My girlfriend is Ying Lili

My Girlfriend is Ying Lili Chapter 451


One hand pressed the skirt that was blown by the wind, staring dangerously.


The light and windy saint classmate half-squinted his eyes, and his powder cheeks bulged lightly in an undetectable range.

"It's not my fault, it's the wind."


The bulging of the cheeks of the sage classmate was one more point.

Kiyosuke Hashima quickly figured out the correct answer, and said silently, "I didn't see anything."


Acupuncture point massage only takes three or four minutes, but after a long time it will be too late.

"All right."

Putting Kato's left foot down, and as the delicate and silky warmth in his hands moved away, Hashima Kiyosuke couldn't help but feel a subtle sense of loss in his heart.

"We go home."

Chapter 686

The moment he walked out of the school building, the dazzling sunlight fell, causing Kiyosuke Hashima to squint his eyes lightly.

The sky was azure blue, like a sea of ​​clear and clear sky. There were no clouds in sight. Only the airplane dragged a long trail of clouds passing overhead, slowly flying towards the other side of the horizon.

The huge campus has been quiet, and only the slogans of enthusiasm come from the direction of the playground.

The club is not like a few people in the fan play. It is relaxed and comfortable. The formal sports clubs are particularly hard. The baseball and kendo departments will hold the national college league. The time is every summer vacation. For many club members , What is summer vacation?

I don't know that there is such a thing at all.

Training harder than usual is the norm.

Kiyosuke Hashima and Megumi Kato walked through the courtyard and walked to the tree-lined road in front of the school. The road was lined with cherry blossom trees. Unfortunately, it is the scorching summer, and the cherry blossoms have already died. Only the trees are full of verdant trees. Broken shadow.

"Remember that your volunteer questionnaire just fell here?"

Hashima Kiyosuke said.

The first time I saw Megumi Kato was under this cherry tree, the girl’s volunteer questionnaire was blown away by the wind, and it happened to be picked up by Hashima Kiyosuke.

To be honest, if you hadn't seen the surname on the form, you wouldn't have guessed that the ordinary girl under the tree was a sage classmate.

"Hashima-kun has a good memory."

Kato Hui carried the schoolbag with her right hand and raised her left hand, gently pulling the hair around her ears. The sound merged with the breeze blowing across the tree-lined avenue, which was very soft and pleasant.

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked you what was written in that volunteer questionnaire?" Hashima Kiyosuke looked at the sage classmate.

"Hey, just asking this kind of question now..."

I just met a strange alumnus by chance at the time. Even if you ask a question, you won't answer it?

Wait, with Kato's super-speaking and easy-going character, he might really answer!

"It was really difficult to do at the time." The girl's eyes were clear and bright, floating in the wind. "In the third grade of elementary school, the teacher asked everyone in the class about their dreams after growing up. Someone answered the scientist, the astronaut. , Kamen Rider, these."

Hey, Kamen Rider is not a profession, right?This is a fictitious character in a special drama. The popularity in Japan is even higher than that of Bumpman. It is a pity that there are no superpowers in this world. Kamen Rider is impossible. Wearing a fat perverted mask is no problem!

"At that time, everyone thought about what to do when they grow up, but I didn't think about it." Sage continued, "I think it's normal. It's good to live with my parents and sisters."

Most of the suffering in the world stems from the mismatch of desire and ability.

There are only a handful of geniuses in this world, and most of them are ordinary people, lack of ability, perseverance, lack of talent, partiality is higher than the sky, and in the end, they can only suffer by themselves. I did not expect that the sage classmates who were children would have seen it through. The nature of the world is indeed exceptionally talented!

"If I have to say..." Kato Megumi paused slightly for half a second, and continued, "At that time, my sister was already in high school, and she often used pocket money to buy some cos clothes back, or make her own clothes, and then let me wear them for her. Look... so I think it seems good to be a model when I grow up."

Estimated to not work.

