My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 354: Just waiting for the time to pick up the cat and go home ===(1)

Now it seems that everything is properly arranged. The living room, kitchen and bathroom are shared. The two of them have their own bedrooms and a shared game room. They can play games and code words happily as before. .

If you usually rest, you can stay in the living room, and go back to your own room when you sleep at night.

Not bad.

After moving to a new home, Mo Nanbei began to think about raising cats again.

It seems that if this cat is not kept for a day, Mo Nanbei can't be relieved for a day.

Mo Nanbei has been thinking about raising cats for the past two days.

Li Ziqian felt a trace of dissatisfaction, "What's wrong? I'm not playing games with you at home, why do you have to raise a cat in such a hurry?"

"You?" Mo Nanbei glanced at Li Ziqian, "You are like a dog."

Li Ziqian: "..."

Why is this man like this? ?

After Mo Nanbei's careful search, he finally found a cat house called YuuiRagdoll at Station B, and it was local.

Because of the good number of fans, the credibility is relatively high, not only that, but also CFA registered. For various reasons, Mo Nanbei was added to the boss's WeChat.

This lady boss.

Feel free to look through the circle of friends, and you can see that many cute cats have successfully found homes.

This gave Mo Nanbei more trust.

"What do you think?" Mo Nanbei asked Li Ziqian the photo on the female boss's WeChat.

"Very good." Li Ziqian nodded.

Seeing Li Ziqian's expression, Mo Nanbei seemed to be reluctant, so he asked, "Aren't you still angry because you don't have a dog?"

"No." Li Ziqian quickly explained, "I wouldn't be that stingy."

"Then why do you look gloomy?" Mo Nanbei tilted his head, and even reached out to squeeze Li Ziqian's face, forcing him to smile.

"What are you doing?" Li Ziqian shook off Mo Nanbei's hand.

"Why don't you laugh?"

"Isn't this a normal expression?"

"I thought you had something on your mind."

"Then should I reply to you with a grin?"


"Go away!"

"Then watch it with me." Mo Nanbei beckoned and motioned for Li Ziqian to come closer.

Therefore, it became the two of them staring at other people's circle of friends together, and occasionally commenting on which cat looks more cute and which one looks more obedient.

There is no way to solve the problem just by looking at it, nor is it the way to quench your thirst, so you still have to ask the boss in detail.

So Mo Nanbei sent a message to the boss to ask about the cats that could be taken away.

The boss responded quickly.

[Yuuiragdoll Cattery: There are three ragdoll cats who are looking for a home here and can be picked up in the near future. One is too small, because the two look alike because they are siblings. Three cats All are blue dolls. 】

[Mao Nanbei: What about the price? 】

[Yuuiragdoll Cat House: 1.2 respectively. 】

And the boss also sent photos of three cats.

Mo Nanbei clicked his tongue, and sure enough, the price of a good cat is counted in ten thousand.

But totally acceptable.

Didn't I say, expensive is the shortcoming of the puppet cat, but this is not actually the shortcoming of the cat, but the shortcoming of the human being.

[Mao Nanbei: I can accept it, but I have to ask my boyfriend for his opinion. 】

"Look, how's it going?" Mo Nanbei patted Li Ziqian next to him and began to lose his mind.

"Ah." Li Ziqian leaned over, "I'll take a look."

The 1.2 one is only a little small, why does the 1.6 one look aggrieved? The 1.8 one looks in good condition, like a hero among cats.

But...isn't it all the same? ?

"It's all right, you decide."

"..." Mo Nanbei rolled her eyes at Li Ziqian, "You bastard."

"? What's wrong with me? Isn't it all cats!!"

"???? What kind of cats??"

What is it all about? ?

"That's right." Li Ziqian pointed to the cat's photo, "Look, don't you have a chicken on your face..."

"??? Why do you stop this weird topic for me."

A good kitten has been sullied by Li Ziqian's words.

Li Ziqian still insisted on his own ideas, and continued: "Am I right? Isn't it just a few cats?"

"You are so immortal!"

"You use my thoughts to think about it."

"I miss you sir!"

