My golden finger is delicious

Chapter 41 Farewell (1/2)

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The two sword gods did take the child out first.

But they did not go far to find a wet nurse to take care of him as Wu Ding guessed.

Instead, they were at the door.

Ye Gucheng was outside the door with the child.

Ximen Chuxue was inside the door.

At the same time, Hua Manlou and Lu Xiaofeng were waiting outside the door.

People who knew Wu Ding's plan were not at all confident that Wu Ding would fight alone.

Leaving someone behind, if something happened, it would be better to rescue Wu Ding from inside.

After being told that a newborn baby does not need to eat on the first day.

I felt relieved to hand the child over to Hua Manlou.

Yes, Hua Manlou.

The seventh child of the Hua family, he has held at least eight newborns.

Except for him, no one in the Hua family has delayed major events in life.

In addition to some children from distant relatives.

It is hard to say anything else about Hua Manlou, but holding a child is definitely a skill that reaches the maximum level.

The eggshell is not broken.

Instead, the time was up, and it began to soften and become transparent. After softening into the fetal membrane, it was kicked by the child.

After witnessing the birth of his son.

Ximen Chuxue sneaked back to the interior.

Always waiting for an opportunity.

Finishing or saving people.

The reason why it was Ximen Chuxue instead of Ye Gucheng...

Of course, it was because the owner of Ximen Manor was tough and could overcome some monsters and ghosts.

Facts have proved that it is necessary to carry the Wu Ding on his back just in case.

If it weren't for Ximen Chuxue, the current Wu Ding would at least be seriously injured.

"Don't you need to deal with it?"

"No, considering this situation, the Emperor's Platform can operate automatically."

The Emperor's Platform really started to move.

Many pavilions and towers collapsed.

These are the core parts of the auxiliary cultivation array.

After the collapse, another array began to rotate.

The unrecognizable body on the ground was automatically dragged into the ground by the soil.

The core array area where the "egg" was placed before.

A hollow ball of light was suspended there, operating slowly.

One by one, the milky white silk threads were sucked into the light ball.

When the light ball was solid and filled, it was time for the spirit of the weapon to be in place, the formation was complete, and the fragments of the female ugly corpse could be sealed at any time.

Wu Ding pinched the spell to fish out his scrapped robes that were tossing a clear spring.

Find a place that is not in the way, throw it there, and let it fend for itself.

Follow Ximen Chuxue out of the door.

As expected, seeing the other three people guarding the gate, I was moved.

I wanted to say thank you, but I felt a little embarrassed to say it dryly.

I haven't prepared my emotions yet.

Lu Xiaofeng rushed up and slapped Wu Ding on the back.

Seeing Wu Ding stagger, he began to complain that Wu Ding must be lazy in practicing martial arts.

"The chassis is so unstable, and I asked you to do horse stance, but you must have been lazy."

"You look so happy, have you finished it completely?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I rarely see you in such a mess, with blood and dirt, and you didn't clean it up? The one that can be cleaned with a brush."

"Why did you change your clothes? I think the black one looks good and suits you."

"The monkey spirit wanted to guard it, but he found a few people sneaking around, so he ran to help you divert them. His disguise technique is always effective."

"Come, look at Ximen's son. Is he well behaved? He just cried a few times when he came out."

Lu Xiaofeng can liven up the atmosphere by himself.

With him talking.

More than a dozen people save talking.

Looking at the soft and red little guy curled up in the package.

Wu Ding felt his heart soften.

He is so fragile, but the breath of new life always makes people feel full of vitality and incomparably powerful.

"What's his name?"

The four were silent: …………

Has no one thought about it?

People in your martial arts world, do you name your children randomly after they are born?

Uh...wait, it seems that the ancients did have the tradition of naming their children whatever they saw when they were holding them.

"How about Ximen Dansheng?" Lu Xiaofeng said casually, which brought three death rays. Even Hua Manlou frowned slightly and turned the child a little sideways.

"I just said it casually. I don't know how to name...Do you want Master Yu to name him? Ximen is a good name."

"My adoptive father gave me my name."

Yu Luosha's real naming level is "Yu Tianbao".

So his eyes fell on the child's other father.

The name Ye Gucheng is also very nice.

"The names of Baiyun City are all based on poems."

He was born as the future city lord and the expectation of the entire Baiyun City.

So he used the poem "The Yellow River is far away between the white clouds, and there is a lonely city and a mountain of ten thousand feet." It contains the name of Baiyun City and also determines the word "lonely" in this life.

