My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 73: You are not very healthy ===

Li Ziqian didn't really want to think about why the game was lost.

There is absolutely no desire to communicate with the magical teammates after the game.

Whether it's the fault of the disgusting opponent and disgusting teammate's k-head AP tree, or the fault of the lion cat who jumped up and couldn't drop the ad in seconds, it doesn't matter anymore.

Li Ziqian only knew that he was now thirsty.

This anger is not due to losing the game, but because the opponent's 0-11 ad put a question mark on them on the public screen when their own crystal exploded, and said, 'That's it? ’.

Ok? ? ?

Does it have anything to do with him winning the game on the other side?

Did he carry it?

With him also worthy of ridicule?

What is he!

Then I thought of that, in the last wave, after the lion cat didn't even lose this kind of ad in a second, the anger in his heart was getting higher and higher.

Although he is ill, this does not prevent him from being good-tempered!


He has to be killed.

Although it is not midnight, the chance of matching this ad is not very high, but... he has to restart the game and kill it.

Li Ziqian, who had thought of 'just one hit', was slightly overwhelmed.

Apparently, the cats Nanbei, who opened the black together, seem to have the same idea.

She silently knocked in the chat window,

[Cat Nanbei: After winning a game, let’s talk about it. 】


To be fair, after playing games with Mao Nanbei until now, he is actually about to have PTSD of "win one...".

This sentence is like a curse.

As long as you dare to speak, you can't win.

No matter how you get stuck on the world bug to set up this fg, the result is the same.

Go to bed if you win.

Go eat when you win.

When you win, go to code.

Even... go to krypton gold to buy skins after winning one, and quit the poisonous oath after winning one can't save this doomed losing streak.

Taking a deep breath, Li Ziqian realized that he was cowardly.

[Qianshan: Why don't you go to the ranking. 】

He suggested to the cat Nanbei.

A big fight or something, too Schrödinger.

Depends on luck.

See which side of the random hero is better, and see which side the teammate who arrives at random is better.

But they are also random teammates. In Li Ziqian's perception, the ranking will be more heavenly.

In order to improve the score, most of the people will choose the position they are good at and the hero they are good at.

Under normal circumstances, the oddballs encountered will be much less than the big fights and matches.

So in theory, it should be easier to get the first win in the rankings.

The simple Li Ziqian thought so when he started the game.


Soon, he paid the price for his stupidity.

How dare these people steal this outrageous routine.

The top single nurse, the bottom road assistant iron man.

The nanny gave the ice staff and mask, and the iron man gave the lunar eclipse regenerator.

ah? ? ?

The Renaissance of the Renaissance, the blindness and the blindness.

What a life-threatening situation!

Li Ziqian felt that this was completely incomprehensible!

The same is human, why is there such a big generation gap.

Is he the problem?

Needless to say, this one has some iron.

When I met this superior, the other side was about to burst into laughter.

He shouted "Eat points, eat points", and in less than 20 minutes, he understood the game.

As for why there is a limit of twenty minutes.

It also starts with the failure of the early surrender initiated in fifteen minutes.

About the fact that the teammates are still reluctant to surrender after they have been beaten like this.

[Cat North and South: Grass! 】

[Mao Nanbei: Do these gangsters have any special hobbies! 】

[Cat Nanbei: Are you looking for abuse? ? ? ? 】

[Cat Nanbei: Gan! 】

From the tone of voice that echoes the beginning and the end, the consecutive question marks, and the most appropriate way of describing it, it is not difficult for Li Ziqian to see that Mao Nanbei has exploded.

Since when has the top level of the 'win one' game been comparable to drawing cards.

Li Ziqian was already a little dizzy after playing three games in a row without winning a single victory.

There are colds and fevers that are uncomfortable, cold medicines that take effect and fatigue, and numbness due to losing the rankings.

When it came to the fifth ranking, Li Ziqian's operation was already somewhat deformed.

Top single Lucian hits Aoun.

Classic long hand and short hand.