After fighting for a while, I remembered to reply to the boss's message.

Because I don't understand the cat's character, I still have to describe my thoughts to the boss.

[Cat Nanbei: I want to find a cat with a clingy personality, but not very lively. 】

If it is too lively, then Mo Nanbei may not be able to resist.

For example, if you have to go to great lengths to catch the cat jumping up and down to bathe the cat, it would be quite a headache.

If Wen Wenjing is quiet and likes to be clingy, it's like raising a daughter and can be at his own mercy, haha!

[Yuuiragdoll cattery: The 1.8w one is more suitable, because the 1.6 one is only a little lively. 】

[Mao Nanbei: Then choose the 1.8w one, I like it very much. 】

Mainly, the 1.8w one is really in line with Mo Nanbei's aesthetic, and like Li Ziqian's idea, Mo Nanbei also feels that the 1.6w one looks like he has suffered a lot of grievances. After buying it home, others saw it and thought it was a kitten that was wronged, so I still wanted the 1.8w one.

So I settled on it, signed the contract PDF, paid a deposit of 8,000, and made up the balance before sterilization. After recovery, the cat can be picked up.

Everything is planned, just waiting for the time to pick up the cat and go home.

After talking with the boss, Mo Nanbei leaned on the sofa with his arms outstretched as if he had accomplished a major event, in a good mood.

Li Ziqian sat next to Mo Nanbei, as if he didn't care that much about this matter, but was more concerned about his mobile phone.

Mo Nanbei saw dissatisfaction in his eyes, and reached out and tapped Li Ziqian on the head.

"What are you looking at?"

Li Ziqian was startled, but immediately returned to normal, "I didn't see anything."

"Why do you feel like you don't care about this matter?"

"No." Li Ziqian scratched his head, not quite understanding what Mo Nanbei was saying, "I'm very sad."

"Sad for what?"

Only then did Li Ziqian come back to God, sad? Sad what? ?

Only then did he start to correct, "No, it's the heart."

"It's too late! You just don't care!"

"I'm very attentive, I swear." Li Ziqian really stretched out a hand to make an oath.

"Then since you are so sworn, you can choose the cat's name."


Thinking of flying before learning how to walk? Are you busy naming your cat before you get home? ? ?

"So, for you, what should a cat be called?"

Li Ziqian was stunned for a moment and then shook his head, " think about it."

As for the names of game characters, Li Ziqian can still use a wave of mentality to choose some strange names, but it is hard to say about pets.

The name of the pet is naturally to follow it for life, and the owner has to shout it out from time to time. If you wait until the setting according to the game is similar to what is called 'Stupid Dog Mo Nanbei', then not only Mo Nanbei is unwilling, but also the cat. I don't want to.

"you think."

"you think."

The two couldn't get away.

Mo Nanbei spread his hands, "Do you think I know how to choose a name?"

"Do you think I can?"

Even writing the names of characters in web articles requires the help of generators, even more so now.

"Then..." Mo Nanbei clenched his fists and seemed to be thinking seriously, and then said, "Let's call it 'Maomao'."

"...What nonsense are you talking about?"

How could it be named like that? ?

Then this cat is too miserable. It doesn't even have its own special name. It can only share a name with the cats in the world?

Mo Nanbei sighed, "I'm joking, what are you talking about?"

"If you want me to tell me, is it too early to choose a name now? I should wait until the cat is brought back, look at the character, and then choose a name."

In fact, Li Ziqian wanted to push back the naming issue.

"No, I think it should be named now, just like a pregnant mother, didn't you choose a name before the child was born? Who waits until the child is born, observes the character of the child, and then decides name."

"Nima, can humans and cats be the same?"

"That's pretty much it."

Finally, after some exchanges between the two of them, after exhausting their lifelong language skills, the cat's name was set as 'Dan Dian'.

Because looking at the picture of the cat is a bit dull.

The traditional folded cat name is catchy and meowing, and it's not particularly weird.

Both were very satisfied with the name.

"It's great, this is the first cat I have in my life." Mo Nanbei held his head and looked ahead, already imagining the picture of the cat playing with it after it came.

