My girlfriend is Ying Lili

My Girlfriend is Ying Lili Chapter 100

But there are idiots, too. When he took the subway last time, Kiyosuke Hashima saw many banners saying "Morons are infested, please have the courage to shout out loud", and there are even subway cars exclusively for women.

"I'm not, I don't!" The man held a briefcase in one hand and raised the other. His face was pale, and he hurriedly defended. "Just now the tram turned a corner and accidentally ran into you."

Hashima Kiyosuke thinks that he is the man in this suit. After all, he is standing next to Kato. The probability of encountering a idiot is not high. The chance of two idiots appearing in a place with a big fart is really very small. .

"You call it careless?" The woman clutched the corner of the other party's clothes, her character was rather aggressive, "I think I am a high school student, so I am bullied? There is no end to this!"

The melon-eating crowd in the tram gave way to a circle with great tacit understanding, all in a state of hanging up high, once the man sat down, and the man's miserable end was already predictable.

So when you encounter this kind of thing, people who haven't seen it will never interrupt indiscriminately.

"Please let me in." There was a shout from ahead, and the staff on the tram came over, "Let me pass!"

The crowded people quietly separated a road for people to pass, and the price was that an irresistible force surged on Hashima Kiyosuke's back, and he stuck with the sage classmates intimately!


There was a low, sorrowful hum.


A cold sweat broke out on Hashima's head, and he took a deep breath, ignoring the soft touch on his chest, and put his right hand on the wall behind Kato Ke, barely spreading the distance.

"It's okay, it's a special situation after all." The saint's voice is still calm, "If it is legal, this is called an'accident', and it is not responsible."

A nice scent poured into the tip of the nose, with the scent of lemon shampoo and an elegant orchid, which was obviously the scent of the saint classmate.

Although he said "It's okay" and his tone didn't fluctuate, Hashima Kiyosuke keenly noticed that there was a hint of pink on the white and jade earlobes of the pseudo-sanwu girl.

Fortunately, this awkward situation did not last long.

After a short while, the tram stopped at the station, and the woman and the pale-faced man in a suit got out of the car together, accompanied by the tram attendant.

Kiyomizu Hashima watched the opponent leave without expression, and even wanted to go up to make a kick. The man in the suit was out of all likelihood the fool who wanted to bully Kato. What is certain is that he is already in great trouble.

Japanese law applies the principle of presumption of guilt to the judgment of idiots. If you cannot prove that you are physically unable to touch the opponent, then you will be in a lawsuit and lose ten.

In this matter, the judge's logic is actually very simple-the little girls have already shouted idiots in spite of their faces, and they must have been touched.

However, there is another situation, that is, women are'touching porcelain' and want to corrupt others. This kind of thing is also very common. Molester cases are private prosecution cases and can be resolved in private. This gives the'touch porcelain' There is room for it, because once two people go to court, according to statistics, the probability of being found guilty is more than 90%. At that time, the end of the idiot man is usually "dismissal of the company, divorce of his wife, and complete destruction of his life."

Therefore, in order to protect their lives, many people will feel wronged and seek completeness and choose to save money and avoid disasters.

I don’t know what happened to the man in the suit, whether he was directly prosecuted, or privately apologized to lose money. The only certainty is that the man would never dare to stretch his dog's paw on the tram in the future.

The old passengers went down, and the new passengers came up. The impact of the idiot incident just now disappeared quickly.

Kiyosuke Hashima retracted his gaze, only to realize that he was still screaming at the saint classmate, and hurriedly distanced himself: "Sorry."

Ever since I inadvertently saw someone analyzing the specific attributes of Sage Megumi to be'superficial hypocrisy, black inner belly, and a little sickness in my heart', Kiyosuke Hashima felt that bullying everyone is fine, except that he can't bully his classmates!

The man in the suit just now was punished by God because he wanted to stretch his claws!

"Well..." Kato Megumi raised her right hand and gently combed the hair around her ear. "It's not Hashima-kun's fault."

Hey, what I want to hear now is "It's okay", not who is wrong. You can't be at ease if you don't open your mouth for excuses!

Chapter 159 The Right Way to Avoid Losing

The tram stopped slowly.

There were a lot of passengers getting off the bus at the shopping center. Seeing the crowd rushing out, Kiyosuke Hashima subconsciously turned his body to protect the saint classmate:

"We'll leave later."


Kato-kun put away his mobile phone and stood quietly beside Kiyosuke Hashima.

After waiting for a while, after most of the passengers in the train got off, Kiyosuke Hashima got off with Kato Kei.

weather is good.

The bright sunshine fell on the body, and it was warm and comfortable.

The sky above the head is blue and clean, but basically no one will look up at the sky stupidly. The various two-dimensional girls and idol groups leaping on the nearby high-rise buildings are enough to attract eyeballs.

