My girlfriend is Ying Lili

My Girlfriend is Ying Lili Chapter 387

"What did Chihiro think mom said?"

Loli stepmother clasped her hands together in front of her chest, and asked with a smile.

"Nothing..." Chihiro hesitated, "Just leave the kitchen to me. Nissan will go out to watch TV."

Hashima Kiyosuke shook his head: "I'll talk about it when I'm done."

"You two will clean the ingredients together." Loli's stepmother bent her eyes and turned to deal with the chicken. "It is more efficient for two people to work together."

"……I know."

Chihiro hesitated for a second, stepped to Hashima Kiyosuke's side, and stretched out his hand to roll up his sleeves, revealing two slender wrists that looked like fat, cheating on Saixue.

Putting her wrist in front of Kiyosuke Hashima, Chihiro suddenly felt guilty.

(The skin is too pale, and the wrists are so thin... Nissan is a boy's wrist, right?)

(It looks very thick and the color should be darker.)

Quietly raising his eyes and looking at Kiyosuke Hashima, Chihiro quickly lowered his head.

(Brother... just now... did you know where he met?)

While thinking about it, Hashima Kiyosuke's voice suddenly rang in his ears.


"Brother, elder brother." Chihiro blinked, and suddenly became sober, nervously raised her eyes to Hashima Kiyosuke, and said nervously, "What's the matter?"

Kiyosuke Hashima replied: "The cherry prawns have been processed and can stop."

"Huh?" Chihiro turned to look at the neatly arranged cherry blossom shrimp on the plate, her eyes widened in surprise, "Nissan is so fast."

"It's obviously that Little Chihiro is too slow to say." Loli stepmother jumped over, holding a spoon in her left hand and pinching her waist with her right hand. "Little Chihiro was just in a daze, as if she was thinking about something happy."

Chihiro blushed: "I don't want to be happy!"

"What are you thinking about?" Loli stepmother waved the spoon in her hand, "Say it out to make mom happy."

"No." Chihiro rarely puffed up her cheeks, "I'm going to study!"


All in all, the family dinner can be spent without risk. The only change is that he was caught by Loli stepmother.

After lunch, Kiyosuke Hashima quickly bid farewell, and went out to play with Chihiro with his silver. Naturally, Momoko Kawasaki was indispensable.

Yinzi finally found out why it felt wrong.

"Where is Hoshina?"

The two middle school girls are tired of seeing each other every time.

Chihiro suddenly became nervous when she heard Yinzi's inquiry, and couldn't help but raise her eyes and look at Hashima Kiyosuke.

Kiyosuke Hashima was silent for half a second: "Yes, why didn't you see Hoshina?"

"That..." Momoko Kawasaki rolled her eyes, "Hoshina is not feeling well, so he is resting at home."

"I'm not feeling well, don't you take care of her at home and run out to play alone?" Yin Zi hugged her right hand in front of her chest and asked suspiciously.

"I have a mother to take care of Hoshina at home. Of course I won't need me." Kawasaki Momoko quickly calmed down. "If there is a machine that can transfer Hoshina's grievances and illnesses to me, of course I will stay at home... By the way, I heard Now there is a childbirth experience device that can simulate the pain of giving birth. Let's let O'Neill try it?"

"Try your sister!"

A black line fell on Hashima Kiyomizu's head. To change the subject, you let yourself try the birthing experience device. You are too much!

"Hey, my sister is Hoshina." The elementary school student showed a narrow smile on his face, closed one eye and said, "Does Ernie-chan want Hoshina to give you a baby?"


Chihiro blushed and hurriedly lowered his head to look at the tip of his toes, such things as giving birth to a child... Middle school students must not do it.

"Come here." Hashima Kiyosuke's face sank.

"Slightly." Kawasaki Momoko stuck out her tongue, "I won't go there."

The petite girl opened her hands, turned around and ran, with a clear and sweet laugh: "O'Nichan is here to chase me, and if you catch it, I will make you hehehe."

The words are so good, you won’t be able to laugh if you really catch you!


Yinzi raised his eyes and looked at Kiyosuke Hashima.

"Don't worry." Hashima Kiyosuke said, "I will not chase."

"I didn't say this." Yinzi put her hands on her chest, and the corners of her lips raised slightly. "That experience device, please understand?"

Kiyosuke Hashima: "..."

The four quickly arrived at the shopping center.

"Euny-chan, shall we watch the movie?" Momoko raised her face and suggested.

"Yeah." Kiyosuke Hashima nodded.

Compared to accompany girls to shop to buy clothes, watching a movie is undoubtedly the best choice. You can spend two hours of peace and quiet when you sit in the cinema.

Kawasaki Momoko said: "Are we still watching horror movies like last time?"

"Watching ordinary movies." Kiyosuke Hashima glanced at Chihiro and rejected the proposal to watch horror movies.

Last time I watched a horror movie, it was not you two who feared the most, but Chihiro. This time, Chihiro has to take care of him anyway.

"All right." Taozi reluctantly agreed.

Kiyosuke Hashima looked at Ginko and asked for advice, "What movie do you want to watch?"

"The latest theatrical version of "Conan"." Yinzi replied altogether, and then looked over meaningfully, "Learn other people's criminal methods to punish a nasty idiot."


After watching the movie, it was already more than four o'clock in the afternoon. Kiyosuke Hashima asked three middle school girls to eat a cold drink at the cold drink shop, and the day ended.

"Nissan, I'm going back." Chihiro said.

Kiyosuke Hashima nodded: "Be careful on the road."

"I don't want to go home." Kawasaki Momoko said pitifully, "Shall I go to the Nissan apartment to play?"

