My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 359: Then I've waited for 18 years and I can't wait for anything ===(1)

After serving the food, although the three of them talked less together, their mouths were taken up by eating, so they wouldn't feel too embarrassed.

Well, Li Ziqian felt that he was the only one who felt embarrassed.

Because of the current situation.

Zhou Tianyang looked like he hadn't eaten in 800 years and kept picking vegetables and rice, while Mo Nanbei was expressionless, as if he had something on his mind.

"Zhou Tianyang." Li Ziqian pinched Zhou Tianyang's thigh meat from the bottom of the table.

"Hey~" Zhou Tianyang groaned in pain, then looked at Li Ziqian blankly, "What's wrong? Brother Qian'er."

"Eat slowly, talk more, you." Li Ziqian smiled.

"Oh." Zhou Tianyang seemed to understand Li Ziqian's meaning immediately, "Brother Qian'er, can you tell me about you and Sister Mo?"

Li Ziqian glanced at Mo Nanbei, and Mo Nanbei also looked over.

Li Ziqian turned his head and asked Zhou Tianyang, "Then what do you want to hear?"

"Listening to your passionate past and how you got together, the main reason is that I want to study." Zhou Tianyang looked like he was watching a good show.

Li Ziqian replied: "There is no passion in the past, we just go with the flow, and when fate comes, we will naturally be together."

"Then Brother Qian'er means that the reason why I don't have a target now is because fate didn't come?"

"Yes, you just need to wait slowly."

Zhou Tianyang looked uncomfortable, "Then I've waited for 18 years, and I haven't waited for anything."

Here Mo Nanbei is about to ask a question, she frowned, "Didn't you say that Zhou Tianyang is an amorous kind, and an ex-girlfriend came to ask for a reunion?"



This time, Li Ziqian and Zhou Tianyang looked at each other.

Unknowingly, there was a gap in the words.

Li Ziqian quickly smoothed things out, "Yeah, Zhou Tianyang means that he hasn't waited for true love for 18 years, he is envious of us being true love, and the reason why his ex-girlfriend can become his ex is also because the two are at odds, not true love. s reason."

Zhou Tianyang also agreed, "Ah yes yes yes."

Mo Nanbei frowned, always feeling that the two people in front of him seemed strange, but he felt that there was no way to refute, and after thinking about it, he had to say: "Zhou Tianyang, it's a good horse not to look back, if you broke up with your girlfriend because of If there are some issues of principle, then I suggest that you don't think about the past, if it is a matter of impulse or misunderstanding, and if you still like each other, I suggest that you can look back."

"Okay." Zhou Tianyang hurriedly agreed, "Thank you Sister Mo for teaching me."

But in fact Zhou Tianyang was very bitter.

Where did the ex who never forget about him come from, he has been a bachelor for 18 years, okay?

"By the way, you haven't told me whether your instructors are male or female?" Li Ziqian put a piece of chicken in Mo Nanbei's bowl and asked Mo Nanbei by the way.

"It's a man."

"How does that feel?"

In fact, Li Ziqian also expected that Mo Nanbei's instructor was a man, and if it was a woman, he might have complained constantly at the beginning.

Mo Nanbei thought for a while and replied, "It feels okay. I just did some simple training in the morning, and then I stood up in a military posture, and I wasn't particularly tired."

It usually doesn't feel too bad at first.

But military training is a slow and tortured process, and the accumulation of daily labor will become more and more unbearable.

As if opening a common topic, Zhou Tianyang also continued, "Damn it, Brother Qian'er and I are about to die of exhaustion, our male instructor is like crazy, he always makes us stand in the military position and doesn't let us. Doing something, just standing there, I'm going to be stupid."

"And..." Li Ziqian glanced at Zhou Tianyang and said to Mo Nanbei with a smile, "And Zhou Tianyang was fined 20 push-ups for turning the wrong body."

Mo Nanbei also laughed, "Is it so miserable?"

