My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 361: I just soaked my feet at noon and won at the starting line ===(2)

. "

"Sure enough, you still despise me for being fat."

"You... why are you stupid?"

"You're a duplicitous piece of shit."

"Your sister, do you want it or not? I can do it anyway. I'm going for a run with you. You should be grateful, okay?"

Mo Nanbei paused for a moment, then said, "Okay."

"Don't be like what I forced you to do, hey, you should say whether you want to go or not, stupid dog."

"I want to go." Mo Nanbei's eyes became firm.



"That's what you said."

"But it has to start tomorrow." This was Mo Nanbei's last stubbornness.

"Of course it will start from tomorrow, don't all things like losing weight start from tomorrow.:

Running at night, such a self-abuse plan, this is the first time the two have tried.

But let's talk about it first. As for how it will behave at that time, let's talk about it at that time.

Anyway, Li Ziqian has no problem. Sometimes when he enters a new environment, he does have to think about things to change. If he can change his current state, it would be a good thing. What's more, if two people can insist on one thing together In fact, it will become more meaningful and easier.

It's better to do more different things while it's still early.

Li Ziqian also sighed, when did it start, and even the decision to run at night has become so grand.

One second, Li Ziqian thought they were united, but the next second, he heard Mo Nanbei say, "Let's go to the school's convenience store to buy some food and take it home, and get some stock."

What the hell? ?

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