My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 377: Then you eat soul and I eat shrimp ===(1)

In the afternoon after the nap, the two came to Laojie. Because they were trying to get some preparation time, Mo Nanbei did not allow Li Ziqian to sleep until it was dark. When it was almost time, they were dragged out of the hotel.

In fact, there is an endless sea in front of the hotel, but I always feel that the afternoon is not a good time to see the sea, so on the first day of coming to Lucheng, it is also a good thing to capture more of the cultural scenery and environment here .

The houses on both sides of the old street are full of retro flavors. On the not-so-wide roads, there are people riding scooters coming and going, wearing helmets, which is quite like an old movie. The architectural styles on both sides are also uniform. Enhanced the flavor.

Standing on the corner of this old street, you can slowly see the sunset light sprinkled on the building and this road. Standing on the street of the city, you can see the sunset with dreamy colors, which is really healing.

Although sunset is a daily occurrence, the fast-paced life of the two usually forgets the smallest beauty in this life.

The eyes of the two of them moved with the wings of the setting sun, and they didn't speak any more tacitly, but were deeply attracted by the natural scenery.

The passers-by are constantly coming and going. Against the background of this light, it seems that this is the best portrayal of life.

Li Ziqian's Adam's apple moved slightly and turned to look at Mo Nanbei, as if Mo Nanbei's profile was also stained with the light of the setting sun, becoming more and more beautiful.

Li Ziqian just stared at Mo Nanbei, who was beside him, and laughed softly.

There is indeed a lot of beauty in life that needs to be observed with the eyes of beauty, and it feels really good to be in beauty now.

Hearing Li Ziqian's laughter, Mo Nanbei turned to look back at Li Ziqian, raised his eyebrows, and asked disdainfully, "What are you laughing at!"

Sure enough, Mo Nanbei couldn't be allowed to speak, as expected of a spoiler of the beautiful atmosphere.

"Laughing at you is funny." Li Ziqian replied.

Mo Nanbei glanced at Li Ziqian, "Damn it."

Li Ziqian's eyes no longer stayed on Mo Nanbei, but turned to the golden yellow in the sky, sighed and said, "Actually, we should go out and see this extra beauty."

Mo Nanbei chuckled, "You have a beautiful woman standing beside you every day, you should be in a happy mood every day."

"Tsk tsk tsk." Li Ziqian raised his hand and gave Mo Nanbei a head-scratcher, "You are so embarrassed to say that, it's fine if I don't get mad at you every day."

Mo Nanbei couldn't accept it, "Bah, bah, I'm so angry with you that I'm going to die, okay?"

In fact, the essence of the two is similar, not much better than the other at all.

Mo Nanbei put his hand on Li Ziqian's arm lightly, "You have to go out with me often in the future, so that you won't miss these."

Li Ziqian raised his eyebrows and said in a frivolous tone, "Are you sure?"

"what's going on?"

"You are sure that someone like you can come out. Every day you only know how to stay in bed, or play games at home, and it is difficult for you to go out for a walk."

"How can it be so exaggerated?" Mo Nanbei was reluctant.

"Am I exaggerating? You can tell me if it's my suggestion to play. What was your suggestion for the National Day? Staying at home for seven days, is that what you said?"

Being exposed, Mo Nanbei rolled his eyes and felt a little embarrassed, but he still didn't want to admit it, "Then it's me who planned to come to the beach to play, you don't even have an idea, that doesn't mean it's useless."

"Go on, it's up to me when you come out to play, you idiot who only knows how to stay at home."

"You are too embarrassed to talk about me, don't you look at yourself? We are not much different!!"

In the evening, the two were going to eat seafood.

I came to a 22-year-old brand. There are so many people here at night. The tables and chairs lined up neatly outside the store are full of people. The whole place is full of various sounds, laughter and wine glasses collide. It seems to be intertwined with the percussion of the bowls and chopsticks to form a nice symphony.

After finding a table, the two began to order. The order here is not what you want to eat by looking at the menu, but what you want to eat by looking at the lively and bouncing seafood. Tell the proprietress that it is absolutely fresh when fished directly from the water for processing.

This not only ensures the freshness and taste of seafood, but also increases the experience of diners.

Li Ziqian really likes this kind of feeling. It is a happy thing to imagine that the lively fish and shrimps will become a meal in a while.

