My girlfriend is Ying Lili

My Girlfriend is Ying Lili Chapter 475

"This should be the marketing strategy of the water park." Hashima Kiyosuke said solemnly.

Yin Zi was startled: "What?"

Kiyosuke Hashima said: "Through the idea of ​​becoming a relationship, people's curiosity is aroused and the effect of public opinion propaganda is obtained..."

"You can shut up."


Compared to water gun battles, water slides are obviously more popular with children. Kiyosuke Hashima lost interest after sliding once, but the rest of the people were quite happy.

Kiyosuke Hashima stood by and watched for a while, then greeted Chihiro and turned to buy a drink at the nearby shop.

On the way back, I saw the little angel Charles turning around, seeming to be looking for something.

"Charles, what's the matter?"

Kiyosuke Hashima stepped forward.

Little Lori looked up, her eyes as blue as the sky were full of hazy mist at the moment, aggrieved and said: "Bracelet, the bracelet my mother gave me is gone."

"Bracelet?" Hashima Kiyosuke looked at Charles's right wrist. There was indeed a colorful bracelet in his memory, but it was empty at the moment.

Kiyosuke Hashima stretched out his hand and gently landed on Little Lori's head, and said warmly: "Don't cry, I'll help you find it together, I will definitely find it."

Charles sniffed and hugged Kiyosuke Hashima's calf: "If you find the bracelet, I will be the bride of Ernie-chan."

Don't talk nonsense!There are quite no brides, so I don't want to be caught in the gendarmerie because of Lori's charges!

"Is the bracelet still in the water fight before?" Kiyosuke Hashima knelt down and asked.

"Um..." Charles blinked, "Forgot."

Sure enough, many people don't have any memory at all when they throw things. At this time, they can only use the dumbest way to reverse search.

"Let's go to the previous swimming pool from here." Kiyosuke Hashima took the little girl, "check if there is any fall on the road, go to the lost and found office if there is none."

Along the way, Kiyosuke Hashima carefully searched for the place where the bracelet might fall, but unfortunately he didn't find it, but accidentally saw a very familiar figure in the crowd.

White skin like ivory.

Familiar cute face.

Little tiger teeth looming at the corners of his mouth.

There is also a ball head tied into a double ponytail.

I will never admit my mistake, it is Ying Lili.

Kiyosuke Hashima turned his eyes slightly, and fell on the boy next to Takari. The two were talking and chatting, and they seemed to be familiar.

"Euny sauce?"

Charles looked up, clutching a finger of Kiyosuke Hajima in his little hand, apparently aware of the change in Kiyosuke's mood.

"It's okay." Kiyosuke Hashima silently retracted his gaze and exhaled, "Let's go, go to the lost and found office first."

"Huh, that boy was Hashima-classmate just now?"

The two girls looked over, "There is still a pupil in his hand...should it be his sister?"

"It's Hashima-classmate, I didn't expect to meet here." Another girl said, "It's better to call over and play together...Ah, it's a shame to leave."

Two girls lined up to buy drinks, talking all the way, and returned to under the umbrella.

"Yingli Lijiang, we are back."

Ying Lili breathed a sigh of relief, "Why did you come back?"

"Because there are a lot of people lining up to buy drinks." The short-haired girl Yuzuru handed over a bottle of drink. "The apple juice you want."

Another girl said, "By the way, we saw Hashima-san just now."

"Huh?" Ying Lili was startled and subconsciously said, "That... him?"

At the critical moment, she bit her tongue and finally swallowed the sister who had reached her mouth. She could shout, but she could not let others know.

"Yes, that's the Hashima-student you mentioned." Yuzuru closed her eyes with a narrow smile on her face, "If Yingli Lijiang is very concerned, just call to play together. Me and Mei don't mind."

"What? It's clear that you two want to call him to play, right?" Ying Lili fought back strongly, knowing that she should not be counseled at this time. Once counseled, she will become a friend of friends for fun. "Who knows if that guy is with a girl? Come on a date."

"Eh, didn't Yingli Lijiang just see it?" Yuzuru pointed to the other side of the swimming pool. "Hashima-san is holding an elementary school student. It looks like he just started elementary school, so it must not be a date. I just stood there. After a while, then turned around and left."

Ying Lili had a heartbeat and bit her pink lips subconsciously: "...Standing for a while before leaving?"

Chapter 713

"Standing for a while before leaving..."

Ying Riri looked in the direction where Kiyosuke Hashima was standing, and bit her lower lip silently.

"Sure you saw me?"

"Why did you turn around without saying a word?"

"Could it be that……"

Ying Lili suddenly remembered what she said yesterday afternoon, "Does that sister think I was dating someone else?"

"Should he take it seriously?"

"How could it be so coincidental..."

"Yingli Lijiang, are you okay?"

A hand suddenly stretched out in front of Zhai Li and waved up and down.

"Ah...I'm fine." Ying Lili woke up and hurriedly smiled, "I just lost my mind."

A young girl joked: "Isn't you missing a certain boy?"

"What? It's just that I slept too late last night, and now I am a little sleepy." Ying Lili showed her small teeth, "You two don't always say strange things!"

"Ah, it's so hot, it feels like it's going to heat up." Another girl urged, "Shall we go for a swim?"

