My girlfriend is Ying Lili

My Girlfriend is Ying Lili Chapter 137

When I won’t be angry!


Takaki bulged her cheeks, her anger rose, but Hashima Kiyosuke had already spoken before she could speak.

"I didn't make dough."

"Huh?" Zhai Li was startled and asked subconsciously, "What do you mean?"

"You just squeezed my face five times and pulled my ears three times, rounding to ten times." Hashima Kiyosuke said solemnly, "So I have to hold it for ten minutes."


Ying Lili wanted to hit someone.

Why do you pinch your face, don't you know how to count?

"Hey, you can give me a little bit!" Ying Lili bared her small teeth and shouted in shame.

Kiyosuke Hashima's face remained unchanged: "I'm sorry for the poor self-discipline."

Those who can do it in moderation are highly self-disciplined people, and it is the behavior of most people to keep an inch.

"When I was buying milk tea just now, senpai called." Kiyosuke Hashima changed the subject quite naturally, "Everyone is waiting for us to go back to have dinner together."

Ying Lili squinted her eyes and looked at the food waste with disgust: "Cheeky!"

Thick-skinned enough to eat, thick-skinned in this era is actually a commendatory term!If you are a thin-skinned person, you will only hesitate and hesitate, let alone holding hands, you don't even have the courage to talk to girls who like them!

The sky was completely dark.

The temperature during the day was fine, but after dark, the temperature dropped quickly.

A cold wind blew across the street and shook the lanterns, bringing the wind ringing from nowhere, making Ying Lili shiver gently.

Kiyosuke Hashima squeezed silently, and led Ying Riri towards the hot spring hotel, "Let's go, don't let everyone wait for us."

It seems that the girl’s body temperature is naturally low. It is clear that the weather is not cold, but Zhai Li’s right hand is icy and cold. The size of Yingying's grip fits the palm of her palm. It is amazingly delicate and silky. Sliding away makes people totally want to let go.

Wakura Onsen is quite famous in Japan. It can be said that it is a city that has emerged as a result of tourism. Naturally, there are many tourists on the streets.

Someone was already looking at him with curious eyes on the road, and Ying Riri reluctantly gave up the "lobster tongs" and temporarily accepted the fact that Hashima was being led by Kiyosuke.

Things are relative. Kiyosuke Hashima felt that Taekiri's hand was very cold. With Eriri, Kiyosuke Hajima's left hand was quite warm. With the complement of cold and heat, there is something that Eriri does not want to admit, but is real dependency.

it's OK.

Obviously, I was forcibly held by a shameless girl. Some were angry, some were shame, some were unhappy, and some subtle emotions that I didn’t want to mention, but it was impossible to feel disgust, even in a certain At the moment when the lights were dimmed, Ying Lili still felt that it seemed good to just keep going.


Ying Lili shook her head vigorously.

"I actually have that kind of thought, an illusion, it is an illusion!"

"Obviously this sister is forcing me, so I must have a fight when I go back!"

"The movements are still so skilled... This sister control no longer knows how many girls and children are involved!"

Chapter 223 Shameless (second more)

"At the hotel."

Just when Takari was about to fall into the white school and couldn't help herself, Hashima Kiyosuke's voice sounded in time.

Ying Lili looked up, only to realize that she had already unknowingly walked to the door of the Hina Crane Hotel.

"Um..." Hashima Kiyosuke took out his phone and checked the time, then turned to look at Yinglili, and said solemnly, "There are two minutes left, let's go shopping?"

"You want to be beautiful!"

Takaki squinted her eyes, her azure blue eyes were full of disgust. If her eyes were powerful, Kiyosuke Hajima was already riddled with holes.

(Two minutes left... In other words, I walked for eight minutes unknowingly?)

Zhai Li's pretty face said: "Let go of your hands."


According to Hashima, Kiyosuke let go, and the road was okay. Now when he returns to the hotel, Takurin will definitely not let herself lead anymore.

