My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 372: It's so fair to say that you want to prostitute for nothing ===(1)

As for the quilts, there is no need to relocate. Li Ziqian also has ready-made ones. The main trouble is actually those clothes and various messy small objects in Mo Nanbei.

Fortunately, Li Ziqian doesn't have many clothes, so most of Mo Nanbei's clothes can be put in the free space, but the rest of the clothes that are not in season can only be kept in the wardrobe.

Mo Nanbei looked at the toys on the table for decoration, so he said, "Do I have to put all the small toys I bought at Disney in your room as well."

"Isn't it necessary?" Li Ziqian didn't understand. "It's not moving, it's just changing from your room to mine. Keep your things here without losing them."

"But they were bought to sit on my nightstand so I could see them every day, and it wouldn't work if they stayed there."

"Okay, okay, as long as you can put it down, you can take everything to the head office in my house." Li Ziqian compromised.

After a busy afternoon, Mo Nanbei's relocation plan is considered complete. In fact, it is not a troublesome thing at all, but in the process of cleaning up, the two of them always complicate things. Li Ziqian looks at himself now. A new room, nodded.

The combination of women's clothes and men's clothes, and the room is more crowded and cluttered than before, but how to say, it should feel more at home in this way.

After nightfall, Li Ziqian volunteered to cook dinner for Mo Nanbei, while Mo Nanbei was lying on the bed of the two's 'new room' looking at his mobile phone.

Standing in the kitchen, looking through the windows, often lined up small shelters in this ethereal night, and the whirring sound of the range hood in his ears also made Li Ziqian sigh that what he was experiencing was life.

It seems like a very good choice if you can live like this forever. In any case, even the most ordinary three meals and four seasons don't seem to be boring.

If Li Ziqian cooks by himself, he doesn't want to do anything, as long as he can eat enough and the taste is not bad.

So just make a simple curry chicken rice in the evening.

Mainly because Li Ziqian wanted to eat it himself.

When I stayed at home during the Chinese New Year, there were countless kinds of big fish and meat. I was tired of eating plums for a long time and lost my appetite. But now that I am back in the rental house, I suddenly feel that everything has become more precious. Even a simple potato curry with a piece of chicken chop can dry two bowls of rice in tears.

Suddenly I found that this kind of life law seems a little unhealthy.

The chicken breast has been thawed out of the refrigerator early, and it can be just taken out and cut into pieces for cooking.

In this home composed of Mo Nanbei, almost all of the refrigerator and freezer are stocked by the two of them, all kinds of meat.

Since staying in the rental house for a long time, the two have also gained a better understanding of cooking, that is, they usually do not buy vegetables easily. If they have to buy vegetables, then they must buy a bunch of them and store them in the refrigerator. inner.

Because only in this way can it be ensured that the two of them don't have to go to the supermarket frequently.

It can be regarded as an exercise in order to be lazy.

The main reason is that the situation is different now. If it was before, Li Ziqian might be willing to do everything that has nothing to do with learning in order to avoid learning. it is good.

First clean the chicken **** and cut them into pieces, then cut the carrots into hob pieces, and cut the onions into small pieces.

Li Ziqian doesn't like eating carrots. The strange taste will make Li Ziqian hate it, but Li Ziqian, who is holding a carrot in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other, pondered for a long time.

If you don't like carrots, can you leave out carrots? Of course you can.

But, carrots seem to be a very healthy vegetable.

And Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei eat only a handful of vegetables every day, and if they can take the initiative to try healthy vegetables at the right time, it seems to be a good choice.

Therefore, Li Ziqian, who has been thinking about it again and again, decides to still want carrots, which can be regarded as a relatively great decision made since today.

Chopping onions is not a technical job, but it is definitely torturous. Although Li Ziqian put on his glasses to go into battle, he found that there was still no use for birds. He should be hot enough to cry or be hot enough to cry.

An onion-cut plum Qian ran to the living room several times to get a tissue to wipe her tears.

Fortunately, Mo Nanbei was lying in the room, otherwise, seeing Li Ziqian's embarrassed appearance, he would definitely not be stingy with those mocking words.

Fortunately, the heroic Li Ziqian warrior finally defeated the evil onion monster and surrendered it.

