My girlfriend is Ying Lili

My Girlfriend is Ying Lili Chapter 414

"I didn't buy it."

"Is it that dark belly girl?"

You and the elder sister really have a good mind, and think about each other as soon as they encounter things.

Kiyosuke Hashima told the truth: "Senior sister is indeed in my house, but Catnip has nothing to do with her."


Not long after waking up, Ying Lili, who was sitting in front of the TV and playing a game, looked at the game characters on the screen, and suddenly felt that the game was not good.

Fat Tangerine is being played by the dark-bellied woman. If she continues to play the game, isn't she going to turn into green?

After hesitating for a few seconds, Ying Lili quickly took off his glasses, took off the green sweatshirt on her body, took up the black hair rope and began to tie her hair into a ponytail.

"Don't think about green me!"


After Kiyosuke Hashima put down his phone for a while, he knocked on the door.

"I'll open the door."

Chihiro walked to the door and opened it. A blonde girl appeared outside the door, buried by the hamster.

Xiao Mu was bored alone at home. Seeing the fat orange picture sent by Ebina, he naturally couldn't bear it, changed his clothes and went downstairs.

"Eh, is Chihiro?"

"Sister Xiaoying." Qianxun said calmly, "please come in."

Xiao Qian walked into the room and found that there were many people in the room, besides the familiar senior sister, there were also middle school girls who had met in the shopping mall.

"Would you like tea?"

"No need." Xiaodi shook his head, "I'm just passing by... Take a look at Fat Orange and leave."


Kawasaki Momoko looked at Xiao Qian, with a puzzled expression on her face: "I feel a little familiar. Where did I see it?"

With a little heartbeat, a standard beautiful girl smile appeared on her face: "Hello, I live upstairs. I am the neighbor of the senior. It is the first time to meet, so please advise."

Kawasaki Momoko curiously asked, "You look so familiar, have we never seen it?"

"Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about."

He was young, and he was almost recognized. Now junior high school students are so good!

Xiao Mu calmly walked to Fat Orange, took out his phone and took a photo, turned and prepared to slip away.

"Xiaobui." Kiyosuke Hashima walked out of the kitchen. As the host, it was noon again. Of course he wanted to keep guests. "Stay and have dinner together."

Xiao Mu's brother has to go to work on Saturday and only rests on Sunday. This hamster is at home alone at noon. He either eats snacks and coke, or eats cup noodles and instant curry. Anyway, he will not make lunch by himself.

"Sorry senior, I still have things to do."

Xiao Mai Qiao's face condensed and replied decisively.

Kiyosuke Hashima was speechless: "You have a fever?"

"Stupid senior, I don't have a fever! Compared to a lunch, the risk of identity exposure is greater!" This hamster walked into the kitchen. In order to avoid being heard, he had to get close to Kiyosuke Hashima and whispered. "That high school student named Taozi seems to be suspicious of my identity, I slipped away first, anyway, I can come over to eat anytime."

Hey, who told you that lunch can be eaten at any time, even if it is a canteen, it won’t be possible until one point!

"Don't get so close." Hashima Kiyosuke reminded.

"What?" The hamster puffed up her cheeks, "He bullied others that night..."

"Xiao Bui..." Eilao Ming's voice suddenly sounded faintly behind him, "What are you talking about with the senior?"

Chapter 644

"That..." A drop of cold sweat fell on the little head, "I'm asking senior, why are you missing."

"I'm in the bathroom." Ebina curiously said, "You just seemed to say that that night..."

"You got it wrong, it's tonight." Xiao Buried said solemnly, "I want to come to the senior's house tonight for dinner. Even at noon, many people will not be able to sit down... Senior, is it okay?"

Xiao Mei raised his eyes to look at Kiyosuke Hashima, her cheeks bulging slightly.

(Why didn't the satyr-senpai remind me?)

(I reminded you, you did not react.)


The hamster was a little guilty after all, and soon left.

After a while, the knock on the door sounded again.

"Chihiro, I'll open the door."

Kiyosuke Hashima wiped the water off his hands and walked out of the kitchen.

"it is good."

Chihiro sat down again. Unlike Peach, who played games with the elementary school students, she was carefully reviewing her homework. The senior sister was bored and did not bring a laptop for work. Now she is sitting on the sofa with a laptop in her hand. This recently popular light novel is reading quietly.

Reaching out to open the door, outside the door was a petite blonde girl with a ponytail. The brilliant blonde hair reflected a dazzling luster in the sun.

"Eriri, good noon." Hashima Kiyosuke couldn't help laughing.

"Huh, don't talk to me."

Ying Lili showed her little tiger teeth, "Even the fat orange can't protect you. Your master has failed too much."

"It's hot outside, come in."

Zhai Li walked into the entrance, and the fat orange that heard the sound quickly trot over with his tail erect, "Meow~"

Seeing Fat Orange's vigor and rubbing back and forth on her stockings, Ying Lili's eyes showed disappointment: "Fat Orange is all right?"

"It's okay." Hashima Kiyosuke explained next to him, "The effect of catnip is only ten to fifteen minutes. You are a step late and you can only take pictures next time."

"Who wants to take a picture?" Ying Lili snorted, of course she refused to admit her true thoughts, "I'm just here to see if you guys are playing with Fat Orange."

"Junior, if you don't go back to the kitchen, the cooking is going to be a problem." The senior sister's lazy voice sounded, "Just leave it to me to entertain guests."

Sitting on the sofa without moving your buttocks, entertaining guests with your attitude, you are already bankrupt!

"Xiazhiqiu Shiyu!"

