My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 374: It's not impossible if you want to think like this ===(1)

This meal of zongzi was really frustrating, at least Li Ziqian felt that way, because Mo Nanbei had been ridiculed by Mo Nanbei since the beginning of making zongzi.

Although it was the first time to make such a difficult food, it did not usher in a rollover. It was probably Mo Nanbei who had taken care of it. Except for a few zongzi that were exposed, everything else was intact.

As soon as the Zongzi Festival is over, the CET-4 English test is immediately ushered in, and as soon as the English test is passed, the final exam will be held again.

Therefore, Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei were very busy during this period of time.

In fact, it is not rigorous to say this, because it is not Mo Nanbei who is busy, but Li Ziqian. Regarding the matter of CET 4, Mo Nanbei said that it was just a matter of hand, so at most, he browsed the words symbolically. But that's not the case for Li Ziqian.

Recitation has always been Li Ziqian's weakness. No matter when it is, the weakness is still the weakness and it has never changed. Therefore, for Li Ziqian, who took the fourth grade, the most difficult thing is vocabulary.

Li Ziqian had already vomited a lot when he memorized 3,500 words for the college entrance examination, and now he feels helpless with the vocabulary of more than 4,000 words in the fourth grade.

The first word of the out-of-order version of the fourth-level vocabulary book is not abandon, but it makes Li Ziqian feel a little lack of meaning.

With five days to go before the exam, Li Ziqian picked up the book to symbolically study.

"You said, is this the same as taking the test naked?" Li Ziqian shook his head with the word book, and asked Mo Nanbei.

"Although the definition of the naked test is strictly speaking, you can't be considered, but according to your level, it is no worse than the naked test." Mo Nanbei was doing the fourth-level real test with Erlang's legs crossed.

The purpose of Mo Nanbei's level 4 real questions is to understand the question types, at least not to waste time on reading the questions during the test, so since it is to understand the question types, then symbolically do two sets of papers. .

Mo Nanbei felt it was unnecessary to spend a little more time.

Li Ziqian adjusted his sitting posture a little, and although he still looked lazy, he said seriously: "Actually, since it is a naked test, then even if I fail, it is forgivable, right? Anyway? After so many years of university, the fourth and sixth grades will always be won, and we don't have to worry about that day and night, right?"

Mo Nanbei: "...If you are so incapable, don't make excuses for yourself."

The exam hasn't been taken yet, so why did you find an excuse in the first place?

"And the time for the fourth-level exam and the final exam are still somewhat similar, so how do I have time to catch both?"

"You are so special, you haven't been very close. It's more than 20 days apart. Besides, you are usually not that active when it comes to exams. You have to start reviewing a week before."

"..." Li Ziqian stared blankly at the next words and sighed frequently, "As long as you have a good attitude, you can definitely pass."

Mo Nanbei spread his hands, "If you want to think like this, it's not impossible."

"Hey." Li Ziqian suddenly put down the book in his hand and approached Mo Nanbei, "You said that when you were in high school, when you were approaching the exam, you bet on the questions so accurately, why don't you press the questions this time? , maybe I can touch your light?"

Mo Nanbei's face sank, "What kind of **** do you think I am? If I really had the ability, I would have given you the college entrance examination questions earlier, okay?"

"Tsk tsk tsk." Li Ziqian shook his head and cast a meaningful glance at Mo Nanbei, "It seems that you still can't do it~"

"Li Ziqian, why don't you get out of my way, stupid!"

For the study of the CET 4, it is to take the extra time to take a look at the words casually. This is Li Ziqian's way of learning.

His idea is that the knife is on the neck anyway, and it is meaningless to study systematically. Yes, while there is still time, learn if you can, and pull it down if you can't. Rotten but not completely rotten.

The day of the Level 4 exam was Saturday. Li Ziqian was very tormented when he woke up that morning. After all, it was hard to wait until Saturday to temporarily escape the morning eight, but he was roasted and cut off.

"I woke up so early, but level 4 is just unreasonable, right?" Li Ziqian, who was riding a battery car and carrying Mo Nanbei to the school for the exam, said bitterly.

