My golden finger is delicious

Chapter 59 Metaphysics to find the murderer (1/2)

Forgotten Yu reminds you: please collect it after reading (), it will be more convenient to read it later.


With Maori Kogoro here, a simple autopsy is no problem.

The so-called "simple" means accurately inferring the main cause of death of the deceased and the approximate time of death.

Well, a former criminal police private detective can master forensic skills.

In addition to Kogoro's extensive professional skills, I am afraid there is also the factor of "practice makes perfect".

It is preliminarily determined that the time of death of the deceased is within two to three hours.

The cause of death is multiple stab wounds on the body, and there are three fatal wounds.

At this time, passerby A raised his hand.

She said that she had seen the deceased more than two hours ago. At that time, the deceased ran to the kitchen crying and asked for the fruit platter ordered by Miss Alisa.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Alisa.

Kid: …………

Damn, he knocked the female model unconscious an hour ago.

In other words, this female model named Alisa could be the murderer.

Coincidentally, he was doing other preparations two hours ago, and had no way of knowing whether this woman was the murderer.

If he wasn't the center of attention now, he would have wanted to pick up the little detective and shake him hard.

Really, as long as he wasn't there, his mission was never complicated.

Uncle Nakamori was so easy to deal with.

Hakuba was a little difficult, but at least he didn't have the attributes of a plague god, and no murders had ever touched him.

Kidd perfectly portrayed the grief and shock of the female model after learning of the death of her assistant, and the anger of the accusation that "the female model was not good to her assistant" while complaining.

"Meiwako is the assistant I just hired, and she doesn't know my habits."

There was no extra explanation.

Kidd showed Elisa's arrogance to the fullest.

Isn't it normal for a new assistant to be scolded for not doing things well?

Could it be that she still has to support her?

"My famous detective, your main task now is to find the murderer of Miwako, not to discuss with me the attitude of the boss towards his subordinates in the workplace. Also, I am strict with Miwako, not abusive."

Kid took a step forward arrogantly, almost sticking in front of Maori Kogoro.

"If the deceased is me now, Miwako has a motive for committing the crime, not the other way around."

Mouri Kogoro was asked and took three steps back, with cold sweat all over his head.

Sonoko: "After not seeing you for many years, Elisa's temper has changed a lot. But it is possible that she is really like this now."

Conan doesn't care about anything other than the case.

He asked "Elisa" again with a commercial sweet expression: "So, auntie, what were you doing two hours ago? Do you have an alibi?"

Kid: …………

Little detective, our friendship ends here.

"Conan, don't make trouble."

"I'm right, Shinichi brother taught me so~, as long as there is an alibi, this beautiful auntie is innocent."

Wu Ding is using his greatest willpower to stop himself from laughing.

You know, when someone is laughing wildly, it is easy to be infected.

What? Who are you asking?

Of course it's the big guys.

The big guys who have watched Conan cartoons have long laughed unscrupulously.

One even watched Conan cartoons while watching.

Kid, who was tricked by Conan again, performed super perfect.

"Auntie?!" "Alisa" opened her eyes in disbelief, and then turned around in a bad mood, "I don't know, I don't know anything."

The beautiful and sexy narrow phoenix eyes glanced at Maori Kogoro.

"Take care of your children, Mr. Maori. And... don't tell me that after all this trouble, I am the only suspect."

Alisa, who looked like she was so angry at the childish words that she didn't want to talk, was actually complaining secretly.

What kind of thing is this?

He chose this female model because she had just returned from abroad and had worked in France for more than ten years. This time she only brought a newly recruited assistant with her.

Her past resume was even simpler.

The past of such a famous woman can be listed in the most detailed way on ordinary online encyclopedias.

Combined with previous reports, it is easy to infer her interpersonal relationships.

In a place like a cocktail party, as long as you move around more, there will be no chance to talk about private matters.

It can be said that the safety factor of choosing Alisa Kidd is still very high.

But that was before the murder.

The identification and accusation caused a little confusion at the scene.

Only a little.

Maybe the people of the island country are too accustomed to such scenes of being suddenly involved in murders.

Wu Ding even heard that the Sanzhi family was comforted while comforting the guests.

"It's okay, it's okay. Last time I was involved in a serial murder case on a cruise ship. Oh, that really scared me to death."

"Yes, yes, I encountered a charred corpse last time."

"As long as Maori Kogoro gets some sleep, it will be fine."

"I tell you, this Maori Kogoro is still not as good as our Kansai high school detective."

"Why do you say that?"

"The two sides also have cooperative cases. As long as Hattori is there, Maori Kogoro doesn't even have a chance to sleep."

"That's really a young man with great potential."

Wu Ding glanced at Conan who didn't notice it, and planned to repeat this sentence later.

Soon the guests were divided into two groups under reasonable arrangements.

