game broken? ? ?

Fortunately, Yangyang is only a six or seven-year-old child, so even if there are loopholes in his speech, it is not a big problem.

Yangyang tilted his head, incomprehensible, "What does it mean that the game is broken?"

"The game is broken because the combination of linear regression equations and trigonometric functions causes the game to crash and cannot be played."

One mistake after another, Li Ziqian started talking nonsense directly.

Yangyang frowned, even more incomprehension, only that brother Li Ziqian seemed to be speaking an incomprehensible language.

Guessing that this might be something very esoteric, Yang Yang nodded and said, "Okay."

Li Ziqian heaved a sigh of relief and comforted: "Good, I will show you when my brother's mobile game is repaired next time."

With such a promise, the child felt very happy, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, okay."


Li Ziqian deeply felt that his methods of dealing with bear children were getting better and better.

But it also made myself realize a problem, that is, before meeting the bear child, you must delete the mobile game! !

It's not that Li Ziqian is really so stingy that he doesn't even play games for children, it's just that the mobile phone was taken by the child, and I don't know when it will be returned. I was very worried, for fear that after the replacement, there would be a lot of inexplicable software in the phone.

Well, to put it bluntly, it is because Li Ziqian is relatively stingy in this regard.

With the beginning of the Spring Festival Gala, the New Year's Eve dinner also began.

The dishes in the evening are still very rich, but Li Ziqian has lost the fighting spirit of the original kind of dry rice. He just picked up a few chopsticks that he likes to eat, so he stopped eating it early.

Li Ziqian chose to leave the table early in order to prevent the adults from staying at the table and continuing to be eaten by the adults.

"Why didn't Xiaoqian eat? Is the food unpalatable?" Facing Li Ziqian who suddenly left the table, the adults asked one after another.

Li Ziqian waved his hand, "I ate too much at noon, and now I really can't eat anymore."

It's true, I can't eat it anymore.

"Then you can eat some other snacks." The uncle enthusiastically instructed Li Ziqian about the melon seeds and dried fruits on the table.

Li Ziqian nodded and sat on the sofa watching the Spring Festival Gala.

After watching a few shows, I felt a little bored, so I turned on my phone again.

I saw an unread message in the dialog with Mo Nanbei.

[Cat Nanbei: The Spring Festival Gala begins! 】

[Qianshan: Dinner is over! 】

【Cat Nanbei: Hey, how many bowls of rice did you eat? 】

[Qianshan: Go go go go, I can't even eat just eating vegetables. 】

[Mao Nanbei: You are not like this at school. Did you not eat the food I made, and then you are not used to it? 】

[Qianshan: Should I say it or not, you are still quite narcissistic. 】

[Cat Nanbei: Get out! 】

While chatting with Mo Nanbei, he looked up at the Spring Festival Gala.

But to be honest, after staring at the sketches on the Spring Festival Evening for a long time, I just didn't understand what the sketches were talking about.

Without subtitles, Li Ziqian instantly felt as if he could not speak Chinese.

Plus there's a lot of noise in the house...

But I always feel that the Spring Festival Gala in recent years has become more and more boring, less and less innovative, and less and less classic.

With so many sketches, very few can amuse themselves.

After watching it for a while, I felt upset, but Li Ziqian realized that the mobile phone was more fun.

The adults were not satisfied after eating, so four big men started to play mahjong together, and Dad Li was one of them.

Looking at this situation, it is estimated that he will be able to go home in the middle of the night.

Li Ziqian sighed, but there was nothing he could do.

I can only pray in my heart that Dad will lose a few more games, so that if there is no money, maybe he will stop playing and stop playing.

Really big dutiful son.

In the later time, Li Ziqian was playing with the mobile phone, and then the mobile phone started to charge until it ran out of power. During the charging, he dozed off while watching the Spring Festival Gala, and woke up from the doze and continued playing with the mobile phone.

At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, Li's mother couldn't hold it anymore, and she just kept urging Li, who was addicted to cards, to leave quickly.

"The last one, the last one." Dad Li shook the red ticket he just won.

When Dad Li said "the last one" for the third time, Mom Li finally couldn't bear it anymore, and dragged Dad Li to the door.

So far, Li Ziqian's New Year's Eve at his uncle's house is over.

By the time I got home at night, it was almost 1 am.

The Spring Festival Gala has also ended.

Li Ziqian yawned and washed, returned to the bed and continued to send a message to Mo Nanbei.