"What kind of nonsense are you doing? If people who get up early can pass the exam, then I'll go right there in the early morning."

"Then I won't go home. I'll be waiting at the entrance of the exam room the day before."

The two were compared because of such an inexplicable and impossible wish.

It was Mo Nanbei who woke up quickly, and hurriedly interrupted Li Ziqian who was still thinking about it, "It's better to pull you down. No matter how early you get up, you still have to take the test normally."

"...In fact, sometimes people can properly fantasize about beautiful things."

Mo Nanbei deliberately let out a long sigh behind Li Ziqian, "But I don't have to worry so much, if nothing happens, I won't fail the Level 4 exam, and even the odds of me failing are higher than that of me. The odds are even smaller.”

Li Ziqian is not happy to say this, "Damn, who do you look down on? You are so unlucky in the morning, so hurry up and spit out what you said."

"Bah your head!"

The two quickly entered their respective exam rooms, and Li Ziqian, who was sitting upright, had three points of coldness in his eyes, four points of indifference and three points of unruly.

Just by looking at Li Ziqian's rebellious expression, it is estimated that he is a confident person who can handle the exam, but in fact he is nothing.

Coming up is the writing question. Although Li Ziqian has already understood the question type, he still seems to be at a loss at this moment.

At this time, there were only simple words like 'people, good, veryuch' that flashed in my mind. Once written on the invigilator, the level of learning can be judged. But after hesitating for a long time, Li Ziqian still wrote these words. , I don't have any goods in my stomach, I can only think of these words now.

After all, it was World War I, there will be many times in the future, and there is still more room for development. Li Ziqian is even proud that he did not write Hanyu Pinyin.

After finally finishing the composition, the listening part gave Li Ziqian another blow.

Looking at the people around him writing and drawing on the test paper with ease, but Li Ziqian can only have a question mark on his face, not only that, but the earphones are also very weak. la murmur.

Not only that, but Li Ziqian's mind couldn't help thinking about what to eat for lunch the more he heard the important part.

It's pretty speechless anyway.

Originally, Li Ziqian was willing to listen to synonyms and similar words to choose the answer, but then he simply chose to rot and let himself go.

Sure enough, as long as the choice is rotten, the fourth-level exam will not be difficult for me, and no matter how difficult the question is put in front of me, it is just a passing glance.

In fact, in summary, it is because the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. As long as there are several opportunities, the first chance is not important at all.

The listening is finally over, and the rest is some reading comprehension and grammar fill-in-the-blank and so on. These topics will not bring too much trouble to Li Ziqian, but it is a bit painful to read the article, because I often encounter only reading and forgetting. The problem of understanding, anyway, is that Li Ziqian is only responsible for the placement, and the rest is left to fate.

In fact, if this kind of topic is placed in the third year of high school, then Li Ziqian will definitely have to live it out on the whole, but now it can't be done. The more people go to college, the more evolved, the more Li Ziqian is, the more degraded. All this knowledge is forgotten.

Finally, there is the translation question. Li Zi never imagined that he finally failed to complete the pinyin when writing the article, but he just failed in the translation.

The bad thing is that I really don't know how to write the word that needs to be used in the translation. Not only that, but I can't even write the replaced word. I have no choice but to put the Chinese pinyin, but fortunately Li Ziqian put the pinyin in a relatively hidden place, and hoped that the teacher who marked the papers would not notice the flaws at first glance.

After the English test was over, Li Ziqian left the examination room in a daze. People must be self-aware. Li Ziqian knows this very well, so if there is no accident, this test will probably be mailed.

But it's not a big problem, it's just a matter of practice, and Qianqian handed over twenty-five yuan to do a charity.

After meeting with Mo Nanbei, the two began to walk outside the school gate.

Li Ziqian said, "Since you worked so hard today and got up so early to take the exam, why not reward yourself with a good meal at noon today?"

Mo Nanbei looked at Li Ziqian with a strange look, "It's okay to reward yourself for a good meal, but where's the reason?"

If you do well in the test, you may feel stable, or you may want to reward yourself who worked hard because of the test during the previous battle. For these reasons, there is no problem at all.

