My girlfriend is Ying Lili

My Girlfriend is Ying Lili Chapter 402

After realizing what a big mistake he had committed, Kiyosuke Hashima immediately withdrew his hand.

The Saint classmate maintained his posture and did not turn his head to look.

"Why does it become like this?"

Kiyosuke Hashima raised his hand to cover his dizzy forehead and looked towards the sky.

The sky is clear.

Although there is no moon at the end of the month, the galaxy is dazzling and dazzling. In front of him is the sage classmate who is squatting in the water with a delicate and smooth back. In his ears are the crisp laughter of two loli chasing and playing in the water. Why are you totally happy? Up?

Mandarin ducks playing in the water...No, Loli playing in the water is not right, she is obviously playing in the water with her life, and if she is careless, she will die on the spot!

In this situation, Hashima Kiyosuke suddenly remembered the Pansidong section of "Journey to the West". Zhu Bajie was ordered to investigate the enemy situation, but he encountered seven spider sisters playing with mandarin ducks in the open-air hot spring. A beautiful blessing, and almost killed him in the end!

In the open-air hot springs, the laughter of the girls, the extremely dangerous situation, the reality and the story have overlapped ingeniously!Even the appearance of a certain spider banshee in the old version of Journey to the West is matched!Although I am not Zhu Ba Jie, I have done something more excessive than Zhu Ba Jie. It is entirely possible that I will be dragged into the Pansi Cave by the spider spirit and eaten bit by bit!

Time ticked by.

For the first time, Hashima Kiyosuke felt that bathing in hot springs was such a torment, it was like boiling a frog in warm water, he was the frog in the water, and now he could do nothing to escape.

I don’t know how long it took, and to Hashima Kiyosuke, the voice that sounded like Xianle finally sounded: "Sister Hui, let’s go first."

"Slip and fall carefully." Kato Megumi agreed lightly.

"Don't worry." Xia Shi waved his hand, "I won't be so stupid to fall."

Kiyosuke Hashima looked out through the faint mist. The two loli didn't mean to cover their bodies at all. With towels on their heads, one hand pinched their waists, they walked out carelessly, the clogs under their feet stepped on the stone-paved ground and said, A crisp sound of patter.


There was a sudden silence in the bath.

The sudden silence made Hashima Kiyosuke a little uncomfortable.

Seeing the sage classmate squatted down silently and hid in the hot spring, Kiyosuke Hashima took a deep breath and said, "Kato, I was wrong."

Don't explain anything at this time, apologize first.

Kato Megumi didn't turn her head to look, she turned her head and said, "If an apology is useful, what is the use of asking the police?"


A cold sweat soon fell on Hashima Kiyosuke's head.

It is useless to say that it is useless to apologize. Obviously, Kato is even more angry than he thought. Maybe he has been drawn into the'blacklist'. From now on, he has just ignored and ignored!

"Extremely sorry." Hashima Kiyosuke apologized again, "I am going to cut my belly and apologize."

"Hey, that kind of thing..." Kato Megumi said calmly, using her white fingers to tidy up her hair wet with water, and said lightly, "It will stain the hot spring."

Hey, are you really considering letting yourself commit suicide and apologize!I'm really sorry for dirtying the hot springs, so I'll change to a place that won't disturb others, and then I will apologize!

"I don't know if anyone else will come later," Kiyosuke Hashima whispered, "I will go out first, and then apologize later."

Speaking of getting up and leaving, this is the spider-spirit's winding hole, the only way to survive is to slip away as soon as possible, the farther the better.

"Wait a minute." Kato Kei shouted.


"You squat down first." Kato bit her pink lips lightly, adding a rare touch of embarrassment in his tone, "Haruna and Natsumi should still be taking a shower outside, you will definitely be found out now."

Kiyosuke Hajima squatted down again, changed a posture with Kato's back, of course not leaning against each other, and exhaled, "Sorry, my head has fainted."

"Where is your towel?" Kato asked.

"I don't know." Kiyosuke Hashima shook his head, a little bit distressed, "I drank more in the room without paying attention. When I woke up, I was in the bath. I didn't know where to put the towels and bathrobes. went."