But because of the incoordination of the jealousy of his hands and brains, his operation can no longer be described as distorted.

Soon, his record was 0-3.

Although this is inseparable from the jungler who lives in the top lane, Li Ziqian feels that if his operations are not so deformed and make so many mistakes, he actually has many opportunities to fight back.

Bobo's double kill may be a bit of a pretense, but at least one change is absolutely no problem.


If not, he would have been crushed.

The lane was split, and it didn't take long for the raised Aoun to kill himself with his support.


Hit this with a hammer.

So, Li Ziqian typed in the game fair,

"Qianshan (Sacred Spear Ranger): I can't beat it, click on it."

In this regard, their own passers-by, the wild leopard girl, agreed.

"Your home in my wild area (Wild Huntress): I really can't beat it"

"Your home in my wild area (Wild Huntress): The opposite is not at the same level as you"

"Your home in my wild area (Wild Huntress): not to mention the gold level"

"My wild area, your home (Wild Huntress): You deserve to be beaten"


Seeing this, Li Ziqian really lived in Bengbu.

The mood is complicated, and I don't know whether to cry or laugh.

'She laughed and cried'


At the same time, Mao Nanbei, who was jailed in the bot lane, also followed a symbol when he saw the Leopard Girl's speech.

"Cat Nanbei (Picheng Policewoman):."

"Cat Nanbei (Picheng Policewoman): It's really not the same level"

"Cat Nanbei (Picheng Policewoman): No problem"

If you think about it with your brain, you know that the old dog coin of the north and south of the cat is yin and yang strange.

What's up with the girls now?

Are they all broken?

What about the kind of little sister who is cute and cute when she talks?

Is it dead? ?

ah? ? ? ?

Why did the girls he knew, one or two, grow into that abstract appearance? ? ?

Just when Li Ziqian was thinking about this wonderful question in the world, his jungler started typing.

"/all: My Wild Area, Your Home (Wild Huntress): Power Leveling Sima"

The mood is too complicated and subtle.

Li Ziqian, who was originally in a state of collapse, looked at the serious news of the jungler, and he even lost his anger.


What more can he say.

Drop drop drop drop.

It is the sound of QQ message reminder.

Anyway, his current picture is also black and white, so he cut it out without any hesitation.

It was a message sent by Cat Nanbei.

[Cat Nanbei: "Picture" "Picture" "Picture"]

Several pictures in a row are all what my jungler said before.

It was exactly what their wild leopard girl said to him before.

Not of the same level; you deserve to be beaten; not to mention the gold level; supercharged Sima

[Cat Nanbei: It's really not the same level]

【Cat Nanbei: How are you feeling? Hahahahahaha】

[Cat Nanbei: You have today too]

[Cat Nanbei: I laughed so hard]


Thinking that this person did not directly mock in the chat window of League of Legends, it was to save him enough face.

He knows what the cat, Nanbei, does when he doesn't save face and laughs at people.

Well, to retaliate with virtue, he can't hold back... a fart!

This unbridled mocking emoji and the overwhelming 'ah ha ha ha hic' really made his head go big.

This game can be called Waterloo in his game history.

However, this is what he came up with, and he has no way to ridicule it.

So, he could only take a deep breath, ignoring Mao Nanbei's ridicule, switching back to the League of Legends interface, and silently typing in the chat window,

"Qianshan (Holy Gun Ranger): Indeed, they are not at the same level."

"Qianshan (Holy Gun Ranger): Why don't we order it."

"My wild area, your home (Wild Huntress): 1"

Finally, in fifteen minutes, the rare team passed unanimously.

The torture is finally over.

[Cat Nanbei: Are you still fighting? 】

[Cat Nanbei: Huh? 】

[Qianshan: Stop fighting. 】

[Cat Nanbei: What? Shut up? 】

【Qianshan: No, you need to code words. 】

【Cat North and South:…】

[Cat North and South: OK]

Xu Shi remembered that his ten thousand days had not yet arrived, and Mao Nan Bei did not continue to mention the matter of 'winning a hand'.

