My girlfriend is Ying Lili

My Girlfriend is Ying Lili Chapter 454

Xiao Ai's voice was crisp, and she said as she ate, "Also, running away from home is the tradition of our young crane family."

"Tradition?" Hashima Kiyosuke was puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Master, get closer."

Xiao Ai beckoned, and made a gesture of "attach ears".

Kiyosuke Hashima was curious and squatted down, ready to listen to Lori sharing secrets.

"Actually, my mother has run away from home." The warm and warm breath fell on her ears, with the sweetness of creamy ice cream, as well as the light milk aroma unique to children.

"Your mother ran away from home?"

Kiyosuke Hashima was startled, and the image of Hina Tsuru Akina appeared in his mind. He was in the impression that the other party was a very serious and serious woman with a much stronger aura than the senior sister. Ordinary people would be fearful in front of her. Feet, even words are unsatisfactory.

"It's true, I didn't lie to the teachers and craftsmen." Xiao Ai said crisply. "My father is not from Hecang, but from Osaka. When my mother was still in high school, my father had already graduated from college and came to the hotel for a short-term job. I accidentally fell ill. My mother took care of my father. After he recovered from the illness, I asked my father to marry her. Then... the dad idiot was so scared that he ran back to Osaka."

Hashima Kiyosuke was not surprised at all for some reason.

Because scaring away is normal!

A person’s personality is almost stereotyped in high school. For example, Ying Lili, flat-chested and arrogant, has a awkward personality. Even if he goes to university in the future, he will not become a gentle, cute, understanding and cute dumpling. Tsurua Kina High School’s personality should be similar to now

Taciturn, with a cold expression, sitting quietly can calm the surroundings.

Such a dangerous iceberg girl suddenly said, "Let's get married." The first reaction is definitely not ecstasy, but worry and fear, wondering if she is passionate!

"Then, then." Little Lori's sweet breath made Hashima Kiyosuke quietly stretched the distance away. She just likes children, not Lolita. "My mother dropped out of high school and left a letter. One, a person chased it from Wakura to Osaka."


Needless to say the rest of the story, it must have succeeded in chasing her husband a thousand miles away, otherwise there would be no such a daughter as Hina Heai.

Worthy of being a mother and daughter, ran away from home, chasing her husband a thousand miles has become a tradition in the young crane family!

Wait... Hina Heai's mother is chasing her husband for thousands of miles, and Xiaoai just came to learn shogi, which is not the same thing.

"It's fine."

Hashima Kiyosuke quietly breathed a sigh of relief, "Little Ai is just a pupil."

Although in the eyes of outsiders, living with elementary school students is 10,000 times worse than living with high school students.

"Um~ the ice cream is over," said Hina Heai.

"Don't eat too much ice cream, it's easy to catch cold." Kiyosuke Hashima raised his hand and wiped the cream from the corner of Xiao Ai's mouth, warmly said, "Eat two at most a day."

"I see, Master." Xiao Ai nodded seriously, and said Ruan Ruanuo, "I promise not to steal it."

Kiyosuke Hashima and Nanami negotiated the time again. Seeing that the twilight was dark, it was the evening, and he planned to take Hina Tsuruai out for dinner and buy some daily necessities.

Putting away the phone and walking back to the house, I found that the TV had been turned off and Xiao Ai was nowhere to be seen.

"What about people?"

Kiyosuke Hashima was surprised and looked at the bathroom. "The light is not on... not in the bathroom?"

It was indeed not in the bathroom, because Kiyosuke Hashima quickly saw the little figure in the kitchen.

Wearing a large apron, the skirt almost covers the feet, the sleeves are rolled up to the arms, revealing two pieces of white lotus root like slender arms, stepping on a small plastic stool under the feet, washing the ingredients attentively, while washing and humming Unknown melody, the dull hair on top of his head swayed gently under the light.

Kiyosuke Hashima was stunned, and a word suddenly popped up in his mind, baby wife?

No, it's obviously a cook, a little cook.

"Master, you go watch TV." Hearing Hashima Kiyosuke's footsteps, little Lori turned her head and looked at her with a smile on her face, "Leave the dinner to me."

Chapter 689

"I'll come for dinner."

Hashima Kiyosuke said with a headache.

If you let you cook on a small stool, you will be convicted of'child labor'!I have taken up the burden of life at a young age, and my conscience is being condemned!

"Masters and craftsmen don't worry." Xiao Ai said in a clear voice, "I have already carried out a special bridal practice, and I promise not to let the masters down."

Are you wrong?

It’s cooking practice, not bride practice. How can a nine-year-old child learn how to become a bride? What kind of organization does such a frenzied thing?

"It's not safe to step on a small stool."

Kiyosuke Hashima stepped into the kitchen and couldn't refuse to say, "You come down first."

Sitting in the living room watching TV and eating fruit, and then letting a nine-year-old elementary school student do the cooking, that kind of thing is completely impossible.


Little Lori walked off the stool aggrievedly, and accidentally stepped on the apron under her feet, and her body suddenly staggered.

Kiyosuke Hashima stretched out his hand to support Xiao Ai, "I said the stool is dangerous, right?"

"It's not." Hina Tsuruai blushed slightly, hugging Kiyosuke Hashima's arm, puffing her cheeks, "It's not the master who is urging me down..."

"Also, Master's apron is too big. When I go out tomorrow, I won't step on it if I buy a suitable apron."