"Then it will be difficult..." Kato Kee pondered for half a second, "Cousin Keiichi should be in the room. You will definitely be seen if you go back like this. Don't look at cousin Keiichi who looks ordinary, but he is actually a very smart schoolmaster Oh."

I have never underestimated your cousin, or dare not underestimate any of your "Kato Clan"!If you are in Naruto, even if you are not from the Senju and Uchiha clan, at least you are a bloodline of a grade!

Kiyosuke Hashima shook his head and dispelled the dizziness in his mind. Suddenly remembering the famous scene in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he blurted out: "Prime Minister Zhuge...No, Prime Minister Kato save me."

"Hey, Prime Minister or something... Hashima-kun really has been soaking for too long, and he has fainted."


After a while.

"Haruna and Natsumi should be leaving..." Kato Kee tilted his head, and could not hear the singing in front of him, and then ordered, "Hashima-kun, close your eyes."

"I have turned around."

Kiyosuke Hashima said, and closed his eyes.

I have already seen everything that I should have just seen, and there is no problem with self-control at this point.

The sound of "crashing" water from the girl stood up behind her. Kato Kee stood up and walked out. The sound of footsteps quickly disappeared.


Kiyosuke Hashima sighed and waited silently. For the present, he had to entrust everything to Prime Minister Kato.

After counting silently for about five minutes, the sound of footsteps sounded again, and Hashima Kiyosuke quietly hid in the water to prevent any accidents.


Kato Megumi's light voice sounded.

"I'm here." Kiyosuke Hashima breathed a sigh of relief, and Kato came back instead of others coming in. It was obvious that the escape plan had made progress.

"Towel." Kato Megumi turned his face away and threw a towel over.

Kiyosuke Hashima covered his body with one hand and the towel with the other.

"There is also a bathrobe." Kato Megumi ordered, "Don't take a shower, dry your body, then put on your bathrobe and leave as soon as possible. I just sent a message to cousin Keiichi. He is not in the room now."

"Thank you Kato."

Kiyosuke Hashima walked up from the bath, turned his back, took a towel and quickly wiped the moisture on his body, he was in a hurry, and he had already been seen, and it was not important to see it again.

"I'm done." Hashima Kiyosuke said.

Saint classmate still did not speak with a pretty face, and handed the bathrobe over.

Kiyosuke Hashima took the bathrobe and put it on quickly, finally understanding why human beings use clothes to cover their bodies. It is not only shame, but also a sense of security. Only when you wear clothes can you hold your head up and behave again!

Sniffing his nose, Hashima Kiyosuke smelled a familiar and elegant scent from the neckline of the bathrobe. He could prepare a bathrobe in such a short time... It was actually the bathrobe Kato wore just now, right?

"Get out quickly."


Following Kato, Kiyosuke Hashima walked out of the bath and entered the shower area. The white mosaic tiles, wooden floor, and hot water tap against the wall are basically the same as the male bathroom.

As he was about to get out of the cage, Hashima Kiyosuke suddenly changed, and the sound of footsteps and laughter rang out from the door again.

"Hide inside."

At the critical moment, the sage classmate triggered the racial talent of the Kato clan to be in danger and quickly made a judgment, and pointed his finger at the shower cubicle against the wall.

There is only one curtain in the partition of this hot spring hotel, and the bottom is still half empty. Fortunately, the light is dim here. As long as there is no sound, there should be no problem.

"Puff, puff."

"It's so soft, it's softer than cotton candy, no wonder everyone says that only Europa can warm people's hearts."

"No, don't touch it."

"What does it matter, it's healthier to touch."

"Obviously washing is healthier..."

"Hmph, this is how you are ignorant. The bigger the girl is, the more likely it is to develop small lumps. I am helping you to check your body and eliminate the risk."


Kiyosuke Hashima quietly breathed a sigh of relief as he listened to the conversation outside.

The voice sounded strange, not Mrs. Kato, nor relatives I had seen during the day, so that at least it would be less embarrassing.

The girls outside obviously didn't think there would be anyone in the bathroom. They sat in rows by the wall and started taking a shower, talking and laughing while humming untuned ballads. The atmosphere was cheerful, completely opposite to that in the partition room.

