My Goddess is a Cat

Vol 2 Chapter 557: like


   Tang An’s original plan was that after placing the twigs in Dayufang, he was ready to leave Dayufang. After all, the beast spirit empire was so dangerous, such as those big insects and big birds, Tang An might not take care of it well.

   Now that it has been determined that Xiaozhi is a canine tribe, he can plan separately. Tang An wants to visit other canine tribes so that he can get more information.

Tang An is willing to walk with Xiaozhi. He will feel alone in this completely unfamiliar world. With Xiaozhi, he can at least have a companion, and most importantly, he can let Xiaozhi learn the complete song of generals. According to Xiaozhi's learning speed, it is estimated that he will break through again soon.

   "Xiao Zhi, I am going to take a walk in the Beast Spirit Empire, would you like to be with me?" Tang An looked at Xiao Zhi expectantly.

   "Yes!" Xiao Zhi nodded vigorously, Master Mengdog is the sun of Xiao Zhi, where is anyone unwilling to follow the sun?

   Tang An laughed, and gave all the money to Xiaozhi, "After that, we will give you all of our food, clothing, housing and transportation. You have to take care of the money and don't lose it again."

   "Okay!" Xiaozhi nodded happily.

  Tang An took Xiaozhi and strolled around in the big fish shop. Xiaozhi now has nowhere to stay and no worries, just like Tang An.

Dayufang is a fishing port city. The whole city is within the radiation range of Dayufang. Xiaozhi is the famous ugly girl of Dayufang. Tang An also listened to other people talking about it and realized that Xiaozhi was actually a big fish. Fang's first ugly girl!

   Although Tang An felt that the customs and aesthetic standards of foreign countries should be respected, but seeing the "beautiful girls" he met along the way, Tang An couldn't help holding Xiao Zhi's hand. The contrast was too strong.

The architectural style of Dayufang, of course, is different from that on earth. It is biased towards ancient China. Most of them are made of bamboo and wood. However, thanks to the unusually tall growth of bamboo and wood in this world, these bamboo and wood buildings are also very magnificent. Tang An looked around and saw that the main building of the Big Fish Square is composed of several giant buildings tens of meters and hundreds of meters in height, especially the main building is built under the head of the big fish, standing majestically, like one The shape of the long knife can't help being reminiscent of the power of the "Void Decisive Blast" that killed Bei Mingyu back then.

   The restaurants and restaurants along the way are ordinary buildings, basically on the fourth and fifth floors.

The prosperity of Dayufang was also beyond Tang An’s expectations. It turned out that fish meat was a major meat product in the Beast Spirit Empire, and the fish meat produced by Dayufang was exported to the entire least in the territory of the Dog Spirit tribe, it was one of the best. Industrial base.

   Dayufang also has many inns, but Tang An found that Xiaozhi could not play the role of a guide. She neither knew which inns were better, nor did she know the prices were appropriate.

   Tang An can also understand, how could Xiaozhi come into contact with a place like an inn before? The place where she lives is just a slatted bed.

   Seeing the price of the inn, Xiao Zhi was a little frightened, but after all, he was staying with the adult dog, Xiao Zhi couldn't let him sleep on the street.

   "Master Dog, we only need one room!" Xiaozhi said, "Two rooms are too expensive!"

   Xiaozhi said quickly when he saw Tang An actually planning to have two rooms.

   "Don't worry, there is a room for two people." Tang An knows that the inn here also has a double room configuration.

   Xiaozhi then relieved her heart. She didn't care if she had a place to sleep anyway, and she had to squat on the ground for the night.

"My lord, there are a lot of beautiful girls next door to our shop, and they have a good relationship with our shop, and they all have discounts." The shop owner glanced at Xiao Zhi, then gave Tang An a wink. After all, he was carrying such an ugly attendant. In addition to being a woman, how can you be worthy of the distinguished status of living in a top-level guest room?

   "Thank you, no need." Tang An said quickly, and then took Xiao Zhi to the room. He could imagine that those beautiful girls must weigh more than the sum of him and Xiao Zhi.

   Even in the Tang Dynasty with heavy flavors, I'm afraid these girls can't be regarded as beautiful, right?

This inn has an eighth floor, and there is actually an elevator-like setting, but of course it is not automatic, but a group of animals that Tang An does not know are pulling. Tang An and Xiaozhi stand on a platform, and then someone drives those strong Like a cow, but a triangular-headed animal with only one foot on its head pulls the platform up slowly.

   Going back to the room, Tang An felt a little home. The layout was a bit similar to his own home in Wutong Lane. They were both upper and lower floors, except that it was a duplex structure.

   "Xiaozhi, I will write something first, and then I will take you to eat and buy clothes at night." Tang An said, such a prosperous port city, it is impossible to have a rich nightlife, and there are brothels next door!

   "Sir Dog, can I sleep next to your bed at night? I can hit the floor." Xiaozhi asked courageously, blinking his big eyes.

Feeling her attachment, Tang An nodded, and slept in the same bed last night. Of course, Tang An would not be hypocritical. He knew Xiao Zhi had returned to Dayufang, but he did. The first time she left her familiar environment, it was inevitable that she was a little flustered, she was just a weak girl.

   "Just as good as last night." Tang An said.

   "Okay!" Xiao Zhi nodded with joy.

Tang An began to write and told her: "Xiaozhi, after I write it, you must keep this well, and you must not give it to anyone. If one day, I suddenly disappear, if you haven’t learned it yet, just look for it. Someone who knows Chinese can tell you the content above, and then practice slowly, do you know?"

   "Master did you disappear suddenly?" Xiaozhi looked at Tang An sadly, and couldn't help but stretched out his hand and gently grabbed Tang An's clothes.

"Because I am actually a Canine from another world. Just like Bei Mingyu, I don't actually belong to this world." Tang An sighed and did not hide Xiaozhi, telling her directly that it is better than one day when he suddenly disappeared. After it's too late to say goodbye, let her think about it.

   "Can Xiao Zhi follow Master Dog?" Xiao Zhi pulled Tang An's clothes tightly.

Tang An was stunned for a moment. In his opinion, he and Xiaozhi are people from two worlds...but Tang An is not a pedantic person. After thinking about it, he was not sure about agreeing to this matter, mainly whether he could get it back. He could not decide how to go back to the earth, whether he could bring twigs or not.

"Of course I can. As long as I have this ability and opportunity, I will definitely take you there. But I don’t know how to go back. This matter can only be taken one step at a time later. I just want you to be psychologically prepared. One day, Master Meng Dog suddenly disappeared, it must be compelling, definitely not lost the twig." Tang An smiled and stroked her head.

   "I like Master Dog the most." Xiao Zhi snuggled up and leaned in Tang An's arms.

   Tang An smiled slightly. It turns out that as long as it is a little girl, she will show her feelings like this, but in the past, no one has been willing to accept Xiaozhi's confession, right?

like? When others heard her say they liked it, they were afraid that it would be too late to run, or they would mock her for not knowing it.

   Tang An was very pleased, at least he let Xiaozhi gradually gain more confidence and courage in front of him. u



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