My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 368: He has nothing to do with me ===(2)

Just picked a few bags of fish roe balls, fish tofu, lobster **** and crab sticks.

There are so many types of hot pot meatballs, in fact, there are only a few that the two like to eat. After all, if you eat hot pot, the main theme is still meat.

"I found that the hot pot **** we chose were all related to the creatures in the water.

Fish, lobster, crab, really.

Mo Nanbei glanced at the hot pot **** in the shopping cart, and said speechlessly, "Aren't you a little bored!"

Then the two bought bacon meat and shrimp slips, noodles, duck blood, tofu, quail eggs, fish fillets, luncheon meat, hairy belly, rice cakes, black-bone chicken rolls, cuttlefish and other ingredients that can be used for hot pot.

When he left the supermarket again, Li Ziqian already had a large bag of ingredients in his hand.

The amount is absolutely enough, so it seems that you should be able to enjoy a good lunch at noon.

Regarding the hot pot base, the two bought tomato pot, mainly to take care of Mo Nanbei's taste, and there is no mandarin duck pot at home, so eating the home version of hot pot can only enjoy one flavor at a time.

Li Ziqian doesn't care. He also likes the sweetness and sourness of the tomato pot. If you want to try the spiciness, you can just add more peppers to your dipping sauce.

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