"So shameless, is it far more talented than ordinary people?"

Zhai Li put her right hand behind her back, vomiting.

Kiyosuke Hashima smiled and said, "It's okay to be thick-skinned...Thank you for the praise."

Ying Lili was speechless.

I was so embarrassed to nod and agree. You don't need to test with a bow and arrow. You know that your skin is too thick to shoot through!

"You are not allowed to approach me within two meters in the future." Zhai Li made a pretty face, drawing a line.

Who knows what excessive things will be done in the future to be able to do such a shameless and shameless thing!

For example...

In short, I will never let this sister control close to me for half a step!

When I go back, I will bring the anti-wolf shock device my mother bought with him. If he dares to mess around, let him know what a physical shock feels like!

"The distance between the front and back tables is only one meter." Hashima Kiyosuke said.

"Then don't come within one meter of me."

"You will pass by me when you go to the bathroom." Kiyosuke Hashima smiled and said, "The shortest distance will be retracted to within 30 centimeters..."

Ying Lili puffed up her cheeks: "Come on, right? Come on, I'll add a buff for you."

Kiyosuke Hashima reminded: "You are a ball head now, without a double ponytail."


Yinglili (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻


When he walked into the hotel, Hashima Kiyosuke called the senpai, and after knowing where everyone was, he went to the restaurant with Takari.

This kind of well-known hot spring hotel generally provides free breakfast and dinner. At this time, senior sisters, Ginko and others are waiting for Hashima Kiyosuke to eat.

Arrived at the restaurant.

"It's over there." Kiyosuke Hashima glanced away, and quickly found the location of senior sister and Yinzi.


Ying Lili was two steps behind, resolutely setting a distance with Hashima Kiyosuke.

When I walked to the table, the gazes of the elder sister, Yinzi, and Sage were all over. Fortunately, Yinglili thought about this happening when she entered the hotel. Although she was a little guilty, her face was slightly No flaws are revealed.

"Sorry, we were late." Hashima Kiyosuke apologized.

"Well, compared to this." The senior sister tilted her head to kill, closed one eye and looked over, "I'm even more curious about what you did."

Kiyosuke Hashima had a calm face, and Takurin could hold the scene. He naturally had no problem. He immediately explained: "Eirili's shoes accidentally broke. I went to the shopping mall and bought a pair of shoes. come back."

When Zhai Li entered the door, he warned that he was not allowed to tell the story, so he walked for a while carrying Zhai Li, accidentally kissed the cheek, fed Zhai Li to drink milk tea, and finally took Zhai Li back to the hotel. The details will of course not be mentioned.

Hashima Kiyosuke is nothing, dare to be daring, and won't blush when he speaks it out, but it is a pity that Taekiri must be fried.

"So it's like this..." An Yilun also looked down at Ying Lili's newly replaced sneakers, and said casually, "If you are in trouble, tell us about it. Everyone will help, right?"

Suddenly, Ying Lili had a subtle sense of morality, turning her face away and said: "The phone accidentally ran out of power this afternoon and it turned off automatically."

It’s a pity that I was moved for only three seconds, so I heard An Yilun continue to say: "Next time, be careful, don’t get lost by yourself... It’s been a lot of time, let’s eat, and after dinner, we will go back and continue the strategy game tomorrow. Before you go home, you must write at least one game review!"


If it weren't for this moment, Ying Lili had already stepped on her foot. The meaningless verbal care of'Be careful next time' is just as angry as'drink more hot water', OK!

"Let’s eat dinner first." Hashima Kiyosuke shook his head and looked at Yinzi. "By the way, where is Xiao Ai?"

There were only a few senior sisters sitting at the dining table, but Chu Heai was not here.

Yinzi said: "She was called away by a woman, it should be her mother."

"Let's go." Hashima Kiyosuke responded, "Go get dinner."

