My girlfriend is Ying Lili

My Girlfriend is Ying Lili Chapter 80

Working restaurant.

"Hashima-senior, good afternoon." Qikai Aoyama with a brown ponytail bowed gently.

With a single ponytail, shoulder bag, black pantyhose, and wearing a school uniform, Aoyama Qikai is undoubtedly a very cute girl, but she is a bit sloppy and doesn't like others to help, so she must return her favor when she receives help.

Kiyosuke Hashima nodded, "Good afternoon, I have to work hard today."

It has been several days since I came to this restaurant to work part-time, and Aoyama Nanami has gradually become accustomed to the people here, and turned to look at the red-haired girl next to Kiyosuke Hashima, with a smile on her face: "Ebina, good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, Qihaijiang." Enameling replied in a low voice.

Kiyosuke Hashima said, "You two will go in and change your clothes."

"I see, senior."

There is only one locker room for employees. Naturally, ladies are given priority. After entering, the door can be locked, so there is no need to worry about running out.

After getting dressed, the part-time job in the afternoon officially begins.

At 6:30 in the evening, when the crowd was the most crowded, Hashima Kiyosuke had just come out of the back kitchen, looked at the window, and frowned slightly.

Qingshan Qihai was standing in front of a round table, his face flushed, and he bit his lip to distinguish something. The guests on the table were two men in their twenties, wearing gray jackets, and there was obviously scorn between his brows.

Kiyosuke Hashima stepped over.

"What is the matter with you two?"


Aoyama Qihai bit her lip, a touch of surprise appeared on her face, "The two of them..."


One of the men kicked the table with a bang, "What happened to the two of us?"

Kiyosuke Hashima grabbed Aoyama Qikai's arm, pulled her back, and whispered, "Leave it to me here. Go back."


Aoyama Qihai bit her lower lip and turned away in silence.

"What's the matter?" A man with medium and long hair pointed to the dishes on the table. "There was a nail in this steak. What do you say?"

Kiyosuke Hashima glanced at the last small piece of steak and nails. Thinking about the expression of Aoyama Nanami just now, he roughly understood what was going on, and immediately said, "I'm very sorry, I will give you two. One for free."

These two people are obviously deliberate, but they can’t tell if they can see it through. It’s the peak time for dining. Once it gets into trouble, it will affect other guests in the restaurant. The problem will be even greater then, and similar situations have also been mentioned in the employee manual Explain, just do it.

The man was obviously dissatisfied, put a hand on the back of the chair, and continued: "The girl just said we are a liar, what do you say?"

There are already guests nearby, and it is obvious that the situation here has affected others.

Kiyosuke Hashima squinted his eyes and smiled, "It's really rude. Let's give the two a free bottle of red wine."

The man waved his hand, "Then come up quickly."

"Please wait."


Kiyosuke Hashima turned around, the smile on his face disappeared, and he walked to the staff passage connecting the front hall and the back kitchen.

Qingshan Qihai stood at the entrance of the passage, her shell teeth left a deep mark on her lower lip, "Senior..."

Hashima Kiyosuke smiled: "It's okay, let me take care of it."

Chapter 124

"Senior." Aoyama Nanami looked at Hashima Kiyomi, bit her lip and said, "I didn't slander them. I saw that man put his nails on the plate with my own eyes."

Kiyosuke Hashima comforted: "I know, it's none of your business."

"Then why do seniors indulge them?"

Qingshan Qihai raised his face, except for the faint mist in his eyes, what was left was perseverance and persistence.

Although I have only been in contact for a few days, the girl in front of me is undoubtedly the same as in the memory. She is a person who is very principled and likes to be strict. For example, the two are also in the second grade and are the same age. It is because of Hashima Kiyosuke. She had been calling Hashima Kiyosuke for a few days early.

Compared with the surface distance of Yinglili, Qingshan Qihai is the real politeness and distance.

Of course, Kiyosuke Hashima would not be angry at the girl’s question, "Remember what the first item of the employee handbook is?"