But if this is put on Li Ziqian, it doesn't match at all, right?

So how can you choose to reward yourself with peace of mind?

It doesn't make sense haha.

But Li Ziqian doesn't care about this, and it is rare to be willing to sit for a test for a few hours.

Words spoken are like poured water, so this reward must be rewarded.

Li Ziqian raised his eyebrows at Mo Nanbei, "You don't need to worry about that, just follow brother."

Therefore, the two did not go home, but chose to go to a place to eat.

Came for prawns for lunch. In fact, it's not really a reward, because it's not very precious in terms of price or ingredients, but it doesn't matter, as long as it's fun to eat.

I wanted a mixed pot of squid and shrimp. The two also ordered a pot of sour plum soup and two bowls of rice.

As a bibimbap expert, Li Ziqian believes that as long as the dish is combined with the soup, it should be accompanied by rice, otherwise how can the maximum charm of this meal be brought into play?

Soup and rice are a match made in heaven~

With the blessing of rice, this meal will be very full. Compared to eating more and more different dishes, Li Ziqian still thinks that it is better to eat just like now.

The prawns are very tasty, and Li Ziqian feels a little lost if he peels off the skin of the prawns with disposable gloves. Only when the prawns soaked in the soup are clipped out, then take a sip to **** the juice off the surface, and then tear off the shell of the prawns with your teeth.

In addition to shrimp and squid, there are also some side dishes in the pot, such as sticky corn, potato chips, cucumber strips, etc. Such vegetables are the icing on the cake in such a shrimp pot, bringing a different taste, and the same When it is soaked in the soup, it becomes very delicious.

No wonder, if such a rich soup is boiled, it is estimated that throwing in a slipper would be delicious.

Turn on the medium heat of the second gear and heat the soup base. The shrimps and side dishes buried deeper will become soft and scalding. In comparison, they are more delicious. Li Ziqian always likes this.

But it was a simple lunch, but it tasted a strong taste of happiness.

Li Ziqian also deeply felt that the only thing in this world that can bring a strong sense of happiness to human beings regardless of class is eating.

No matter what kind of people can get happiness from it.

Mo Nanbei doesn't like shrimp that much. She prefers the side dishes inside. A pair of chopsticks are constantly scooping and scooping in the pot, just to find those missing potato chips.

Li Ziqianzheng is enjoying the shrimps, looking at Mo Nanbei's complicated expression, "Can't you eat more shrimps?"

Mo Nanbei replied firmly: "But potato chips are better."

"It's really troublesome." Although Li Ziqian answered like this, he honestly took out his chopsticks and fished it in the pot with Mo Nanbei to find potato chips.

After finally finding the last two potatoes, they were sent to Mo Nanbei's bowl.

Mo Nan is very zesty, and regards potatoes as treasures.

Li Ziqian looked at Mo Nanbei Club and shook his head helplessly. Then he put on transparent gloves and took a shrimp. He was so hot that he was tossing between his left and right hands like he was doing acrobatic acrobatics.

Mo Nanbei covered her mouth and laughed exaggeratedly, "Don't make me laugh, okay? While eating, I'm afraid I'll spray."

Li Ziqian glanced at Mo Nanbei and scolded the white-eyed wolf in his heart, but he still peeled the shrimp for Mo Nanbei, and put a perfect shrimp into Mo Nanbei's bowl.

Mo Nanbei was a little surprised when she saw that the bowl had changed from one shrimp to two or three. She was stunned for a moment, and then she laughed softly, "Hey, you have a conscience."

Li Ziqian paused as he peeled the shrimp, and looked at Mo Nanbei coldly, "If you speak well, I'm willing to continue peeling it for you."

Mo Nanbei immediately changed his expression again, with a dog-legged look on his face, pulling Li Ziqian's arm, "Brother Li, just peel the shrimp for others."

Li Ziqian pursed his lips, his face sank, and said, "It's alright, alright, stop responding to me, and talk to the master."

Seeing that there was a new shrimp in the bowl, Mo Nanbei smiled happily, and said with a whimper, "Thank you, Brother Li~~"

Although he was speechless to Mo Nanbei, Li Ziqian still smiled.