The name of the cousin Ye Guhong was taken from the poem "Who sees the lonely man walking alone, the misty shadow of the lonely wild goose".

The eldest grandson of the next generation is Ye Guhong's son.

The clan elders decided on the poem containing the word "fly".

Ye Guhong's son was finally named Ye Feiliu, which was taken from the flying stream falling three thousand feet, it seems that the Milky Way falls from the sky.

Ye Gucheng looked at Ximen Chuxue.

He provided this naming rule, and Ximen Chuxue would choose which poem to choose.

"Go to the battlefield thousands of miles away, cross the mountains and rivers like flying."

"Ximen Ruofei, Yu Ruofei, Ye Ruofei... They are all good, so it's decided!"

Lu Xiaofeng regarded himself as the godfather and made the final decision.

But... why did you include Yu Ruofei in the list?

Lu Xiaofeng, who was completely unaware of his friend's displeasure, continued to give the child a nickname.

"The nickname is Dandan or Dansheng, we have to remember it."

The child seemed to know what happened to him. He was always quiet and well-behaved, but he started crying as soon as Lu Xiaofeng finished speaking.

"Let's call him Xiaotai." Hua Manlou compromised. If the child was born in the Imperial Stage, he would be called Xiaotai, which is better than Dansheng.

This sounds okay, as long as it is better than Dansheng.

Both biological fathers have no objection, and the godfather's objection is invalid.

After the child miraculously stopped crying, the nickname was decided.

"By the way, Qitong."

Wu Ding took out a ribbon from his sleeve.

Suddenly, he looked at the Hua family Qitong with a serious face.

"Are you willing to guard the Imperial Stage for me? Stay by the Imperial Stage."

Hua Manlou was slightly surprised, and the other three, even the iceberg duo, could not hide their surprise.

This was not what Wu Ding would say at all.

And the order is also problematic.

If you really need someone trustworthy to guard.

At least you should ask before the imperial platform is built.

"In exchange."

Wu Ding tied a ribbon on Hua Manlou's eyes.

The next second, everyone clearly saw two lines of tears sliding down Hua Manlou's face.

"Seventh Child?! Is there pepper water on this ribbon?"

"…………" Hua Manlou's moved and shocked interest was completely disrupted by Lu Xiaofeng. "I can see. With this, I can see. And..."

Hua Manlou looked up into the distance.

"I can easily see things hundreds of meters away, as if they are right in front of me."

Hua Manlou jumped directly from a blind person to a clairvoyant.

He couldn't adapt to this sudden change at all.

His vision kept changing with his disordered manipulation, which directly led to vestibular imbalance and he couldn't stand.

Wu Ding quickly untied the ribbon and let Hua Manlou stand steadily.

Seeing Hua Manlou sighing, everyone couldn't help laughing.

I am happy for Hua Manlou, but also a little worried.

I don't know what Hua Manlou will choose. Compared with seeing the light again and staying in one place for the rest of his life, how should he choose?

No one can decide for Hua Manlou.

Wu Ding continued to introduce: "Since ancient times, the imperial platform has had a guardian."

Take the most powerful emperor, for example. He is in the capital of the lower world, Kunlun Xu in the sea, between the eight-sided rocks, and on the bank of the Red River.

The geographical location alone is difficult to reach.

Not to mention its own defense.

Even so, they still set up nine gates, guarded by enlightened beasts.

To let someone help watch the door, you have to give some plug-ins.

The four functions of Wu Ding's construction of the imperial platform are for Hua Manlou's eyes.

It doesn't matter that the flower god cannot learn magic. Having the imperial platform is equivalent to blessing magic for a long time.

The little consumption of the flower god, whether there is a female ugly corpse or not, does not delay the operation of the imperial platform at all.

This is also one of the reasons why Wu Ding must catch the real culprit behind the scenes, that is, Jiu Gu Zhenren.

He can build the imperial platform by himself.

Jiu Gu is not the only evil person who deserves death.

But at that time, Wu Ding suspected that Jiu Gu was a person who traveled through time or was reborn, otherwise why would he always keep an eye on Lu Xiaofeng's plot?

If he built the imperial platform by himself and left.

He wanted to leave the magic weapon for Hua Manlou to monitor the imperial platform.

Then he would definitely be targeted by the people behind the scenes.

"Lu Xiaofeng, I also made new discoveries when I fought him this time. I suspect that the evil Taoist of the Yiqi League is really related to that person."