So beautiful.

"Actually, raising a cat is quite troublesome, and you need to pay attention to a lot of things." Li Ziqian first gave Mo Nanbei a vaccination.

"It's okay, I understand."

"For example, the problem of hair loss, bathing, regular deworming, cat food, cat litter, cat litter, cat climbing frame, and cats are also very easy to get sick, get cat sickness or gastrointestinal problems."

"I understand." Mo Nanbei turned around and said viciously.

Li Ziqian immediately disarmed and surrendered, "I'm just talking."

In fact, most of the people who decide to raise a cat have understood that these inevitable troubles and expenses are also included, and Mo Nanbei is no exception, and intends to give some things that should be prepared before the cat comes. get ready.

Although this is the first time to raise a cat, I may have little experience, but I still hope to do my best to do what I can do.

Don't get a cat without being fully prepared, and once you start, don't end it at will.

So Mo Nanbei vowed: "I will definitely be responsible for the cat."

Looking at Mo Nanbei's attitude, Li Ziqian suddenly understood what it means to be inferior to a cat. If Mo Nanbei was allowed to choose between a person and a cat, she would definitely choose a cat and abandon it without hesitation. Li Ziqian.

Humanity is warm and the world is hot and cold!

It is also in the current atmosphere that Mo Nanbei has become more and more affectionate towards cats like creatures, so he began to chat with Li Ziqian about cats.

"Did you know? There is an Internet celebrity cat cafe called "Flower Street Meow", the top brand puppet in it is very good-looking, but the ID is called Teemo, and then he has a little brother who admires him very much, called Puff, always Gua Xixi followed behind him, and there was a Persian cat with mandarin duck eyes called Dang Wu, who always wanted to usurp the throne."

Li Ziqian picked up the words, but his focus was very strange, "Why is it called 'Dangwu'? Then is it his girlfriend's name 'Hoe He'?"

"I don't know about this, but... Put away your strange thoughts, what kind of bad thoughts can Kitten have? Then Dangwu's purpose is very strange, in fact, he wants to get the position of puff, it seems that he really wants to be a puff. Teemo's number one brother."

"How can you interpret the cat's network of contacts so thoroughly? Did brother Dangwu call you to tell you these words?"

Mo Nanbei stared at Li Ziqian with another grim look, "Has your brain been blown up?"

"It's okay, it's okay, you continue to say, I just asked the appropriate question." Li Ziqian's expression suddenly became serious again.

"Then the cute pet up owner I watched on station B was also very fun. There was a cat named 'Zhongfen' who was the eldest brother of the family. He was handsome and omnipotent in front of the camera. He twisted the door to lock the door. Small things are a piece of cake, but you can climb the table outside of the camera and get stuck in a drawer, and can't get out for a long time, you know, it's a kind of muscle in every part of the body is in a panic, but the face Be strong but still as stable as an old dog."

"Interrupt." Li Ziqian even raised his hand to signal, "Why is it called 'Central Score'?"

"Because the distribution of the black hair on the head looks like a mid-point comb.

"Then these are what you learned by watching the video. The video is equivalent to being in the camera. How can you distinguish between the in-camera and the out-of-camera..."

Mo Nanbei frowned.

I have to say, Li Ziqian is a really good dog.

And the focus is never on the topic!

Patience, Mo Nanbei really explained it, although he was very suspicious that Li Ziqian asked these strange questions just to irritate people, "Because this is what the up in the video said, and the footage refers to The camera is facing the center point, and he can detect it himself, outside the camera refers to shooting quietly, and the center point doesn’t know about it, do you understand?”

"Oh~ I understand."

"Nima, when you usually study, you only want to learn a little bit of knowledge. Now, why do you have to break the casserole and ask to the end, your sister."

Li Ziqian smiled, "I'm just curious, curious."

"And not only that, in his spare time, Zhongfen prefers to release his own nature, which is melon Xixi's talent, staring at the box and diving in. After being scolded, he immediately looked around like a normal person. Look, rubbing against the corner of the wall, and looking at it."

"I know, it's called ten fakes a second."