One group was completely unsuspected and was led to another hall to continue the cocktail party. There would be a dance party later, and of course the gems could continue to be admired. If the detective and the police had a message, they would have to move.

Conan: Wait, Kaito Kid has not been caught yet.

Dead Fish Eyes Kid: No, Kaito Kid has been caught.

The group of people with suspicion went to a reception room.

Everyone can still continue to eat and drink, and if they are bold, they can also watch a movie. Of course, everyone needs to cooperate with the detective's questioning and investigation.

Conan weighed it and decided to trust the security technology of the Sanzhi family.

He also believed in Kid as a person.

So he devoted himself to solving the case.

There are currently five suspects.

"Alisa", the elite man with glasses, the woman with triangular eyes, the beautiful waitress, and the chef.

Among them, the waitress was the last eyewitness to see Miwako.

The man with glasses was the deceased's ex-boyfriend, the woman with triangular eyes was the deceased's half-sister, and the waitress was the deceased's high school classmate.

The chef... had nothing to do with the deceased.

His suspicion was that the waitress said that Miwako went to the kitchen to ask for a fruit platter, and "Alisa" also said that she ate fruit, but he didn't see anyone.

The chef obviously had a bad temper, with a red face and thick neck, and he would roar and show off his muscles at any time. At first glance, he was extremely suspicious, which was consistent with his personality of impulsive murder.

Except for Conan, all the police and detectives at the scene were looking at this chef.

Only Conan thought it was not him.

It's not the law that the most suspicious must be innocent, but the one to two hours before the body was found, which was the busiest time for the chef. Even if he had time to kill, he didn't have time to transport the body to the basement, arrange the mechanism to raise the body, etc.

With the interrogation and various dog-eat-dog, everyone's motive for killing has come out.

The triangular-eyed woman is now the mistress of a wealthy businessman, and is about to be abandoned. Seeing her sister's career flourishing, she is jealous.

The identity of the waitress was also caught by Conan innocently and cutely.

She is actually a member of a thief gang, coming for the "Moon Princess".

Well, very good, the murderer has not been found yet, but one of them is destined to be handcuffed.

As for the man with glasses, this is interesting.

He is the illegitimate son of the Sanzhi family. (Sonoko: I actually have the talent of a prophet.) At present, he has only become an ordinary manager in the Sanzhi Group. Compared with the status of other descendants of the Sanzhi family, he is naturally unwilling.

His purpose is also to steal the gems. If he can't steal it, he will catch Kidd and make meritorious deeds. If he can't catch Kidd, he will frame his half-brother. If the other party is removed from the list, he may have a chance to "become a regular employee".

Everyone: …………

You are well prepared.

"Let me summarize. Except for Miss Alisa, the chef killed impulsively, the sister was jealous, and the rest should have been witnessed by Miss Miwako and silenced."

Everyone denied that they were the murderers, but they could not deny that the current motive for the murder was just like this.

For a while, the artillery fire was completely aimed at "Alisa", who refused to say anything now.

"Catch me if you find evidence." Everyone thought that Elisa just couldn't reveal her whereabouts during this period, and she had a way to prove her innocence.

Wu Ding: He did.

If there was any unfavorable evidence, such as fingerprints, blood, DNA, etc., Kid would probably skin the beauty on the spot.

Prove her innocence.

Conan thought about the "testimonies" of several people and decided to go back to the scene to take a look. He turned around and ran away from everyone.

Only Xiaolan shouted his name and asked him to come back.

Maori Kogoro: Let him go.

What should Wu Ding do?

Of course... stop Conan accurately.

The flexible body of the football genius child could not resist the interception of the martial arts master.

"Let me go, I have to go to the toilet, I can't hold it anymore." Covering his mouth, jumping back and forth.

"This little friend, there is a toilet in the room." The housekeeper of the Sanzhi family reminded kindly.

Conan: ………

“I have a stomachache.”

“I am a doctor.” Wu Ding smiled confidently. It is hard to say about other diseases, but pretending to be sick can definitely cure it.

“I, I just want to go out and play. It is so boring here.” He cried and made a scene.

Kidd: It is worth the money. I really want to record it.

Conan always showed the style of high school student detective Kudo Shinichi in Kidd’s place. When has he ever been so childish.

[It is a pity that I did not bring a video recording device. Otherwise… it would definitely be enough to blackmail the little detective to do me a favor. ]

Kidd’s gloating expression on the skin of the super beauty is really pleasing to the eye.

Maori Kogoro almost shouted that such a beauty could not be the murderer.

Xiaolan looked at Conan with a headache, and then looked at everyone apologetically.

Although it was embarrassing, children really have privileges.

Wu Ding smiled and allowed Xiaolan to take Conan out to “play”.

Just when people were about to step out

"Then I'll try to find the murderer." Wu Ding said.


