My girlfriend is Ying Lili

My Girlfriend is Ying Lili Chapter 43



Still molested.

If you believe it, you won’t get anything but shame in the end.

As for the expectations, Hashima Kiyosuke really didn't.

It’s just a little fat. It’s essentially just a piece of pure cotton fabric. You can see it everywhere in shopping malls and underwear stores. Even if you wear it on your body, your value won’t double!

Kiyosuke Hashima was expressionless: "Senior sister, please respect yourself."


What do you mean by self-respect?

Don't you have self-respect?

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu bit her pink lips, and her leg shaking speed suddenly increased.

"Junior, I remember you..."


No words for a night.

At 7 o'clock the next morning, Kiyosuke Hashima got up on time. After washing, his daily physical exercise is indeed very important. I definitely don’t want to experience the second time because of the liver bursting. I still have the chance to survive. It is estimated to be lower than buying lottery tickets.

After exercising, Hashima Kiyosuke took out the bread in the refrigerator for breakfast, then changed the water and food for Fat Tiger, made sure that the doors and windows were all locked, turned around and went out.

Just walking out of the apartment, I met Ebina and Xiao Qian.

"Ebina, good morning." Kiyosuke Hashima smiled, showing a row of white teeth.

"Study, good senior..."

Ebina apparently suffered from insomnia last night. He looked sluggish, with two faint dark circles on his face. Now seeing Kiyosuke Hashima, his small face flushed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his eyes began to dodge in panic Don't dare to look at Hashima Kiyosuke.

The weak girl Ebina.

She was super shy and extremely timid. She was afraid of stepping on flowers and plants even when she walked. It is estimated that even if a bad elementary school student stopped her and said, "Give me a few sons," Ebin would obediently offer her wallet to let her go.

"Hashima-senpai, oh ha yo." Xiao Mu carried his schoolbag in both hands, and his smile was obviously much more real than yesterday.

The long flax hair flows down like a waterfall from the shoulders, a pair of crescent eyes are slightly bent, and there are smart and sly eyes flowing in them, bright eyes and white teeth, well-behaved and polite. She is a well-deserved beautiful girl. She is very popular among first-year students. Gao, if it hadn't been long before entering school, she might have become the third most popular beauty in the school.

Seeing Qiaoxiao Yanran, as if buried in the soil glowing in the sun, Hashima Kiyosuke smelled a scent of conspiracy.

Buried in the soil is a brother control, and it is a heavy brother control.

Suddenly showing such an enthusiastic smile to yourself now, there must be an ulterior secret, right?

Kiyosuke Hashima thought for a while, but couldn't guess what Xiaoma was thinking, so he silently labelled Xiaoma'Danger, stay away', nodded and said hello, and then said without hesitation:

"I go first."

Seeing Hashima Kiyosuke's back wary of leaving, Xiaoying quietly spit out the tip of her pink tongue. He just wanted to make a relationship so that he could borrow the game to go back and play... Isn't it a bit rushed?

Kiyosuke Hashima walks very fast. Running to school is a bit stupid. Many people will stare at him. It will inevitably be uncomfortable. Brisk walking is also one of the ways to exercise.

Halfway through the distance quickly, a light and pleasant voice floated in my ears.


The sound is like petals flying in the wind. It is nice, but it is not recognizable enough, and it is easy to be submerged in traffic.

Kiyosuke Hashima was taken aback, thinking it was an auditory hallucination. It was not until the second shout that he noticed Kato-classmate under a nearby cherry tree.

"Kato-san, good morning." Kiyosuke Hashima turned and walked over. "Are you waiting for me?"

"No." Kato-kun greeted him, and the two met again, which happened to be the place where they separated yesterday afternoon. "I come to school at this time every day."


Well, the grandmaster-level assassin master is indeed well-deserved, if it weren't for Kato Kei to call him, Hashima Kiyosuke would not have found the girl under the tree.

"Then I go to school together?" Hashima Kiyosuke said casually. I didn't see it. I met now, so it's hard to leave alone.

"Well, you can."

Walking on the road.

"That's right." Kiyosuke Hashima took out a book from his school bag. "This is the first volume of "The Metronome of Love". Read it first, and then tell me after reading it."

"Hmm~ there is no need to worry about it..."

Megumi Kato tilted her head, still reached out and took the paper bag, and then softly thanked, "Hashima-san, trouble."

"It's okay."

Kato Megumi put the book in her schoolbag, just as the breeze of spring blew by, the scene of the girl raising her hand holding her hair around her ears clearly had an unspeakable beauty.

"It seems that Hashima-san is also a light novelist?" Kato Kee looked up slightly, "Why didn't you recommend your light novel?"


Kiyosuke Hashima coughed slightly, what should I say?

Is it possible to say that the evaluation of Meikongwen is two extremes. People who like it like it very much, and the loyalty of fans is very high. People who don't like it will even scold the author for perverted?

It is full of light novels full of'my sister is the best and cutest','it's great to lick my sister', and'as long as there is love, even my sister is fine'. It is not the kind of light novel that can be proud and openly recommend to others. The novel!

"The main reason is that I haven't finished it yet." Kiyosuke Hashima said seriously, "It's more painful to wait, I know the truth best."

"That's it..." Kato Kee nodded thoughtfully, "It's like ordering a doll I like on the Internet, but doesn't it feel like home delivery doesn't come?"

"Although it means almost like this..." Kiyosuke Hashima was speechless, "Kato-san likes dolls?"