When a model needs to walk in the spotlight, show her beauty and style as much as possible. Even if you stand in the spotlight with short hair, others may not be able to find it!

"I haven't had this kind of thinking since then. It's not enough to have such a low sense of existence, right?"

Hashima Kiyosuke said, "The sense of presence can be gradually cultivated."

"After training for so long, I feel no change."

"Who said no?" Hashima Kiyosuke retorted, giving an example to prove, "You can already look at people with an expression of disgust."


Kato Megumi tilted his head, gently pursed her pink lips, and raised her eyebrows lightly, looking at Kiyosuke Hashima.

"Yes, it's this expression."


"With such a low sense of existence, I always feel that everything I do will be ignored." Kato Hui retracted his gaze and continued, "So I haven't thought about volunteering so far."

Of course you are an assassin at this time!If you are found by the Assassin Alliance, you will surely exclaim "a rare genius in 10,000 years" and recruit you to train as an assassin. It won't be long before an assassin queen will be born who will let the underground world fear!

The two talked while walking out of the school gate.

Under the bright sunshine, a black asphalt road quietly stretched into the distance.

"Summer vacation has begun."

Kato Megumi raised her right hand and stood in front of her.

The summer vacation officially begins when I walk out of the school gate. The next time I come to school, it will be the beginning of the school season in September.

"Take the tram or walk back?" Hashima Kiyosuke asked.

Kato’s family is not too far away from school. They usually walk to school. Today, I feel unwell, so I can take a tram.

"Um..." Kato Megumi groaned for half a second, and then said lightly, "It's only ten o'clock, it's still early, let's go back."


The two of them walked back as usual, and soon came to a crossroad.

Although acupoint massage has a certain pain relief effect, it is obviously not up to the point of "medicating to cure the disease". Although Kato's face has not changed, the walking speed is obviously much slower than usual.

Kiyosuke Hashima stopped and waited for Kato to walk to his side, silently holding the girl's right hand, soft and silky, skin delicate, but a little cold.

"The hands are so cold," said Hashima Kiyosuke.

"The girl said with cold hands and feet all year round."

"I still lack exercise, why don't you run with me?"


Kato Megumi glanced lightly, letting Hashima Kiyosuke lead, and the two of them walked across the road together.

Passing the crossroad, Hashima Kiyosuke did not let go of his hand, and the saint classmate also did not speak for crusade. He was uncomfortable and there was no way to be led home.

No words all the way.

Quickly walked to the Kato house, Hashima Kiyosuke silently released his hand, walked to a vending machine, and looked at Kato Megumi, "What do you want?"

"Um... ice cream?"

"No." Kiyosuke Hashima voted vetoed, "You have a stomachache now, so you can't eat something too cold."

"Then ice cream?"

Ice cream is no problem. Not only can you eat it when you are sick, but you can eat it after giving birth!There is no such thing as "confinement" in Japan. After a woman has given birth, the doctor will specifically tell you to eat a few ice creams, because the doctor thinks that the process of giving birth will cause dry fire in the body. Ice cream is used to reduce the fire. The heavens let the wife who just gave birth to eat ice cream, the skull will be lifted by the mother-in-law!


Kiyosuke Hashima agreed.

Going home and doing the same, I really want Kato to go home and drink hot water, but I can't adapt.

After buying two ordinary ice cream, Hashima Kiyosuke handed one of them to Kato: "Don't eat too much, be careful that your stomach hurts."

"I know~"

Walking to the gate of the Kato house, Kiyosuke Hashima stopped and said, "I'm going back."

"That..." Kato Kee said lightly, "Mom and Dad are going to work today, not at home."

It is a traditional Japanese custom for a man to support his family alone, but nowadays it is common for husband and wife to work together.

"not at home?"

Kiyosuke Hashima was startled.

Why did you suddenly say not at home?

I certainly didn't just say it casually, do I want to invite myself to play?

Don't be kidding, you are not feeling well now, you can't do anything when you are not at home!Just rest!