Mo Nanbei pointed at a coconut crab in the water tank and said, "Look at how big this crab is, with its teeth and claws, just like you."

"Your sister, when it comes to me, there is nothing good to say, right?"

Li Ziqian folded his arms and pondered for a while, pointed to the big mango snail in front of him, and said to the proprietress beside him, "I want a spicy mango snail."

The proprietress said, "Bring you a small mango snail, the skin is thin and the flesh is good."

Mo Nanbei frowned and tugged at Li Ziqian's sleeve, and whispered, "Spicy?"

Li Ziqian replied in a low voice, "It's okay, the spicy ones are not spicy, the spicy ones are more spicy."

Mo Nan's expression darkened, as if he didn't intend to buy it, "Are you talking **** to me?"

Because it is sold by the pound, Li Ziqian can't control the amount, and he also consulted the proprietress, so the mango snails are a little more than a pound.

I asked for another razor clam, and the razor clam is also alive, I can see that it is relatively elastic when I pull it with my hands.

"Is it the season to eat Pipi shrimp?" Li Ziqian asked the proprietress.

"You can eat it. It's especially delicious to eat Pippi shrimp with cream." The lady boss pointed to the water tank of Pippi shrimp, "Now it's all creamed."

Mo Nanbei volunteered to take the basket to hold the Pippi shrimps. It could be seen that the Pippi shrimps were still full of energy and wanted to jump out of the basket.

"Hold on tight, don't let them run away." Li Ziqian urged.

Next, Li Ziqian's eyes were locked on the Boston lobster. The two big claws of the lobster had been bound. Seeing that he was not small, he asked, "Madam, how heavy is this?"

"A little more than a pound, how would you like to eat?"

"I want minced garlic."

Pippi shrimp is good with salt and pepper, but for razor clam, the clerk's suggestion is to stir-fry it spicy, but Mo Nanbei felt that it would be unfair to him to make it spicy, so he firmly rejected the suggestion.

Li Ziqian gave Mo Nanbei a brain break, "Isn't it normal for seafood to be spicy?"

But Mo Nanbei's attitude is still very firm, "That's not good, if you don't eat spicy food, you don't eat spicy food."

Although Mo Nanbei may not be firm enough in other departments, he is still serious about not eating spicy food.

Helpless, under the coercion of Mo Nanbei, Li Ziqian had to ask the clerk to give up the razor to make spicy stir-fry.

Next, the two of them sat at the dining table and waited. Although it was a hot climate, the wind was cool at night. Although there was no air-conditioned space, it would not be difficult for people to endure. I feel that it is just right to drink coconut milk while blowing the evening wind.

That's right, the two of them are holding a huge coconut and drinking this natural juice leisurely.

The wind gently ruffled Mo Nanbei's bangs and hair, making her vision a little blurry. She asked Li Ziqian, "Are the people who live here very happy?"

Li Ziqian took a sip of coconut milk, "If you are a local, you should be used to it. More of us outsiders will envy us and own it, but if it is possible, why is it not a pleasure to live here? What's the matter? It's so warm all year round, you don't even need to buy a down jacket."

"But if you look at it from another angle, the four distinct seasons and the four seasons like spring are a kind of beauty. Maybe people here also want to try the feeling of winter."

Li Ziqian was amused by Mo Nanbei's sudden seriousness, he chuckled, "Why are you so serious, stupid dog."

On the contrary, Mo Nanbei was a little embarrassed. He pouted and said, "What do you know, this is called cultivating one's sentiments once in a while!!"

The seafood ordered was finally served on the table in the nurturing sentiment of the two.

Although there are not many styles, it is enough for two people to eat. After all, seafood is not cheap. If you can't finish eating a lot of it, it will be a waste. Now after eating out many times, the two have accumulated a certain amount of experience. , just order enough to eat, don't have to get it in the end and can't eat it, you have to stuff it, the human stomach has a limit.

Li Ziqian took a bite of the mango snail, and the spicy taste, the umami of the seafood itself, and the texture of the meat all poured into his mouth, causing Li Ziqian to make a strange voice, "Well~ delicious, you Try it too, it's not spicy."

Mo Nanbei twitched his chopsticks and was still thinking about which dish to start with first, and waved his hand to reject Li Ziqian's invitation, "No, you can come."