[Qianshan: I'm so sleepy. 】

[Cat Nanbei: Is the combat effectiveness so poor? 】

It was only about one o'clock in the morning. For the two who were proficient in staying up late, this number was just a piece of cake.

[Qianshan: I really can’t stand it anymore. 】

If he had played the game so late, Li Ziqian would definitely still be able to fight for 300 rounds, mainly because he was affected by too many hypnotic factors at his uncle's house today, and the wine was not intoxicating.

[Cat Nanbei: Really pull you. 】

Mo Nanbei laughed at Li Ziqian's sternness, but the reality was that he was also lying in the warm bed.

[Qianshan: Are you still fighting? 】

[Mao Nanbei: Of course, I'm still eating melon seeds with my parents in the living room. 】

When it comes to lying on chat software, Mo Nanbei is at ease and doesn't panic at all.

[Qianshan: You bullshit, what the hell, are you going to fight until late at night? 】

[Cat Nanbei: Late at night? All I can say is the size is small. 】

[Qianshan: That is to say, fight until dawn? 】

[Cat Nanbei: This pattern is right. 】

In fact, Mo Nanbei planned to go to bed quickly after Li Ziqian said good night.

[Qianshan: The God of War who stayed up all night. 】

[Cat Nanbei: Small trash, real trash. 】

[Mao Nanbei: But to be honest, I hope I can celebrate the New Year with you next year and stay up late with you. 】

Li Ziqian smiled when he saw the news, and by the way, he imagined how the two of them would stay up all night together.

80% of them stay up late to play games together.

[Qianshan: I hope so. 】

Knowing that Li Ziqian couldn't hold on anymore, Mo Nanbei said good night first.

[Cat Nanbei: Good night, dog things. 】

[Qianshan: Good night, Shabi. 】


After the New Year, it is the long first to fifteenth day of the new year.

For so many days, Li Ziqian occasionally went out with his mother and father to pay New Year's greetings with the bad intention of asking for the New Year's money, but sometimes he chose to avoid the relatives who did not give New Year's money to the relatives for the reason of doing his homework.

And in this short winter vacation, other harvest Li Ziqian dare not say, but harvest a few kilograms of extra fat.

But Li Ziqian didn't think so. After all, after the Chinese New Year, doesn't everyone have to grow a few pounds of meat?

Days passed quickly and it was time to start school.

The night before the start of school, Mom and Dad Li hurriedly moved things for Li Ziqian and sent them to school after they were busy with the Lantern Festival, and went to the supermarket to buy a lot of snacks just like last time. Li Ziqian took it.

At night, it was extraordinarily cold. Li Ziqian, who was sitting in the car with the window open, had to close the window.

It was still the father who drove the car and the mother to accompany them, and the two went into battle together.

Seeing that it will be a few months before I meet my parents again,

However, during this winter vacation, because of the festival, Li Ziqian often stayed with his parents, which was regarded as a lot of company.

Looking at the scenery galloping past the car window, Li Ziqian had a lot of expectations for the start of school.

"Xiaoqian, have you finished your homework?" Li Ma asked Li Ziqian in the back seat sitting in the passenger seat.

"It's done, it's done, it's already done."

Perhaps it was a habit left over from the last summer vacation, and Li Ziqian happened to change the behavior of one miracle one night.

When I have nothing to do, I usually do some homework, so I have already finished my homework.

But there is also a part of the reason may be because Lao Wang ordered teachers of various subjects to leave homework less to reduce the burden.

"Xiaoqian, the college entrance examination is coming soon, your father and I don't want to say anything, you know what to do, and we are afraid to put pressure on you, but you need to have a long snack yourself, don't make it because of temporary progress. And take it lightly."

"Yeah, Xiaoqian, you should understand those big principles better than we do. You don't like to listen to them, but you must be responsible for your own future."

Before the start of school, these remarks are indispensable, and Li Ziqian is also willing to listen.

Immediately back to the familiar house, Li's father and Li's mother were the same as last time, making the bed for Li Ziqian, sweeping the floor, and placing all kinds of things neatly.

At this time, Mo Nanbei was also in the same building as himself, but because Mo Nanbei's parents had nothing to do, they had already sent it to her, and Mo Nanbei had been waiting here for a long time. .

Li Ziqian just checked his mobile phone when he saw a message sent to him by Mo Nanbei.

