My girlfriend is Ying Lili

My Girlfriend is Ying Lili Chapter 746

"I see, I will wash it immediately."

Hingtang Michiliu tilted her head and looked up, and quietly poked her mouth: "Coward."

Kiyosuke Hashima: "..."

Chapter 1031

Ignoring Michiru's deliberate provocation, Hashima Kiyosuke took a change of clothes and walked to the bathroom.

Humid and warm steam came oncoming.

The air is filled with the fragrance of shampoo and shower gel.

Kiyosuke Hajima glanced at the changing clothes basket, it was clean, there were no stockings, no underwear that had fallen carelessly... Kato walked out of the bathroom behind, presumably just sorting clothes.

Quietly taking off his clothes, Kiyosuke Hashima simply took a shower, not expecting Kato to come in and help wipe his back.

I can look forward to it without Bingtang Michiru, and if there is one more Michiru, I don't even think about it.

After taking a shower soon, Kiyosuke Hashima walked to the bathtub and started taking a bath.

Time is hurried, almost a year has passed unconsciously, he is now used to the activity of bathing.

For the sake of saving water, it is a traditional Japanese custom to share bath water with a family.

There is no doubt that the water in the bathtub is the bath water that Kato and Michi left after use.

Kiyosuke Hashima closed his eyes and suddenly remembered a certain TV show he had watched in his previous life. The cooking cake made with Chang'e fairy bath water and noodles was snatched by countless people... Thinking about it, it seems to be nothing, at least better than the gutter. Much cleaner.

After taking a bath and walking out of the bathroom, Kiyosuke Hashima was surprised to find that the apartment was quieter and the volume of the TV was turned down a lot.


Kato Megumi raised her hand to her lips and made a silent motion, then pointed her finger at the kotatsu, and whispered, "Michiru is asleep."

Kiyosuke Hashima looked over, and saw Michiru whose head was only exposed from the kotatsu, and he was speechless.

It takes only ten minutes to take a bath and a bath by yourself. Just now, I was laughing and watching TV on the sofa. I fell asleep in a blink of an eye. It looks very sweet. You are a little wary!

"It's half past eleven." Kiyosuke Hashima glanced at the time and said softly, "You can go to bed."

"Wait a while." Kato Kee shook his head slightly, "Hair hasn't dried out yet."

Kiyosuke Hashima reached out and touched Kato's hair. It was indeed slightly damp. "Then wait until it dries before going to sleep."

Too long hair is really bad.

Especially girls, go to bed without drying their hair in winter, and get up the next morning are likely to have a headache, and more severe cases may even become facial paralysis-so-called facial paralysis is not true white like three things, but crooked mouth and slanted eyes, facial muscles A controlled condition.

Kiyosuke Hashima took his hand away, suddenly feeling a little bit upset in his heart. Seeing Kato holding the pillow, watching the TV quietly, his raised right hand fell down again, and touched his head lightly.


Kato raised his eyes and looked at him, without speaking, and continued watching TV.

With acquiescence, Hashima Kiyosuke quickly grew courageous, and started to touch his head with an open mind.

A rare opportunity.

It would be a pity to miss it.

A few minutes later.


Kato puffed up her cheeks and raised her voice slightly, "It's almost time to stop."

Hey, this sentence shouldn't be your line!

"I will pour a glass of milk."

Kiyosuke Hashima quickly stopped, turned around and poured two glasses of milk over. Drinking a glass of milk before going to bed at night is one of the good habits to develop.


Passing the milk to Kato, Hashima Kiyosuke sat down next to Kato Kei, and the two watched TV and drank milk together.

The night is quiet.

Although the air conditioner is turned on, the temperature in the apartment is still not high, and the two people's arms are close to the arms, and they can clearly feel each other's body temperature and heartbeat.

In many cases, silent is better than sound.

Even without saying a word, you can have a tacit understanding and peace of mind.


Kiyosuke Hashima yawned.

"Hashima-kun has worked hard today."

Kato Megumi turned her head and looked.

Today, I played with Michiru for a whole day of Little Steel Ball. She took a rest in the rest area several times. Michiru sat in a chair to play games. Only Hashima Kiyosuke stood almost from start to finish. She was indeed the most difficult person.

"It's okay." Hashima Kiyosuke said with a warm smile, "It's not hard work."

Kato pursed her pink lips and patted his knee lightly.



Kiyosuke Hashima lay down silently, resting on the saint’s knee pillow, only feeling extremely soft, far beyond ordinary pillows.

In addition, Kato also had an indescribable scent, which made Hashima Kiyosuke couldn't help sniffing his nose.

"Hashima-kun, don't do strange things." Kato Megumi stretched out his right hand and gently stroked Kiyosuke Hashima's hair. "Otherwise, the knee pillow will be gone."

"Roger that."

Resting on Kato’s soft knee pillow and watching TV, Kiyosuke Hajima soon felt a surge of sleepiness, and he did not fall asleep. If he falls asleep now, I don’t know when I will wake up. Kato is alone. It must be super hard.

Kiyosuke Hashima bit the tip of his tongue, drove away the sleepiness, and quickly sat up.