"As a disciple, I should serve the master."

Please be sure not to use the word'serving', it will make some lolicons have bad associations!Although the shogi world does have such things as disciples serving the master.

"I'll talk about the apron tomorrow." Kiyosuke Hashima reached out and hugged Xiao Ai to the outside of the kitchen, and then said, "You come here by yourself today. You have worked hard. Give me the rest."


Kiyosuke Hashima stretched out his right hand and landed on top of Lori's head, gently smoothing his hair: "It's so hot today, must you sweat a lot, right?"

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of the heat, but I am afraid of the cold in winter." Xiao Ai squinted her eyes, showing the happy expression of the cat being touched by someone on her face. His little head was gently rubbed against the palm of Kiyosuke Hashima. it is okay."

Sorry, there is no kotatsu. After this summer vacation, you will go back to Hecang and continue to elementary school!

"Leave the dinner to me, you go take a bath first." Hashima Kiyosuke said Wen, "When you have dinner, you can play shogi."

Hearing shogi, Xiao Ai's eyes lit up, and she raised her hand to salute: "I know, Master."

"By the way, did you bring a change of clothes?"

"It's all in the schoolbag." Little Lolita replied crisply, "You must bring everything you usually use when you run away from home. This is common sense."

Ordinary talents do not need common sense of running away from home!

Watching Xiao Ai take out her change of clothes and skirts from her schoolbag, and then stepped into the bathroom, Kiyosuke Hashima sighed silently, and suddenly found out that it was better for her to sit on the sofa and eat a chocolate bar. With the computer, you don't have to worry about everything except calling her to wash her hands when eating.

time flies.

Halfway through dinner, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Kiyosuke Hashima turned the fire down, took the rag and wiped his hands, then turned and walked out.

"Xiao Mai or Ebina?"

"No, Hamster Buried probably won't come to play again..."

While thinking about it, Hashima Kiyosuke reached out and opened the door. Outside the door was neither a small burial nor Ebina, but a beautiful girl in a sailor suit with a bow tie on her chest, white skin and short silver hair.

Empty silver.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead. If Yinzi knew that he was living with elementary school students... it would be terrible to think about it!

"Why did you come here suddenly at night?" Hashima Kiyosuke thought about how to break the game.

"Tomorrow you are going to participate in a ranked game, I will come over to study shogi."

Yin Zi pinched his waist with his right hand, and the folding fan in his left hand couldn't help fanning in front of him, finally letting this folding fan do what it should be done, gratifying.

Struggling is useless, Kiyosuke Hashima decided to tell the truth, took a breath and said, "I will tell you something..."

"I'll talk about anything when I go in, it's so hot."

Yinzi urged, stepping inward, impatient because of the heat.

[Naniwa's Snow White] Some are like snowmen made of ice and snow. They are naturally afraid of heat and have to hold umbrellas when they go out. They seem to melt like ice and snow in summer if they are not careful.

"This afternoon..."

Before he finished speaking, a faint voice suddenly sounded from behind Hashima Kiyosuke.


As if accidentally ran into a third party who invaded, Xiao Ai's voice suddenly became a little deep and scary: "Why is someone coming to you to play at so late?"

"Not to play, but..."

"Hurry back!"

Hashima Kiyosuke suddenly shouted.


"When you take a shower, take a bath seriously and don't talk!"

"No, Master Master quickly look into my eyes and speak clearly!"

"You are in the bathroom, you can't see it at all!"


"Please don't come out!"

"Does the master do not like me?"

Xiao Ai's aggrieved voice came out.

With the strong desire to survive, Kiyosuke Hashima looked serious and said seriously: "It doesn't matter whether you like it or not, now it's a matter of life and death!"

"Then, that's all right...for the master."


A cold air suddenly hit, Yin Zi narrowed his eyes, "Who is in the bathroom? Why is the voice so familiar?"


Kiyosuke Hashima felt his head throbbing, he couldn't help sighing, and admitted, "It's Xiao Ai."

"The kid who likes to pester you to play chess?"

"Ah, it's Aunt Yinzi!"

When I first met Yinzi, Hina Heai didn't know the title division of the Female Stream Association, and thought Yinzi was some kind of strange queen. As for the title Auntie, it was obviously a counterattack.


Ginko squeezed the folding fan in his hand, pushed Hashima Kiyosuke away, and walked to the bathroom door to confront him, dissatisfied, "Why are you at Kiyosuke's house?"

"Of course I came to learn shogi with the master." Xiao Ai's voice was crisp, not afraid of middle school students, and replied inside the door, "On the contrary, it is you. Why did you come to the master's house so late?"


Silver clasped his hands tightly, and his voice suddenly rose a few degrees.

"Silver to study tactics." Hashima Kiyosuke said.

"Yes." Little Lori said crisply, "Master has already called my mother, and my mother has promised me and Master!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't! Your mother just promised you to learn shogi with me, but other things didn't promise." Kiyosuke Hashima broke out in a cold sweat, only feeling that the danger is coming again. There will be Damocles' sword at any time. Falling from the sky, he split himself into two parts, "You. Calm down both!"

"Master doesn't like me, right?" The pupils were tearful, like a puppies being discarded.


"Really, really?"


"How do you like that?"

"I like it very much."


Yinzi's face was expressionless, like Princess Aisha in Frozen, frozen snow spreading around her body, and then...


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