After the spare ingredients are cut, it is time to heat up the oil in the pot, then put the diced onion in and stir fry it, then the chicken breast pieces, and then add the carrots and then add the water that is not the same as the ingredients. Then put in a small piece of curry.

I have to say, this is very convenient, and there is no need for Li Ziqian to prepare any more oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, chili and cumin for seasoning.

Because potatoes cook quickly, wait until about the same time before adding the chopped potato wedges at the end.

Cook until the soup is thick and the potatoes are soft.

This color comes from potatoes and curry. It just looks appetizing. The rising heat is full of fragrance. Li Ziqian, who can't stand it, still picks up his chopsticks and picks up a piece of chicken and a piece of potato. It's just giving up.

Then came the fried chicken chop, which once again made Li Ziqian ponder.

Is it a little unhealthy to eat so many carbohydrates and fried things at night?

It is also rare that Li Ziqian is willing to delve into the question of whether he is healthy or not before eating.

But the main reason is that unhealthy living habits have been maintained for too long. So Li Ziqian was gradually a little scared.

Although it is said that the body is in full bloom now, the body is strong, and it is still young, the body cannot be built like this, the work and rest are irregular, the vegetables are not fond of, and the diet is unhealthy and not clear.

You can still control it.

After all, in such a beautiful world, Li Ziqian still wants more happiness and less pain.

However, Cai has already done this, and suddenly regretted that it seems that it does not meet the characteristics of obsessive-compulsive patients. Therefore, even though he has been thinking about it for so long, Li Ziqian still abandoned that idea and continued to make chicken chops.

Healthy eating and the like, let's talk about it tomorrow, and treat it as one last indulgence tonight.

Coat the marinated chicken chops with egg liquid and bread crumbs. After the oil temperature is suitable, you can fry them in the pan. When they are golden brown on both sides, take them out.

I fried two pieces of chicken chops, one for Mo Nanbei and one for Li Ziqian, and the two of them didn't interfere with each other.

After doing this, the rice was already cooked, Li Ziqian took out two long plates, put the curry chicken pieces on top of the rice, and then put a chicken chop next to the rice.

After the two plates are ready, they are brought to the table, and it must be a batch.

Li Ziqian is very confident that he can definitely sell it in the restaurant at this level.

The rice is wrapped in thick soup and the chicken chops are tender and juicy. Li Ziqian feels that there is nothing to say about dinner.

Called Mo Nanbei to a table, and the two began to eat dinner.

Mo Nanbei mixed the rice and soup together, and a spoonful of it was full of happiness, so he began to praise, "Not bad, good cooking skills."

Li Ziqian scoffed, "These are all minor issues, alright, they're nothing to worry about."

"Tsk tsk tsk." Mo Nanbei shook his head, "It's even more pretentious."

"Otherwise, I finally heard a few words from your mouth."

Mo Nanbei couldn't stop nodding his head, and said, "Keep on working hard, I suggest you do it in the morning, noon and night, to practice and gain experience, as long as one year, you can definitely be on the table, and then I will treat you as you. The food critic of yours, just let me taste it, and I can judge your current craftsmanship.”

Li Ziqian twitched the corners of his mouth, "You can pull it down a few times, and it's so fair to say that you want to be prostitutes for nothing."

"Eh~" Mo Nanbei was reluctant again, "How can I be called a white prostitute, can you be a white prostitute when you cook for your girlfriend? Do you think it's suitable for you to be like this?"

"It fits very well."

Mo Nanbei couldn't take Li Ziqian's bad attitude, and she yelled, "Your mother Li Ziqian."

"Someone is in a hurry again."

"Hurry up with your horse."

"But..." Li Ziqian looked at the dinner of the two at the table and pretended to ponder for a while, "Don't you think it's a little unhealthy for us to eat like this every day?"

It is estimated that he has never heard such words in Li Ziqian's mouth. At this time, Mo Nanbei's expression was a little surprised, so he reconfirmed and asked again: "What did you say?"

"Did I say we're eating too unhealthy?"

"Why do you suddenly have such a high level of consciousness?" Mo Nanbei was even more surprised.

Haven't the two of them been on the way of eating like this for good? Why are they still eating and making such noble remarks?

Mo Nanbei expressed his incomprehension.