The final exam passed quickly. The two who passed the final exam of the university have accumulated a lot of experience about the final exam. Zuo is just learning from the dead a week before the exam, and memorizing the knowledge that can be memorized. , all the problems that can be written have been solved.

Basically, as long as you take it seriously in the week before the test, then there will be no such problem in the test, and there is basically no such thing as failing a class.

Regarding the exam, Li Ziqian's pursuit is as long as he does not fail the course, but Mo Nanbei's ambition is not that simple, but a higher pursuit. The minimum standard is to meet the criteria for evaluation and evaluation.

It's not that the requirement to always be in the forefront is so big. The main reason is because Mo Nanbei is used to being a top student. If it suddenly doesn't, it's actually a little uncomfortable.

Moreover, Mo Nanbei believes that no matter how degenerate he is, he can't be like Li Ziqian. At least he learns to do better, and he can use this to laugh at him from time to time.

As long as the purpose of ridicule is achieved, then most of Mo Nanbei's goal has been completed.

As soon as the final exams are over, it will be summer vacation again. Because there is no need to think about going home during the summer vacation, the two begin to live in a never-ending salted fish life in a rental house again.

It's not that Li Ziqian doesn't want to be home because he thinks that his parents would prefer to be a salted fish outside rather than back home.

80% of Li’s father and Li’s mother need to go to work, but they are much clearer than Li Ziqian’s summer vacation plans. When the opportunity allows, Li’s father and Li’s mother are more willing to go to see poetry and the distance, and Xiao Xian like Li Ziqian Fish can be completely different.

In the past few days, Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei have been living a life of utter waste. They slept until noon in the morning, then ate lunch, and started playing games in the afternoon. , code words appropriately whenever, although such a life is wasteful enough, it is happy enough.

If possible, Li Ziqian is willing to live like this all the time, but even if it is such a happy day, there will be intermittent nervousness.

For example, the current Li Ziqian felt a little empty because he slept until eleven o'clock, and wanted to find something different to do.

That different thing is not playing games, not playing mobile phones, not watching TV endlessly, but doing something that can improve the quality of life?

Studying is impossible. Li Ziqian feels that as long as he has some reason in his mind, he will not study.

Sitting on the sofa looking at the ashes of the TV cabinet, Li Ziqian held his chin and was plotting something big, then turned to look at Mo Nanbei, "Should we do something different?"

Mo Nanbei was in a daze because he just woke up and didn't recover. Hearing Li Ziqian's words, he turned to look at him, "What's the matter?"

"Just like, cleaning?" Li Ziqian asked tentatively.

The main reason is that the two have lived here for a long time, but they have not been systematically cleaned up.

Mo Nanbei's brows furrowed deeper, as if Li Ziqian had said something shocking, he opened his mouth and chose to reach out to probe Li Ziqian's forehead, "Eh? Don't you have a fever?"

Li Ziqian knocked off Mo Nanbei's hand, "What are you doing?"

"I just want to see if you're out of your mind."

"Your brain is broken. Your whole family's brain is broken, stupid."

Mo Nanbei was silent for two seconds, then asked, "Seriously?"

Li Ziqian shook his head and said proudly, "Actually, don't be too surprised, I'm just idle, and the house is really unclean, so I can't stand it any longer."

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"Bah, I don't see you being so active when I usually sweep and mop the floor. What are you pretending to be?" Mo Nanbei put his hands on his hips, filled with righteous indignation.

Regarding the cleaning of the two people, it is actually a rotation, like Li Ziqian on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and Mo Nanbei on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

It's Mo Nanbei's turn to clean up. She's still abiding by the rules of the game. At least she's willing to move. But when it's Li Ziqian's turn, she doesn't talk about martial arts. .

Therefore, Mo Nanbei hated Li Ziqian's inattentive cleaning behavior, but now that he heard Li Ziqian say such abnormal words, he felt a little angry.

What does it mean to be unclean at home, obviously you, Li Ziqian, didn't make any contribution to keeping it clean and tidy! ! !

Li Ziqian scratched his head and smiled, "Then I have nothing to do, I want to find something different to do."

