My girlfriend is Ying Lili

My Girlfriend is Ying Lili Chapter 527

"By the way, Yinzi is also sitting next to you." The red-haired girl said in a subtle tone, "You actually chose a primary school student. I doubt your sexual orientation now."

I suspect that your sister did not choose silver because her body temperature is too low and has nothing to do with her sexual orientation!

"Master, master, master." The dull hair on the top of Chu Heai's head swayed slightly, expecting, "Would you like to sleep for a while?"

"Not at all."

Hashima Kiyosuke resolutely refused.

"If you don't want to join the gendarmerie, stay away from the elementary school students." The silver was condescending, his eyes were disgusting. If he hadn't been on the tram, he would have stepped on him by now, "I will soon be there."


Kiyosuke Hashima took out his mobile phone, looked at the time, and found that he actually slept for an hour, turned his head and looked out the window, it was already quietly at sunset, the common fire clouds in summer evenings were stacked, magnificent like fire, spreading across the sky. It looks quite magnificent.

The high-rise buildings are no longer visible on the plains. Obviously, I have left Tokyo. Looking from a distance, I can see a blue sea in the distance, which turns into a landscape of sea and sky at the end of my eyes.

"It feels familiar..."

Kiyosuke Hashima looked at the scenery in front of him, and he felt a little familiar.

After a while.

As the train slowly stopped on the platform, Kiyosuke Hashima knew where the familiarity came from, because he had only been here with Yinzi two months ago.

"It's actually Kamakura." Seeing Saka Ryo with his hands raised above his head, Yue Ye stretched out. "The last time I came here was more than two months ago, and suddenly I felt a little nostalgic. It looks good to revisit the old place."

Kiyosuke Hashima looked at Ginko and couldn't help asking, "Why come to Kamakura suddenly to play? There are no hydrangea in this season, right?"

That's right, the ancient city in front of me is Kamakura where I visited with Yinzi.

"The hydrangea is indeed gone, but there are other things you can play with, for example..." Seeing Saka Ryo on the night of the moon, he stretched out a finger, apparently guessing the silver plan, "For example, the firework festival in Kamakura, which is famous throughout the country. I just checked it with my mobile phone. The firework festival held in Kamakura is today."

The girl looked at Yinzi triumphantly: "Am I right?"

Yinzi put her hands on her chest: "You can take the elementary school students away."

"I'm not leaving." Xiao Ai immediately grabbed Kiyosuke Hashima's finger and expressed his attitude, "I want to go to the firework fair with the master."

"firework festival?"

Kiyosuke Hashima suddenly.

Fireworks and yukatas are representative of summer poetry. There are more than 5,000 fireworks festivals held throughout Japan each year. However, the time is mainly concentrated in the summer of July and August. Each region will have its own arrangements. Some fireworks enthusiasts will meet the whole country. Running around everywhere is a cultural event unique to Japan. I remember that it was to pay homage to those dead souls at the beginning, but today it has become a recreational activity for all people, and some poor areas still hold fireworks fairs to boost economic income. .

"Let's go." Yin Zi opened the black parasol and turned the handle gently, attracting many pedestrians to look around, "Go buy a bathrobe."

Chapter 786

"The firework festival is held in Enoshima. Let's go early and get familiar with the environment." Kiyosuke Hashima led the team. During the last three days he came to the game, he visited almost the entire Kamakura. Naturally it is a familiar road.

"Master Master and Auntie have been here before?"

The pupil raised his face and looked up.

Kiyosuke Hashima euphemistically said: "I have participated in the competition with Yinzi before."

"I actually went out to play together with my aunt without telling me, the master is too partial." The pupil puffed up his bun, "I also want to date with the master alone."

I said that it’s coming to the game, not dating. If you date a nine-year-old elementary school student, you will lose your qualifications!

Yinzi looked down and hummed softly: "Because there was no kid like you at that time, the summer vacation is over quickly, go back to school."

"If you don't go back, you won't go back." Xiao Ai grabbed a finger of Hashima Kiyosuke, "I have decided to serve the master and craftsman for life, and be a pillow for the master and craftsman for a lifetime!"

Hey, stop talking!The policeman on patrol has already looked at him suspiciously, and you are going to the police station to watch the fireworks show!