"Hey, you're welcome, hurry up and try it, I can guarantee it's not spicy." Li Ziqian took the initiative and put the mango snail with chopsticks into Mo Nanbei's bowl.

Mo Nanbei stared at the few mango snails lying quietly in the bowl, and then looked at Li Ziqian's expectant eyes, and ate the mango snails after drinking a sip of coconut juice and pressing them down.

"Is it not spicy?" Li Ziqian asked quickly.

Mo Nanbei felt the bursting sensation in his mouth, and then he took a big mouthful of coconut juice, "It's still spicy, why not!"

However, Mo Nanbei was not called out by the hot hissing, which seemed to be acceptable.

"But it's really delicious." Mo Nanbei nodded and said, "It would be even better if it wasn't spicy."

Li Ziqian couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, you are too cruel. If the whole world is occupied by you people who don't eat spicy food, then the world will be so bland."

"Go go go, the sauce fragrant is the yyds!"

Although the mango snails are similar to the clams, they are different. The flesh is more tender than the clams, and it also has a faint sweetness. No wonder it is called mango snails.

The creamed Pippi shrimp is more expensive than the ordinary ones. The creamed Pippi shrimp in front of the two is probably more than a catty, and the price of a catty is two hundred and eighteen, which can be said to be good compared to the mango snails. A grade, but after the local people's guidance, Li Ziqian learned that mango snails still need to be eaten smaller, the smaller the better, and the smaller is cheaper than the bigger one.

Salt and pepper flavor, and can taste that it was fried first, Li Ziqian picked up a Pipi shrimp and peeled it hard to try to eat the meat inside.

Up to now, Li Ziqian has not learned how to peel it, and can only treat it rudely with the traditional method of peeling shrimp, and it also responds to Li Ziqian with its hard shell, and it hurts to pierce his hand.

Despite this, it will not affect the dry cook at all. Li Ziqian still enjoys eating it, and from time to time he will comment and praise, "Pippi shrimp is thoroughly fried, although it does not have too much flavor, but it has its own flavor. The aroma is stimulated, and it is delicious."

Mo Nanbei looked at Li Ziqian's clumsy way and shook his head, trying to ask, "I said, do you want to ask the proprietress to bring the scissors?"

After all, looking at Li Ziqian's posture, it is very likely that after eating this plate of Pipi shrimp, his hands will become bruised and bruised, which is quite shameful to say.

"No, real men are never afraid of these difficulties." Li Ziqian responded firmly.

Mo Nanbei quietly gave Li Ziqian a roll of eyes, then got up and took a pair of scissors and put them on the table, and then watched Li Ziqian use his hands to deal with the situation, while he used the scissors lightly. Opened a Pipi shrimp, and ate the whole shrimp.

This scene was directly hit by Li Ziqian, but the dead duck was still stubborn, "You have no soul if you eat like this."

"That's fine, then you eat the soul, I'll just eat the shrimp."


The Boston lobster is cut and steamed with minced garlic. There are no fans. The top of the shrimp is full of minced garlic.

Li Ziqian picked up a piece and ate it while biting and sucking. I have to say that minced garlic always goes well with seafood and meat.

"Sure enough, minced garlic is delicious with everything." Li Ziqian praised repeatedly, and even thought that minced garlic goes well with slippers.

Mo Nanbei raised his other free hand in agreement, and then talked about his own thoughts, "Actually, I didn't like minced garlic before, because I always felt that the taste was too strong and I couldn't stand it."

"Then how did you end up in love?"

"Because I ate hexagon powder once before, there was always a strong garlic smell in it, and I thought it was quite disgusting when I ate it, but after eating it, I found that I couldn't forget the smell. When I ate the hexagon powder again, It is found that the garlic inside is the essence, and the swan powder without garlic is simply tasteless."

"Well, I have a good understanding, I give you a thumbs up."

There is a lot of Boston lobster meat, which made the two feel the pleasure of eating shrimp meat. At the same time, it is very delicious if steamed with minced garlic. Let plum Qian eat and **** at the same time, and they can't stop at all.

The two of them asked for two Boston lobsters in total, which is equivalent to one for each of Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei. This kind of feeling of eating meat well, it still needs to be in place.