"But even so, Brother Zhongfen is also a caring little padded jacket. When the owner has a toothache, he will take the initiative to come forward to comfort him, and he will also meow from grandma."

"Sounds cute."

"But the middle score also has its own troubles, because the up family also has a cat named 'Pigskin', because the owner's diet is good, the two cats are becoming more and more powerful, and a cat litter is often crowded together. One cat will be crushed. With a look of disgust, in such a case, the friendship boat between the two cats will also have problems. They fight because they dislike each other's weight, and then they are divided into another cat's gentle harbor for this reason, but they are found by Pigskin. Don't give up the pigskin, and then when the centrist gets angry, he goes to the cat who 'splits trouble' to fight."

"It turns out that there is so much love and hatred between cats."

In fact, Li Ziqian is not very interested in this kind of non-funny video of cute pets, but because Mo Nanbei is interested in talking about it, Li Ziqian listens very seriously.

Coupled with Mo Nanbei's vivid description and appropriate expressions, Li Ziqian's picture feels so strong, as if several kittens are meowing in his mind.

"And you know long-haired cats, long-haired cats always get their **** stained after Baba is done pulling because of the hair."

"Why did the topic suddenly change the style of painting?"

"Then the cat named 'Gao Gao' likes to rub his own cake off the floor of the house because the cake sticks to his butt, so the whole house smells of cake."

"Don't say it, I seem to have smelled it."

"But then again, the puppets you bought seem to have quite long hair. Will this also happen?"

"It's really possible."

If this is a common problem with long-haired cats, then the cute and immaculate puppet may also be stained with the stench of Baba!

"It looks like I'll have to wash my cat's **** more often in the future."

Li Ziqian patted Mo Nanbei on the shoulder and said, "The **** shoveling officer has to work hard."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Of course you'll have to help out then."

Li Ziqian began to bargain, "I can help with the cat, but if I'm in charge of washing my butt, can I refuse?"

"Of course." Mo Nanbei paused, "No."

Li Ziqian suggested, "Then maybe the cat's hair around the cat's buttocks can be cut short."



"It just doesn't work."

I can't tell why it doesn't work, but Mo Nanbei just thinks that this is the first cat that belongs to him, so naturally it should be good, even the cat's hair must be good.

"How can you start protecting him now? Then you didn't hesitate at all when you wanted to **** him."

"This... can this be the same?"

"Why is it different?"

"Of course not!"

Karma cat's **** are a last resort, although Mo Nanbei is also very sorry, but this must be removed!

"Also... Forget it, let me show you the video, it will be more clear." It was only now that Mo Nanbei remembered to tell Li Ziqian that it is better to watch the video directly.

Then, under the guidance of Mo Nanbei, Li Ziqian not only listened to the narration, but also watched the video.

According to Mo Nanbei's introduction, Li Ziqian found that he seemed to have a new understanding of various cats. For example, different breeds of cats have different personalities, and between cats and cats and between cats and their owners, it seems that There is some love-hate relationship.

After chatting about Mao Mao for a while, Mo Nanbei began to shift his target and began to urge Li Ziqian to make some preparations to welcome Mao Mao.

For example, some cat supplies, cat litter, cat litter, cat litter, cat litter, etc. must be prepared well in advance. You can't wait until the cats are brought home, but there is nothing.

I have to say, Mo Nanbei really cares about raising cats.

Li Ziqian could also see that Mo Nanbei's decision to raise a cat was definitely not just a talk, but a plan that had already been made.

It is only the first time to raise a cat, and there may be many inexperienced places, but these things can only be discovered and solved one by one in the process of raising cats in the future.

In addition to some essential utensils about cats, there are also utensils about two people.

Now I just moved in, and the things I brought from my family are just some things that satisfy the survival but have not yet reached the standard of improving the quality of life.

So it is natural to add a lot of new furniture to this new home.

Because this place is different from high school, if the university starts, you will definitely spend more time in the rental room. It is like a home built by two people, so whether it is in furniture purchase or other small things In terms of design, they all need to be maintained like a real home.