Either Jiu Gu himself or Jiu Gu's disciple.

The world is restarted.

Jiu Gu's master was directly restarted, and there is obviously a will to weaken the power of Xuanmen in this world.

Jiu Gu should be the only one who slipped through the net.

Whether it is looking for precious resources as a substitute magic weapon, or cultivating one or two successors or assistants.

Jiu Gu is very suspicious.

"Lu Xiaofeng?" Why did he suddenly stop talking?

Lu Xiaofeng's expression is a bit strange now.

It was like finding a key point in a difficult case that no one could figure out.

Everyone at the scene was familiar with Lu Xiaofeng's expression.

He immediately became the focus.

"Wu Ding."


"You said guarding the left and right sides of the imperial platform, what is the range of the left and right?"

"Oh, about 8 million square kilometers. That is about 2,600 kilometers in radius."

Four people: …………

What is the area of ​​the Ming Dynasty?

Lu Xiaofeng turned over to express his "excitement".

The two sword gods were calmer.

They did not draw their swords.

Hua Manlou was still the most graceful, and chuckled.

He took the ribbon from Wu Ding's hand and tied it again.

"This means that Hua Mou can no longer go abroad. I will definitely keep it in mind."

The moment Hua Manlou tied the ribbon again.

The original entrance to the imperial platform.

The magnificent pillar building and the imposing gate disappeared silently.

Instead, there was a small hill connected to the surrounding mountains.

If they hadn't been standing here, they would not believe what they saw.

"This mountain, if you walk up..."

"It's like a real mountain. It's a little lighter now, but after a while, birds, beasts, fish and insects will settle here, and it will be more like a real mountain."

The only problem is that when the corpse of the ugly woman comes, it will probably scare a lot of flowers and plants.

"Oh, by the way, if someone like Lu Xiaofeng is more sensitive, he might get lost. Nothing else."

"Why me again?"

"This matter may cause a stir." The imperial platform was built with great fanfare, and because of the previous hard publicity.

Many people are waiting to get a chance to take advantage of the fairy spirit.

"We don't need to worry about it, the emperor will solve it."

Wu Ding's attitude is casual, treating the emperor as a brick, moving it wherever it is needed.

"Isn't this inappropriate?"

It's not that Lu Xiaofeng is so respectful of the imperial power, but based on his understanding of the emperor during this period of time.

This emperor is definitely not a personality that is willing to help with the aftermath.

"Will he agree? The reasons are ready-made, his son is about to turn one year old, and he is busy."

Two months after the end of the Forbidden City Peak.

The eldest son of the emperor was born.

The eldest son was born, healthy, smart and cute.

This child who was the focus of everyone's attention at birth really brought a long-lost joy to the whole country.

Even the ministers who had always been at odds with the emperor, or even had grudges against him, have recently given him a lot of good looks.

Let me say something disrespectful.

It is probably because the birth of the child gave them hope of changing the emperor legitimately.

"I have such a big auspicious sign next to me. It's good enough that he doesn't thank me. How can he not be happy?"

Facts have proved that Wu Ding was right.

After the emperor knew about it, he was a little hypocritical.

He happily announced the closure of the mountain.

Then he secretly modified several main roads.

There is a saying that the more you want to make something famous, the more you have to ban it.

Sure enough, the royal family banned it.

More people came to look for the fairy mountain all of a sudden.

Ordinary people failed at the stage of changing the road.

Those who were a little capable stood in front of the mountain simulated by the formation and were shocked by the "truth".

Half a year later, the emperor made a grand tour.

He stayed around the "fairy mountain" for a whole day.

Then, the emperor returned to the palace.

He gave the eldest prince a pearl as bright as the morning sun.

This pearl has white, pink, and even black.

But it is the first time to see a fiery red pearl.

Not only is the color rare, but if you look closely at this pearl under the sun, it is said that there will be flames dancing inside.

It is said that this pearl is impervious to knives and fire, and looks like stars at night.

It is also said that wearing this pearl can prevent all diseases and prolong life.

Well, the last one was soon confirmed to be a rumor.

The fact that the imperial doctors of the Imperial Hospital stayed up all night to work is evidence.

Even if they are taken care of carefully, some minor diseases of infants and young children are inevitable.

However, the pearl is beautiful and is praised by everyone who has seen it.

Every minister who has seen the little prince can't help but write a poem to praise the pearl when he returns. It is so beautiful.

Some people also say that this may not be a pearl at all.