Li Ziqian and Mo Nan complimented each other while eating in the north. It seemed that as long as they had this trip from thousands of miles away, as long as they had this meal, it would be totally worth it.

"Actually, the seafood here is not necessarily cheaper than inland, but it must be delicious."

"That's right."

The two of them can only reach such a unified point of view when they are eating.

Cut off the shell of the big tongs of the Boston lobster, revealing a tong-shaped lobster meat completely, then dip it in the garlic sauce scattered on the plate, and then stuff it into your mouth, it can be enchanted.

Sometimes it's really nice to just sit down and have a good meal.

Although there is one lobster per person, it is not too much. Mo Nanbei even gave a thumbs up and said, "I can eat ten lobsters like this at a time. It's really cool."

The razor clams have already been picked out and placed on the plate. They are stir-fried. At the strong request of Mo Nanbei, they put very little chili, although this spicy taste is fundamental to this dish. Not much is reflected, but this is also the last trace of Li Ziqian's stubbornness.

Pick out all the fresh razor clams and stir-fry them before serving. You can pick up a lot with one chopstick. One bite is full of happiness. Although Li Ziqian doesn't think it's spicy, the picky Mo Nanbei still says it has a spicy taste, but even if In the case of disgust on the surface, he still ate several big mouthfuls with tears in his eyes.

The seafood on the table was almost the same. The two of them each came with a plate of pineapple seafood fried rice as the final touch. Fortunately, the dosage was well controlled this time, and the stomach was in a state that was just right and could be stuffed.

Pineapple Seafood Fried Rice alone sounds like a dish that cannot be combined, but eating it can give people a different feeling.

Li Ziqian couldn't help but sighed: "It seems that the knowledge is still a little obvious. In fact, many delicacies can be combined with each other."

And Mo Nanbei, who usually criticizes the salty-sweet combination the most, was the happiest at this time.

The two of them finally left the seafood restaurant. Although they swore that they would never eat, but to be honest, their stomachs still felt a little bloated. They did not choose to blow the sea breeze, but decided to Taking a walk on this street to digest food, in the words of Mo Nanbei, is to feel the humanistic feelings.

"Then why don't you go to the beach to see it, it's quite late at this time, and there are probably fewer people." Li Ziqian asked.

"Actually, it's okay to have a little more people. I think the first experience of going to the beach with you is better in the early morning of the day."

Although Li Ziqian didn't quite understand Mo Nanbei's brain circuit, he accepted the idea, and the two walked together on the street, watching the group of people who came and went from time to time.

It seems to be a completely different feeling. In the magic capital, there are more cold high-rise buildings and countless neon lights, covered with a veil of mystery and written that strangers should not approach, and the feeling here is warm and warm. Fireworks are the warmth from human nature that can be felt not only in the weather.

"Next time I have a chance, I will come again." Mo Nanbei said.

"Okay, I'll accompany you wherever you want to go."

The next morning, in fact, the two of them woke up not too late, but they were reluctant to get up because they had ink marks on the bed for a while, so it was past ten o'clock when they both went out to eat.

Mo Nanbei, who was looking for delicious food on the street with Li Ziqian, asked, "What do you think we should eat, breakfast or lunch?"

"What else can I eat, of course 'brunch'."

"Will you be hungry that afternoon?"

"If you're hungry, you'll be taken again. Anyway, there is food for sale everywhere, and it's not troublesome."


The two of them have been talking about eating when they are hungry for a long time, and it seems that it is not so important to eat within the meal time.

So at such a hungry juncture, the two chose to eat pork trotters with rice. The five dishes were also served with beef brisket soup. The dishes included light winter melon and tofu, and attractively colored braised pork and pork trotters.

The two of them each had a bowl of rice, and a pig's foot cut into small pieces was sandwiched on top of the rice.

"Do you think it's a little greasy to eat this in the morning?" Mo Nanbei asked such a question while nibbling on the pig's feet.

"Don't think so, you should think that this meal is not breakfast for the two of us at all, but that it is half lunch."

"If you say that, I seem to think it's a lot more appropriate."

"now it's right."

After eating this brunch, Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei were not satisfied, but chose to eat ice.

In this weather, how can you not eat ice?

Li Ziqian asked for watermelon ice, and Mo Nanbei asked for mango ice.

The appearance alone made Mo Nanbei call him deeply.