"It's twelve o'clock." Kiyosuke Hashima glanced at the time, and reached out to touch Kato's hair. "You can go to bed."


Kato Megumi said softly, even if it was her, she would inevitably get tired now.

"The kotatsu is only enough for Michiru to sleep alone." Kiyosuke Hashima glanced up and down, and Michiru, who occupies the whole kotatsu alone, whispered, "Go to the bedroom and I can sleep on the floor."

He doesn’t use the kotatsu much, so it’s too easy for people to lose their fighting spirit, but Yinglili and Fat Tangerine both like it, so I didn’t put it away. It’s a pity that it was originally a small kotatsu, and Hidō Michile fell asleep alone. , Others are not thinking about it.

"It's still snowing outside. It's very cold at night. Be careful of catching a cold when you sleep on the ground." Kato gently pressed her pink lips, "Let's sleep together."

Kiyosuke Hashima hesitated for a while, and agreed, "It's okay."

Just before the winter vacation, he accidentally hit his head in the sports warehouse. Kato came to take care of him for several days and slept together at night.

Turning off the TV and energy-saving lamps, Hashima Kiyosuke and Kato walked into the bedroom and lay down quickly.


In the quiet night, the saint classmate suddenly shouted softly.


Kiyosuke Hashima turned his head and looked around.

"The feet are a little cold."

"It's hard to sleep with cold feet..."

Kiyosuke Hashima stretched his arms and hugged Kato into his arms.Sure enough, there was a lot of cold on the body, "Good night."

Kato's eyes were clear and he closed his eyes gently: "Good night."

No words for a night.

the next day.

When Kiyosuke Hashima opened his eyes, Kato was no longer there.

When I walked out of the bedroom, I realized that Kato Megumi was wearing an apron and was cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

Look at Hidō Michiru... She still slept comfortably in the quilt and didn't wake up.

"Kato, good morning."

Kiyosuke Hashima walked into the kitchen and greeted him.

"Hashima-kun, good morning."

"Do you want to help?"

"No, Hashima-kun will just wash his face and brush his teeth."

Breakfast was made soon, Hidō Michiru hadn't woken up yet, and Hashima Kiyosuke had no choice but to wake up the fool.

"'s dawn?"

Hidō Michiru sat up in a daze.

Not only is it dawn, but even breakfast is ready for you!

"Hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth." Kiyosuke Hashima ordered, "you can eat."

"Oh..." Hidō Michiru promised, suddenly pursing her lips, and then grabbing Hashima Kiyosuke's wrist, "Damn it, what did you do to me last night?"

Monk Kiyosuke Hashima couldn't figure it out, and didn't understand why this fool was suddenly angry: "What's the matter?"

"You still pretend to be stupid!" Hingtang Michiru gritted her silver teeth and said in a low voice, "There was a hair in her mouth just now...Is it yours?"

your sister!Don't sue you for slander!

"Don't talk nonsense." Hashima Kiyosuke's face was full of black lines. "If I did something like that, you would have woken up long ago?"

"It's also..." Hingtang Michi nodded, "No, I heard that there are several drugs on the market that can make girls sleepy, aren't you drugging me?"

Uncle you!I fell asleep in the blink of an eye yesterday, but now I'm alert!

"You think too much." Kiyosuke Hashima said with a sharp face, "It's definitely not me."

"It's not you, is it Xiaohui?" Hingtang Michiliu showed hesitation on her face, "I don't like girls, and I don't want Lily..."

You are so carelessly like a boy character, girls who like lily will definitely look down on you!

Kiyosuke Hashima frowned and said, "Where are you talking about hair?"

"Of course I vomited it, do you want me to put it away for collection!" Hingtang Michi stayed with her right hand and pinched her waist and turned into a detective. "There is only one truth...You are the real murderer, right?"

"There is no evidence, please don't wrong others."

"Huh." Bingtang Michiliu raised her chin and began to reason, "It can't be me, nor Xiaohui, besides you, is there anyone else committing the crime?"

Kiyosuke Hashima was about to speak, his eyes condensed, and he looked at the chest of Hidō Michiru.

Hidō Yoshitomo left her consciousness and raised her right hand, trying to cover her chest.

"do not move."

Kiyosuke Hashima grabbed Michiru by the wrist.

"You, what are you doing?"

This foolish girl was a little flustered, and couldn't help turning her head to look at Kato in the kitchen, and whispered: "Xiaohui is still there... You want to touch it for another time."

Can you just touch it after a change of time? You are indeed a good brother, sacrificing yourself!

Kiyosuke Hashima stretched out his right hand and leaned toward Michiru's chest.

"Ha, are you really touching?" Hidō Michiru opened her eyes wide. He didn't expect Hashima Kiyosuke to be so bold, she rarely showed a weak expression, "I called someone."

"It's useless for you to crack your throat."

Kiyosuke Hashima stretched out his hand and pinched a piece of hair from Hidō Michiru's clothes. "Check your body. You have a lot of hair on your clothes."

Hidō Michiru hurriedly looked over and found that it was a golden hair, "It looks like..."


An orange cat got out of the kotatsu.

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