My girlfriend is Ying Lili

My Girlfriend is Ying Lili Chapter 430

"By the way, do you want to run with me at night?"

"Don't run the word before me in the future!"


Kiyosuke Hashima returned to the gymnasium and took the form to the physical education teacher. After taking a shower, he turned back to the classroom, took his schoolbag, and walked to the library.

The time is late July, and the final exam is almost here. At this time, there will be many people holding hands, regardless of high school or university.

Entering the library, the place that has always been deserted on weekdays has become overcrowded at this moment. Kiyosuke Hashima walked to the second floor with a familiar road and walked to the innermost corner. He quickly saw a quiet and quiet short-haired girl with the left hand. He held his chin, and his wrist, which looked like frost and snow, was extremely white and jade in the sun, and his right hand gently shook the pencil.


She seemed to be aware of Hashima Kiyosuke's gaze, and the girl quickly raised her eyes.

The eyes are facing each other, everything is clear.

Next to Kato, there is a red-haired weak lady with beautiful burgundy hair and a restrained sitting posture. It is Kato Kei and Ebina.

Kiyosuke Hashima walked to the middle of the two girls and sat down, and said in a low voice, "I just finished my physical education class, I'm late."

"It's okay." Enamel hurriedly shook his head and said in a low voice, "Senior Hui and I haven't been here for long."

"Here you are." Kiyosuke Hashima handed Ebina the green tea drink he bought at the convenience store on the first floor. "Drink some water."

Then he handed another bottle of drink to the sage classmate, and asked, "Would you like to unscrew the cap for you?"

"Thank you Hashima-kun~" Kato Megumi reached out and took the drink, glancing lightly, "I can do that by myself."

In Hamamatsu, I couldn’t open the bottle cap because my palms were sweaty, so I didn’t need help for the same thing.

Kiyosuke Hashima took his drink, twisted it and took a sip, then said:

"Start reviewing."

As the final exam was approaching, many people were busy reviewing. Kei Kato and Ebina were no exception. They originally planned to review at Kiyosuke Hashima’s home, but Patriarch Kato was far away. He was worried about going back alone at night, and finally changed the review location to The school library.

The elder sister is the first in the third grade, and the hamster is the first in the first grade. These two girls don't need to seriously review, they belong to the genius girls who can "learn casually", don't worry at all.

In fact, Ying Lili really needed review, but unfortunately, she couldn't save face and Hashima Kiyosuke refused to come to the library.

I have been here twice, but the passive aura cannot be turned off, so that the nearby people are silent and trembling. I am also quite distressed. In the end, I simply stopped coming. Now only Hashima Kiyosuke and Kato are left. Hui and Ebina form a trio of reviewers.

"What about the after-school exercises I gave you before leaving yesterday afternoon?" Hashima Kiyosuke turned to look at Kato Megumi.

"Well, here." Kato Hui opened the exercise book and said lightly, "Some places still don't."

Kiyomizu Hashima glanced at Kato’s answer, and quickly said, “It’s already pretty good. Trigonometric functions are originally the key and difficult points. The exam will inevitably be taken. Today, I will review the various basic question types and variant question types again. Up."

"Then trouble Hashima-kun, then."

Kiyosuke Hashima hugs left and right... is to help review his homework, but he also didn't fall behind. After all, he is just reviewing, not teaching as a teacher.

time flies.


When Kiyosuke Hashima took the exercise book, he accidentally swept the pen holder, causing the pen holder to roll down.

"I'll pick it up." Kiyosuke Hashima bent down and was about to pick up the pen holder, unexpectedly.

Chapter 667 Megumi Kato's Shame Knee Pillow

The library is quite quiet, even if someone is talking, the voice will be very quiet to avoid disturbing others.

However, when Hashima Kiyosuke picked up the pen holder and was about to get up, a scream suddenly broke the tranquility in the library.

"There are cockroaches!"

The panicked voice of the unknown girl seemed as if a spark had fallen into the gasoline. After a short silence, the library suddenly became lively, and the screams of various girls burst out.

One of the panicked whispers came from the red-haired weak girl on the right hand side of Kiyosuke Hashima. Unfortunately, as usual, her voice was a little weak and easily drowned in the crowd.

"Where is the cockroach! Hurry up and kill it!"

"I, I dare not."

"Go away, let me come."

A boy's voice sounded.


The sound of the book slammed on the ground was exceptionally loud.

"It didn't hit... it ran away, so fast."

"Hey, don't run around, I can't see where the cockroaches go."

"Fly, fly!"

All kinds of sounds intertwined in his ears and turned into a mess, but it had no effect on Hashima Kiyosuke. He reached out and picked up the pen holder that fell at Kato Ke’s feet. He just got up halfway, and the panic cries in his ear suddenly increased. Then he slammed on his back:

"Study, senior, fly here!"


Hashima Kiyosuke was originally bent over to pick up things. At this moment, Ebina was pressed from behind, his body instantly lost his balance, and he lay face down on the saint’s thigh.


Super bad!

Pillow face up on the girl's thigh is a knee pillow, but the **** buried face down on a girl is not a knee pillow, but a perverted idiot!If you change to another girl, you're already screaming right now!

However, even the saint classmate who was sitting on the frosty sky, his body was slightly tightened for a moment, and it was obvious that he couldn't do so.

Kiyosuke Hashima stretched out and supported the chair, ready to get up immediately. He lost his balance just now because he was caught off guard. Otherwise, with the weight of Ebina, even if he sits on his body, he can keep moving up and down... such as push-ups.


The creature fluttered its wings, and the sound of flying by at low altitude sounded.


Hashima Kiyosuke clearly felt Ebin's trembling on his back, and he whispered in fear.