Taking a small spoon, Li Ziqian dug a spoonful and put it in his mouth, "It's delicious, Lucheng's smoothie is really delicious."

I don't know why, both are smoothies, but I always feel that Lucheng is better.

After eating, the two went back to the hotel, changed their clothes, and finally started a trip to feel the sea breeze and the beach.

The boundless sea and the blue sky are almost all connected together. A few scattered clouds hang on the sky as if they were drawn by a painter's brush at will. There are beach chairs and a sandy beach with grass on the top. Umbrellas, many people lie on beach chairs and wear sunglasses to take a nap, looking very comfortable.

Li Ziqian was wearing her floral pants and a thin coat, while Mo Nanbei had her carefully selected swimsuit in addition to a long white gauze coat.

When he first stepped on the beach, Mo Nanbei was a little embarrassed, but fortunately there were not many people on the beach. After seeing that everyone's clothes were almost the same, Mo Nanbei became more relaxed.

Li Ziqian took Mo Nanbei's hand and comforted: "Don't worry, you are very suitable."

Unfortunately, Mo Nanbei turned slightly red, "I know, you don't need to tell me."

"Tsk tsk, I usually see you looking so carefree, why is this different?" Li Ziqian teased.

Mo Nanbei gave Li Ziqian an elbow, "Bah, bah, I've always been shy."

There are many beach trees on the edge of the beach. Li Zi looked closely and found that they were all coconut trees, with thick trunks and long branches, which looked like a cartoon.

Li Ziqian thought that it was difficult to have such a beautiful scenery, how could he not take pictures to record it, so he asked Mo Nanbei to stand beside a tree.

"Pose a pose, and I'll take a picture of you." Li Ziqian raised his phone and was ready.

Although Mo Nan had a very distrustful expression on the north face, he still stood obediently at the designated position, and moved around in anticipation, but did not stand in a clear position.

"Don't move, it was fine just now." Li Ziqian said.

"No, I'm not too embarrassed to take pictures when I'm dressed like this." Mo Nanbei looked a little awkward.

"You don't have to be afraid, we can see it when I shoot, but others can't."

Mo Nanbei stood there and thought for a while, "Okay, okay, you can shoot it."

Only then did Li Ziqian press the shutter with confidence, because Mo Nanbei thought it was troublesome to go out this time because the SLR was useless, so he could only take pictures with his mobile phone.

After taking several pictures in a row, Li Ziqian showed the finished product to Mo Nanbei.

Mo Nanbei checked Li Ziqian's 'masterpieces' one by one on his mobile phone.

Li Ziqian said solemnly, "You should feel lucky to have a boyfriend like me, because other people's boyfriends will definitely not be so active in taking pictures of their girlfriends, and every time you take pictures, it's me actively requested."

Mo Nanbei looked at the dazed self in the photo, and without hesitation, gave Li Ziqian an elbow, "You are so embarrassed to ask for credit, as soon as you take a picture of me, my lack of self-confidence will increase by another point. "

Because Mo Nanbei in the photo looks a little strange in addition to being stiff, and the angle is also a little strange, and he is directly ten centimeters shorter.

Li Ziqian guessed that the photo was not considered murderous, so he replied, "But you look like this!"

This sentence undoubtedly gave Mo Nanbei another blow, and she shouted loudly, "Li Ziqian!"

Li Ziqian still slapped her face, "I'm telling the truth."

Mo Nanbei pursed his lips, "Don't take pictures of me next time, it's weird."

"It's okay to take a picture of the background and your appearance, you don't have to ask for that much." Li Ziqian patted Mo Nanbei's head and wanted to give him some comfort.

"Fuck you! Next time you are not allowed to take the initiative to ask me to take a picture!" Mo Nanbei said sharply.

But even if Mo Nanbei said this, how could Li Ziqian agree? He not only wanted to take pictures, but also kept it on his phone, and would take it out from time to time to laugh at it in the days to come.

If you want to collect a person's black spots, it must not be done overnight, but must be concentrated in every day.

After Mo Nanbei finally accepted their own clothes, the two of them got into the crowd. Because there are commercial transactions here, there are more people, and if you go to the beach that is not touristy, there will not be so many people. human.

After Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei asked for a coconut with a straw inserted, they began to lie comfortably on the beach chair and watch the sea. The sun was shining on them, and the coconut juice was sweet and refreshing, and it would blow from time to time. A gust of sea breeze, in addition to comfort and coziness, I can't think of other words to describe the feeling at this time.

There are children playing with sand next to them, and at a glance, they seem to be building some kind of castle.

Li Ziqian suddenly had the mentality of wanting to tease them, Li Ziqian leaned over, just enough distance to talk to them, "What are you doing?"

The three children, who looked like four or five years old, turned their heads to look at Li Ziqian, but after a while, they didn't make a sound.

Li Ziqian took off his sunglasses to make himself more friendly to the people, and threw his own question again.

Finally got a response, and one of the little girls replied, "We're making a castle, do you want to do it with us?"

How could Li Ziqian refuse such a gracious invitation, and agreed immediately.

Then Mo Nanbei, who was resting leisurely beside him, saw that Li Ziqian, who was still beside him just now, ran to the side to play with a few children.

Mo Nanbei sighed and shook his head, feeling speechless at Li Ziqian's behavior, but willingly joined the team.

One of the children also arranged a task for Mo Nanbei, "Big sister, you come to be the city wall of the castle."

Getting along with children would not make Mo Nanbei feel any reserved, she nodded earnestly and continued to do what she was assigned.

The three children sat on the sand, while Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei squatted and built the castle with their own hands.

Due to the superb technology of Liziqiandui Castle, from the beginning, it was only at the mercy of these children to now lead the overall situation.

The three children have been convinced by Li Ziqian, so they obey Li Ziqian, and Li Ziqian asks the three children to do whatever they want.

Mo Nanbei glanced at Li Ziqian, "You kinda have two brushes."

Although this brush doesn't seem to be very good, it can be regarded as a skill of Li Ziqian, at least it is something that Li Ziqian can do but Mo Nanbei can't.

Li Ziqian slanted the corners of his mouth, smiled, and said, "Of course this is what I learned from my childhood."

In addition, Li Ziqian is also very good at grasping the psychology of children, so it is not difficult to be the eldest brother among them.

Nonetheless, the three children showed their likeness. As Mo Nanbei became more and more at ease, the three children believed that a beautiful big sister was justice, so they quickly changed their minds to Li Ziqian's camp was transferred to Mo Nanbei's camp.

Of course, Mo Nanbei did not expect that he would gain three loyal younger brothers.

The castle was finally finished, Mo Nanbei glanced at Li Ziqian and then issued an order to his younger brothers, "Why don't we hide it with sand for the big brother."

Without even thinking about it, the three children enthusiastically agreed.

Li Ziqian took two steps back subconsciously, and smiled helplessly at Mo Nanbei, "I don't want to let you play like this!"

Mo Nanbei didn't listen to the advice at all and grabbed Li Ziqian's arm, "Why not?"

The three children also became excited because of this, and they all got up from the beach excitedly to grab Li Ziqian's hand, and one brother kept calling Li Ziqian.

No matter how cold-blooded Li Ziqian is, he still has nothing to do with this greasy and greasy brother. He has no choice but to grant the wishes of three children. After Li Ziqian cast a malicious glance at Mo Nanbei, he still compromised. .

As soon as Li Ziqian agreed, the three children immediately became excited, and the three began to dig huge holes for Li Ziqian with tools and hands.

Li Ziqian squatted aside, watching this adult and three children dig a hole for himself with all his might, he felt a little funny.

But helplessly, the combination of the female class and the child was extremely powerless. After digging for a long time, there was no special progress in this hole.

Li Ziqian had no choice but to join the digging camp, and he was more dedicated than Mo Nanbei.

Mo Nanbei couldn't help laughing at Li Ziqian, "Do you know what this is, it's a bit like 'digging one's own grave'?"

"You shut your mouth for me."

Finally, a long and wide hole in the shape of a human was finally made. After Li Ziqian nodded, he lay in contentedly, and then Mo Nanbei and the three children actively covered Li Ziqian with sand. .

After everything was covered, Li Ziqian only showed one pair of feet and one head, while Mo Nanbei and the three children stood in front of him, and then Li Ziqian had to look up at the four of them.

It was difficult to look at Mo Nanbei against the light. After Li Ziqian blinked a few times, "I'm satisfied now."