"You two keep quiet for me." Kiyosuke Hashima sweated on his forehead, "Hurry up."

"Hahaha." Yueye saw Ban Liao pinching his waist with his right hand, "You should have told them to shut up a long time ago. The quarrels are so annoying."

Kiyomizu Hashima was expressionless: "Shut up, too."

"Huh?" Seeing Ban Liao on the night of the moon, she was startled, and said in astonishment, "You actually have to care about me?"

"Do you not listen?"

"Do not listen."

Kiyosuke Hashima raised his eyebrows lightly: "When I come to play chess, I guess I will never be free."

"……whispering sound."

Seeing Ban Liao holding his chest in the moonlight night, he disliked and pouted.

The firework festival in Kamakura Enoshima is one of the most famous sceneries. Many tourists come here. The four of Hashima Kiyosuke waited for a while before they got on to Enoden.

The sun is setting.

The sunset is dim.

There are countless birds circling by the sea, but unfortunately these birds will not be able to survive tonight.

Kiyosuke Hashima sat by the window and looked out. The scenery outside the window slowly faded behind him. The last time he came was just during the rainy season. I stayed here for three or four days, and it rained almost every day. The misty and misty ancient city looks unique. The flavor, now that the rainy season is over, the low buildings in Kamakura in front of us will inevitably seem ordinary.

"Master, master, look, the school of the slam dunk."

Xiao Ai was sitting beside Kiyosuke Hashima, her eyes lit up suddenly, and she pointed out her fingers.

"That's Kamakura High School." Kiyosuke Hashima looked at the high school standing by the sea, smiled and said, "It's the realistic site of Shohoku High School."

Looking at the Kamakura High School in front of him, the straight-faced silver gaze softened slightly. The last time he played with Kiyosuke Hashima in Kamakura, the two took photos at the Kamakura High School station and picked them up together on the beach. After passing the shell, the memory that I thought had been forgotten, after revisiting the old place, suddenly surged in my heart.

"If you don't bring this elementary school student, you can play whatever you want, and it won't be so annoying."

Thinking of this, Yinzi started to grind his teeth gently, squinting his eyes and looking at Hashima Kiyosuke coldly.


"What's the matter?" Hashima asked in a daze when he noticed Yinzi's cold eyes.

Yinzi turned his head: "Hmph, don't talk to me."

Kiyosuke Hashima: "..."

Enoden swayed all the way to Enoshima. This island is considered a famous tourist attraction. Many TV shows and movies have been shot on the island, such as the movie "She in the Sun" and the anime "Invading the Squid Girl" "All stories happened on Enoshima.

When Hashima Kiyosuke got out of the car, only the last touch of embers remained on the horizon, which looked dark red. The street lights on the island were already on, and the whole island looked brightly lit.

Almost all the passengers on the bus got off at the same station, obviously they were all tourists who came to see the fireworks display.

Kiyosuke Hashima looked at Ginko and Tsukiye Misaka, and said, "Be careful, don't get lost."

Nearly 100,000 tourists come to Enoshima to watch the fireworks festival every year. Once lost, it is difficult to find it.

"Well, it's not a child, how can it be so easy to get lost... eh, wait a minute." Yue Ye saw Ban Liao curled his mouth, suddenly turned his eyes, bit his lower lip and said, "Well, I admit it, no Hold it up."

"what are you saying?"

Kiyosuke Hashima looked away speechlessly.

"Actually, I'm a road idiot. It’s easy to get lost when I go out." The red-haired girl stretched out her hand in front of Kiyosuke Hashima and chuckled. "If you don’t want me to get lost, Hashima will hold me. Hand it."


Before Kiyosuke Hashima could speak, Yin Zi held the folding fan in his hand and knocked over.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Ban Liao on the night of the moon, he quickly avoided.

The sun has set, and the silver that does not need an umbrella successfully liberated the force value: "Since you are a road idiot, why can you come by car from Kyoto alone?"

"Because I have mobile navigation."

"Then you continue to use your phone."

"The phone is dead." Seeing Ban Liao on the night of the moon, he raised his chin and replied confidently.

A soft, cold hand quietly grabbed Hashima Kiyosuke's fingers, Hinazuru Ai raised her little face, and the dull hair on top of her head swayed cheerfully: "Master, hold me tight, don't lose love."