"Just what you think, we don't exercise every day, we still eat greasy, we don't like vegetables, and we don't pay attention to our diet, so it's not healthy, isn't it? I mainly think that if this continues, it will hurt us both. Even if you still have young capital now, you can’t keep doing this forever, and if you don’t pay attention to your diet, your skin will definitely age very quickly, and maybe it will sag soon.”

The last piece of chicken chop that Mo Nanbei brought to his mouth was put down again, "I'm eating, why do you have to mention these inappropriate things."

"I'm serious." Li Ziqian was still eating with relish.

With the chopsticks holding the chicken chop, Mo Nanbei silently fell into thought, then suddenly raised his head, "I think what you said seems quite right."

"Of course your father is right."

"Shut up, you idiot."

"So what do you think?"

"I really don't think it's good for us to be like this every day. Besides, after a year, I seem to have gained weight again." Mo Nanbei said calmly.

Hearing this, Li Ziqian looked up and down at Mo Nanbei subconsciously, and then nodded, "It seems that he has indeed gained weight."

I don't know where I got fat, but if you are willing to analyze it carefully and compare it with the image of Mo Nanbei that you first saw in your mind, the current Mo Nanbei is indeed a lot more rounded.

It's not easy to tell where it got rounded, but in short, it's rounded.

Mo Nanbei pinched his cheek in frustration, sighed and said, "Oh, I knew it."

"What are you sighing, isn't this normal?" Li Ziqian said.

"Why is it normal?" Mo Nanbei's eyes widened.

I thought that Li Ziqian would say some warm words of comfort, but I didn't expect Li Ziqian to say bluntly: "Isn't this normal? It's been said that you don't like to exercise, and you like to eat a few blindly. Being fat is a ghost."

Mo Nanbei's face darkened instantly, and he pouted, "Thank you so much."

"No thanks, it should be."


Mo Nanbei is a person of temperament, mainly specializing in three-point popularity, and he can't stand Li Ziqian's ridicule at all, so in the face of Li Ziqian's verbal attacks and ridicule, he can't bear it.

Mo Nanbei patted the table, "Don't talk about it, I will make changes from tomorrow."

"What changed?" Li Ziqian raised his eyebrows.

"Control carbohydrates, control oil and salt, eat more high-quality protein, have a balanced diet, and lose weight!" Mo Nanbei gritted his teeth and said with conviction.

But on Li Ziqian's side, he was still listening as a joke.

"Okay, I'm optimistic about you." Li Ziqian nodded exaggeratedly.

Mo Nanbei found that Li Ziqian's expression didn't even mean any respect, and immediately pointed the finger at Li Ziqian, "Don't look down on people."

"I don't look down on people, I believe you." Li Ziqian began to lie.

"Don't be schadenfreude, you also want to be with me."

Li Ziqian frowned, "Why? You are the one who lost weight, why did you bring me?"

"We both have to eat together every day, and we eat the same thing. I'm afraid that if you lose weight, you must also eat with me. Besides, we both eat the same thing. Do you think you won't gain weight if I gain weight? You You must have gained weight!"

"...I think it's fine as long as you have a slightly normal diet, and you don't have to be as strict as you said."

"No, a strict plan can only be implemented strictly, you must be with me."

Li Ziqian was crying, how could he involve himself in it.

However, when I thought about it, I still felt that Mo Nanbei wouldn't last long, so he let go again and nodded in agreement with a smile.

This is the first time that Mo Nanbei has mentioned losing weight, so Li Ziqian believes that this time she will also end in failure.

After all, Li Ziqian knew Mo Nanbei too well.

But since that's all said, Li Ziqian doesn't plan to stumble again. In short, he can persevere as long as he can.

Li Ziqian sometimes appreciates Mo Nanbei's swearing and swearing to the end, but he can't hold on to it.

So, Mo Nanbei ate two bowls of rice with tears at dinner and ate all the dishes on the plate. It was the best farewell to this wonderful carbohydrate.

Then he sat in front of the desk and began to solemnly take a pen and paper to plan.

Making a plan is not surprising here in Mo Nanbei, so Li Ziqian moved a chair and placed it beside Mo Nanbei to watch her perform.

While thinking about it, Mo Nanbei shared his thoughts with Li Ziqian.

