My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 379: You wear black silk ===

With the passing of the National Day, the weather began to turn cold again. Because the biggest shopping carnival of the year is about to start again, Mr. Li Ziqian found that Mo Nanbei was recently busy in order to count the various shopping festivals. Reduced and big promotions and worked tirelessly to focus on those few shopping software for a long time.

Li Ziqian couldn't help but complain, "Obviously you weren't so serious in class, okay?"

"Don't talk nonsense, you don't know what I looked like in class." Mo Nanbei's wise eyes glanced over, and it seemed that he did not intend to agree with Li Ziqian's idea.

Li Ziqian didn't understand, and it was difficult to understand why Mo Nanbei always had so many things to buy.

"What's your idea of ​​shopping this time?" Li Ziqian glanced at Mo Nanbei's mobile phone intentionally or unintentionally, but after finding nothing, he had to ask.

"Well..." Mo Nanbei poked his index finger on his chin and thought about it for a while, "Aiya, there are a lot of things to buy anyway."

"Then what exactly is there to buy?" Li Ziqian still didn't understand.

Even without this shopping festival, wouldn't it be good for the two of them to live a normal life? Is there anything that is absolutely necessary?

It's not that Li Ziqian will be troubled with Mo Nanbei's consumption habits, but she really doesn't understand what she is buying.

"Clothes, the season for wearing thick clothes is approaching. What kind of coats, pie jackets, and down jackets should be arranged? There are also a few more sets of autumn clothes and trousers inside, and also about my skin care products. I've almost used it. Do I have to stock up on this promotion? Some appliances in the kitchen are outdated, so I have to buy some new ones. The potted plants on the balcony are a bit too monotonous. I'm going to buy some more to make it look richer..."

What Mo Nanbei said was serious. If you asked her to talk about shopping concepts, it would be endless.

Li Ziqian frowned and nodded. Although he still didn't understand, he was shocked.

Since living together with Mo Nanbei, Li Ziqian has gradually understood what it means for a girl to say that she has no clothes to wear when faced with a wardrobe full of clothes.

"Isn't that if you don't dress differently, it's not a lot of clothes for you girls?" Li Ziqian asked.

"Well... that's understandable."

"..." Li Ziqian looked at the shopping cart page on Mo Nanbei's phone, "I said, why do you buy several different colors for one piece of clothing?"

Mo Nanbei glanced at Li Ziqian with disgust, as if this was a question only a world-class idiot would ask, "Of course I have my intentions to buy different colors, and they can be used to match different colors and styles. Whether the clothes are good or not, besides, this is for inner wear, so it is not surprising to buy several colors."

"Then why are your shopping carts full of suits? Didn't you say you only need to buy coats? You didn't say you wanted to buy those trousers and shoes?"

"Because there are different ways to match different colors and styles of clothes, I have to buy a whole set to be convenient for me to wear."

"The other clothes in your closet don't match??"

Mo Nanbei spread his hands, "Maybe it's really not worthy."

"Okay." Li Ziqian nodded, trying to accept Mo Nanbei's consumption concept, and then said, "Actually, if you compare it this way, you are the most prodigal person."

Mo Nanbei glanced at Li Ziqian disdainfully, "Of course the money I earn is used to spend, and buying things is also part of my happiness. Besides, you are not bad. You like to buy games on steam and not play them. There are also a lot of game skins to buy, don’t all these cost money.”

"I'm definitely not as good as you, because you not only care about the virtual data in the game, but also your external image."

Mo Nanbei smiled, "That's not to lose your face, think about it, if you usually go out and get a good-looking and beautiful girlfriend, don't you have more face?"

"...Although, you are so at home that you only know how to face me in your pajamas, unkempt?"

"Aiya~" Mo Nanbei gave Li Ziqian a cubit pretentiously, "Then why do I care so much about you, otherwise I'll be so tired every day?"

Li Ziqian suddenly became serious, "Then you wear black silk."


"You wear black silk?"


"you wear……"


"get out!"

Mo Nanbei smiled lightly, and immediately said seriously: "Hey, don't do this, I must have bought you clothes too."

"What did you buy me?" Although Li Ziqian was not expecting much, he still seemed to ask. "

"You and I bought you sports socks."



"Are you so sure you can call socks 'clothes'?"

"Why not?"

Li Ziqian sighed and leaned his entire body on the sofa, "Silly, I'm too lazy to care about you."

"Oh, just kidding, dog stuff, I bought you a down jacket and sneakers." Mo Nanbei patted Li Ziqian next to him, "Don't look like this to me, what do I buy clothes for every shopping festival? Time to forget your share?"

"Actually, I have no idea about those clothes, as long as you are willing to contract the kitchen affairs at home in the future."

"You have to shut up for me, you're such a heartless piece of shit."