"Well, Liutianma Shopping Center is there." Kato Kee pointed forward slightly.

Kiyosuke Hashima responded, "I see, let's go over."

Walking to a large intersection, looking around, there are a lot of pedestrians waiting for the traffic lights. In the center of a metropolis like Tokyo, the problem of crowding has always been unavoidable.

"There are a lot of people." Kiyosuke Hashima remembered the last time he bought a hat, and turned to look at the saint classmate, "Wait and follow me, don't get lost."

With Kato’s passerby attributes, once you lose it, it’s probably like a grain of wheat falling into a sea of ​​sand. You can’t find it without a mobile phone!

"Ah...I will try my best." The girl's calm voice sounded.

Hey, I'm not asking you to try your best, but you must not get lost!

Kiyosuke Hashima twitched the corner of his mouth lightly, and thought about it for a while, "If you get lost, please use your mobile phone."

"Actually, it's not that easy to get lost..."

The corner of his clothes moved and was gently held by someone.

As if the sound of catkins flying in the middle of March sounded in my ears, calmly said: "This way, you won't get lost."

Kiyosuke Hashima looked at the bob-headed girl who reached out and held the corner of her clothes, always feeling something was wrong. Before speaking, Kato said, "The green light is now, we can go now."

The crowds on both sides of the road began to rush forward, Hashima Kiyosuke looked back, "Let's go."


This time because of the clothes corner pulling Hashima Kiyosuke, Kato Kei did not separate from Hashima Kiyosuke because of the passive talent "auto-dodge", and the two walked across the road together.

"Thank you Hashima-kun." Kato Megumi's face was flat, and she retracted her right hand calmly. There was no strange expression on her face, let alone blushing and shy. "Shall we go to the shopping mall?"

Hashima Kiyosuke had a clear sense of subtlety that he had been arranged in his heart. After thinking about it, everything went with the flow. He couldn't find anything abrupt, and finally nodded, "Let's go."

"I came here this time, mainly because I want to buy two clothes for the season." Megumi Kato said the action plan indifferently, "It may take some time, Hashima-kun is fine, right?"

Countless ancestors have used their bodies trembling in the cold wind to prove that the words "may take some time" and "may" in the mouth of girls are directly crossed out, and then "some time" should be replaced with "a lot of time"!

Hashima Kiyosuke smiled: "No problem."

Basic patience is required for things that are promised.

If he is the only one who comes to buy clothes, the basic process is to go directly to the third floor, find a ready-to-wear shop, try them on, then check out, go downstairs, and go straight out. It takes about ten minutes to complete, but this efficiency is obviously impossible. Appeared on the girl.

Next is the shopping time for Sage students.

Facts have proved that the sage classmate is just a pseudo-three-no girl with a plain expression, not a real three-no girl. For example, in the matter of shopping, it is no different from ordinary girls.

Two people walked into the shopping center around nine o'clock. In a blink of an eye, more than an hour had passed, and the shops on the third floor were less than half of them!

Fortunately, Megumi Kato is still very quiet while shopping. Most of the time, Kiyosuke Hashima plays the role of bodyguard next to him, and occasionally provides some advice, such as...

"Hashima-kun, how about this dress?" Kato Kee held a goose-yellow dress and turned his head towards Kiyosuke Hashima.

Kiyomizu Hashima was expressionless: "It looks good."

However, the second half of the sentence remained in my heart and did not say "The clothes are good-looking, but when you wear them, you will be enveloped by the aura of'cognitive distortion', and you will become ordinary inconspicuous clothes!"

After shopping for a while, the Saint classmate finally bought the clothes.

"Well, it's already eleven o'clock." Kato Kee raised a hand and took a strand of hair around her ear. "Hashima-kun accompanied me to the shopping mall. In return, shall I invite you to lunch?"

Kiyosuke Hashima thought for a while and agreed, "Okay."

It is normal for friends to treat guests to dinner. Although the AA system is very popular in Japan, Kiyosuke Hajima doesn't like it. Next time, I will invite each other or buy some cold drinks, snacks, and small gifts.

The two walked all the way to the casual dining area on the fourth floor, and finally came to a newly opened restaurant.

"Just this one." Kato Megumi turned his head, "What would Hashima-kun want to eat?"

Kiyosuke Hashima looked up and found that this restaurant specializes in sushi and eel rice. In addition, there are many types of set meals. The other cheapest set is a rice, 3 side dishes, a fish, and miso soup. One serving costs only 500 yen in total.Then, what are the big boiled sausage set meal, fried chicken nugget set meal, ginger roast set meal, fried pork cutlet set meal, beef rice bowl set meal, etc. Because it is a civilian cuisine, the price is basically not expensive, generally 500 to 2,000 yen between.

"I want a tonkatsu set meal." Kiyosuke Hashima made a decision quickly.