"More importantly, he stopped cooking after only ten, and the weak chicken will die." Li Ziqian continued to laugh.

"Damn it, Brother Qian'er, don't you know that in that case, and the whole class is watching, it will take away my combat effectiveness, okay?"

"Ah yes yes yes."

Zhou Tianyang continued to cry, "Don't laugh at me, this is my painful experience, a pain I don't want to mention."

"You can pull a few down."

But Mo Nanbei didn't understand, "Why can the body turn wrong?"

Li Ziqian winked at Mo Nanbei, "I don't know that. You asked Zhou Tianyang what was going on, and they all faced me, and they surprised me at the time."

"It's all an accident. The instructor shouted too fast, and I didn't react for a while."

It was too difficult, and Zhou Tianyang felt that it was too difficult for him. On the one hand, he had to endure the flirting between Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei, forcing himself to eat dog food, and on the other hand, he had to be mercilessly ridiculed.

After lunch, the two started walking towards the school.

In fact, it was quite a long time before the military training started in the afternoon, so Mo Nanbei made an invitation.

"Zhou Tianyang, do you want to go with us to see the house we rented?"

Zhou Tianyang was a little surprised, "Is it far?"

Li Ziqian said: "Actually, it's not that far. It takes about twenty minutes to walk."

"I really want to go, but I think it's better for us to take a lunch break at noon. I don't have a place to sleep when I visit your place."

"Actually, you can sleep with me."

"But if you add the time needed on the road and the time to visit your place, it may not be enough time for a lunch break." Zhou Tianyang scratched his head, although he didn't have the heart to refuse this kind invitation.

The main reason is because Zhou Tianyang felt that everyone had to avoid suspicion when they were together. When Zhou Tianyang had not known each other for too long, Zhou Tianyang felt that it was impolite to rashly disturb the private life of the couple.

"Okay then." Since Zhou Tianyang had said so, Li Ziqian didn't plan to force it any more. Besides, the sun was rising at noon, and it was really hot to rush back in a panic.

"Brother Qian'er, go back to our dormitory with me during your lunch break." Zhou Tianyang suggested.

"Yes, yes, but what about Mo Nanbei?" Li Ziqian turned to look at Mo Nanbei.

"I just... just squeeze in with the female classmates in our class."

"is it okay?"

"Why not."

That's right, Li Ziqian thought, Mo Nanbei said last time that he got along very well with the four girls in one of the girls' dormitories in the class.

In this case, the problem of lunch break will not have to worry anymore.

After parting ways to say goodbye, Li Ziqian followed Zhou Tianyang straight to Zhou Tianyang's dormitory.

As a guide, Zhou Tianyang has been chatting non-stop, explaining to Li Ziqian how amazed he was at the dormitory facilities when he arrived on the first day, and how excited he was to live in the dormitory for the first time.

But Li Ziqian looked worried.

Because he thought of Mo Nanbei.

I always felt that during lunch today, Mo Nanbei always seemed to have a lack of interest, and he didn't even share much about the content of the morning military training.

She wasn't like this before.

Is it because he brought a new person over, so Mo Nanbei feels that his sense of existence has become lower?

Li Ziqian couldn't figure it out either, so he planned to ask Mo Nanbei on the phone.

Zhou Tianyang took Li Ziqian to the dormitory, and the other three brothers in the dormitory were there, all watching their phones intently.

After noticing Li Ziqian's arrival, they all greeted Li Ziqian with a smile and a nod.

Zhou Tianyang's bed is the number one bed, close to the door and the switch, just relying on these Li Ziqian knows what responsibilities Zhou Tianyang has undertaken in the dormitory.

Zhou Tianyang climbed onto his bed first, then beckoned to Li Ziqian, "Come on, Brother Qian'er, come up quickly."

Li Ziqian raised his head and looked at Zhou Tianyang who was in the high place. He always felt that this seemed inappropriate, "Why don't I go up?"