The area of ​​the partition here is small, and there is a blank under the curtain. Kiyosuke Hashima leaned against the wall, trying to hide his figure as much as possible. After Kato stepped forward, he hesitated for a second, and finally chose a hand to support Yu. Shima Kiyosuke's chest facing each other.

Don’t think it’s okay if you don’t lean on your back. The heat on your body, the scent of shampoo, and the breath you exhale all make it impossible to keep calm!If there is an energy gauge display, the current energy gauge is rising rapidly!

Fortunately, the situation is urgent, Hashima Kiyosuke's reason can temporarily suppress instinct.

The sound of washing the body gradually ended, and when Hashima Kiyosuke thought he was about to pass the'sneak' level, an exclamation sound suddenly sounded.

"Oh, soap!!"

A piece of soap rolled over on the slippery ground, just to the door of the compartment where Kiyosuke Hashima and Kato hid, and then kept spinning.

Your sister’s soap, this is obviously the soap for bathing, is it good?

"The soap is so slippery, no wonder boys can't bend over to pick up soap in the bathroom..."

Some dull voices sounded outside.

Kiyosuke Hashima and Kato looked at the soap that was spinning on the floor, and finally stopped at the door of the compartment, a sense of crisis suddenly struck.

Picking up soap in the men's bathroom is easy to be sent to the anorectal department, but picking up soap in the women's bathroom is also dangerous!There is about 30 centimeters of space under the curtain. Once the unknown girl outside bends down to pick up soap, she will definitely see four legs in the compartment, which will be exposed instantly!


"Great crisis!"

At the critical moment, Hashima Kiyosuke's brain was running fast, thinking about the way to survive, and finally got through the bathing crisis. With the help of Kato, how could he give up easily?

"This compartment is like a pigeon cage... the chicken and the rabbit are in the same cage... the fun algorithm is to make the chicken and the rabbit raise their feet..."

Kiyosuke Hashima's eyes lit up, "There is a way."


The girl outside the door had already walked to the front of the compartment.

Kiyosuke Hashima took a quiet breath, and quickly embraced the sage classmate's leg with his right hand, and hugged Kato Kei with one hand.

The sage-student became calmer as he reached the critical moment, and he did not panic at all. The next second he understood the intention of Hashima Kiyosuke, stretched out his hands and hugged Hashima Kiyosuke's neck.

Kato is 1.6 meters tall and weighs forty-five kilograms. His height and weight are both in the standard, and there is no problem holding him with one hand.

The strange girl happened to walk outside the compartment door, bent over to pick up the soap, and said in amazement: "Eh, there are others in the bath?"

"The feet look so big..."

"I'm sorry." Kato Hui hugged Hashima Kiyosuke's neck and replied in an understatement, "Because I don't want to disturb you, I didn't say anything."

"No, it's okay."

The girl outside the door quickly shook her head, held the soap, and stood up.

"Little bird sauce, come to the hot spring soon."

The shout of a strange girl rang.

"I know." The girl at the door did not speak any more, and after a bow, she quickly left with soap.

As the girls outside the door finished scrubbing, the bathroom became quiet again, only shallow breathing heard each other.

Hashima Kiyosuke turned his head and looked at Kato. The girl’s wet eyes, the pink lips of cherry blossoms, the lingering light crimson on her cheeks, and the lightly trembling eyelashes... The temptation of dizziness.

No one speaks.

Even the shallow breathing was quiet.

Kiyosuke Hashima lowered his head and gently kissed the girl's soft and moist lips.

Time slowed down at this moment.

I don't know how long it took, whether it was a few seconds or a dozen seconds, the Sage student gently avoided, and whispered: "Let me down."

Kiyosuke Hashima put down the girl in his arms, and then realized what he had done. For a while, he was confused and subconsciously said:

"Kato, I..."

Saint classmates don’t have a pretty face: "Don’t drink in the future."

"Stop drinking, I..."

"Get out quickly, or someone will come in again." Kato Hui stretched out her hand to open the curtain and walked out, with a calm voice as always, "The choices people make when they are impulsive are often regretted afterwards."


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