"Well, let's go."

Ying Lili unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of her drink. Unfortunately, the refreshing juice did not make her happy. He walked into the swimming pool behind her two friends and played absent-mindedly for a while. Ying Lili finally made up her mind and walked to the shore. .

"Eh, where are you going to Yingli Lijiang?"

"You two play first." Ying Lili waved, "I'll go to the bathroom."

No way.

I have to go to that sister to make it clear.

Being misunderstood is the most annoying.

Ying Lili turned around, walked to the place where Kiyosuke Hashima had stayed before, and looked around. Naturally, he couldn't see a half-person figure: "Damn, the phone was not taken out in the locker room..."

"Anyway, look for it again before talking."

Ying Lili started a journey of tracing people, but naturally he could not find them. There were no one thousand or eight hundred tourists who came to the water park to play. It is naturally extremely difficult to find someone.

"Find it again."

Ying Lili took a breath, raised her hand and wiped the sweat from her forehead to expand her search.

Time passed quietly.

Yinglili still got nothing.

"That sister...has already left?"

"Would you like to go to the locker room to get a mobile phone and call him?"

Ying Lili bit her lower lip, turned and walked towards the locker room.

"Really, why should I explain to the sister-in-law who easily misunderstands people."

"Dating with other people or something, is it impossible to think about it?"

In the broken thoughts, an extremely familiar shout suddenly sounded from behind.


Takari paused, then quickly turned around and looked back. After seeing Kiyosuke Hashima clearly, his face was involuntarily surprised.

Looking at the sweaty Takuya, Kiyosuke Hashima curiously asked, "Are you looking for me?"

"Who is looking for you, I just passed by."

Ying Lili snorted and turned to look at the water slide in the distance: "Why are you guys in the water park?"

"Chihiro and Momoko called me out to play." Kiyosuke Hashima's voice was calm, "You said something was going on yesterday afternoon, so you didn't call you."

"I'm out to play with my friends today." Zhai Li said, "It's what happened on the last day of summer vacation. It has been delayed until now."


Kiyosuke Hashima answered calmly. When he took Shire to the Lost and Found Office, he saw friends in the Takuya School lined up to buy things on the way, and he understood what was going on.

"Just now..." Ying Lili bit her pink lip, turned her head and said, "That boy is a senior in the third year of the art department. I didn't expect to meet him here, so I told him a few words."

Kiyosuke Hashima was startled, his face couldn't help but smile: "Just an ordinary senior?"

"Otherwise what do you think?"

Ying Lili stared in embarrassment.

Studying in class, drawing books, playing games, participating in club activities, all day is so busy, how can you have time to date others?

You guy dare to doubt me, don't be too much!

"I thought……"

Kiyosuke Hashima's tone became low.

"For why?"

Ying Lili clenched her powder fist and looked bad.

I have explained it clearly, and I am still suspicious there, obviously I don't believe in people, this kind of sister control must be severely taught.

Hashima Kiyosuke's tone changed: "I thought it was the one who accosted you."

"Huh?" Ying Lili raised her eyebrows, "Seeing me being accosted, why didn't you come..."

In the middle of the story, Ying Lili bit her pink lips in embarrassment and kicked her foot up, but it didn't hurt at all. She was at the same level of strength as a primary school student, so she couldn't abuse others at all.

"Charle's bracelet was accidentally lost." Kiyosuke Hashima stepped aside, lest she would get sulky by kicking herself. "I will take her to the lost and found office to find the bracelet."

The bracelet has been found, and Hashima Kiyosuke is planning to go back to find the pear, but he did not expect to meet it on the way.

Ying Riri looked down at the finger of Kiyosuke Hajima, holding ice cream in her hand, eating happily, the creamy blonde girl quickly recognized who Charles was.

"Meow~" The little girl looked up, her azure blue eyes looked towards Zhai Li, and she greeted her vaguely like a small cat, then bent her crescent eyes and continued to eat ice cream.

"Is it the elementary school student who gave you a kiss on the day you participated in the promotion?"

Ying Lili squinted her eyes.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense." A drop of cold sweat fell on Hashima Kiyosuke's head. There were people coming and going, ears everywhere. Once heard, he might have to join the gendarmerie again, "That foreign custom, How can it count as a kiss?"

"Bah." Zhai Li showed a look of disgust at the lowest level carbon-based creatures on her face, "Don't explain, Mr. Lolicon who should go to prison."

"Here you are." Hashima Kiyosuke handed over the ice cream in his hand. "I just bought it, and I'm about to go to you. Fortunately, I will meet it, otherwise it will melt away."

"Has it been melted now?"

Ying Lili took the ice cream and took a small bite. The sweetness and coldness instantly dispelled the heat. "Didn't you say that you would play with Chihiro? Why are there elementary school students?"

"Is it your relative?"

"Actually it is……"

Kiyosuke Hashima was about to explain that the little angel Charles just happened to finish the ice cream, and said softly, "I am the bride of O'Neill."

"New, bride?"

Zakuli stepped back, her eyes condensed, and he looked at Hashima Kiyosuke with a murderous look, "I also said you are not Lolicon!"

Hashima Kiyosuke said speechlessly, "You take what the kid said seriously?"

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