"What are you saying to me politely? Come up quickly."

"Actually, I'll just sleep on your stomach on your desk." Li Ziqian pointed to Zhou Tianyang's desk, but he didn't expect this guy to look like a fool, but the desk was fairly clean.

Zhou Tianyang still gestured to Li Ziqian enthusiastically, "It's so awkward to lie on the table, come up quickly, don't worry, this bed thinks it can accommodate the two of us."

Li Ziqian sighed, but still gave in.

I took off my shoes and socks, put them away, and climbed up.

Facing Zhou Tianyang's playful face, Li Ziqian always felt that something was wrong.

Damn, why do you feel **** in gay?

"I'll just say, it's definitely enough for you to sleep." In order to make Li Ziqian as comfortable as possible, Zhou Tianyang also tried to move his own space that was reduced in size.

"You go to sleep, we sleep backwards, you sleep over there, I sleep over here." Zhou Tianyang was already planning to lie down there.

"Wait." Just as Zhou Tian raised his feet closer and closer to him, Li Ziqian suddenly smelled an unfriendly smell.

Nima, the source of the odor is actually right next to him.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Tianyang didn't know it, he sat up straight and looked at Li Ziqian.

Li Ziqian looked disgusted, "Zhou Tianyang, your feet are so marinated."

"Ah?" Only then did Zhou Tianyang understand what Li Ziqian meant, and hurriedly put his feet away.

When I came back, I still didn't believe it and said, "It shouldn't, it shouldn't smell, I just washed it yesterday." Then, in order to verify his correctness, he held the soles of his feet and smelled it, and then he looked shocked, "Damn it, it really stinks."

Li Ziqian patted the quilt angrily, "Nima, turn it around for me quickly."

The rest of the roommates who were playing with their mobile phones somehow heard the words of the two and suddenly laughed, and another person started to tease Zhou Tianyang, "Brother Tianyang, what's the matter with you, it's enough to smoke us normally, and now it's raining and dew even. what?"

Zhou Tianyang was not to be outdone, "Brother Jianpeng, just take a good look at your mobile phone, and wait until I climb into your bed at night to settle the account with you."

The roommate named Jianpeng looked terrified again, "Don't, Brother Tianyang, I was wrong."

Li Ziqian's tone of voice did not sound malicious. They were all jokes between brothers and friends. This also proves that a boy with a personality like Zhou Tianyang is indeed easy to build a good relationship with everyone in the small group of the dormitory.

After some disgust from Li Ziqian, Zhou Tianyang had no choice but to sleep opposite to Li Ziqian, but slept in a different direction and slept next to Li Ziqian.

The two lay down at the same time, and Li Ziqian found that it was really crowded.

Unable to bear it, Li Ziqian chose to turn over and sleep on his side.

The current state is that Li Ziqian is facing the railing of the bed sideways, and Zhou Tianyang is also sleeping sideways and facing Li Ziqian's back in order to make room.

Oops, the **** feeling in **** is stronger.

Li Ziqian had no choice but to say, "Zhou Tianyang, turn me over to sleep and think about it."

And Zhou Tianyang can be considered obedient, accepting all of Li Ziqian's demands, "Okay."

"Speaking of your feet..." Li Ziqian poked Zhou Tianyang's sore spot again.

In fact, during the military training, the sun was shining, and it was normal for sweaty feet to smell. Li Ziqian fully understood it, but Zhou Tianyang was releasing poisonous gas.

A little too much!

"Brother Qian'er, I only washed this foot last night." Zhou Tianyang even mentioned this with pride, "But it still tastes good, so I can't help it."

"...Washing your feet once a day is something worth showing off, isn't that normal!" Li Ziqian now understands why Zhou Tianyang's feet have a distinctive and aggressive odor.

"Who says feet are washed once a day, I usually wash according to my mood."

"...How dare you say it?"