"I think it is necessary to start planning from three meals a day, and there is still exercise during the period."

Li Ziqian is in charge of nodding in a box next to him, "Mmmmmmm."

"You have to have high-quality protein in the morning, you have to control your energy at noon and be able to manage your hunger, and at night, you have to focus on less."


"What about sports, do we have to go out for a run? But I don't like running, mainly because I don't want to go out."


Mo Nanbei's expression was serious, and Li Ziqian almost thought Mo Nanbei was serious.

"So let's jump rope. I heard that it's quite off the scale."


"How about you, you horse, but I have some suggestions." Mo Nanbei poked Li Ziqian twice with his pen cap.

Li Ziqian felt aggrieved, "What I mean is that everything is just according to your ideas, I will listen to you."

So under Li Ziqian's flattery, Mo Nanbei made a list of agents with great fanfare, on which he densely wrote Mo Nanbei's arrangements for each meal, and even had a quantitative control over the amount of calories in it. scope.

This list is beautifully done, but I don't know if it will look beautiful when implemented.

In the evening, Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei took turns taking a bath.

Mo Nanbei washed first, Li Ziqian washed later, and Li Ziqian after taking a bath watched Mo Nanbei lying on the bed in his furry bear pajamas and playing with his mobile phone with relish.

Li Ziqian sat on the edge of the bed and pushed Mo Nanbei unceremoniously, "Why are you giving me a seat?"

Mo Nan raised his lips and snorted lightly, then stepped back reluctantly, still not forgetting to complain, "Why are you so big!"

"No matter how small I am, I can't be without a seat!"

Mo Nanbei raised his head and glared at Li Ziqian, muttering, "I knew it would be bad to sleep with you."

"Come on, let you make room and say I'm not good, right?"

"Maybe you'll squeeze me out at night."

Mo Nanbei and Li Ziqian had slept in the same bed in the hotel, and Mo Nanbei had a general idea of ​​Li Ziqian's sleeping habits, that is, he was honest when he first went to bed, and he liked crowding in the middle of the night. It would be better if Mo Nanbei, who didn't occupy much space, was squeezed in.

Li Ziqian shouted, "Don't wrong me."

"You are wronged, you are wronged, you don't know what you are like!" Mo Nanbei grinned bitterly.

"You're right, but I don't want to admit it." Li Ziqian turned over and got closer to Mo Nanbei.

"Look, I said you like crowding people, so start crowding now." Mo Nanbei smacked Li Ziqian's chest twice.

Li Ziqian looked into Mo Nanbei's eyes and suddenly said, "Didn't you say you need to exercise more to lose weight?"

Mo Nanbei pursed his lips, and his expression became a little unnatural, "Then what?"

"Actually, you can exercise in bed."

Mo Nanbei moved his lips slightly, "Huh?"


A new day, the beginning of the plan, Mo Nanbei deliberately woke up early in the morning and planned to go to Chaoshu to buy things.

Originally, it was not necessary to go out, but in order to meet the diet planned by Mo Nanbei, he still had to go to the supermarket to clean up.

Naturally, Li Ziqian did not escape. He was also forced to wake up early and go to the supermarket with Li Ziqian to buy things.

Mo Nanbei took a new cucumber from the supermarket and said, "I should buy more cucumbers. It can be used for lunch or in fruit salad."

Li Ziqian Zhanzi gave a pertinent suggestion, "I suggest to buy less, buy as much as you eat, and if it's not enough, you can buy it on your mobile phone and pick it up at the pick-up point."

But Mo Nanbei's eyes were not willing to compromise at all, her eyes were cold and cold, "Do you still not believe me?"

"...Okay, you can buy more, as much as you want."

Li Ziqian swallowed and decided that it would be better to talk less before Mo Nanbei slapped her in the face.

At this time, Mo Nanbei, who had not yet experienced the pain of losing weight, was very determined. It seemed that Li Ziqian couldn't persuade her. Even saying a word seemed to be distrusting her.

"Hmph." Mo Nanbei pouted, with a proud face.

In the end, after this trip, under the leadership of Mo Nanbei, the two purchased a lot of vegetables in the supermarket, including corn, potatoes, broccoli, enoki mushrooms, and various green vegetables. They all bought a lot.