She silently exited the matching room and switched to Orange Melon to code.

Code word Ji seems to code word Ji.

By the time Li Ziqianxun thought about what to write in today's two thousand words, Mao Nanbei had already climbed almost a thousand words.

In the case of a cold and fever, Li Ziqian's coding speed plummeted and was slow to the naked eye.

But fortunately, he had the foresight to write the outline of this plot in the notebook, so even if his mind was blank, he still wrote a paragraph of text with no major problems.

After more than an hour of grinding and chirping, the two thousand words were finally finished.

At this time, the time has come to more than eight o'clock in the evening.

After writing 2,000 words diligently, Li Ziqian will be moved by his fighting spirit.

After taking another hot shower and washing up, Li Ziqian was ready to go to sleep.

I just dried my hair and lay down on the bed, only to hear my phone ring again.

Drop drop drop.

After Li Ziqian finished washing up and was about to go to bed, his QQ received a message reminder again.

Open it up and take a look.

are rare.

It was a message from Mo Nanbei.

[Mo Nanbei: How is your body? 】


In the middle of the night, what kind of upper body is this person?


Why did he suddenly start caring about his body?

Kind of scary.

One thing to say, Li Ziqian said that he was frightened.


Immediately afterwards, a message was sent.

【Mo Nanbei: Can you practice the piano as usual tomorrow? 】


Turns out there was something right.

Seeing this, Li Ziqian felt more relieved.

It's okay, I'm not really looking for myself to talk about my illness, I'm here to talk about business.

He just said, how can someone like Mo Nanbei who doesn't get up early suddenly have nothing to do and ask him how his illness is.


[Li Ziqian: It should be possible. 】

[Mo Nanbei: ? 】

[Mo Nanbei: Isn't it uncomfortable? 】

【Mo Nanbei: If you can, please tell me the time】

[Mo Nanbei: I want to arrange the time]

[Mo Nanbei: Unlike someone, I am very busy]

On the other end of the phone, Mo Nanbei looked at his empty schedule, his face did not change, his heart did not beat, and he typed words calmly.

[Li Ziqian: ...after waking up tomorrow? 】

[Mo Nanbei: When did you wake up? 】

[Mo Nanbei: Say, can you do it? 】


No, what the **** is this problem?

[Li Ziqian: ? 】

And Mo Nanbei didn't seem to have any plans to accept this group, she still said to Li Ziqian seriously,

[Mo Nanbei: Why don't you just practice for an hour tomorrow]

[Mo Nanbei: Your health is not very good]

【Li Ziqian:…】

Now he can't tell whether this person is mad at him or not.

Just when he decided that he would rather kill by mistake than let it go, he saw that Mo Nanbei continued to knock,

[Mo Nanbei: If you are sick, you should rest for a while]

[Mo Nanbei: Just come back after lunch. 】

This makes it difficult for him to say swear words.

Taking a deep breath, he simply replied to Mo Nanbei.

[Li Ziqian: okay]

[Mo Nanbei: So be it]

[Mo Nanbei: Good night, trash]

? ? ?

Addicted to this guy?

[Li Ziqian: Who is trash talking about?]

[Mo Nanbei: I don't have a cold]

【Mo Nanbei: Goodbye to you】

Before Li Ziqian could continue to say anything, she pressed her avatar again, apparently logging out directly.

What does it mean to be choked in the throat with bitterness indescribable.

Oh shit.

This person is more and more skilled at interrupting spellcasting.

Li Ziqian was relieved quickly about Mo Nanbei's rude manipulation.

After all, he was really sleepy.

I've been stuck to the point where I don't even want to go online after writing a word.

After rubbing his temples, turning on the bedside humidifier, and putting the phone aside to charge, Li Ziqian lay down on the quilt and went to sleep.


The next day, when Li Ziqian opened his eyes, it was already eleven o'clock the next day.