Really, I originally saw that Zhou Tianyang's desk was clean and tidy, I thought he should hang it cleanly and tidy as a personal habit, but now it seems...

It's all shit!

"But don't worry, I will definitely wash it every day during the military training."

"I said, our military training shoes have to be worn for two weeks in a row, don't you really have to pick it up?"

"Then I can't help it, and the school won't give out two pairs of shoes."


The man named Jianpeng expressed his opinion again, "Brother Tianyang, this is what you said. During military training, you have to wash your feet once a day. I have to supervise you so that you don't fail to meet the standard."

"Don't worry about it. I'll leave my words here today. If I don't wash my feet every day, you will throw me out."

"Cow, such a ruthless hand."

Li Ziqian interjected, "If you throw you out, it will probably take a lot of effort from your three roommates."

Jianpeng's roommate laughed even more.

"Brother Qian'er, are you still alone? I warmly invite you to sleep with me. You should be with me. You have to speak and help me, understand?"

"You are making me sell my soul, and I won't do it."

"Hahaha." Jianpeng's roommate laughed again, probably because Li Ziqian was more interested, and asked, "Brother, which dormitory do you live in?"

Zhou Tianyang laughed twice, and then hurriedly replied: "Are you stupid, everyone is forced to sleep with me, it must be someone who doesn't have a dormitory, and someone who rents off-campus."

Jianpeng's roommate choked back: "You also know that you are forced to sleep with you?"

"Damn, actually, Brother Qian'er and I are very satisfied sleeping together."

Li Ziqian closed his eyes and said speechless, then replied: "Ah, yes yes yes."

"Look, I'll say Brother Qian'er is very satisfied."

"Good brothers, can we stop the meeting? Let's take a lunch break. We're going to gather in more than half an hour." The voice came from the other bed.

It turned out that the three of them were chatting so much that they didn't notice that one of them had put down their phone and lay in bed and was about to go to sleep.

After realizing the situation, the three immediately stopped their mouths.

Jianpeng's roommate also gave Zhou Tianyang a middle finger, then lay down and covered the quilt.

Zhou Tianyang didn't stand up anymore, he moved his body and lay down.

Li Ziqian is still holding the phone, he is not sleepy at all.

For Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei, the lunch break is a phantom thing. When they are at home during the holidays, they both agree that they should sleep until nearly noon, so that there is no concept of a lunch break. .

Li Ziqian looked at the chat box and began to think about what message to reply to Mo Nanbei.

In the chat log at noon today, Li Ziqian has also explained the problem he is thinking about.

[Qianshan: Are you in the dormitory of your classmates? 】

[Mao Nanbei: When we got there, they didn’t sleep, and they were willing to accept me. 】

[Qianshan: That's good, it's okay to eat at noon. 】

[Mao Nanbei: Very popular dishes are all the tastes in the impression, as long as there is no mistake, they will never be unpalatable. 】

These are a few things I just talked about, but looking at the messages sent by Mo Nanbei in the chat log, Li Ziqian felt that something was wrong, as if the words themselves should not be combined like this.

[Qianshan: I always feel like you are not very happy today and didn’t say anything. 】

[Cat Nanbei: Is there any? 】

[Qianshan: Yes, you don’t usually do this, and you didn’t scold me much. 】

Usually, no matter if the two of them are eating or doing anything, as long as they spend more than ten minutes together, they will definitely get 'cordial greetings' from Mo Nanbei, but after having lunch for such a long time today, Mo Nanbei hardly even talks. Say.

[Mao Nanbei: Good guy, let me just say that you may have a special hobby and want to be scolded? Humph? 】

[Qianshan: Go away, I am asking if you are not very happy? 】

[Cat Nanbei: It's okay. 】

[Qianshan: Your sister, what do you mean by alright, that is, not so good? 】

[Mao Nanbei: No, I'm really not unhappy. 】

[Qianshan: Then why don't you speak? 】

[Mao Nanbei: I just don’t know what to say, stupid dog, I’m really not unhappy. 】

[Qianshan: I don't believe it. 】

Nima, Mo Nanbei, who was replying to Li Ziqian's message with her mobile phone, gritted her teeth in anger.