There are also beef chicken breast and shrimp for protein and energy.

When carrying these things back, Li Ziqian found that the burden was particularly heavy, and his shoulders were obviously pressed down. Of course, Mo Nanbei couldn't be idle either, and followed Li Ziqian to work with him.

But fortunately, the two came over on an electric bike, put their things on the bike, put on their helmets and set off towards home.

On the way home, Li Ziqian was unwilling to close the mouth that he had been complaining about.

"Tell me, why do you want to buy so much? Don't you know that you won't be able to finish it? Even if you eat every meal normally, it can't be so outrageous, the refrigerator is big enough to be stuffed, and it's very likely that you haven't finished eating it yet. It's broken."

Mo Nanbei sat behind Li Ziqian, his hands naturally wrapped around Li Ziqian's waist.

"How do you know a hammer? I call it the forced weight loss method, which means that you deliberately buy more, and then you can force yourself to eat more." Mo Nanbei said seriously.

"...That means you're still not firm?" Li Ziqian smiled.

"It means that my will is not firm, that's why I have to do this. People have to recognize themselves and make changes. Unlike you, you don't have the slightest awareness of yourself." Mo Nan hugged Li Ziqian's waist and pinched it. I took a handful of the flesh from Li Ziqian's body.

Li Ziqian howled and shouted dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing, this can all involve me, you idiot!"

Lunch has already been put into practice in the recipe, so the two people smoked boiled vegetables at noon, and it was done by Mo Nanbei.

Li Ziqian looked at the broccoli, enoki mushrooms, lettuce and shiitake mushrooms in the bowl, which were in a clear soup and lacking water. There was no color from the seasoning.

It was also the first time that Li Ziqian didn't have such a deep desire to eat.

After stirring the bowl with chopsticks, Li Ziqian still didn't know how to put his mouth down.

Mo Nanbei put the boiled vegetables into his mouth one after another, seemingly enjoying it.

Li Ziqian frowned, but still picked up a few more acceptable enoki mushrooms and put them in his mouth.

After chewing and chewing, there is no other taste except the taste of the enoki mushroom itself.

"It's so unpalatable." Li Ziqian pouted and complained.

Mo Nanbei retorted: "It's delicious, isn't it the taste of the vegetables themselves, it's fresh and delicious."

Li Ziqian picked up a piece of baby vegetable and forced himself to chew it, "It's delicious."

He knew that Mo Nanbei was holding on, probably just kept saying it was delicious and then giving himself a psychological suggestion to force himself to eat it.

"It's delicious." Mo Nanbei's eyes widened, and he kept pouring water into his mouth to cook vegetables.

Li Ziqian looked at Mo Nanbei's brave face and felt that this was somewhat cruel.

How to say that the diets of the two of them were completely opposite to those of the present, and the sudden change was so sudden that there was really no way for people to accept it for a while.

When eating the third piece of shiitake mushroom, Mo Nanbei made a retching sound.

Li Ziqian looked at Mo Nanbei, only to see that her face was blushing, her eyes were full of tears, and she was stroking her chest again and again.

Li Ziqian sighed helplessly, and passed the water in front of him, "Take a sip and eat slowly."

Mo Nanbei grimaced and took a gulp of water, "But the slower I eat, the more unpalatable it becomes."

Li Ziqian laughed unkindly, "What's the matter, why is it unpalatable again? Didn't you say this is delicious?"

"Nima." Mo Nanbei wiped his mouth, finally unable to restrain his inner emotions, and scolded: "A few delicious ones, it's too bad to eat."

"Then you insist that it's delicious."

"Then I'm not going to give myself psychological hints."

"Hahaha, I knew." Li Ziqian looked at Mo Nanbei with a face, and gestured to Mo Nanbei's leftover dish, "If you can't eat it, don't eat it. I'll take you out to eat."

Mo Nanbei's eyes lit up a little, then it dimmed immediately. He shook his head and said, "No, this is only the first day. You must not fail. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and you must do it well today."

If I failed on the first day, I would be a little sorry for myself who worked so hard to plan yesterday.

And Mo Nanbei knew in his heart, even though Li Ziqian didn't show it very clearly now. But if he really gave up, it would definitely be a while of ridicule.