The 31st day of the 12th month of the Gregorian calendar is Friday. Although it is still an ordinary day in normal times, it is endowed with a special meaning.

It's New Year's Day.

After twelve o’clock in the evening, it was the first day of the second year. In fact, as long as there was a chance, two people were often willing to New Year’s Eve together, like the vast majority of young people. After going to college, this condition also changed. It is more convenient, although this is not the first time for the two to welcome the New Year at school, but they are not willing to treat them badly.

Of course, one of the reasons for this idea is because a special day will be a shining day in an ordinary day. What can happen on this day can affect the emotions of two people, and it will also preserve more value for getting along with each other. Memories of good memories.

Therefore, after the end of the day's class this morning, the two people who returned home began to think about what arrangements should be made for today.

The lunch at noon was casually eaten at school, and at this time the two were sitting on the bed and began to contemplate.

"The most important thing is at night, so we have to save some food for the evening meal." Mo Nanbei put forward a pertinent opinion.

"But what's for dinner, have you thought about it?"


"Are you going out to eat, or..."

"Then you must not be able to go out to eat. If you go out to eat, you won't have the feeling of a New Year's Eve carnival. It must be a big table put together."

"Do you mean to cook at home?"

"That's definitely not cooking at home. Today is a day off. I don't want to be tired anymore." Mo Nanbei spread his hands and showed a clear attitude.

"That means, shall we order takeout?"

"You can also order takeout, you can do it."

"No, I don't want to do it either." Li Ziqian, like Mo Nanbei, never wanted to do anything that could be solved with the touch of a finger.

"So just order takeout. If it's not enough, you can show off your cooking skills and make something delicious."

"Actually, I think..." Li Ziqian put his head on his hands and looked at Mo Nanbei seriously, "Your skill in making desserts is still very good, I suggest you make some desserts, which are better than those sold outside. "

Mo Nanbei glanced at Li Ziqian strangely, "Don't think I'll compromise if you flatter me like this."

"Hey, I mean it."

Mo Nanbei sighed, as if she was really moved by this compliment, she sighed, "If you really need my dessert, I will make it." He slammed Li Ziqian's chest, "You bastard, if you're exhausted if you don't think about the law, I won't give up."

Therefore, the two who had successfully negotiated were a little overwhelmed about what to do next. Since they need to order takeout, they naturally don't need to go to the supermarket to buy vegetables or anything. They just need to wait quietly for the opportunity.

"Do you think we should buy some decorations to decorate our home if it's New Year's Eve?"

Li Ziqian was thinking about why this girl Mo Nanbei has so many ghost thoughts every day, and asked, "How to decorate it, the red lantern with Chinese knot?"

"That shouldn't be the case, and it's not a serious New Year's Day, so there's no need to put on those traditional decorations. As long as we just go shopping according to our own ideas, it should be almost the same, right?" Mo Nanbei's eyes widened. He seemed to be clapping his hands for these strange thoughts.

"Actually..." Li Ziqian scratched his hair, "I don't think it's a big problem even if it's not decorated, why do you have to tidy up those fancy things, as long as we both have ideas in our hearts, that's fine, right? ?"

"That won't work, we've already come this far, and we still need to do something different to have a more atmosphere, don't you think?"

"...I said no."

"You have to give me yes."

"I don't think so."

"Yes, yes, you are all right now, hurry up and go with me.

Li Ziqian hugged the armrest of the sofa and didn't want to leave this warm home, "I'm not going, I'm going to go by yourself."

But Li Ziqian always understood that such struggles were futile, and Li Ziqian still had to follow Mo Nanbei's strange thoughts and go out with him.

Since I was too lazy to change clothes, I put a long black down jacket directly over the pajamas, which also took care of my legs.

Li Ziqian looked at Mo Nanbei's mid-length down jacket with a light pink hat and bunny ears, and subconsciously reached out and flicked her bunny ears.

Mo Nanbei stood in front of the full-length mirror and turned around, and began to appreciate it seriously.

"Let's go, aren't you in a hurry, why are you still looking in the mirror?"

Mo Nanbei's face revealed uncontrollable joy. She turned her head and smiled and said to Li Ziqian, "Actually, this dress of mine looks pretty good, right? I haven't worn it much."

"Yes, you didn't buy this dress on Double Eleven. Today is the first time to wear it. Why, you have to keep new clothes on special days before you are willing to wear them? This doesn't seem like your character?"

"No, I just wanted to try this cute dress when I bought it, but I regretted it after I bought it, because it was too cute and soft, and I didn't think it was suitable for me, so I was reluctant to wear it, but today If you put it on and take a look, it's actually quite suitable for me." After speaking, Mo Nanbei put on his hat and tugged at his rabbit ear.