[Cat Nanbei: In? To help move something? 】

[Qianshan: Are you in a hurry? 】

[Mao Nanbei: Then I'll go straight to your house to find you. 】

[Qianshan: Yes, as long as you are willing to confront my parents. 】

[Cat Nanbei: Uncle and aunty haven't left yet? 】

[Qianshan: Otherwise? 】

[Qianshan: But let’s talk about it first, you have to make sure that there is nothing messy, useless, or heavy in the things you want to carry. 】

[Mao Nanbei: Please believe my vision, as long as I let you take it, it will definitely be useful. 】

[Qianshan: I can't believe it. 】

Li Ziqian was really scared.

[Mao Nanbei: The most important thing between us is trust, isn't it? 】

[Qianshan: Get out of here. 】

Li Ziqian felt a little bad. Hearing what Mo Nanbei said, he always felt that there were a lot of strange and heavy things to move.

Before Li's father and Li's mother were ready to leave, they held Li Ziqian's hand again and explained a lot of things. After confirming that Li Ziqian really listened to those words, they reluctantly left.

Li Ziqian saw the exhaust gas left by his parents getting in the car through the window, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

After standing in a daze for a while, there were actually snowflakes floating outside.

At first, it looked like one grain at a time, but it didn't take long before it turned into a heavy snow, which fell down one after another.

The first snow this year seems to be a bit late.

No wonder it was so cold when I was in the car.

Going upstairs to find Mo Nanbei, he found that this guy had already sorted out the things that should be moved downstairs.

"That's all?" Li Ziqian couldn't believe the things packed in front of him.

how to say?

This is not Mo Nanbei's style at all, is it?

According to normal urine, then you can't lift the size of a washing machine?

"That's all, am I okay with you?"

In fact, he was about to graduate, and Mo Nanbei didn't want to bring a bunch of things to school to torture himself.

I want to die every time I bring something home.

Too guilty.

Li Ziqian glanced at Mo Nanbei with contempt, "You are so kind to me."

Day, if it's really good, don't let me take anything!

I thought there were not many things, but after all the things were sorted, it wasted a lot of time.

Two hours had passed when the two were lying on the sofa resting like dead dogs.

"School starts tomorrow." Mo Nanbei sighed.

I don't know why, but I always feel that the holiday seems to be yesterday.

Where's the time? ?

"Hurry up to start school, and get the college entrance examination soon."

"Do you think so much about the college entrance examination?"

"Of course, after the college entrance examination, you can get out of the sea of ​​misery."

No longer have to live in a painful senior year.

"Are you sure? Maybe you've been here for another year?"

"Fuck me, can you say something nice from your mouth?"

"Hahaha, you have to think about everything in case~"

"In case you're not allowed to say this in the future, it's so unlucky."


How can there be such a thing? Gu Zhen

Say another year to the high school seniors who are about to take the college entrance examination?

Climb quickly.

"Do you know it's snowing outside?" Li Ziqian asked, remembering this.

Mo Nanbei was shocked, obviously not knowing, "Really?"

"You'll know when you go and have a look." Li Ziqian pointed to the window.

Mo Nanbei got up suspiciously and walked quickly to the window, then said in surprise, "Fuck, really!"

Li Ziqian wiped his sweat and thought that Mo Nanbei would say some beautiful poems when he saw this situation.

The result is still an almighty bullshit.

Mo Nanbei, as if he had never seen the world before, pointed to the snow outside and said happily to Li Ziqian, "It's really snowing, it's snowing so hard, come and see."

"Come here." Li Ziqian smiled disdainfully and stood beside Mo Nanbei.

When he saw that after only a few hours of work, the scenery outside was already snow-capped, Li Ziqian couldn't help but let out a "fuck".

I didn't expect that the heavy snow would not subside, the speed was so fast, and the shape was so big that a thick layer was quickly spread on the ground, and the flower beds and green trees outside were also covered in silver, and they were all dressed in icy white. quilt.

I haven't seen such heavy snow in a long time.

Unexpectedly, today's snow came so late and yet so violently.

Perhaps standing by the window and watching the snow was not very enjoyable, Mo Nanbei pulled Li Ziqian to run out the door, "Go, go, go downstairs to watch the snow."

Li Ziqian raised his hand, "I'm still too cold if you're not so cold."

"Cold a few times, come with me." After that, Mo Nanbei quickly broke into Li Ziqian's bedroom, took out a large scarf from the closet and hung it around Li Ziqian's neck, then pulled Li Ziqian again. Go outside.

Li Ziqian still followed Mo Nanbei despite being stubborn.

So, there is a scene of two big fools standing in the snow.