A single "I don't believe it" just broke a lot of enthusiasm, okay? ?

I was very happy at first, but now I will soon become unhappy after chatting with Li Ziqian for a day.

[Mao Nanbei: If you keep stalking and asking, I will really be unhappy, your sister! 】

[Qianshan: Okay, then why are you unhappy, you bastard. 】

【Cat North and South: ... 】

Mo Nanbei was ashamed, she felt that her current expression must be a sweaty soybean.

When did it start.

Li Ziqian has become so incomprehensible, hello?

[Mao Nanbei: Are you **** trying to **** me off, is it good for you to **** me off? 】

Mo Nanbei now seriously suspects that Li Ziqian did not come here out of concern at all, so he came to ask himself if he was unhappy, but came here specifically to make him unhappy!

The mood that was not clear because of the military training in the afternoon was made worse by Li Ziqian.

Li Ziqian was also anxious and continued to ask.

[Qianshan: So you talk about it, why don’t you talk at noon! 】

Why is it so difficult to get an answer to a simple question?

[Mao Nanbei: Because you brought a new friend, and then I don’t know him very well, the atmosphere will change a little compared to normal. I didn’t get used to it at first, and I don’t know what to say, but the new friends are all It needs to be run-in. It will be fine when we get used to it together. It may only be a run-in period, but this is normal, and you don’t need to worry about it at all. 】

It turned out to be the case, Li Ziqian finally understood, and thought that Mo Nanbei was unhappy because he brought a friend over and the two of them lost time together.

[Qianshan: So, you are not unhappy, are you? 】

[Mao Nanbei: Of course, my temperament is not that bad yet, and this Zhou Tianyang looks really funny. If you play with him, you should have a good experience. 】

[Qianshan: It’s fine if you think so, but you don’t have to worry about destroying our two-person world. Zhou Tianyang also has his own. Maybe sometimes when there is a class, he will eat with us at dinner, but usually he doesn’t have it at noon. class, then he must be with his roommate. 】

[Mao Nanbei: Get out of here, who said I was worried that he would destroy the world of two ghosts? 】

Besides, Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei usually don't have any shameful things happen during their time together at school!

Finally solved the mystery, Li Ziqian actually

I felt a little sleepy.

Zhou Tianyang, who was beside him, was already snoring with no regard for others.

With one hand resting on his head and the other covering his ears, Li Ziqian had taken a nap.

This nap was only twenty minutes of sleep, and was woken up by Zhou Tianyang's mobile phone alarm, and the other people in the dormitory also got up one after another.

That's right, the bitter experience of the afternoon is about to begin again.

This horrible military training.

Zhou Tianyang, who had just woken up, was still a little confused, but he just sat on the bed and rubbed his eyes for a long time without moving.

"What are you doing?" Li Ziqian expressed incomprehension.

Seeing that Zhou Tianyang didn't give a response, Li Ziqian stepped directly on his back, "Wake up! It's time to go to military training and suffer."

"Okay, okay." Zhou Tianyang nodded, but he still didn't seem to wake up.

Li Ziqian sighed.

Some people are stupid when they fall asleep.

Because he was going to go directly to the playground to meet up, Li Ziqian decided to go to Mo Nanbei again, but went straight to the military training location on the playground with Zhou Tianyang.

After everyone lined up neatly, the instructors also arrived at a neat pace.

The entire team also immediately became quiet after the noisy commotion just now.

Without the instructor's instructions, everyone stood in good military posture.

The instructor first circled around everyone, and then stopped talking. By default, the afternoon training started with a tough military posture.

After standing like this for half an hour, the other squadrons had already started training in an orderly manner, and the squadron where Li Ziqian was in still had to stand in a military position honestly.