(At this time, the only girl who can maintain her composure is Kato, right?)

The above thought came to Hashima Kiyosuke.

However, the next moment, a slender jade hand suddenly pressed on the top of his head, and his vision suddenly darkened.

Kiyosuke Hajima lay on Kato Kee’s thigh again, and it took three seconds to figure out the current situation-the light suddenly dimmed. It was not because the dark clouds blocked the sun, but Kato Kee lay suddenly. On the table.

I thought you were fearless and weak, so you were afraid of cockroaches too!Even if the cockroach is hovering above your head, you have to get yourself up first. Your posture is ten times more dangerous than a cockroach!

All kinds of messy sounds poured into his ears, and his head was still held by the sage classmates. Kiyosuke Hajima had no choice but to maintain his posture and bury his face on Kato's thigh.

"Stay steady."

"do not worry."

"As long as the current posture is understood as a mistake on the front and back of the knee pillow, the theft of books cannot be regarded as stealing, and accidents will not be convicted in law!"

The delicate scent of laundry detergent on the girl's body poured into her nose. In addition to laundry detergent, there was also a faint scent that was different from artificial, which smelled particularly good.


Kiyosuke Hashima couldn't help but breathe out.

In the scorching summer, everyone naturally changed into summer cool and breathable school uniforms. The saint classmates who were lying on the table to avoid the mid-air bombing clearly felt the scorching hot air flow exhaled by Kiyosuke Hashima, and the mood of "the sky is not scared" was immediately maintained. He stayed, his legs were brought together and tightened, a little blush quickly emerged from his ears, quietly smudging half of his cheeks.


The riots continued, and the sound of "Papa Papa" kept ringing in his ears. Brother Xiaoqiang was not only tenacious in vitality, but his ability to escape and move was also world-class.

Kiyosuke Hashima planned to hold his breath and endure, but his nose suddenly itched, and he couldn't hold his breath.


Slightly hummed.

The blush on Kato Megumi's face was a little bit more, and her shell teeth gently bit her pink lips, and the right hand pressed against Hashima Kiyosuke's head moved down, and quickly landed on Hashima Kiyosuke's ear, and then gently twisted.

Kiyosuke Hashima: "..."

It's no use twisting your ears!It's not that the throttle of a locomotive is opened when you want to open it, or closed when you want to close it. You have to breathe while you are alive, unless you are not a person like JOJO!

The scent of the tip of the nose lingers, it is obviously just an ordinary school uniform skirt, but it always feels exceptionally soft and silky, and the delicate and elastic skin under the skirt is impeccable except for a little stuffy and not allowed to breathe.

Ten seconds later.


The sound of a book shot on the wall sounded, and then the unknown girl laughed triumphantly: "It's okay, it's okay, everyone, don't panic, this nasty cockroach has been shot to death by me!"

Kiyosuke Hashima finally got out of the sea of ​​suffering and got up from Kato Kei's knee pillow. The first thing was to apologize: "I was wrong!"

The sky is always light and breezy, as if the saint student who won't change color when the sky falls, there is a bright blush on his face at this moment, even his cheeks are slightly bulging.

Kato Megumi turned his head and looked out the window, raising her right hand to tidy the hair around her ears, and her left hand to tidy the skirt which was messed up by Hashima Kiyosuke: "What's wrong?"


Hashima Kiyosuke said silently: "The fault is not to breathe."

The human body has its limits, so we won't be human anymore!

Fortunately, Kato Megumi’s "cognitive distortion" ability was turned on all the way, and everyone’s eyes were on the girl who bravely saved the audience and won the MVP, but no one found the shameful knee pillow of Hashima Kiyosuke and Kato. Zhai Li or Senior Sister, tomorrow will definitely make headlines on campus in the name of a fool.

"This classmate." A teacher wearing glasses hurried up from the first floor.

"Teacher." The girl who won the victory has short red hair and healthy, wheat-colored skin. She is obviously an athletic girl with a bright smile on her face, saying, "Don't be afraid, the cockroach has been shot to death by me."

The teacher wearing glasses looked at the corpse of Xiaoqiang on the wall, gently pulled the corner of his mouth, and quickly said: "Good job...but you can clean the wall quickly."

"Huh eh eh?"

Eilaoming glanced at the bloody brother Xiaoqiang on the wall, quickly retracted his gaze, and sighed in relief, holding his chest, blushing, and said, "Study, senior, sorry, I just pressed on you."

Kiyosuke Hashima put the pen holder on the table, and said silently, "You got the wrong person for the apology..."


"You can continue to review."

The light and fluttering voice of the saint classmate sounded.

Hashima Kiyosuke resolutely lowered his head to read the book: "Kato is right, continue to review."

Chapter 668

It was sunset in a blink of an eye.

Kiyosuke Hashima turned his head and looked out the library window. The red sun had already slanted west, the burning clouds on the horizon were magnificent, and the glass of skyscrapers in the distance shone with dazzling gold in the sunset.

"That's it for today." Kiyosuke Hashima closed his notebook, "It's time to go home."


The three packed up their schoolbags and left the library together.

No words all the way.

Soon they came to a separate crossroad.

"Kato, see you tomorrow." Kiyosuke Hashima looked at the saint classmate in the sunset and said warmly.

"Sister Hui, see you tomorrow."

This is Ebina's weak voice.

"See you tomorrow."

Saying goodbye to Kato, Hashima Kiyosuke and Ebina walked to the apartment together, passing by the shrine that had been sheltered from the rain, the red-haired and weak woman's footsteps subconsciously slowed down.

"what happened?"

Asked Hashima Kiyosuke.

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