Mo Nanbei looked up at the sky and observed the falling snowflakes. Some hit the ends of Mo Nanbei's hair, some landed on Mo Nanbei's face, and some lay on Mo Nanbei's collar. .

Li Ziqian was wrapped in a big scarf like a fool, but his eyes were drawn to Mo Nanbei at this time.

Needless to say, Mo Nanbei at this time has a trace of beauty.

When his mind became hot, Li Ziqian raised his mobile phone and suggested, "I'll take a picture of you."

Mo Nanbei was obviously taken aback for a moment, and then showed a look of distrust, "Can you really take pictures?"

After all, Mo Nanbei would never allow Li Ziqian to insult his gorgeous appearance with his clumsy photography techniques.

"Trust me." Li Ziqian shook his head confidently and turned on the original camera of his phone.

No way? Is there anyone who can't even take pictures?

"Then what kind of posture should I take?" Mo Nanbei's whole body became a little stiff when he heard that he was really going to take a photo.

"You're just like that, just raise your head and look at the sky."

"Okay." Mo Nanbei raised his head and recreated the pose just now.

Li Ziqian confidently raised the phone, found a good angle, and pressed the shutter.

Hmm, not bad.

"I'll take a look." Seeing that Li Ziqian had already taken a picture, Mo Nanbei asked himself to take a look.

"You're in a hurry, let's take a few more." Li Ziqian flicked his scarf, suddenly feeling like he was a senior photographer.

"You're not really hurting me, are you?"

"I'm going to hurt you, do as I say, and then I'll give you five consecutive shots to capture the moment you didn't expect."

"Then what should I do?"

"You're a girl anyway, don't you know what poses to take when taking pictures?"

"So I should?"

"Nima." Li Ziqin sighed and began to think about how Internet celebrities take pictures, and then said: "You grab a handful of snow, throw it into the sky, and then I will take a picture."

"Okay." Mo Nanbei nodded, seriously picking up a handful of snow from the ground.

"When you're ready, let's throw it away."

Mo Nanbei followed suit.

Then Li Ziqian saw Xueqi, Xueluo, and then smashed Mo Nanbei's face.

"Boiled!" Mo Nanbei groaned.

And Li Ziqian also captured five photos on his mobile phone.

"I'll take a look at me." Mo Nanbei couldn't wait, and came to Li Ziqian's side to see his craftsmanship.

"Just trust me." Li Ziqian smiled confidently and clicked on the finished product just now.

The first is the first photo of Mo Nanbei looking up at the sky. The photo is divided into nine grids. Li Ziqian just put the entire head of Mo Nanbei on the last grid in the lower right corner. The only thing that stands out in the whole photo is the flying snow in the sky. As for Mo Nanbei, it seems to be just a foil.

Mo Nanbei's face darkened, "Are you taking pictures of me or the snow scene?"

However, Li Ziqian completely found that there is no problem. In the photo, there are clearly both Mo Nanbei and snow scenery. Isn't this the best of both worlds? Clearly a top photo.

"No problem at all."

Mo Nanbei rolled his eyes, "You are too polite, why did you take me with you to take pictures of the scenery?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, I still have five consecutive shots."

Li Ziqian flipped through the five photos one by one, and Mo Nanbei found that none of the photos of this guy could be seen.

In the five photos, four of Mo Nanbei's eyes are closed, and the other is the embarrassment of snow hitting his face.

"To be honest, are you deliberately trying to take an ugly photo of me?"

It's so deceiving.

"Uh..." Li Ziqian uh for a long time, and finally came out, "It's not my fault."

"Then you mean I'm too ugly, so you can't take good-looking photos?"

"Actually, it can be understood that way."

"Nima, get out of here!" Mo Nanbei, who was enraged, grabbed a handful of snow from the ground and smashed it at Li Ziqian's forehead.

Li Ziqian reacted immediately, and began to fight back, "When I can't play snowball fights, right?"

Inexplicably, the two started a snowball fight.

Just like a stinky child, regardless of the cold red hands, just so that the snowball that was just pinched could hit the opponent's neck.

After playing until the two of them were out of breath, they returned home, and the snow was not falling so violently at this time.

A little indulgence before the start of school is a thought, after all, it is unlikely to have such an opportunity after the school starts.

In view of the official start of school tomorrow, the two plan to part with each other in the elevator and no longer play until late at night.

After waving goodbye, Li Ziqian smashed the snowball in his hand into Mo Nanbei's head, and then walked away, only to hear Mo Nanbei's angry voice behind him.