"If you're really okay, why don't you give me a foot massage." Mo Nanbei, who said nothing, really stretched out his foot in front of Li Ziqian.

Li Ziqian laughed at Mo Nanbei and said loudly, "Climb for me!"

Mo Nanbei, who didn't succeed, was not uncomfortable. She compromised: "Okay, okay, just clean it up. I don't have any problem, I'm just worried that you won't do it well."

Mo Nanbei didn't want to work hard, but in the end the clown was still himself.

"Don't worry, I'm definitely a diligent group." Li Ziqian vowed.

In fact, this is not an exception. Li Ziqian often suffers from intermittent illnesses like now. From time to time, he wants to clean up his living environment, but there are still a small number of people who are willing to put it into practice.

The two who have decided then start the process of assigning work.

Mo Nanbei became the main leader of this clean-up. She looked at Li Ziqian condescendingly with her waist on, and said, "Come here for the gaming room and the utility room, I'll be in charge of the bedroom and living room, and then we clean up the kitchen together. ,how?"

But Li Ziqian didn't answer with a single sip, but held his chin and thought deeply for a while to analyze the rationality of this arrangement.

"How do I feel

Well, I seem to be at a loss? "After thinking about the result, Li Ziqian said this.

"At a loss? You are at a loss!"

Li Ziqian's face was serious, "The utility room is so messy, why do you want me to do it? It's obvious that I am at a loss."

But Mo Nanbei obviously didn't want to think with Li Ziqian about who lost who deserved it, but pointed at the utility room and said angrily: "This room has not been used as a utility room for that long, and it's not that long. Miscellaneous, it's not troublesome at all!" Then he seemed to think about the main point of the matter, and said, "Why are you always entangled in these things, you have to be entangled with me when you sweep the floor, right?"

Realizing that Mo Nanbei's expression seemed to be a bit wrong, Li Ziqian immediately stood up from the sofa, and said solemnly: "I think what Mo Nanbei said is very reasonable, I don't lose at all, I am now Just go and get it clean."

Having said that, Li Ziqian happily took the broom and prepared to go to the utility room to use his fists.

Mo Nanbei began to deal with the bedroom. The bedroom is not dirty, but because it is the place where two people sleep, the requirements are higher. The table must be cleaned, and the small areas need to be taken care of. Books, figurines, etc. must also be placed well, and there should be no clutter.

And if the bedroom is not considered, the living room is not an easy problem to solve.

There are many things placed in the living room, and the living room is large, with a lot of exposed floors, just mopping the floor is not a simple matter.

After saying this, Mo Nanbei suddenly felt a little unconvinced. He clearly took such a big place in the living room by himself. How could Li Ziqian dare to say something unfair!

Therefore, when Li was thinking about where to organize the utility room, he saw Mo Nanbei suddenly push the door angrily and enter.

"Why?" Li Ziqian took the broom and turned to look at Mo Nanbei.

He didn't explain his intention, but first scolded Li Ziqian, "Li Ziqian, you idiot!"

"Ah?" Li Ziqian was stunned, but wanted to laugh a little.

Mo Nanbei finally expressed his unhappiness, "Why do you say that it's unfair to give you the utility room, it's obviously more difficult for me to clean the living room!!"

Li Ziqian took two seconds to understand Mo Nanbei's words, and then burst out laughing.

His grandma's, thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be because of this.

Li Ziqian continued to look indifferent, spread his hands and said, "What's wrong with raising reasonable questions?"


"If it's unreasonable, why did you make a special trip to talk about it?"

Mo Nanbei still had a ferocious look on her face, but she didn't plan to ask Mo Li Ziqian what to say, so she said with a serious face: "Clean it up a bit, you need to take care of the corners, I'll come to check later. !"

"You are the health commissioner, aren't you, and come to check?"

"Don't give me a few nonsense, you have to do the cleaning if you can't finish lunch, and you have to do whatever I ask for."

"In your dreams!"

After finishing the line with Mo Nanbei, Li Ziqian could only continue to work on his own hands.

I don't know if I don't clean it up. Li Ziqian found that although the utility room didn't look messy, once it was cleaned up, it was really not easy.