"Hmm." Aoyama Qihai blinked and tilted her head slightly, "The customer is God?"

"This is it."

"But those two people..."

"This one refers to other guests. Those two people just now were just ill-informed people."

For various reasons, Japan’s reputation is very high among the people. It will not only maintain law and order, but when encountering natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons, they will often arrive at the scene as soon as possible than the government to provide sympathy and relief. The organization and discipline are quite high. , Like the two people just now, doing things for less than 10,000 yen cooking is definitely a bad gangster who can't be on the table.

Doing business is about wealth and disaster prevention. Although the restaurant is monitored, it is estimated that the two people have a sense of fear. It is estimated that they have no handle. If they make a fuss, they will only prevaricate, but it will have a bad impact on other guests.

Unexpectedly, Qingshan Qihai nodded and said:

"I think so too……"

Halfway through the conversation, Qingshan Qihai subconsciously raised his hand to cover his mouth, and a faint blush appeared on Qiao's face, unexpectedly a little playful and cute.

"Kisuke-kun." A tall woman with glasses and a ponytail came over, "What happened just now?"

Aoyama Nanami hurriedly bowed: "Senior Matsuura."

"It's like this..." Kiyosuke Hajima explained what happened just now, "Sorry, Sakurano-senpai."

"Kun Kiyosuke did a good job." Sakurano Matsuura nodded slightly, very satisfied with Kiyosuke Hajima's handling. "If you encounter this kind of thing, just follow the employee handbook."

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Qingshan Qihai: "The two people should have deliberately made trouble. This kind of thing will often happen in the future, so don't worry about it."

Aoyama Nanami bit her lip: "I see, Senior Matsuura."


Time passed, and soon it was eight o'clock in the evening.

Kiyosuke Hashima and Ebina received today's daily salary, and they prepared to return to the apartment.

"Senior, wait a minute."

A nice voice sounded from behind.

"It's Qihaijiang." Enamen turned his head and looked around, and recognized the person at a glance.

Eilaoming has very few friends, not because he has a cold personality, but because he is only as courageous as a mung bean, he dare not speak when he sees a stranger. The flag on his head is not only the big breasts and the kindness, but the second most conspicuous one is the weak girl.

It happened that the wife of Qingshan Qihai had Max, and couldn't help but take care of them when they saw the weak, so in just a few days, the relationship between the two had been quite good.

Qikai Aoyama stepped forward and ran in front of Kiyosuke Hashima, stopped, legs close together, raised his hand to pull the messy hair behind his ear, revealing two rows of shell teeth and said, "Thank you for today's affairs. Senior Qingjie."

Kiyosuke Hashima said silently, "You have thanked you many times."

"Well, what kind of drink would Kiyosuke-senpai want to drink?" Qingshan Qinghai pointed to the front, "There are vending machines there. Let me treat you."

"No." Hashima Kiyosuke shook his head.

Qikai Aoyama insisted, "What do you want to drink, milk or coffee?"


The Qingshan Qihai in the memory did everything in a straightforward manner, and would never take advantage of others. After receiving help from others, he would return back soon. As expected.

Kiyosuke Hashima did not refuse any more, and thought for a while:

"Then ask for a can of hot milk."

"I see, senior."

Walking to the vending machine, Aoyama Nanami bought two cans of hot milk, one can be handed to Kiyosuke Hashima, and the other to Ebina, "Ebina, this is yours."

"Huh?" Ename shook his head hurriedly, "I can buy it myself."

"Take it." Qingshan Qihai directly handed the drink to Ebina. It is natural to take care of the weak girl. It can't be changed, and it can't be changed in this life. In the summer vacation, he will live in Sakura Villa to take care of a pet with zero self-care ability.

Aoyama Qikai waved his hand and said, "Senior, Ebina, I will go back first."

Kiyosuke Hashima nodded: "Be careful on the road."

"Got it."

If others help, they must return, otherwise they will not sleep well at night. Now that the matter is resolved, Qi Hai Qingshan smiled and turned and ran away.