Mo Nanbei didn't respond to Li Ziqian, but took the coconut milk and stuffed the straw into Li Ziqian's mouth.

Li Ziqian took a sip, thinking that since Mo Nanbi was still human, he didn't intend to pursue it any further.

The three children were called away by their parents because they had been playing on this beach for too long. After the three of them said goodbye to Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei, they walked away happily with small steps.

Mo Nanbei simply sat beside Li Ziqian, or more accurately, beside Li Ziqian's head.

"Don't tell me, it's actually quite comfortable to be buried in the sand." Li Ziqian twisted his neck to face Mo Nanbei, "Would you like to come and try it?"

Mo Nanbei quickly shied away, "Thank you, I still don't need it."

After staying in the sand pit until his limbs were a little numb, Li Ziqian was finally pulled out by Mo Nanbei.

With some sand on their bodies, the two decided to go for the water.

Li Ziqian can swim, but Mo Nanbei can't, so Mo Nanbei only dares to go to the place where the sea water submerged his knees, and he won't have the courage to go any further.

Although Li Ziqian wanted to use his strengths at this time and tried to bring Mo Nanbei forward slowly, he was defeated by Mo Nanbei's perseverance.

"No, I'll just stand here, I won't go forward, I'll go to you." Mo Nanbei was afraid.

"It's okay, I'll take you with me, it'll be fine." Li Ziqian also prepared a swimming ring.

"No, no," Mo Nanbei replied with a firm attitude, "Don't you know that when I go to the swimming pool, I only dare to stay in the children's area. It's completely impossible for me to go to sea."

But how can I feel the beauty of the sea in this way, so after Li Ziqian followed Mo Nanbei to play on the edge of the sea for a while, he dragged her to play on the super sofa bed.

The player needs to sit on an inflatable sofa-like thing that can carry people, and the sofa is driven by a sea motorcycle, pulled by a solid string between the two.

The two of them were sitting on the inflatable 'sofa' and were ready to go. Mo Nanbei was holding Li Ziqian's arm tightly. Because of the fear of the sea, he still had some lingering fears.

"If you think I'll fall, then I'm sure I'm dead." Mo Nanbei looked at the slowly floating sea water beside him and whispered to Li Ziqian.

Li Ziqian chuckled, "Then I can only pray to your photo in the future."

"Nima, Li Ziqian, why are you so cruel? Are you still not a person?" Mo Nanbei pinched Li Ziqian's arm viciously.

"Hey." Li Ziqian groaned in pain, rubbed his arm again, rearranged his expression, and said, "Don't worry, if you fall off by accident, I'll jump right after you. Save you, you have nothing to do."

Is that right?

Mo Nanbei raised his lips slightly, gave Li Ziqian a proud glance, and let out a light hum, "It's okay to say this earlier, you don't have to let me pinch you to stop it, right?"

"No way, I don't feel bad if I don't say a few words to you."

"Don't say it, you're a bitch-"

Before the word 'yes' was uttered, the motorbike in front started, and the sudden force directly brought the inflatable sofa that the two of them sat on far away.

Mo Nanbei was scolding Li Ziqian a second ago, but now he has started screaming non-stop.

As if the words were filled with wind, even the swearing flower dragged a long voice, "Fuck—!"

The speed was indeed so fast that there was only the whistling of the wind in his ears, which made Li Ziqian feel scared in his heart, and could not help but tightly grasp Mo Nanbei's arm.

The excited white waves galloped past the two of them, accompanied by the pea-sized sea water that kept splashing on the two of them.

The speed is fast and the rhythm is fast. After just a few minutes, there is almost no time for people to express the joy in it. The experience time is over. When the two landed back on the beach, it seemed that the experience just now was like a dream. .

Mo Nanbei was so stubborn that her hairstyle was already messed up. Just by looking at her bangs tightly clinging to her scalp, you could guess what Mo Nanbei had just experienced.

"Okay... so exciting." This was the first sentence Mo Nanbei said after being stunned for a while.

There is a fear of sea water, and this unexpected speed makes Mo Nanbei's heart beating violently unable to calm down for a long time. When combined, it is 'stimulation'.

The two people who were lying on the sofa and chairs changed their drinks again, from coconut to holding a glass of smoothie in one hand. It is really happy to eat ice in such weather.

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