Although the rented house has basic home appliances, it cannot meet the needs of the two of them to improve their living standards. Therefore, to really make this vacated gaming room play its role, a comfortable gaming table and an ergonomic computer chair are the perfect solution. necessary.

Therefore, Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei visited a certain treasure next, intending to solve these matters of purchasing home appliances and cat utensils.

First of all, let’s start with the cat’s utensils. In Mo Nanbei’s words, cats’ needs are more urgent than people’s.

Although Li Ziqian disagreed, he had no choice but to follow Mo Nanbei.

Searching on a certain treasure on the cat climbing frame, the price ranges from hundreds to thousands, but it is not obvious from the picture, the style and color actually look very different.

"If you want to buy it, just buy two, one in the living room, and one in our gaming room," Mo Nanbei said.

In this case, the cat can also go to the living room to do activities, and it is completely okay to call for a room to compete.

Li Ziqian had no objection, but still said, "We'll just keep one cat, isn't it a bit of a waste of space to buy two?"

If you think about it in the future, it is very likely that these things will need to be moved back, which is undoubtedly a burden. Even if you don’t bring them back and plan to throw them away for disposal, it is actually a waste.

Because not at all.

Mo Nanbei's eyes flashed, and he whispered, "Who said you can only keep one cat?"


"We'll talk about that later, but anything is possible."

Mo Nanbei felt that as long as he had that energy, it was not impossible to raise a litter of cats.

"Okay, it's all up to you."

Anyway, the cat has already bought it, so let's buy all these essential things together.

The two chose for a long time, and finally decided to buy two more cat climbing frames, one for the self-disciplined sports style, and the other for the comfortable and fat house style, but these are the names that Mo Nanbei took himself.

"Why is it called that? It's not all marked with the words 'cat climbing frame', but I have never heard of what style the cat climbing frame belongs to."

"Didn't you see it?" Mo Nanbei pointed at the cat climbing frame called 'self-disciplined movement style', "This structure is relatively hard, and it has long ladders and running wheels, so the kittens in it can move quickly. Get up, isn't this just exercise plus self-discipline?"

Li Ziqian took a closer look at the picture, and then said, "Have you ever thought that it's not a running wheel, but a fixed decoration, and it's actually just a place for cats to rest?"

Hearing what Li Ziqian said, she frowned and went up to find out. Sure enough, it was just like what Li Ziqian said.

"Then discard this one, and I'll explain the next one to you."

"Is it so casual?"

"It's still too late before the payment is made and the shipment is not delivered."

Li Ziqian shrugged and said, "Okay, let's talk."

"This is a traditional cat climbing frame." Mo Nanbei continued to point to the picture, "You can see that the material of the frame above can be scratched by a cat without being scratched. As for the resting place, it is also very soft and should be very comfortable to lie on. Let's call it 'comfortable fat house style'."


Because one of the selected cat climbing frames was passed, I had to make another choice.

In pursuit of occupying less space and changing styles, Mo Nanbei took a fancy to a cactus-style cat climbing frame.

Simple design, there is only one cat litter, so simple that it looks a little shaky.

However, the ornamental value is good. The green cactus will make people feel relaxed and happy at home.

"Just this, this is just right in the living room. For example, in the living room, the cat doesn't want to lie on the sofa, so he just lays on the cat climbing frame, very nice!"

"You've even thought about some of the possibilities."

"Of course."

In addition, Mo Nanbei began to search for cat scratching boards.

"Didn't you say that the material of the cat climbing frame can be used as a cat scratching board?"

Does this mean that the functions will overlap soon?

"Hey~ the main function of the cat climbing frame is to improve the cat's climbing, play and rest, and the cat scratching board has to be a cat scratching board."

"Okay, okay, whatever you say."

Li Ziqian has found out. Regarding cats, Mo Nanbei already has a system for thinking about the results of his own. Li Ziqian doesn't know much, but even if he makes an opinion, he will be passed directly.

If this is the case, let's call it "cat love" for the time being.

The cat scratching board is very cute to meet Mo Nanbei's preferences. It is the support of the cat's paw pattern. There is a prism on it, and there are two funny cat **** on it.