Holding hot milk in both hands, Eilao whispered, "Qihaijiang seems to be very busy. Every day, I see her hurriedly running over, and leaving hurriedly after working.

Hashima Kiyosuke said, "It should be busy."

Hashima Kiyosuke has learned that voice actors in this era have not yet become idolized. The low income of voice actors is shocking. New voice actors can only get a little more than 10,000 yen for each episode of dubbing. The novelist also called the three major death professions.

Qingshan Qihai’s parents objected to her being a voice actor, but Xiao Qihai resolutely entered the waters and worked by herself to earn tuition, living expenses and seiyuu school tuition. She should have several jobs a day. At first glance, Helun is similar, but An Yilun is also for the preaching and collection of the otaku, and Qikai Aoyama is for making a living. The two are fundamentally different.

"gone back."


Ebina was holding milk and walked to the apartment with Kiyosuke Hashima.

Soon after arriving near the apartment, Ebina said, "Senior, go in and buy some ingredients?"

Kiyosuke Hashima nodded, "Well, I want to buy some bread too."

Ebina makes his own bento and takes it to school every day. In fact, most people in the school bring their own bento for lunch. Hashima Kiyosuke doesn’t like bento. He always finds it strange to cook rice early in the morning. He prefers soy milk, Breakfast such as fried dough sticks, steamed buns and rice rolls.And the bento was already cold by noon, and it was a little hard to adapt to eating cold rice.

Fortunately, there is a cafeteria in the school. Kiyosuke Hashima usually goes to the cafeteria for lunch at noon. Breakfast with milk and bread is enough.

After walking around in the supermarket, I quickly bought bread and ingredients. When the checkout was completed, the cashier girl smiled sweetly:

"Good evenings, two, our supermarket is holding a customer feedback event. If you spend over 3,000 yen, you can get a chance to draw a lottery..."

Kiyosuke Hashima twitched the corner of his mouth lightly, and turned his head to Ebiname.

The red-haired weak girl hugged her head and squatted, her mouth turned into a grieved wave pattern: "Senior, it won't work, don't do it, can't come again."


Chapter 125: The Weak Girl Never Rejects (Second)

Kiyosuke Hashima twitched the corner of his mouth slightly: "Then I will come."

"Leave it to the senior." Enameling nodded quickly, paused, and then asked carefully, "Senior won't be as lucky as me?"

When I was shopping in the supermarket last week, I encountered a similar event. Ebina was lucky and won the first prize two hot spring travel vouchers. On the way back, I encountered the shoelaces scattered and the buttons collapsed. Frightened by wild dogs, hitting the head against a street lamp, and other bad luck, in Ebina's words, one's luck is so great, and all of it is used up at once, and then if there is no luck protecting the body, it will be bad luck.

So Ebina didn't dare to buy lottery tickets at all, because he was afraid that he would accidentally win hundreds of millions of prizes. When the time comes, bad luck might cause the continental shelf to shake!

"No, or I should come?" Enamel whispered, "Luck has just ran out, and it shouldn't be accumulated yet..."

"No." Seeing the red-haired weak girl in front of him, Kiyosuke Hashima smiled and comforted, "Nothing like this has happened, don't worry about me."


Kiyosuke Hashima looked at the cashier sister: "Where is the draw?"

"It's over there." The cashier girl pointed to a lottery box opposite.

"Thank you."

Kiyosuke Hashima and Ebina walked over, and under Ebina's nervous gaze, they put their hands into the lottery box.

"Senior be careful."

Eilao pressed one hand to his chest, his eyes widened, and he whispered.

Hey, it's just a lottery, and it's not an adult gift for bullets. Don't be so nervous!

Kiyosuke Hashima took out a small ball and handed it to the supermarket staff nearby. His luck was very ordinary and he had no expectations of winning the prize.

As a result, the staff opened the ball and said with a smile: "Congratulations, both of you won the prize."


Ebina looked at Kiyosuke Hashima nervously, worried that Kiyosuke Hashima would explode like her.

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