"Li Ziqian, you idiot!"


The school started as usual, and everything seemed to be going smoothly as before. However, compared to last semester, Li Ziqian clearly felt that the learning atmosphere had become more tense, and the homework had become more outrageous.

It is possible that he went downstairs and went to the toilet ten minutes after class, and when he came back, there were a few papers piled up on the seat.

Every day, all kinds of homework are added to the examination papers of each subject, and even when the get out of class is over, Li Ziqian does not forget to add a few more strokes to the newly issued examination papers.

Senior year...

so hard...

But no way.

Faced with the two newly issued English test papers, Li Ziqian really wanted to scold the streets.

After such a long period of homework feedback, Li Ziqian found that the most annoying thing was English homework, and other homework seemed to be able to be written more in a relatively noisy environment.

But English is not good, not good is not good.


"Doing all the questions after class is too complicated." Mo Nanbei looked at Li Ziqian who was still struggling beside him.

"Have you finished your English and are you talking nonsense here?"


"Then don't hurry up."

It was also forced by the college entrance examination in a hurry, and even Li Ziqian was about to run wild.

In order to study, the two of them spend less time fishing together, and rarely play games. They only go online once every ten days or so.

And the standard is to rest after a fight, and don't say anything about winning the first victory.

Li Ziqian himself did not expect that he, who was originally wise and martial, would be troubled by studies and homework to become the current state.


When the two returned home in the evening, Li Ziqian looked like a grievous woman.

Is this child stunned by learning to learn magic?

Even Mo Nanbei was sweating for Li Ziqian.

Mo Nanbei asked, "Is your goal Harvard?"

This hard work is very different from before. How can I say that I want to get into a Harvard?

Li Ziqian's answer was very sincere, "The target devil is big."

"I thought your goals were lofty, and you were interested in Harvard."

"Harbin Buddhist College? Why don't you give me yin and yang weirdness."

"Hey hey hey."

Speaking of university, Li Ziqian couldn't help but think of what the current efforts are for.

"When we both get into the same university, we'll showdown with the family." Li Ziqian suddenly said to Mo Nanbei, his eyes very firm.

"Showdown what?"

"Don't play stupid to me, what are you talking about showdown."

"Oh, good." At this moment, Mo Nanbei seemed a little flustered.

"Then we can discuss cohabitation at that time, rent a house near the school, and continue to live the life like now." Inexplicably, Li Ziqian began to look forward to the future.

"Cohabitation... Okay." Mo Nanbei thought for a while and then said, "What if I didn't get into the same university?"

"This... Then look at it later, there will be arrangements anyway."

There are still many uncertain factors like this, and Li Ziqian also knows that many things in the future are uncertain, and things that are arranged now may change at that time.

So Li Ziqian only thought of how to arrange the best outcome. As for the other situations, let's adapt accordingly.

"But if we live together..." Mo Nanbei suddenly thought, "I won't cook for you every day."

Li Ziqian pursed his lips and was speechless.

I thought this person was going to say something earth-shattering.

"Aren't you happy to let you cook for me?"

"It doesn't seem very happy."

"Then I'll cook for you."

"This can be."

"Then you cook on weekends. I usually cook for five days."

"Get out of here, who doesn't eat in the school cafeteria on weekdays?"

At this time, the hateful Li Ziqian is still thinking of taking advantage? ? ?


As the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer, Li Ziqian has also taken a lot of large and small exams. It is no longer the same as before, the monthly midterm exam plus the final exam. Besides these, there are other inexplicable exams. The joint entrance examination, as well as the usual classroom examinations.

It can be said that it is a small test in three days and a big test in five days.

However, the more times he took the test, the less fearful Li Ziqian found himself in the test.

In the past, I might have crammed and prepared a lot of things in the face of the exam, but because the exam has been accustomed to, there is generally no time to prepare before the exam.

Therefore, facing the exam with a normal heart, Li Ziqian felt that he had done a good job.

In just one week, Li Ziqian has used up several refills, writing every day and counting, without stopping for a moment. Li Ziqian often teases, and sooner or later, one of his hands and brains will be destroyed.

You remember the day when the Hundred Days Pledge was taken, the wind was a bit strong, and Li Ziqian's heart was a little cold.

All the seniors of the school sat in the school square, listening to the lecturer invited by the school on the stage telling everyone the story that he had told many times.

bg is also very sensible. Once the lecturer raises the volume to talk about the exciting moment, the passionate background music will follow.