People can't give up halfway, let alone give up at the beginning, so absolutely not.

So Mo Nanbei shook his head and finished eating the rest of the boiled vegetables.

On the other hand, Li Ziqian didn't have such a strong fighting power, but after a brief taste, he put the rest of the dishes in the refrigerator.

At least Li Ziqian is still in a very rational state, and he doesn't want to force himself to death.

Sitting on the sofa, Mo Nanbei sighed, then shook his head helplessly, and said, "It's really hard to lose weight, and it's really hard to eat boiled vegetables." Then he suddenly grabbed Li Ziqian's arm , said seriously: "I feel as if I have lost the true meaning of life."

The matter of "eating" itself occupies a large part of life, and now Mo Nanbei has been deprived of the right to eat and drink freely, which can be called cruelty.

"Actually, you don't need to come up to fight like this." Li Ziqian said.

"But it's bitter first and then sweet. If you don't be cruel to yourself, how can you see results?"

"Then you don't need to eat boiled vegetables. In fact, you can get some low-calorie dipping sauces."

Li Ziqian sees that Mo Nan is really tortured to eat it.

"You're right, I didn't even remember it, so you can pay attention when you eat at noon tomorrow."


The weight loss method of controlling diet and exercising is very torturous for Mo Nanbei. Almost every lunch, Mo Nanbei will think of the days when he and Li Ziqian let go of eating big fish and big meat. If he thinks about it, Mo Nanbei will just take the plan and imagine the uninteresting boiled vegetables as big fish and meat. Anyway, if there is this psychological suggestion, it will be better.

Although Li Ziqian is also very resistant to this kind of diet, but seeing that Mo Nanbei is insisting, it is not easy for him to quit rashly. He also thinks that since Mo Nanbei can persevere, it is not difficult for him.

This kind of light diet has been carried out for five days, but Mo Nanbei feels like a century has passed. This kind of diet and high-intensity exercise make Mo Nanbei unlovable every time. However, after only five days of hard work, it was true that the weight was lost, but after continuing this diet on the sixth day, Mo Nanbei was still a little out of shape.

She looked at the shrimp and the green broccoli in the bowl, plus a mouthful of white rice, drooping her head, "Then the rice is not enough to eat, and I can't eat enough, and the shrimp is tasteless. The same goes for orchids."

Li Ziqian, of course, has a lot to vomit in the face of the same lunch, "Yeah, it's such a good ingredient, but it's a bit of a waste to cook it this way."

Mo Nanbei drooped the corners of her mouth, but still moved her chopsticks and started to eat her own lunch. After a few bites, Mo Nanbei seemed to finally be unable to take it anymore. She put down the chopsticks, and a look of grievance flashed on her face. "I don't want to lose weight."

This is a sentence that Mo Nanbei has been reluctant to say, no matter how hard it has been these past few days.

Li Ziqian was a little surprised, "Really?"

Mo Nanbei suddenly became flustered, "Really, I don't want to lose weight like this, let's eat normally, and then usually be careful not to be so greasy, don't eat too much at night, and don't be so strict, okay? And I actually think I'm pretty healthy right now."

Li Ziqian looked at Mo Nanbei's face, as if he was finally unable to bear the torture and was finally willing to seek relief and suppressed it for a long time, and smiled, "Okay, just eat normally."

Therefore, the two people's devil weight loss plan can be considered to be stranded, and Mo Nanbei is still slapped in the face without exception, but Li Ziqian's ridicule is not so inhumane, and Mo Nanbei who can last at least five days is considered a In another sense, Mo Nan is north.

Although the strict weight loss plan has been abandoned, the residual shadow still exists in the daily diet of the two of them, and the two of them are slowly introducing more vegetables and less greasy food to go out and walk more into their daily life. middle.

The main premise of pursuing the future of infinite salted fish is to maintain a good physique. Li Ziqian also believes that his understanding of this aspect is relatively thorough.

With the arrival of the school season, the weather is getting warmer and warmer, and the two of them can finally take off their heavy coats and put on light ones. As for the next semester, the timetable for the two of them will be fuller than last semester. Sometimes the crowded class schedule is finally finished, and as a result, I have to participate in the activities held in the club at night, which is really uncomfortable.