Li Ziqian closed his eyes, wanting to put it straight.

Damn it, it's okay to let everyone practice turning a little bit, just stand in a military posture without doing anything, this is the most fatal thing.

Just when Li Ziqian closed his eyes again and began to guide himself to divert his attention, the instructor finally gave an order.

"Be active."

Then all the students put down and rested for a while, moving their hands and feet, and tidying up their clothes.

In less than three minutes, the instructor gave the order again, "Stop!"

Li Ziqian hurriedly put down his hands and stood up again.

The instructor glanced at everyone, and his expression suddenly became serious, "Everyone has it."

As soon as he said this, Li Ziqian felt that something was wrong.

"Squat down!"


In military training, the squatting posture is one foot forward and one foot behind, hands resting on both legs naturally, head raised, and body straight.

After standing in the military position for a long time, you may feel that there is no problem in this position, but once you hold the squatting position for a long time, it is a feeling of excruciating pain. The legs are trembling and sore, which is even worse than the standing military position.

The instructor walked back and forth in front of the square team, and said solemnly: "If you tell you to stop, stop quickly, don't make small moves for me, this is because you did something wrong, so I punished you, you asked for it yourself, I told you over and over again, yours Performance depends on my attitude towards you!"

It was already painful enough to endure the feeling of squatting, and the instructor was still chattering by the side.

The already cold heart was even worse.

When a few girls were already squatting on the ground, the instructor finally made everyone stand up.

Li Ziqian sighed and was finally relieved.

Glancing at Zhou Tianyang next to him, he found that he was also in pain at this time.

Under the instruction of the instructor, Li Ziqian moved his body, and his heart was very complicated.

Tired, painful, hot, under this mixed feeling, Li Ziqian wants to escape. Not only that, but there will be more than ten days to continue the current hard life every day.

I'm really getting annoyed.

Later, the instructor finally showed kindness, and began to let everyone practice the stop and turn.

Li Ziqian's mood was also much better.

As long as it is always moving, it is easy to say, don't let it stand in a military posture without doing anything, that is really annoying.

In fact, as long as you are always in a state of action, military training is not such a scary thing.

Just a little boring, totally acceptable.

But it's not the same when you have been standing there with a pestle.

In light of aching legs and feet, dizzy head, in severe cases collapsed to the ground.

However, in the latter case, Li Ziqian has not yet appeared.

The afternoon was finally over.

But everything is fine, because there is consistent training in the afternoon.

Li Ziqian felt good about himself and was not complaining.

When the whole group disbanded, Li Ziqian and Zhou Tianyang stood by the playground fence as in the morning and waited for Mo Nanbei.

Zhou Tianyang pointed to his mobile phone and said to Li Ziqian, "Brother Qian'er, my roommate asked me to go to dinner with you, so I won't be with you anymore, you should be with Sister Mo."

Li Ziqian nodded, "Well, let's go."

Looking at Zhou Tianyang's back, Li Ziqian sighed and shook his head.

Sure enough, this silly guy is always so active in eating.

When they arrived at Mo Nanbei, the two went to the cafeteria to eat together.

Because during the military training, I had to continue training after dinner, and the time was tight, so I didn't think about going out to eat or going home to cook and eat.

There are a lot of people in the cafeteria, and many little green people are running. If this dinner is not active, it seems that it is really impossible to grab it.

Seeing this, Mo Nanbei, who had the first priority in cooking, also dragged Li Ziqian forward.

"Hurry up, if you slow down, you won't be able to grab a meal."

"Good good."

The two ran side by side, making the 200 meters from the cafeteria a race.

Has been integrated into this group of little green men who are also running.

Just as he was rushing forward, a sharp "Fuck" sound rang out, and Mo Nanbei, who was beside Li Ziqian, had disappeared.

Looking back, this person was already lying on the ground, the picture was very cruel, and the green man passing by was extending a helping hand to carefully support Mo Nanbei.