Looking at the child, he was clamoring to go out to play one second, and then he came back the next second.

Even the good-tempered Xiaolan was a little angry.

The environment is not suitable now, and it is necessary to settle the score later.

"Although divination is not what I am good at." Wu Ding waved his hand, and the butler next to him handed over the incense burner, while Wu Ding took out a talisman from his arms.

This action caused dissatisfaction among everyone at the scene.

No matter how superstitious you are, you will not use a murder case to play divination.

"For the sake of the Sanzhi family." Kidd said a word, blocking everyone, including the police's protest.

"Miss Elisa is joking. The final truth will naturally depend on the evidence. I just do my best to provide some clues." Wu Ding gave enough face to all materialists.

In the end, it still depends on evidence.

"Will it work?"

"The suffering dead will leave the most angry resentment in the world. All sins are atonement in front of the law. In front of the victim, there is only... judgment."

The gloomy tone combined with the yellow talisman in the incense burner that spontaneously ignites without fire looks like it's really the case.

Conan: Tsk, magic.

Real magician Kidd: ! ! ! !

The ballad that no one could understand was sung again, and no one knew what this "spell" meant.

Xiezhi opened its orange-yellow eyes and looked sharply at all the suspects.

After a moment.

It pointed the horns on its head firmly at the real criminal.

It was the elite man with glasses.

The man panicked for a moment, and immediately began to urge the police to clear his name. Don't believe in any charlatan.

"It seems that you have never considered the feelings of Miss Miwako who was killed by you." Wu Ding held a feather in his hand and turned it with a smile, as if he was turning the fate of the man with glasses.

"I'm not the murderer, why should I consider her feelings!"

"You are too ruthless, after all, he is my ex-boyfriend." The sister with triangular eyes was not fighting for her sister, but purely to clear her suspicion and argue.

The effect of the metaphysical argument was unexpectedly good. The man with glasses who was attacked by metaphysics was very confused. Not to mention Conan, even Maori Kogoro saw his loss of composure.

Wu Ding maintained an unfathomable smile, lit the feather in his hand, and threw it into the incense burner.

The feather was still "spontaneously combusted" like the previous talisman

Everyone was very calm, only Kidd stood up in fear.

This time was different from the previous time. The purple smoke from the burning feather gave people the illusion of "poison".

The police just frowned, and heard Wu Ding talking to himself in a very low and mysterious tone.

"At that moment, there is always no fear. What really scares people is always the future. You are afraid of being discovered, afraid of being held accountable..."

The expression of the man with glasses gradually became wrong, as if he really saw something very scary.

"You keep telling yourself that it is foolproof, so..." Wu Ding suddenly smiled, "Really?"

The man with glasses suddenly looked at his right elbow.

As criminal police, Officer Takagi and Officer Sato, who had been playing soy sauce, immediately rushed over.

Twisted the man to the table and took off his suit.

A trace of blood hidden on the lining of the suit clearly proves who the murderer is.

Conan: No, this is not scientific. He must have found some clues and tricked the murderer out.

"What exactly is this feather?" Everyone wants to ask this question.

I didn't expect that the legendary "truth serum" really exists. Isn't it poisonous? Are there any side effects? They also smelled it!

"The police can take it for testing. It's not a toxic substance, but a feather of a rare bird. The feathers of this bird can naturally secrete substances that make people hallucinate. Add some psychological hints and skillful words..."

Oh, that's it.

This is much easier to accept.

"But just now, you looked at the murderer with the talisman, which is also amazing! Is this really seen?" Sonoko was quite excited. Girls are obsessed with divination and constellations.

If the men are still thinking about the scientific principles in metaphysics.

The ladies are unconditionally convinced by the master in front of them.

"Everyone's fortune and potential are different. Divination is not my forte. I am just trying. I am glad that I can help this time. It is just like other divinations, but it is not accurate."

"No, no, no, it is amazing. You were very accurate in seeing Xiaolan." Sonoko recalled the day they first met, "You are too modest."

"The fortune and potential revealed by a person's face are not all of a person. I have found that face and potential are completely different."

Kid: …………

Conan: …………

Kid was fidgeting as he recalled the scene of "ignition" just now.

Before Wu Ding finished the second half of the sentence, he took a step forward.

"I'm going back to the banquet. There are important things to do today." He hooked Wu Ding with a charming gesture as if he was still professional. "The master said that his face is unusual..."

Grabbed Conan and pushed him forward.

"You mean him? This kid looks very strange."

I'd rather die than die.

Today's performance was indeed "unusually outstanding". Conan looked at the back of the beautiful woman in disbelief.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to my mind.

It's you! !

Kaito Kidd!

What a pity, the truth is in my mouth, but as a child, I don't have the right to speak and catch the thief.

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