The rabbit ears were made of fluffy and soft material, which made Li Ziqian uncontrollably want to touch them, and then they became two people scrambling to touch the rabbit ears.

After dawdling for a while, the two finally came out of the house. Today, the cold wind outside was quite raging. Before arriving at the parking place, Li Ziqian rubbed his hands with hot air over and over again.

Sitting on the electric car, as the car started, the two walked against the whistling wind.

Unable to bear, Mo Nanbei put his hands into his pockets and carefully curled his body behind Li Ziqian.

At this time, I suddenly discovered that electric cars do not seem to be so good.

Behind Li Ziqian, Mo Nanbei couldn't help but babble, "It's so cold, especially this electric car, which went against the wind and poured directly into my neck."

Although the unbridled wind made Li Ziqian unable to see the road ahead, but when he heard Mo Nanbei say this, Li Ziqian wanted to laugh a little, "What's the matter, you still boast about electric cars in summer. What a great car, and let me ride you on an electric car like this all the time."

"Isn't that I didn't think about what it would be like in winter? Besides, this strong wind is really unbearable." Mo Nanbei narrowed his eyes, his voice trembling because of the cold.

Sure enough, the electric car is romantic when it is romantic, and it is really cold when it is cold.

Li Ziqian was fortunate that his will was firm enough, and the distance was not that far, so he could fully bear it.

Mo Nanbei behind him stopped talking, but Li Ziqian could feel that Mo Nanbei was clinging to him tightly.

"You still have to learn to drive and buy a car, otherwise you will be frozen in winter." Li Ziqian said.

I don't know if it will take a while to accept such a message. Mo Nanbei was stunned for a while without making a sound. After a while, he said slowly, "Actually, this is not bad, at least..."

Not saying anything later, Li Ziqian asked, "At least what?"

"At least I can hold you like this, you idiot."

Li Ziqian choked, coughed twice, and said, "Actually, if you don't say the last few words, I can understand what you mean."

"That won't work." Mo Nanbei, who was as arrogant as her, said again: "Then you will definitely be secretly having fun, how can I let you succeed?"


When I came to the supermarket, in addition to buying some must-buy things, I naturally needed to bring some other things along the way.

Because the colder it gets in winter, the more luxurious it is for the two of them to go out, so both of them think that since they come out, they must bring a lot of stockpiles to prevent Next time I'll have to travel unnecessarily because of these things.

Mo Nanbei recalled the existing survival of the refrigerator at home, and made up for some ingredients that are consumed more in normal days according to the missing items, similar to various meats.

In addition to meat, vegetables are also indispensable. The diet of the two of them is somewhat nutritionally unbalanced. If I don't pay more attention to it, I am afraid it will be even more unreasonable.

After I bought a lot of necessary dishes, I went to the snack area to seize a lot of snacks for stocking. Apart from some puffed food necessary for watching dramas and games, Li Ziqian also put a lot of food in the shopping cart. Fast food, including self-heating rice and self-heating hot pot, is both delicious and convenient.

Sometimes I am too lazy to cook and open a box of fast food per person.

Mo Nanbei looked at the pile of fast food stuffed in the cart, and glanced at Li Ziqian, "You can't cook more by yourself, you can also practice your own cooking skills."

Li Ziqian said shamelessly, "I think my cooking skills are good enough, so it's fine even if I don't do it."

"Not bad, you stupid bastard."

"Oh, it's good to have fast food, and now the fast food is so good, it's really delicious, and I'm happy to eat it."

Mo Nanbei shook his head helplessly, "You didn't say that before, before you went to college, you agreed that you would take over the cooking career by yourself, but now it has changed again, as expected, men are fickle. ."

"Bah, bah, I clearly told you that it was shared equally."

It's like stepping into married life ahead of schedule. In high school, the part of cooking that seemed to be full of fantasy and magic has become completely unattractive now. Sometimes I think of cooking for two hours, but eating only takes Ten minutes later, I was very distressed about having to wash dishes and cook pots after finishing the work.

Mo Nanbei sighed again, "It's all your fault. After spending time with you, my appetite has grown."

"Bah." Li Ziqian refused to accept the account. "You don't have any appetite for yourself. How can you blame me?"

Everything can be recognized, but this is absolutely unbearable. When Li Ziqian first met Mo Nanbei, he probably thought that this should be a petite and reserved little girl, but it was not until they got together that he realized that the previous misunderstanding was really big.

"Then you can't admit it, I'm still a girl anyway." Mo Nanbei tugged Li Ziqian's sleeve on purpose, then blinked frantically.

"Don't give me nonsense, let's decide whether to buy it or not."


There are not many things about New Year's Eve decorations, but some balloons and pendants. Anyway, for Li Ziqian, they are all girly things, but in fact, the purpose of this trip was to buy decorations, but Grocery shopping and snacks still occupy the main field.

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