Li Ziqian quickly turned back and came to Mo Nanbei.

He smiled at the classmate who helped, "Thank you, I'll come."

Li Ziqian supported Mo Nanbei's hand and walked with difficulty in front of everyone's eyes.

First of all, Mo Nanbei didn't care about his injury, but kept saying "I'm relying on me, it's **** embarrassing."

Even Mo Nanbei didn't even dare to lift his head, just stared blankly at the ground.

Li Ziqian actually wanted to laugh at the first time, but seeing that Mo Nanbei really fell hard, he just held back the words that fanned the flames.

"Where did you fall? I'll take you to the infirmary, do you need me to carry you?"

Li Ziqian had even made a pose to let Mo Nanbei lie on his back.

Mo Nanbei quickly patted Li Ziqian's back in a panic, and hurriedly said, "I'm fine, don't do this."

It was an exaggeration to drop a dog and chew mud in order to rush to the cafeteria. Mo Nanbei just wanted to avoid attracting attention when he was in the crowd.

"Really okay? Where did you fall? Can you still go to the cafeteria?" Li Ziqian asked a series of questions.

Mo Nanbei pointed to the path ahead, "Stop going to the cafeteria, just help me sit on the chair on the road ahead for a while."

"it is good."

In this way, Li Ziqian carefully supported Mo Nanbei and slowly sat on the public bench.

"Let me see where you fell?" Li Ziqian tried to lift Mo Nanbei's trouser legs.

Mo Nanbei became excited, "Don't move! Let me come."

Then Mo Nanbei grinned and lifted his trouser legs, exposing his knees.

I saw that a large piece of skin had been wiped off on the knee, revealing pink flesh, and a small amount of blood had seeped out.

In this way, it seems that Mo Nanbei not only fell hard, but also most likely glide for a certain distance.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Li Ziqian sighed a few times while looking at the wound.

Now the thought of laughing is completely gone, it has all turned into regret and distress.

Li Ziqian complained, "Tell me about you, why do you run so fast for a meal, and you don't pay attention to the road."

Mo Nanbei glanced around quickly, and quickly stopped, "Don't talk about it, it's a shame."

It's really embarrassing. The college students rushed to the cafeteria because they were afraid that they would not be able to grab the cafeteria dinner. As a result, they fell a dog and chewed mud on the way. More importantly, they hadn't eaten dinner yet.

What a shame to throw it home.

"So where else did you fall?" Li Ziqian was still a little worried.

"And here." Mo Nanbei took off his jacket and exposed his arms. There was also a problem on his arms and knees, but the injuries on his arms were less severe.

"You can walk now, right? It's just some skin trauma, right?"

"Hmm." Mo Nanbei nodded.

"Fortunately, the bones are fine."

"Actually, I want to fall to the bone, because then I can say goodbye to the abominable military training."

"...Don't say these unlucky words." As punishment, Li Ziqian gave Mo Nanbei a slap in the forehead.

"Hmm." Mo Nanbei covered his forehead and said with a sad face, "I fell like this, and you still beat me."

Mo Nanbei just wanted to express his dissatisfaction, it was purely a joke, but he didn't expect that with the pain on his body, he really felt wronged in his heart.

When I woke up, the circles of my eyes became red.

Seeing that something was wrong with Mo Nanbei, Li Ziqian panicked immediately, and quickly comforted, "I was joking with you, sorry, you can also hit me on the forehead a few times."

Mo Nanbei pursed her lips and rubbed her eyes, even her voice became aggrieved, "I can't even eat dinner now."

"Pfft." Li Ziqian couldn't help laughing.

What time is it, still thinking about dinner?

"It's okay, you sit here, I'll buy you dinner."

Mo Nanbei immediately refused, "No, don't go, I don't know how long you'll be going, and I don't want to eat on this bench."

"Then what to do, if you don't eat dinner, it will affect the training at night."