Ying Lili quickly turned her head and looked at the senior sister aggressively.

"Student Zecun came from afar to work hard." The senior sister raised her eyes to Zhai Li, and then returned her eyes to the light novel in her hand, and said slowly, "Sit down and drink a glass of water, you are welcome."

"Obviously she is a black-bellied woman who eats and drinks, don't use the hostess's tone to give orders!"

Ying Lili was anxious to vomit, so she just slapped my cat, and even pretended to be the hostess. Don't go too far!The hostess should be herself...Anyway, it won't be your Crimson Hill!


Rika was a little scared, so she put down the handle and hid behind the senior sister.

"Huh, sister?"

Ying Lili turned her gaze and looked at Little Lori: "This is Rika, the sister of the dark-bellied woman?"

Takari heard Hashima Kiyosuke said that the elder sister has a cousin who is like a real sister. When Hashima Kiyosuke participated in the competition in Kamakura last month, he even saw Rika’s interview on the live broadcast. It was the first to see a real person. Second, I have to say that it is indeed somewhat similar to senior sister.

The senior sister comforted Rika: "Don't be afraid, she looks fierce, but actually very weak. When drinking a drink, she can't even unscrew the cap..."

"Who can't unscrew the bottle cap?" Ying Lili looked at Rika and forced her to complain. In front of her younger sister, of course she wanted to show her senior sister a bit of face.

The senior sister continued: "I will call her Aunt Yinglili from now on."

"Xiazhiqiu Shiyu!!"


Kawasaki Momoko slipped quietly to Chihiro and sat down, approaching Chihiro's ear, and whispered: "Chihiro, who is this girl? Middle school student?"

"Not a junior high school student." Chihiro raised her eyes to look at Zakuli, who was having fun with her senior sister, and shook her head, "Senior Yinglili, who is in the same class as Nissan."

"Hey, not only a high school student, but also a second-year high school student?" Kawasaki Momoko looked at Zakuli in surprise, "Obviously about the same height as us, the body is exactly the same, I can't tell you are like a high school student... It feels darker than that. Sister Changzhi is much weaker."

"You think too much."

Chihiro moved her pink lips, but in the end she didn't say anything. When Hashima Kiyosuke came home for the first time, he took two girls with him. One of them had a calm tone and a plain expression. Even their names were unremarkable. Fuzzy girl, the other is the double ponytail girl who is suspected of being a junior high school student. Nissan just came out of the kitchen and took the initiative to help open the door... Sure enough, she likes Young Lili the most, right?

"The situation is not good." Kawasaki Momoko looked serious, "To protect Nissan from being tempted by other girls, let's attack, Chihiro!"


"Stay in the name of studying at night, and then attack Nissan at night. With Nissan's character, as long as you uncook rice and cook mature rice, you will definitely be responsible to the end!"


Chihiro blushed slightly, and couldn't help but vomit: "It's impossible to think of that kind of thing!"

Night attack or something... Obviously he is only a junior high school student. If he does something like that, his brother will be broken, right?

"If you don't take the initiative, what if Nissan is robbed?"

"Snatch it away..."

When Chihiro was halfway through the conversation, he suddenly reacted to the trap in his words, and the little gift went red, and quickly said: "I and Nissan are just brothers and sisters, and whoever Nissan likes has nothing to do with me."

"The answer is wrong." Kawasaki Momoko shook her finger. "You guys are obviously brothers."

Chihiro: "..."

Ying Lili and the senior sister fought for a while, because there was no one to help, she quickly fell into a disadvantage, and turned her head into the kitchen grunting.

"Senior Ying, Ying Lili."

Ebina shrank her neck and shouted cautiously.

Ever since I passed by the door last time and was caught in the room by Zhaili, Ebina now sees Zhaili and the mouse and the cat. For fear that Yinglili would be impulsive, she would undress her and make various shameful actions.

"Ebina." Ying Riri said hello, then looked at Kiyosuke Hashima with a smile on his face.

Seeing the smile on Zhai Li's face, Ebina shivered, and hurriedly said, "I, I will go to the bathroom."

After speaking, she ran away, not wanting to be in the same room with Ying Lili.

Seeing Ename leave the kitchen, Zhai Li immediately made a pretty face: "That black-bellied girl actually brought her sister over to play?"

"To be precise, it was Rika who wanted to come over to play, but Senpai was a foil." Hashima Kiyosuke explained, "It's just right that you came here, and I will review English with Chihiro this afternoon."

Ying Lili's face condensed, "You mean my English is at the level of junior high school students?"

How about your English level?Take out a junior high school test paper, and your score may not be as high as Chihiro!

"I mean..." Kiyosuke Hashima pondered for half a second, "Your English has a lot of room for improvement."

Chapter 645: Yinglili's Drop Reward

"I didn't eat breakfast?"

Asked Hashima Kiyosuke.

"I've eaten it." Ying Lili turned and hummed softly.

Actually not.

She said to get up at 10:30 yesterday at school. Naturally, she did what she said. Today, she has been in bed until more than 10 o'clock before she started slowly. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she returned to the room and started playing beautiful girl games. A carton of milk... If milk at 11 o'clock in the morning counts as breakfast, there is no lying.

"Help me taste if the salt is enough."

Kiyomizu Hajima took out a pair of clean chopsticks, took a chicken wing, and handed it to the pear with a small plate.

It's called test dishes, which is actually serving food.

"I want to cheat me to eat again." Ying Lili bared her small teeth, "what should I do if someone sees it?"

Hashima Kiyosuke said, "If you are worried about being seen, eat quickly."

"So complicated……"

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