In response, Wu Ding said...

"It's a pearl. I opened it from a river clam myself. If it's not a pearl, what else can it be?"

He can't give the royal family anything that is too special.

Can't he give rare treasures?

He can guarantee that this bead has no function except for its beauty.

Jia Baoyu's jade can be hung up to ward off evil spirits.

His can be ground into powder for beauty at most.

It doesn't matter if it has no practical function, as it will not hinder the emperor from manipulating the public opinion of the prosperity of the royal family.

It adds a layer of protection to the little prince, and also disgusts his enemies who don't like him.

After counting up, Wu Ding has been in Lu Xiaofeng's world for a full three years.

The first time to build an imperial platform.

Wu Ding carefully waited for the soul of the core spirit to condense.

Then he began to prepare to go home.

"Is it really three years after I go home?"

"The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" was written at most fifty years ago, and Jiu Gu, who has lived for five hundred years, has appeared here.

Time is really the most wonderful existence.

He is really worried.

He is afraid that once he returns, the world will change.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a black screen in front of his eyes.

The picturesque golden finger turned dark.

After a while, the sun reappeared.

Wu Ding: ? ? ?

Bai Ze: Grandma Zhu is unhappy.

Jiuwei: In human terms, you are insulting her profession.

Wu Ding immediately apologized to the boss.

"It's not that I can't help you adjust the time, but this is the first time to travel back and forth, you must have traces of time on your body, and after forming a closed loop, it will be much better in the future... Do you understand?"

"No." Wu Ding didn't understand, and didn't listen carefully.

Anyway, this subject is not tested.

"Okay, now you start. You are the main one, and Grandma Zhu is the auxiliary." This way Grandma can be more relaxed, otherwise it will take another three years.


Wu Ding jumped onto the tree. Without a mobile phone, he could only use his eyes to lock his home.

Shanhaiyuan, which was exchanged for a piece of jade at the beginning of the journey.

There are diligent and loyal housekeepers, maids who like gossip, and guards who don't like Lu Xiaofeng very much.

I thought the old imperial chef finally moved from Baihua Tower.

The peach blossoms in April are in full bloom.

He buried good wine under every tree.

I don't know if he can stand up to Lu Xiaofeng's digging.

Lu Xiaofeng is involved in another strange case.

This time, it is said that there is a gorgeous queen from a foreign country who says that Lu Xiaofeng is her son.

She wants to take Lu Xiaofeng back to inherit the throne.

Lu Xiaofeng: This is impossible. You are only five years older than me.

The Beautiful Queen: You are the son of the previous king and queen. You are also my son in name.

Lu Xiaofeng: I won’t go, and I don’t want the throne either.

The Beautiful Queen: Then you help me to seize the throne, I want to be the queen.

Lu Xiaofeng: Why should I help you?

The Beautiful Queen took out a Holy Fire Order: This can be exchanged for a reasonable request in the Ming Dynasty.

If the Ming Dynasty cannot send troops to help, can’t we ask the Ming Dynasty to send a person from the Jianghu?

Wu Ding was very eager to wait for this interesting follow-up.

However, the strong homesickness still took over.

“You will come back.” A familiar voice sounded behind him.


“Guarding the imperial throne, you always know a little more.” So he came to see him off.

“Of course.”

“This is a parting gift. It’s not easy to find what you want but don’t have it.” Hua Manlou gave Wu Ding a scroll.

Wu Ding took the scroll in confusion.

With his back against the golden finger, what was it that he wanted but didn't have?

He wanted to open it, but Qi Tong wouldn't let him.

"Okay, I'll look at it after I go back. Qi Tong... take care, take good care of yourself, and don't let Lu Xiaofeng get in trouble."


Wu Ding looked up into the air, waved to the big guys, and prepared to start.

"I owe you three years of potato chips, cola, shaqi ma, fried dough twist, sponge cake, ice cream, beef jerky, snowflake crisps, chocolate, mousse, Q/Q candy. Biscuits, beer, instant noodles, ham sausage, pistachios, pine nuts, melon seeds, walnut kernels. Jelly, milk tea, pork shop, dried tofu, seaweed, egg yolk pie, tangerine peel, hawthorn, plum slices, coffee, tea, sesame paste. Gogogogo~~"

In the light, Wu Ding's figure gradually disappeared.

He didn't forget to promise his friend.

"Qi Tong, next time I come, I'll bring you these too!"


Have a safe trip, Wu Ding.

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