Although it may have been a little bit of interest after being nurtured and cultivated in the last semester, if you get the club to participate in activities over and over again, you will feel as if you are at work. Once the theme is sublimated to work, everything will change. It was boring, and there was only the word 'rotten' in my mind.

In addition, Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei, who are both young and fresh, are often given some tasks by their seniors. As a result, the feeling of disgust is even greater. After thinking about it for a long time, they decided to retire. Better.

Therefore, the two of them seemed to have a heart-to-heart. After returning home one night, they both had a showdown about their withdrawal from the club.

In the eyes of the two people, the so-called cultivating hobbies has become a big trouble by mistake.

"Finally retired, I'm already very tired." Mo Nanbei complained, "And a movie club shouldn't be used for old age, but I don't know why, our president always wants to come out with the whole thing, shit. I'm really annoyed that I'm always being asked to attend events with so many things going on."

"I also retired, I already feel boring." Li Ziqian echoed.

At that time, I might have entered the skateboarding club because of a whim, but now there is no such rise, and the original freshness has been lost.

"The main reason is that you don't know what our president is trying to do. It seems that he wants to let our club go out of the circle. He always wants our freshman to do something. Speech contests have become commonplace. I won't say it. Yes, but there are emotional lip-synching competitions, what the **** is an acting competition?" Mo Nanbei was full of anger, and she was most afraid of trouble, of course, she couldn't stand it.

Li Ziqian had a question mark on his face, "What kind of emotional lip-synching match?"

"It's just to choose the lines you like in the movie you like, and then the voice in the background will play that part of the voice, and you just need to bring yourself in and have an emotional lip-synching."

"Tsk tsk tsk." Li Ziqian shook his head, "It sounds embarrassing."

"I just said it, and I had to let me participate, saying that I have a good image and suit me."

"Then have you agreed?"

"I promise, can I compromise on this matter? Obviously not." Mo Nanbei said it with righteous indignation, wishing to directly shake off all the evidence of the president's crimes.

"What the **** is an exhibition competition?"

"It's an advanced version of lip-synching. You have to choose a plot from a movie and act it out, either solo or with a partner."

"So you are?"

"I'm a ghost, I can't even participate." Mo Nanbei squeezed his fists and made an offensive gesture.

"Then why are you so angry? I thought you were called and forced to participate again."

Mo Nanbei's expression suddenly became solemn, and then he said solemnly: "You must know that in the quagmire, it is impossible to stay alone all the time, so even if I don't participate in one event, I don't participate in two events, but I don't. Maybe I don't participate in activities all the time, so I have to quit this place to protect myself, understand?"

Li Ziqian nodded, "Mmm, I understand."

Mo Nanbei suddenly smiled, stepped forward and rubbed Li Ziqian's face, "It's good if you understand it, and if you understand it, you're still my eldest son."

Li Ziqian knocked off Mo Nanbei's hand, "You are such an idiot."

Mo Nanbei pouted, stood up from the sofa, and walked back and forth in the living room aimlessly. Li Ziqian treated Mo Nanbei's behavior as an idiot, and then turned on the TV to find a movie have a look.

Mo Nanbei, who had wandered around for a few steps, suddenly stopped, "I want to eat zongzi."

"???Labor Day hasn't passed yet, so you're still thinking a long way." Li Ziqian supported his face on the armrest of the sofa, raised his eyes and glanced at Mo Nanbei.

Mo Nanbei raised his lips, "It's okay, it's not far away anyway."

When lying in bed at night, Li Ziqian didn't finish the movie he was watching on TV, so he lay on the bed with his tablet and continued watching. Mo Nanbei tried to sleep with his eyes closed, but every now and then he was caught by Li Ziqian. The laughter made him unable to sleep.

"What the **** are you, you still don't let people fall asleep?" Mo Nanbei glared at Li Ziqian with a murderous look on his face.

However, Li Ziqian took off his headphones after realizing it, turned his face and looked at Mo Nanbei blankly, "Huh?"

"Ah shit, be quiet, you!"

"Oh," Li Ziqian responded, then reached out and pressed the volume button to lower the voice, and after pressing it twice, he turned his head to look at Mo Nanbei, who was leaning fiercely beside him, "That's not right. ,I

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