Compared with yesterday, my body is much more comfortable. Except for a slight headache and a heavy feeling on my body, I don't have any discomfort.

After taking a shower, changing clothes, and strolling around the kitchen, Li Ziqian decided to simply give himself a whole mouthful of pads to boost his appetite.

After all, it's 'breakfast', not too hungry. Everything will be fine after Jane returns from piano practice.

Breakfast is a simple sandwich.

Adding a little ham crumble to the egg sandwich gave the illusion that I was actually eating a lot of meat.

Cut off the unpalatable corners of the toast, crush two hard-boiled eggs, and leave the large egg crumbs in the sandwich, which will be more chewy and tasteful. Li Ziqian himself likes it very much.

It took less than three minutes to make the sandwich, and it took three bites to eat the sandwich. It was a really good breakfast.

After combing the mouth and bringing the piano score, Li Ziqian went out and went upstairs to find Mo Nanbei.

Arriving at the door of Mo Nanbei's house, Li Ziqian stood still, and the knocking hand hovered in the air for a while.


Except when his mother asked him to knock on the neighbor's door to deliver food when he was in elementary school, this should be the first time he knocked on the door of a girl he knew.

I have to say that this experience is somewhat novel.

dong dong dong.

Li Ziqian realizes that he is different from someone who has no patience after knocking on the door a few times. He has qualities and he will not knock on the door.

After a minute...

dong dong dong.

After two minutes...

dong dong dong.

After three minutes...


bang bang bang! ! !

"Come here! What are you doing!"

Mo Nanbei's cries came from inside the door.

When the door was opened, Mo Nanbei's face was not very friendly, he didn't stand up, his mouth pouted, obviously he had ten thousand dissatisfaction with this way of knocking on the door.

"I'm sick? Why are you knocking on the door so loudly!"

"Aren't you going to open the door?"

Mo Nanbei looked surprised at this, looked at Li Ziqian in disbelief, and asked him,

"Ah? Have you knocked on the door?"


Li Ziqian did not reply to Mo Nanbei's question, but just said with his own eyes, "What do you think? ’.

Who is so free to smash the door when they have nothing to do!

Not sick!

"Um... I didn't hear it."

At this time, Mo Nanbei was a little guilty, and his eyes drifted erratically towards the corner of the door.

After all, she was busy just now, and she was very attentive. She still... It's possible that she didn't hear...

"...So it's okay for me to knock louder?" Li Ziqian asked with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"No problem, no problem."

With that said, Mo Nanbei stepped aside from the door, leaving enough space for Li Ziqian to walk in.

Seeing Mo Nanbei's rare acquaintance, Li Ziqian slightly raised his eyebrows in surprise.

After he entered the room, Mo Nanbei suddenly turned around and asked him with a subtle expression,

"Why did you come so early?"

"Ah? Didn't you say that, just come to eat when you get up?"

"Ah...I mean...I thought you'd ink for a while longer."


It's early, what's wrong?

And... 11:40 at noon is not too early, is it? ?

For this, Mo Nanbei quickly gave an answer,

"Then you sit on the sofa for a while, wait for me, I'm cooking."

"Oh oh oh so."

Li Ziqian nodded, indicating that he knew it, and motioned Mo Nanbei to do her work.

"Oh right, have you eaten?"

Mo Nanbei, who had already turned around and was about to leave the living room and walk to the kitchen, seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and turned to ask Li Ziqian.

"Eat a little."

a little? Or a million points...?

After thinking for a while, Mo Nanbei continued to ask Li Ziqian, " you want to eat?"

"Can I eat it?" Li Zi replied in a thousand seconds.

He could see that Mo Nanbei was politely asking him if he wanted to eat with him.

Although this is the case, out of politeness, you should first ask the other party how much food is prepared, and then answer with high emotional intelligence according to the situation.

But... Li Ziqian felt that the most important thing in eating the food made by Mo Nanbei was not the so-called 'etiquette' but his own life.