The woman Yinzi said must be Xiao Ai's mother. The Chuhe Hotel is the site of Ai Jiang's family, and it is basically impossible to encounter danger.

Dinner is a free set meal provided by the hot spring hotel, mostly local specialties. Of course, if you don’t want to eat, you can go to a restaurant outside.

Among them are two hot spring eggs that look similar to boiled eggs.

Hot spring eggs are eggs, but they are slightly different from ordinary boiled eggs. They are not boiled in boiling water, but boiled in hot springs at 65 to 68 degrees for 30 minutes, hence the name.

As we all know, eggs have egg white and egg yolk. The yolk solidifies at about 70 degrees, and the egg white solidifies at about 80 degrees. Because the water temperature of the hot spring is not enough, the characteristic of successful hot spring eggs is that the yolk is half-boiled, and the egg white is half-solidified.

Kiyomizu Hashima peeled off a hot spring egg and poured it into a bowl. The egg whites were flowing, and the half-cured yolk looked good. As for the taste... it's not tea eggs, just soak the eggs in the hot springs, and hope to eat them. Does it taste like dragon liver and phoenix pulp!

So you have to add some soy sauce when eating hot spring eggs, otherwise it will not taste really good.

After eating one, Hashima Kiyosuke picked up the second hot spring egg, and found that Yin Zi had eaten two hot spring eggs. Obviously he liked this kind of eggs, so he handed the hot spring eggs over: "You eat, I Eat sushi."

Yinzi blinked, did not speak, but the lazy voice of the senior sister sounded.

"Junior is very gentle."

It's just a hot spring egg, how gentle it is!If you get sick someday and you cook a pot of soup and send it to you, wouldn't you be so touched that you promised it!And now,'Ashahi' is about to fall into the label of a'good guy'. Anyone who has nothing but gentle will be overwhelmed by complaints!

Kiyosuke Hashima glanced at Taekiri, Eriri just looked up, and when he touched Kiyosuke Hashima's gaze, he immediately bowed his head in disgust.

"It's just a hot spring egg." Kiyosuke Hashima looked as usual, "Senior sister likes to eat too, I'll go and ask for two more for you."

"I don't like it that much." The elder sister blinked, and reached out and pointed at the pear sitting next to her, "but Ying Lili likes it very much."


Chapter 224

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" Ying Lili bared her little tiger teeth and shouted in shame, "Xiazhiqiu Shiyu! If you want to eat it yourself, don't bring me on!"

Is this black silk fat woman on purpose?

It must be!

He has a black belly and a poisoned tongue. He has a bad and terrible personality. He often takes pleasure in molesting people. Now he clearly wants to have fun with himself (*?Д`).

Hold on.

Can't counsel.

People are good to be deceived, and horses are good to be rided.

If you are counseled now, won't you be caught by this black silk fat woman and bullied every day?

The elder sister said, "Ying Riri squinted her eyes just now."

"What does it have to do with my squinting?" Ying Lili looked warily.

The corners of the elder sister's lips turned up slightly, and said slowly: "The last time I had a dinner at the junior Jun's house, Ying Lili would squint her eyes when she ate some delicious food."

Kiyosuke Hashima complained in his heart, Takurin is obviously bent into crescent eyes, you are squinting!When you squint your eyes, you become fox eyes, and when you laugh, you become a vixen.

"Hey, does Ying Lili have squinted eyes?" An Yilun also thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I didn't pay attention at the time, I can't remember."

Ying Lili had cross-strings beating on her forehead, and her anger rose.

"Hey, my junior." The elder sister turned her eyes and looked over, "You should remember well about Yinglili, right?"

Enough of you, this is simply a secret exchange of concepts, OK?Put it in the language test, the proper sentence is wrong!

Kiyosuke Hashima smiled and said, "Remember a little bit."

"Yes, damn!"

Takiri showed her little tiger teeth and winked at Kiyosuke Hashima.

"Sit down and don't move!"

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