Play with your sister!A middle school student actually ran to the home of a high school student, and it was too late when you took maternity leave!

"Hurry up and go back with Chihiro." Hashima Kiyosuke said with a straight face.

"I'm going back too." Yinzi is very talkative, and will go to school tomorrow. "Don't forget the tactical training at night."

"Yes, see you tonight."


Watching the three people disappear into the crowd at the tram station, Kiyosuke Hashima silently retracted his gaze.

It's raining again.

The patter of rain is obviously not too big, but it seems to be going down to the end of the world. It is less than five o'clock, and there is already a feeling of dusk.

The sudden silence made Hashima Kiyosuke sighed slightly, but it was inevitable that he was somewhat deserted and lonely. He shook his head, and Hashima Kiyosuke walked into the rain with an umbrella.

Go back to the apartment.

Taking out the key and opening the door, Hashima Kiyosuke thought that there would be no one in the apartment, but as soon as he walked into the entrance, he saw the bedroom door half closed, and faint gasps and weeping sound came from the door...

Chapter 608

Kiyosuke Hashima glanced at the two pairs of shoes at the entrance, silently put down the things in his hands, and walked towards the bedroom.

Getting closer, the conversation in the bedroom quickly became clear.

"Then, it won't work there, please stop quickly."

"Don't move, don't change posture until I say yes."

"Yes, but it will stain the senior sheet..."

"If it gets dirty, let him come back and wash it himself. Hold on again, and I'll be fine soon."

"Senior Yinglili, please, please hurry up, this posture is too, too shame."

"You won't be ashamed if you change a few more positions."


Hashima Kiyosuke stopped at the door of the bedroom, listening to the conversation between Takashiri and Ebina inside, a drop of cold sweat fell from his head.

It feels very subtle and complicated.

It was like a male host who worked hard outside. He came home from get off work early and suddenly heard his wife's low groan in the bedroom. He was furious and rushed to the head. As a result, he opened the door and saw that his wife was playing offensively on the bed. On one side, the red-haired and weak-tempered lady who lives next door was crushed under her body, tearful and disheveled.

"I can't help it if you find out..."

Ying Lili's voice was low and her hair covered her eyes: "Yes, I eat both sexes."

" you want three people to play together?"

Zhai Li offered a complicated invitation.

"Play with a hammer."

Unless it is Zhai Li who drank fake wine, is so drunk that he is unconscious, and there is a hint of an invitation for three people to play together, don't even think about it!


The cat’s hearing is much sharper than that of humans. Hearing the footsteps of Hashima Kiyosuke, the Fat Tachibana quickly ran out of the bedroom, with his furry tail raised high, his footsteps briskly walked in front of Hashima Kiyosuke, and he used his body. Rubbing Hashima Kiyosuke's legs, acting cute and cute.

Since getting lost in the rainy night that day, this orange cat has become more clingy, and will get into the arms of others at every turn.

"Fat orange?"

The sound of footsteps sounded in the bedroom, quickly approaching, and then the door of the half-covered room was pulled open. His skin was bullied and he was wearing a double ponytail like a handicraft. His face was also covered with half a small face. Zakuli with the blindfold appeared behind the door.

"Ying Riri, I'm back."

Kiyosuke Hashima greeted him, and suddenly felt his gaze be distorted by some familiar gravitational force, he involuntarily moved over Takuri and looked behind Takuri.

On the double bed in the bedroom, there is a red-haired, weak woman with a blushing face and steaming water above her head.

The girl sits on the bed in a duckling position, with a piece of cut cardboard wrapped around her body, and a large area of ​​snow-white skin is exposed to the air. There is only a pink-white girly bra on her body. The spring scenery is unobstructed, and two big rabbits are pressed against her. On the cardboard, the strong visual impact is full of color Q.

"Study, senior, don't watch..."

Eilaoming's uncontrollable scream suddenly sounded.


The door of the room closed suddenly, and a strong wind blew over the tip of Hashima Kiyosuke's nose.

Then there was Zhai Li's embarrassed voice: "Perverted girl control! Why don't you knock on the door when you come back!"

Kiyosuke Hashima said speechlessly, "Are you not going to be a guest at someone else's house, what door do you knock on when you return to your own house?"

You don’t need to go home, who knew you would play Ebina in the bedroom!

"Death penalty!" Ying Lili shouted in embarrassment at the bedroom door, "cut your belly and apologize!"

So fierce.

It's nothing more than bullying a girl in someone else's bedroom. When the owner came back and met him, he actually made the owner apologize. You are not a brave challenger to the devil, but a fierce pirate in the Caribbean Sea!

The blindfold on the face is just the standard configuration of pirates. Yes, most pirates wear blindfolds, not to protect their eyes, nor are there so many cyclops. In the age of voyages, there are often battles and many people will hide. After taking off the blindfold, the eyes can adapt to the darkness in the cabin.

"Don't stand outside the door," Zhai Li gritted his teeth, "Retreat to me a hundred meters away."

"A hundred meters is too far, right?" Kiyosuke Hashima said, "I'm going to leave the apartment building."

"It's good to understand, it is to expel you from the apartment."


Kiyosuke Hashima turned and backed, put the umbrella on the balcony, and then began to check the hygiene of the room. He did not come back for two days, and the room was still clean. Obviously, Zikari had cleaned the room.

There are several comic books on the sofa. The covers look quite new. They are obviously new comics bought by Zhai Li in the last two days.

Kiyosuke Hashima turned on the TV, turned to sit on the sofa, and picked up a manga. He thought it was a new book recently. After turning two pages, Kiyosuke Hashima quickly confirmed that it was a sand sculpture manga.

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