"I like it~~" Kato-kun looked ahead, but clearly saw Hashima Kiyosuke's eyes, and said lightly, "I'm a girl, is it normal for girls to like dolls?"

Sorry to raise this terrible question.

The reason why you are jokingly called a saint is because you have no desires or desires, and sit firmly in the heavens!I almost forgot that you are also a girl, and there are things you like and are interested in too!

While speaking, the sound of the bicycle rang again.

Kiyosuke Hashima turned his head and looked around, and saw a blond girl with two ponytails riding a bicycle, walking in the wind, the tiger teeth on the corners of her mouth were quite conspicuous.


Seeing Hajima Kiyomizu's eyes, Ying Riri suddenly turned her head away.

Kiyosuke Hajima pulled the corner of his mouth, so what is this subtle sense of guilty conscience of being caught and raped by Takuya!Obviously it's just a chance encounter with ordinary students, OK!


The whistle of a tram came from ahead.

The isolation barrier fell down.

So Takari didn't ride away like yesterday afternoon, but stood with Kiyosuke Hashima and Megumi Kato, and Shuraba faintly formed...Bah, there is no such strange thing!

Chapter 63-Class Food Chain

The tram is about to pass. In order to travel safely, guardrails have been lowered on both sides of the road, and Yinglili had to stop the bicycle.


"Student Ying Lili, good morning."

Kiyosuke Hashima walked to Ying Riri, showing a sunny smile.

"The cheeky perverted girl control."

"I ignored you when I overtaken just now. I changed my job to someone else. Surely I am embarrassed to come over and talk now?"

"Not only is he not angry, he smiles so happily, he is really a cheeky guy..."

But I have to admit that Hashima Kiyosuke laughed a little... pretty.

I used to have untidy, messy hair, and I often had two dark circles on my face. When I went to school, I slept there. It felt like a salted fish. Now I only cut my hair. Somehow, suddenly It looks much better than before.

Ying Lili turned her head and hummed softly:

"Good morning."

If Hashima Kiyosuke can hear Ying Riri's heart spit, not only will he not be angry, but also say "Thank you for the compliment."

Thick-skinned is actually a compliment.

After entering society, a thin face is almost equivalent to a loss. Kiyosuke Hajima's face has already been trained, and when he encounters Takurin on the way to school, it is clearly a little surprise in life.

As for taking the initiative to speak... Isn't it normal to initiate a chat when you meet a girl with a good impression?

Is it possible to let the girls take the initiative?

Pretending to be cold, you ignore me, I will never take the initiative to take care of your behavior, it is naive enough.

"Sake Village, good morning." A light voice sounded.

"Kato-san, good morning."

Ying Riri glanced at Kato Megumi, with a standard social smile on his face.

"Kato-san happened to be on the way with us." Kiyosuke Hashima explained, "It's just a chance encounter."

"Tell me what to do..."

Ying Lili whispered.

The tram roared from a distance.

A few pink cherry blossoms were moved by the wind and fell, and one of them happened to fall on top of Zhai Li.

Kiyosuke Hashima stretched out his hand and took down the cherry blossoms that had fallen on top of his head.

"You, what are you doing?"

Ying Lili stayed for a while, the blush on Qiao's face spread rapidly, as if a drop of ink dripped in the clear water, and quickly smudged the entire cheek.

"There is something in the hair." Hashima Kiyosuke coughed lightly, spreading his hands.

Ying Lili showed her small teeth: "If you have something, just follow me. You don't need your help for this kind of thing."


Suddenly, Hashima Kiyosuke looked solemn.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Ying Lili subconsciously moved her body, her teeth bit her red lips, her eyes were mixed with a warning in shame: "Speak to me carefully! If you say something that shouldn't be said, the consequences will be serious!"

Kiyosuke Hashima said: "That's right, I plan to make a game by myself, and would like to ask you to help draw the original picture."

"Are you going to play games?" Ying Lili was startled, and then frowned. "You also want to have the same with Lun. I want people to help you work with a few words? I have no interest in playing family games with you. ."

"Heren is not the same. I have already written the script. You can bring it to you if you want to watch it after school in the afternoon." Hashima said, "Then I will buy your original painting at the market price."

Ying Lili said, "What about Nalunya's game?"

"Renya hasn't even written a plan now. There is no need to think about the summer comic exhibition. The game can catch up with the winter comic exhibition at best, and the winter comic exhibition is eight or nine months away." Hashima Kiyosuke has plans early , "The game I want to make is going to be released at the summer exhibition."

Ying Lili frowned her eyebrows: "There are still three or four months to go before the summer show. It seems to be long, but you think games are so easy to do?"

Speaking of the back, Ying Lili's face was already disappointed, "You..."

"Listen to me."

Kiyosuke Hashima interrupted Taekiri and said calmly:

"I just leave the game programming to me. Basically, I can finish it in a month. I have already written the planning and scripts. Please help me with the original painting. As for the music and later stage, I only need money for this."

Of course, it is better to use money to solve problems that can be solved with money.


Ying Lili looked disgusted: "Hey, the ugly capitalist speaks."

Hashima Kiyosuke shrugged: "I am struggling hard against capitalists. I will say this when I become a capitalist in the future."

I mentioned the characteristics of the Japanese game circle. The Japanese game circle is very closed. It is difficult for foreign games to occupy the market. For example, the game that broke into the Japanese mobile game list in the past is only one "Azur Lane". There is no azure blue in this world, but Kiyosuke Hashima cannot do it alone.

The genre he chooses now is short time, low cost, easy to gain fame and reputation...galgame game.

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