But if it is fundamental, it is actually similar to the cat climbing frame.

Then there is the cat litter, which does not need to be too tangled, just choose a good quality and comfortable one.

Thinking that he might have a new cat, Mo Nanbei decided to buy two slightly larger cat dens, because it is very likely that after raising a new cat, the two cats would like to squeeze each other even though they each have their own place. Together, in order to prevent the space from being too crowded, they will fight each other, so it should be big rather than small.

Because raising another cat is still pending, so don't rush to buy another cat's utensils, and make new plans after this matter is settled.

In addition to these, there are cat litter boxes, cat bowls, cat food and more.

Because the puppet cat has a delicate stomach and is easy to eat a bad stomach, it is still necessary to do some strategies in cat food, so as not to suffer the cat from being victimized.

After I finally got things done and bought some necessary utensils, it was noon.

Originally, the two of them wanted to continue reading about the computer desk and chairs, but because of hunger, they put it aside for now.

Because they were eager to see a certain treasure, the two of them planned to deal with it casually at noon.

Therefore, Mo Nanbei took out two packs of fans from his backpack. He only needed to cook the dried fans, pick them up, and add the ingredients. It didn't take much time at all.

Sitting at the dining table, eating rice noodles in a bowl, in fact, this is only the second day of arriving at the new home, but Li Ziqian has already begun to miss Mo Nanbei's craftsmanship.

"Ah~" The sighs continued, and Li Ziqian's dissatisfaction was already manifested.

Mo Nanbei knew what Li Ziqian meant, so he said, "It's alright, I'll cook something delicious for you when my new home is ready."

"That's good." Li Ziqian, who was able to bend and stretch, immediately resumed his smile.

As for the new home, none of these things should be experienced, so the only thing the two can do now is to do what they need to do as soon as possible, so that life can get back on track as soon as possible.

But in fact, from visiting a treasure to pick furniture, buy it back, and put it in the team leader, it is a process to make the new home better. Although there must be a lot of sweat and hard work, if two people work together Participating in it and helping each other is actually a very good experience.

Life is not that long, so you should master the ever-changing life. No matter what state you are in, it is worth enjoying.

I was in a hurry to eat lunch, and I didn't even have time to clean up the bowl, so I went to a certain treasure to continue the search.

The first is the choice of computer chairs, including ergonomic chairs and gaming chairs.

Gaming chairs are more fancy in appearance, and the design source is racing seats, while ergonomic chairs are either black or gray, and the color matching is relatively simple.

The material of the gaming chair is leather or artificial leather, and most of the stuff inside is memory foam. This kind of material will make people who sit for a long time feel stuffy and airtight, and the leather will crack after being used for a long time. The chair is made of high-strength mesh, which is strong and breathable. Not only that, because of the color and leather of the gaming chair, it will always emit a faint unpleasant odor. If you sit for a long time, it will be easy to smell unpleasant.

In the case of gaming chairs, the design of the raised end of the seat cushion will make the legs of people who sit for a long time sore, but the ergonomic chair has a natural sliding curve.

To sum up, the ergonomic chair is the most suitable for two people who like to lie in front of the computer desk for a long time, but there needs to be a choice for the chair, so in this regard, Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei need to make a lot of Research.

"The ergonomic chair is basically invisible offline, and there are so many soft articles and promotions online. In fact, it seems quite troublesome to choose a suitable chair." Li Ziqian said.

"So, this requires us to study together."

After visiting a certain treasure for a while and watching the evaluation video for a while, the two of them seem to have a bit of a spectrum in their hearts.

"Net One's will lead to the wrong sitting posture, so you can't buy it." Mo Nanbei said first.

"Of course I won't buy Net One. It's normal for the price to be unsatisfactory. I've chosen ergonomic chairs. Of course, I have to pursue comfort. It's an uncomfortable chair. What's the use of it?"

"Heman's seems to be pretty good. After all, the price is so expensive, you shouldn't go wrong."

If you want to be convenient and you want to buy something that is not wrong, then it is right to choose the most expensive, but the most expensive does not necessarily mean the best, and if you consider the cost performance, you may not need it.