So, when Mo Nanbei was stunned, he asked her again, "Can I eat it?"

"Grass! Who do you look down on?"

In the face of Li Ziqian's two consecutive questions, Mo Nanbei said that this wave of uncles can't be tolerated by aunts and uncles. Today, no matter what, even if they are stuffed, they will put this meal into Li Ziqian's mouth and let him know what is the real power.

And Li Ziqian saw Mo Nanbei's attitude, looked at the kitchen again, and continued to ask her,

"What to eat?"


Really concise answer.

Since he was invited to eat meat, there was no reason to refuse.

So, Li Ziqian decided to gamble!

"Eat," he replied.

"Okay. Then what do you mean by 'eat some'?" Mo Nanbei confirmed to Li Ziqian before leaving.

"Half a bowl."


What is the amount of half a bowl?

How big is the bowl exactly?

Is it a bowl of the same level as 'I'll go to your house and eat a spoonful'?

still is…?

After thinking about it, he couldn't come up with anything, but Mo Nanbei, who was too lazy to continue asking, chose to give up.

Well, it's half a bowl of her sauce bowl.

Thinking about it, she continued to ask Li Ziqian,

"Is there any taboo?"





"What a doctor you are!"

This conversation with Mo Nanbei reminded Li Ziqian of the doctor's n consecutive questions before hanging up the medicine and hanging the bottle.

Just have a meal!

Do you want to do this!

It's just... Even so, Mo Nanbei's question is still unexplained.

"Is there anything you don't like to eat?"

Mo Nanbei originally meant that he wanted to ask Li Ziqian, chopped green onion, coriander, onion, minced garlic, etc. if he didn't like it.

But she never imagined that Li Ziqian gave her an answer she had never imagined without hesitation.

"Fish." Li Ziqian replied.

elder brother.

Can you see what's on the countertop in my kitchen from this distance?

Red and white meat!

Where are the fish!

Even if you want fish, you won't have it today!

Apart from fish tofu, there is nothing that has anything to do with fish at home!


Wait, maybe there are fishnet socks.

The spit in his heart was disrupted by his own brain hole, Mo Nanbei looked at Li Ziqian who was standing in front of him and sighed deeply.

"Problem." She complained to Li Ziqian.

Li Ziqian: ? ? ? ? ?

Isn't that what you asked? ? ?

You ask me what I like to eat, and I answer, and then you say something wrong with me? ? ?

Li Ziqian felt a little unacceptable.

But fifteen minutes later, Mo Nanbei's lunch was ready.

It can be seen that this is a very obsessive-compulsive person.

Meals for two are served on separate trays.

Cutlery, water glasses, ice cubes, and drinks are all neatly and uniformly placed in the tray.

Donburi is a pure meat rice bowl, and there is not a single bit of vegetarian food from top to bottom, which is very good.

Next to the pure meat bowl is a symbolic pot of vegetables, just drizzled with a little sauce.

At first, Li Ziqian had great doubts about Mo Nanbei's cooking skills, but after trying a few bites, he felt that he underestimated Mo Nanbei.

She's not really a piece of shit.

Meat, onion, rice, there is no reason for these three to taste bad together.

And this pot of green and healthy vegetables seemed unusually unpalatable to him. After trying to eat a few mouthfuls, Li Ziqian was surprised to find that it actually tasted alright.

There is only a little sauce for seasoning, and unlike traditional salad dressings, it is a skill to prepare delicious vegetables simply by using soy sauce and other unknown seasonings that plums cannot eat.

To be fair, Li Ziqian, who doesn't like to eat vegetables, also successfully finished drying the leaves of this pot of vegetables in the end.

Although he thinks, the more intuitive reason is... Eating leaves can relieve tiredness.

After he finally drank a glass of iced Coke, he was finally full.

"Wait for me to pack up, and then start practicing the piano?" Seeing that Li Ziqian finally put down the tableware in his hand, Mo Nanbei tilted his head and looked at him for a while, then asked him.

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