Especially when those small things are put in place, it is very troublesome.

After just 10 minutes of packing, Li Ziqian moved to a small bench and began to sit and rest.

At this time, he was a little regretful, and he really didn't understand why he had to clean up when he had nothing to do.

But regretted it for a while, and had to stand up and continue to work, not for anything else, but for not being slapped in the face.

It took Li Ziqian two hours just to clean up a utility room. He was very relieved to see the utility room that had been refreshed by himself.

But I suddenly thought that there was still an e-sports room to clean up, and it immediately became uncomfortable.

Originally, the matter of cleaning up the house was hot in three minutes. After finally tidying up one room with patience, and then having to move to another room, I became somewhat rebellious.

In case of indecision, delay first, so Li Ziqian put his mind on Dianmao and Jinmao, because the utility room is not only the place where Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei are stacked, but also Dianmao and Jinmao's bedroom.

At this time, Duan and Jin Mao were still sleeping in the nest.

Really, he sleeps during the day and is so energetic at night, Li Ziqian gets angry when he thinks about it, he grabs the cat-fighting stick and forcibly wakes Dawn up and plays with it.

Mo Nanbei also packed up the bedroom at this time, wiped the sweat from his forehead and was ready to start working on the living room, but he saw Li Ziqian playing with the cat in a serious manner.

Mo Nanbei stood behind Li Ziqian with a mop, his face was cold, and he stayed there quietly without speaking.

Li Ziqian was happy, but he felt that something was wrong behind him, and when he turned his head, he saw the mighty figure of Mo Nanbei.

"Damn it!" Li Ziqian was startled, squatting there and almost fell to the ground.

"Li Ziqian?" Mo Nanbei questioned his soul.

Li Ziqian smiled, stood up, and patted the dust on his body, "Don't blame me, it was Duo who had to let me play with it, I was forced."

"Good guy, you can blame the cat for this, right?" Mo Nanbei looked incredulous.

"I was wronged, it's all my fault." Li Ziqian pointed at him, as if he had been wrongly blamed.

To say that it is really stupid, it is a pity that it is a kitten, and it only tilts its head and meows.

Of course, Mo Nanbei couldn't stand Li Ziqian's frame-up of Danny, so he rushed him to the e-sports room to work.

Although his behavior has been compromised, Li Ziqian's mouth is still unwilling to compromise. He muttered, "It's really unconscionable, extremely cruel!"

Mo Nanbei prodded Li Ziqian behind him, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Although very reluctant, Li Ziqian still failed to leave his task successfully, so he had to continue to try to calm down and work. Although he was very tired, he still had to hang himself in one breath.

Compared with the utility room, the gaming room is not much better, mainly because there are a lot of various fine items on the computer table. These need to be wiped clean. To remove these, those behind the monitors have become cluttered. The various wires also need to be rearranged to get them where they should be.

Finally, I was patient with the truth, and the e-sports room was over. It was already past two in the afternoon. Li Ziqian's stomach seemed to be finally unable to bear it, and then a big move came out, and it groaned.

"Damn it, I'm really hungry." Li Ziqian walked up to Mo Nanbei and planned to complain.

Because the breakfast was late, the two would not feel hungry when they arrived at the restaurant at noon, but if the time went down, it would not be the case.

Mo Nanbei was indeed tired. She was not a diligent person. Today, a big cleaning on a whim was considered a rare event. She threw away the tools and started to rest on the sofa. Now, let's have dinner now."

"Then what about cleaning up the kitchen?" Li Ziqian asked.

Mo Nanbei glanced at the kitchen subconsciously, but when he thought of the oil stains on the stove and the intractable range hood, he immediately became resistant. After thinking for a while, he murmured, "How about..."

Having said this, I waited for Li Ziqian to pick up the second half of the sentence, and Li Ziqian is also a man of temperament, and immediately replied: "How about... do it again tomorrow?"

Mo Nanbei responded quickly, "Good idea."

Therefore, the clean-up plan was put on hold, but it could not be regarded as completely put on hold, because at least the plan was normal.