"You shouldn't just look at the most expensive ones, but I think the ego seat has a natural load-bearing arc, which allows the **** to stick to the bottom naturally under the action of gravity, which prevents it from sliding down, so..."

Mo Nanbei interrupted Li Ziqian, "Isn't it necessary to be a chair like this."

"That's not necessarily the case. Net One's cushions are parallel, so it's easy for the seated person to slip out."


"The choice of a chair also depends on the adjustability, so that it can be adapted to different people's physiques and figures, but Heman has done a good job in this regard. It can steplessly adjust the strength of the back of the chair and find the most suitable support force."

"So is Heman still the most worth buying?"

"not always."

"Then what else? You continue to talk." Mo Nanbei looked at Li Ziqian with a serious face, and the questions became more and more.

"In terms of adjustment, ego can not only adjust the angle, but also adjust the entire lumbar support up and down. Moreover, Heman has no headrest, and Gangcun cannot adjust the headrest."

"So having said so much, are you a Chinese ego?"

"I see the evaluation of ego is quite good." Li Ziqian picked up the phone and looked for Mo Nanbei.

Having said so much about the various characteristics of chairs, in fact, the most important thing is the comfort, and these things happen to be closely related to the comfort. Too much entanglement will cause a headache, and this kind of thing can't be Think too complicated.

Mo Nanbei nodded and said, "Then let's decide."

It didn't seem to take too much time. The two finally settled on the ergonomic chair of egoiion2pro. The combined price of the two chairs is more than 7,000, which is a normal price.

Next, there are tables and the like. After some thought, it is time to ask the landlord's opinion to remodel the vacated bedroom and put it on the gaming table.

There are not too many requirements for the two of the e-sports table. In short, it is a simple style, and then it can be raised and lowered and the table top is bigger. It is also hurriedly selected on Taobao.

Anyway, it's a new home and a new look, everything has to be new.

After the table and chairs come, you can put the computer on the table and start a happy gaming life.

After doing this, the two of them continued to sit on the sofa and watch videos on their phones while doing nothing in the afternoon.

But Mo Nanbei was actually conspiring to have another cat.

Mo Nanbei, who likes to visit station B when he has nothing to do, found a cattery again.

This time Mo Nanbei chose a Maine Coon cat.

So with a clear goal, she immediately added the boss's WeChat, and then negotiated with the boss.

"Are you okay with that?" Mo Nanbei asked Li Ziqian with a smile.

"I have no opinion, I have no opinion, as long as you like it."

What opinion could Li Ziqian have? Besides, when Mo Nanbei bought two cat climbing frames, Li Ziqian already knew what Mo Nanbei meant.

It's okay, it's okay if there are too many cats, two together will not be lonely, only have a company.

Just like Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei, they are two people, so of course cats have to be in pairs.

After deciding with the boss, Mo Nanbei chose an orange Maine Coon cat whose scientific name is Red Tabby Maine Coon.

The owner sent pictures and told the price.

Mo Nanbei showed the photo to Li Ziqian, "How is it?"

In the photo, the cat's back is still orange, and the belly and head are somewhat orange and white. Just looking at the coat color, it is really no different from an ordinary orange cat, but if you look at the face, you can obviously feel that it is different from ordinary orange cats. Such a heroic look.

Mo Nanbei was also extremely satisfied. The more he liked it just by looking at the photos, he couldn't help but say with joy, "Orange cats attract wealth, and big oranges are the most important."

"As long as you like it."

"The boss said that this Maine is the best of the red tabby Maine, and it is very sticky. Its personality belongs to you and he will become very lively when you play with him, otherwise he can lie quietly. There, play with yourself."

"If two cats who are not very lively play together, I wonder if the personality will change, from inactive to active?"

"That's not necessarily because they all lived with their companions before I found out. At that time, their personalities were all like this. How could their personalities change after they came to their new home?"

"Yes." Li Ziqian added, "but why don't you like lively cats?"

Isn't the word lively combined with cuteness?

Lively and cute, Mo Nanbei has no reason

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