"Because I know today is the graduation ceremony, I didn't make a lunch in the morning..."

"Understood." Hashima Kiyosuke said silently, "Leave the lunch to me."

If your parents are not at home, it is not necessarily an invitation to enter the house, but they may also let you cook lunch!

Push the door into the house.

Passing through the narrow wooden corridor and entering the living room, the room is quiet, only a ray of noon sun shines in from the window, forming a bright beam of light in the room, one of the most common Tyndall effects in life.

"What do you want to eat at noon?" Hashima Kiyosuke asked.

"The ingredients are in the refrigerator." Sage-classmate tilted his head, "Hashima-kun decides."

"You go to the sofa and sit down. You can just wait and eat today."


Kato Megumi did not refuse, turned and sat on the sofa, then picked up the remote control, turned on the TV, and watched a variety show.

Kiyosuke Hashima opened the refrigerator, naturally there were no leftovers, and there were not many ingredients left, but there were a lot of sake, yogurt, eggs, etc.

Silently counted the ingredients in his heart, Hashima Kiyosuke had already decided what to do for lunch, and turned to look at the sage classmate. He happened to see Kato Kee sticking out the tip of her pink tongue, like a cat drinking yogurt, gently licking the ice cream. The correct way to eat is to lick and eat, and the cat shape that is exposed for an instant makes people's heartbeat speed up quietly.


The very alert Sage classmate noticed the gaze behind him and tilted his head.

Seeing the cream on the corner of Kato Kei's mouth accidentally, Kiyosuke Hashima held his breath silently, "I will give you something to eat next?"


Seeing the girl lightly bulging her cheeks, Kiyosuke Hajima hurriedly explained: "It's cold soba!"

"It's so hot, you probably don't have any appetite. Make a cold soba noodles and take another cucumber by the way. It's just an appetizer and digestion!"

As the weather gets hotter and hotter, cats and dogs will suffer from summer, and people also lose their appetite, so they will have more appetite for some cold soba noodles.

The Saint classmate retracted his gaze and said lightly: "Yes."

Kiyosuke Hashima took out the soba noodles and cucumber from the refrigerator, turned around and walked to the kitchen.

Said it is soba noodles, Hashima Kiyosuke always thinks that this thing is noodles, the traditional way of eating it is clear soup and watery, there is nothing special.

First boil two eggs, preferably hot spring eggs. After the hot water is boiled, immediately add three parts of cold water. At this time, the water temperature is close to the temperature of the hot spring. Put the eggs in them, remove them after seven minutes, and put them in cold water. In this way, the egg will not solidify, but will look like a hot spring egg.

Cold buckwheat noodles are similar in practice. After they are cooked, use cold water and rub them with your hands to remove excess starch to prevent sticking and ensure the cheeks are refreshing.

When Kiyomizu Hashima was in cold water, he suddenly remembered the "Bowl of Soup Soba" he had studied in junior high school before. I remembered the author's name was Ryohei Kuri, and he thought he was from the Celestial Empire, but he didn't expect to be Japanese.At that time, I was young and I didn’t feel much after reading the text. I remember that the topic after class was to write a reading comprehension, and I answered that I wanted to eat a bowl of soba, but I didn’t expect that there would be a day to eat authentic soba.

After the noodles and eggs are processed, the seasoning sauce is the end, thick soy sauce, mirin, and broth. There is nothing special about this thing, basically it depends on the taste.

Needless to say when taking cucumbers, no one knows this summer cold dish.

It took less than ten minutes before the cold soba noodles were made.

"Go and wash your hands." Kiyosuke Hashima put the cold noodles on the table and unwrapped his apron. "You can eat noodles."

"it is good."

After washing his hands and returning, Kato sat down at the table, clasped his hands and said, "I'm moving."

Picking up the noodles with chopsticks, dipping the sauce in a small bowl next to it, the girl bit a piece of noodles, and then commented: "It's delicious."

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