Tonkatsu set meal is considered the most classic set meal, the price is not expensive, only 900 yen.

"Okay." Kato Kee nodded lightly, then tilted her head slightly, making a thinking posture, "Uh-"


Obviously it was a simple action, but the saint classmate instantly changed from an inconspicuous passerby girl to a cute girl with a show of cuteness. Kiyosuke Hashima didn't know how powerful the head-swept killing was!

"Huh?" A glare looked over, "Is there something on my face?"

"No." Hashima Kiyosuke looked away.

If you accidentally kill the cute things with your head tilted, you will never say it!

"I want a sushi set."

After paying the bill, taking the menu, Hashima Kiyosuke and Kato found an empty table by the window and sat down.

After sitting for a while, Kiyosuke Hashima got up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

After coming out of the bathroom, Kiyosuke Hashima stopped by at a nearby cake shop and bought two slices of fruit cake, and two glasses of freshly squeezed apple juice.

When he walked back, the Saint classmate sat in his seat and quietly lowered his head to play with his mobile phone. The sun shone in from the window and fell on the girl's body. The quiet and calm half-faced face will be quite cute after a long look.


Megumi Kato, who was quietly playing with his cell phone, tilted his head and walked through the crowd to face Kiyosuke Hashima at the entrance of the restaurant.

Kiyosuke Hashima: "..."

Therefore, in addition to the hidden talent of the assassin, Kato really also opened up the talent of keen perception!

Chapter 160

"I was thirsty just now, so I bought a glass of juice." Kiyosuke Hashima put the Melaleuca fruit cake and apple juice in front of the sage classmate, "Eat some fruit before lunch, which is good for your health."

"Fruit cake is different from fruit." Kato Megumi blinked his eyes and said calmly, "but thank you Hashima-kun."

Kato Megumi took the straw, inserted it into the juice cup, and pushed it in front of Kiyosuke Hashima, "Hey, here it is."

Hashima Kiyosuke sat across from Kato Kee: "You can eat as much as you can, and it is okay to take it home if you can't finish it."

Of course, there are not as many layers as a thousand layers. Hashima Kiyomizu is not clear. Anyway, there are many layers, and the color of the cake is changed alternately. It looks quite beautiful. The top is some fruits, such as cherries, bananas, and strawberries. , Apple, and finally decorated with dark brown chocolate crumbs... Of course the price is not cheap.

However, Hashima Kiyosuke can eat steamed buns and drink boiled water in times of difficulty, and of course he will not deduct food and drink when he is rich. He has long understood a truth-money is earned, not saved. Therefore, everyone should grit their teeth and be ruthless, and work hard to move up. Not to talk about the ideals of life and the high social value of things, at least to make yourself eat and drink and have fun, maybe a little vulgar, but Hashima Kiyosuke is like that. want.

Kiyosuke Hashima scooped a cherries with a spoon, took a bite, and frowned slightly.

As we all know, cherries are actually cherries, but cherries imported from European and American countries. If you read carefully, you will find that it is the transliteration of English cherries. Similar fruits include kiwi and kiwi, apple and snake fruit, pineapple and pineapple, etc. .

The cherries’ launch date should be in May. It’s a little bit early at this time. The taste is more sour than sweet. Kiyosuke Hashima felt a bit sour and didn’t like it.

"Hey, doesn't Hashima-kun doesn't like eating cherries?" Sage-classmate observes his meticulous ability MAX, and of course he will not miss the change in Hashima Kiyosuke's expression.

"It's sour." Hashima Kiyosuke smiled, "I haven't liked eating very much since I was a child.

"That's it... Um..." Kato Kee said in a flat voice, "I just like to eat it better. You can change it with strawberries."

Sorry, I don’t want to eat your strawberries at all!

Kiyosuke Hashima glanced at the remaining cherries, hesitated, and agreed with a smile: "Then thank you Kato, but I don't need strawberries."

Whoever tries to know the feeling of sour teeth, Hashima Kiyosuke is not planning to eat another cherries anyway.


Kato Megumi took the cherries away with a spoon. After a while, a hesitant shout came from behind: "You are... Kato?"

Kiyosuke Hashima turned his head and looked around, and saw two strange girls with long hair holding hands.

"Eh." Sage classmate blinked, "It's Ayaka and Yoko."

"Kato, it's really you." A girl with a shoulder bag smiled on her face, "I saw you from a distance just now, but I didn't dare to confirm it."

Another girl looked at Hashima Kiyosuke, and then at the saint classmate, "Kato, are you dating?"

If you change to another girl, such as Zhai Li or Ebina, you must have stammered and can't sit still at this moment, but the saint classmate is still calm and gentle, and there is no change in his face. He said in a flat tone:

"It's not a date, it's just ordinary shopping."

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