Regarding lunch, neither of them had any objection to choose take-out claypot rice, and they didn't consider cooking.

Showing off the rice one bite at a time, Li Ziqian said, "I found that when the holiday is over, neither of us likes to cook anymore."

Obviously, the vacation has more time, but it makes the two of them lazy. Generally, if you get up late in the morning, breakfast is omitted and the transition is directly to lunch, but it is all about what to eat for lunch and how to do it. It is the easiest way to choose, so takeout has become a common meal for the two of them.

Although Mo Nanbei also agreed with what Li Ziqian said, she was still reluctant to admit it. She said, "Because it is obviously yours to cook, but you are not active."

"A few nonsense, although it's true that I'm not active, but I can't say that I should cook."

"Ugh, did you forget what you promised before going to college?"

Originally, he didn't want to turn over the old accounts, but Li Ziqian's words suddenly made Mo Nanbei unable to hold back.

Li Ziqian's eyes wandered for a while, and he deliberately avoided: "It's almost sophomore year now, you shouldn't take my temporary promise as forever, right?"

Mo Nanbei couldn't take it anymore, "Don't give me nonsense, you can cook dinner."

"Okay, okay, I'll make dinner, then I'll make breakfast tomorrow." Li Ziqian made a direct decision, but he felt a little wrong when he said it, "No, we both don't eat breakfast..."

But Mo Nanbei immediately grasped the point and hurriedly said, "Okay, I'll make breakfast tomorrow."

"No, you make a fart breakfast, why are you getting up?"

"I got up, but I didn't know you couldn't afford it."

"..." Li Ziqian took a breath and said, "Okay, then you will make your breakfast tomorrow, I will get up early just to eat the meal you cooked, if not, I will break it with you.

Shout out. "

Mo Nanbei glared at Li Ziqian, brushed his hair, and said nonchalantly, "Cut, whoever is afraid, just do it. If you don't get up and eat, you're an idiot."

"If you don't go back and regret it, you're an idiot!"

Not only the cleaning needs a clear division of labor, but also the cooking.

In fact, this kind of habit and way of getting along does not mean the degree of intimacy between the two. It only stems from the long-term behavior of lovers who like to bet and argue with each other. In short, I don't care about money. It doesn't matter if there is more or less. The thing of strength is not good, absolutely can't do a little more work!


The daily summer vacation life of the two is nothing more than those things that can be explained in one sentence. This kind of life is fine for a few weeks, but if it continues like this, it seems a little out of time.

At the very least, Li Ziqian has already started to make a fuss. He often starts looking out the window when he has nothing to do, and starts thinking about some things that suddenly pop into his mind.

The same is true for Mo Nanbei. Even though she is used to it by the house, she can't take it any longer.

Birds who are trapped in cages all day long will miss their freedom and look forward to the outside world. Now it seems that Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei are in the same state. wobbled.

So it's time for Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei to go out and get some fresh air.

"What are you going to do?" Although Li Ziqian is not a person with strong execution, he also likes to determine something before doing it.

Mo Nanbei looked serious, thought for a while, and said, "Going to the movies?"

In fact, if compared with the more playful teenagers in the city, Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei are more like people who have never seen the world. They don't know many novel things. It's still the same old way.

The main reason is because of their personalities. First, they like to stay at home for a long time, and this characteristic is also weakened a little when they stay together. Otherwise, Li Ziqian feels that if he is alone, he can stay at home for as long as possible. can be done.

The second point is that the two are not good at socializing and do not like places with many people and noisy places, which also affects the speed at which the two can accept new things.

But you always want to live your own life happily, even if the cognitive bias is larger, but as long as you enjoy it, then the problem is not big.

I turned on my mobile phone and browsed the recently released movies, but because the two people have different interests, it is difficult to unify opinions in this regard, and there is no two-dimensional theme in the new movie, which also makes Mo Nanbei very headache.

After picking and choosing to the end, I still chose a youth love movie, but when Li Ziqian bought a ticket and reserved a seat, he felt a little regretful.

"Is this really going to be the case?" Li Ziqian turned to look at Mo Nanbei.

Youth pain literature is the subject of their scorn,

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