"That's not OK."

"And your leg injury, I have to buy iodophor from the infirmary for you."

"No, don't go." Mo Nanbei grabbed Li Ziqian's arm and insisted on not letting him go, "I don't want to be here alone."

"Then I'll send you to your female classmate's dormitory?"

"No, they're probably all having dinner in the cafeteria now. It's not easy for me as an outsider to enter their dormitory."

"Then what do you do now, your wounds have to be disinfected too."

"It's okay, I'll buy it after the military training is over today."

Li Ziqian sighed. He really couldn't help Mo Nanbei, so he kindly persuaded, "How can this matter be delayed like this."

But Mo Nanbei's attitude was still tough, "You can't go anyway, you have to stay with me here."

Li Ziqian was a little surprised.

When did this Mo Nanbei become so clingy?

When the two were sitting on the bench and couldn't do anything, they saw hope, and saw Zhou Tianyang in the distance walking slowly towards the two, still waving.

Zhou Tianyang approached slowly, with a look of joy and surprise on his face, "Brother Qian'er, Sister Mo, have you two eaten, why are you sitting here?"

"Not yet." Li Ziqian asked Zhou Tianyang again, "Aren't you with your roommate, how about them?"

"Their class seemed to have a small meeting suddenly, and I left alone." He asked again, "Why don't you go to dinner?" Zhou Tianyang lowered his head and saw Mo Nanbei holding Li Ziqian's sleeve tightly. He thought he understood, and joked: "Although there are many people in the cafeteria, you can actually show your affection, so you don't have to hide here."

He thought that saying such words would make the two of them smile shyly, but Zhou Tianyang didn't expect that Mo Nanbei's resentful eyes were looking directly at him.

Zhou Tianyang's heart tightened and became nervous, "What's the matter, did I say something wrong?"

"No, Mo Nanbei is because she was cooking..." Li Ziqian just wanted to say that Mo Nanbei fell because she was too active on the way to cooking, but she was pinched by Mo Nanbei's secret rubbing, and Li Ziqian was in pain. She snorted and quickly changed her mind, "She was hit by an overly aggressive passer-by on her way to cook, so she fell."

After hearing this, Zhou Tianyang also scolded Mo Nanbei, "Oh my god, who is so rude and not good-looking, Sister Mo, tell me if you still remember what that person looks like, and I'll go and ask you for advice."

"It's alright." Mo Nanbei replied lightly, "That person has already apologized to me. I forgive him. Anyway, the injury is not serious."

Li Ziqian couldn't help but be convinced that Mo Nanbei had nothing wrong with telling lies.

Zhou Tianyang was even more surprised, "It's hurt, let me see where it's hurt?"

Mo Nanbei looked at the trouser legs that he had put down, and didn't plan to lift them up again. He just shook his head and said softly, "It's okay, it's not serious, it's a little torn."

Zhou Tianyang frowned and shouted to Li Ziqian, "Then brother Qian'er, hurry up and buy iodine for Sister Mo to disinfect, and then buy some sprays or something."

Li Ziqian grabbed Mo Nanbei's arm, "Then I'll go? Now that Zhou Tianyang is here, you can talk to him."

"No." Mo Nanbei still held on to Li Ziqian's sleeve and refused to let him go.

Li Ziqian smiled, "What's wrong?"

Mo Nanbei looked unhappy, "I don't want you to go."

Before the two could come to Zhou Tianyang for help, he had already volunteered, "It's okay, I'll come, I'll buy it for Sister Mo."

Zhou Tianyang can understand it, but it's understandable for a young couple to be reluctant to part.

Just hurt yourself the single dog.


"Really?" Li Ziqian raised his head and looked at Zhou Tianyang who was standing in front of him, and tried to say something polite.

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhou Tianyang's face was righteous, and then he turned his head and left only a handsome back for the two of them.

This is Li Ziqian's first discovery, Zhou Tian

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