Kiyosuke Hashima couldn't help but stretch out his hand, "Don't worry, I won't lose you."

"Hee hee. (*^▽^*)" The primary school student succeeded in stealing his home, expecting to say, "Master and craftsman touch it again."

"Is it all right?"

"Not enough, more love."

"... King Lolita! You are not enough!"

Within a few steps, volunteers sent a leaflet with information on the location and time of the fireworks display, as well as emergency calls and other matters.

Kiyosuke Hashima also saw that tonight’s finale fireworks was a two-foot jade. Jade has the meanings of a ball, egg, firework, etc. in Japanese. The ruler is a commonly used unit of measurement nowadays. Naruto often rubs it with his hands. Maru, the original meaning of Daiyu is a large ball-shaped firework in a firework festival. In a sense, helix Maru can be regarded as a firework.

"The time for the fireworks festival is from seven to eight..." Kiyosuke Hashima carefully read the notes on the flyer, and then said, "It's just six o'clock now, let's have dinner first."

"Go buy a yukata first."

Silver said with a hammer.

"Yes, what kind of dinner." Yueye saw Ban Riao nodded in agreement, expecting, "I'll change into my yukata first, and then go to the beach where the fireworks festival is held to eat from start to finish. Isn't it happy?"

Xiao Ai clenched her fist and raised it above her head: "Go."

Yukatas are different from kimonos. Kimonos are usually worn for formal occasions. They are expensive and cumbersome and quite troublesome. Yukatas are light and breathable clothing that looks similar to kimonos. The small differences are not obvious. Today, On the contrary, there are more people wearing yukata than kimono.

A few people walked into a shop that specializes in yukatas. The yukatas can be rented or purchased here. As Fuloli, Yin Zi naturally wouldn't wear clothes worn by others and bought a new set of yukatas.

Kiyosuke Hashima took out his mobile phone and waited silently for the three of Yinzi to change clothes, but after a short while, he saw a gap in the door of the fitting room, and Yinzi stuck out half of his small face: "... Come in. "

Chapter 787: Silver's Hand Feels Great

"Why don't I go in?"

Kiyosuke Hashima looked at the smiling shopping guide lady not far away, "Or..."

"Stop talking nonsense." Yinzi grabbed Hashima Kiyosuke's wrist and said impatiently, "Come in quickly."

The area of ​​the fitting room was not large, and when Kiyosuke Hashima came in, it suddenly became crowded.

Yinzi has taken off the sailor suit on her upper body. She hasn't worn her bathrobe yet, revealing two thin fragrant shoulders. When she wore the sailor suit, she didn't feel anything. Now she took off her clothes and found that she was really thin. It's completely different from Kato, who is stripped of meat.

Hashima Kiyosuke whispered: "Are you not feeling well?"

"look by youself."

Yinzi turned around and exposed his back.

so white.

The eyes are white and delicate skin, as white and flawless as the snow in winter, it even gives the illusion of faint transparency under the light.

The degree of whiteness of the skin can be compared with that of the pear, but the pear is a racial talent, and the silver is the skin color that has never been exposed to the sun.

So fine.

Looking down, the incredibly narrow waist suddenly came into view. Kiyosuke Hashima even suspected that he could easily hold it with his hands. The so-called slender waist was nothing more than that.

So why did Yin Zi suddenly call himself in?

Kiyosuke Hashima's eyes moved and landed on the silver bra strap.

Is the bra too tight to understand?

probably not.

Ebina and senior sister may be unbearable. A-level flat-chested girls like silver will never encounter the dilemma of tight bras and difficulty breathing.

"Where are you looking!"

Yinzi's face was reddening, and she turned her eyes in shame. The girl was extremely sensitive in this regard. Even if she didn't look back, she could still perceive where Kiyosuke Hashima was looking.


Kiyosuke Hashima was speechless: "Didn't you let me see it?"

Obviously you took the initiative to turn around to let yourself see, and now you are angry for no reason, you call yourself to come in, maybe it is just to vent your anger!

"This is what I showed you." Yinzi pointed her finger at the end of her waist, in a very disgusting tone, "Where are you looking?"

Kiyosuke Hashima looked down, and quickly saw a swollen red envelope a few centimeters above the sailor skirt, and suddenly said, "You were bitten by a mosquito?"

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