Mo Nanbei was sitting beside him, clasping his fingers intently.

When Mo Nanbei's grades are good enough, he will find that these chicken soup for the soul and inspirational words actually sound like nothing.

"Mo Nanbei, Old Wang is watching you." Li Ziqian approached Mo Nanbei and whispered.

After hurriedly raising his head, he found that Old Wang was chatting with the female teacher next to him, and Mo Nanbei unceremoniously gave Li Ziqian a blank eye.

Li Ziqian took out two big white rabbit toffee from his pocket for a long time, and handed it to Mo Nanbei, "Here."

Mo Nanbei, who didn't know what medicine Li Ziqian's gourd was selling, looked at Li Ziqian alertly, but accepted the toffee.

Just as Mo Nanbei tore open the packaging bag and prepared to take a bite, Li Ziqian tugged at the corner of Mo Nanbei's shirt and scored twice, "Pharaoh is watching you."

"You are so crazy!" Mo Nanbei cursed in a low voice, and when he looked up, he found that Old Wang was really looking at him.

Startled in his heart, Mo Nanbei's movements were a little stiff, so that he didn't know how to eat the toffee in his mouth.

Just looking at it from a distance doesn't seem to be enough. Old Wang, who likes to do everything by himself, shuttled between Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei, folded his arms and stared at them condescendingly. After a while, Then he said, "Li Ziqian, Mo Nanbei, don't gossip, listen carefully."

"Okay." Li Ziqian nodded earnestly without taking any immediate losses.

After Lao Wang walked away again and chose to continue talking with the female teacher, Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei started rustling again.

"Li Ziqian, did your sister do it on purpose?"

Acting out a real-life wolf story for yourself?

It's tough enough.

"I don't want you to eat it now, what are you blaming me for?"

"Then why do you have to do it for me at that time?"

"Probably want to see your self-control."

Now that the two of them whispered, they became smarter. They kept their heads down and covered their mouths with their hands, and they glanced from side to side to pay attention to Pharaoh's movements.

But...that seems more suspicious.

The inspirational lecturers on the stage spoke to their heart's content, but they couldn't attract Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei at all.

When Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei were chatting, they found that everyone got up and walked towards Lao Wang, and Lao Wang was standing in front of the students with a firm look and a smile.

The voice of the inspirational lecturer was also in his ears, "Go and hug your head teacher!"

Li Ziqian was shocked, why didn't he listen for a while, he has already reached this stage? ?

Followed the big army forward, because Lao Wang was already surrounded by water, so Li Ziqian could only say that he was standing on the periphery to take a look, not to mention hugging, he couldn't even touch it.

Some girls with low teardrops were already crying, and they looked very emotional.

Li Ziqian shook his head and said seriously: In fact, apart from talking a lot of nonsense, being nosy, like to talk ironically, and being old, Old Wang is also a very good head teacher. "

Not to mention, when I was in junior high school, I might not feel anything, but the more intense the study, the more time I spent with the teacher, and the stronger the friendship. Looking at the girls in the class who were crying bitterly, Li Ziqian even A little emotional.

"Are you praising Old Wang, or are you trying to harm Old Wang?" Mo Nanbei said coldly, standing next to Li Ziqian.

"I'm boasting, I love Pharaoh."

"How much did that person give you to make you say such things against your heart?"

Seeing that more and more girls were crying, Li Ziqian began to use Mo Nanbei to operate, "The other girls are crying, why don't you cry?"

"Who said that love for Lao Wang has to be shown in tears?" Mo Nanbei pouted.

In fact, it's not that I don't want to cry. Such touching scenes are rarely seen on weekdays. Even if Mo Nanbei is extremely strong, he can't hold back at this time.

But the reason for being able to hold on is of course because of Li Ziqian.

Because I thought that if I didn't care and shed a thousand tears on Li Ziqian's face, it would inevitably be another round of ridicule.

It's so embarrassing.

So this kind of thing, Mo Nanbei is absolutely not allowed to happen.

After the hug of the head teacher ended, everyone returned to their seats, and the lecturer started his follow-up content.

It's still the same story of chicken soup, and the ups and downs of the voice. Occasionally, a few students in the audience will be called to come up for a small interaction.

At the end, it was time to take the oath. Everyone stood up, straightened their waists, raised their fists, and followed the principal on the stage to take the oath.

I didn't feel anything at first, but after taking the oath, everyone was full of energy.

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