My golden finger is delicious

Chapter 62: Horizontal Fish (1/2)


Kuroba Kaito felt that Kudo Shinichi was a bit hostile today.

Isn't it enough for him to praise Mao Lilan for his good craftsmanship?

A meal full of guns and sticks.

It wasn't until Xiaolan became confused that she changed her attitude.

"Brother Shinichi hasn't been with me for a long time."

"Xinyi is busy with the case." Xiaolan said this and looked at "Xinyi" expectantly.

I hope he can say that: the case has been solved and I won’t leave this time.

Unfortunately, what awaited him was still disappointment.

Kaito can somewhat understand this helplessness.

When Aoko tried his best to prove that he was not Kaitou Kidd, he felt uncomfortable inside.

I really don’t know what to say other than “I’m sorry”.

"Shinichi, are you leaving immediately after eating?"

"Oh, go home and get something." Kidd, who had investigated Kudo Shinichi, naturally told the lie more naturally.

"Great, I'll bake more lemon pie, and you can bring some to Mr. Okiya."

"Okay." Is it the tenant who lives in the little detective's house? It was a convenient matter, and Kidd readily agreed.

CONAN: Let a thief deliver lemon pie to the FBI in front of his face?

"I'll go too!"

Kidd:? ? ?

Conan generously cut off the lemon pie and led Kidd in the opposite direction.

He also told Kidd by the way that he almost met someone.

"Who are the people around you?" Kidd also broke out in a cold sweat. "It's not like there are people from the CIA, Japanese Public Security Bureau, etc. secretly lurking around your home."

"..." It really does, so you'd better leave quickly.

"If you have a member of a secret organization or something, you can have a mahjong table together."

[There is also this one, but he is a former member of the organization. 】

"You haven't said anything yet, what are you happy about?"

"The goal I have been seeking has been found."

"Have you found the person who killed your father?"

"I know all this. He is indeed a detective."

"KID is the name given by my father." Speaking of which, the two families have a close relationship. "I met him when I was a child, and he called me brother and left a puzzle."

Conan showed his dead eyes.

Come on, he was only in kindergarten at that time.

"Hahahahaha." Kaito laughed, this was indeed his father's style.

Today's Kidd can be seen at a glance as a high school student, but his age is wrong. The most likely scenario is that they have a father-son relationship.

A generation of phantom thieves disappeared, and Conan asked Yusaku Kudo about it.

Back then, Kudo Yusaku conducted an investigation after the Phantom Thief disappeared, and unfortunately came to a rather pessimistic conclusion.

But Kudo Yusaku only said this part.

He did not tell his son that Kaitou Kidd was the famous magician Kuroba Toichiro.

In addition, Kidd's mother covered up the matter back then, and Conan didn't get to the bottom of it.

To this day, Conan still doesn't know the identity of the Kuroba family.

However, it is quite simple to deduce that the two generations of Kidd are related as father and son.

"Anyway, congratulations."

"I may need your help then."

"Then it's not necessarily you I'm helping."

"Hey, Kudo Shinichi." Changing from calling him little detective in the past, Kid suddenly knelt down and called Conan by his original name. "Sometimes it's better not to be so scientific."

A certain person's face flashed across Conan's mind.

"What do you mean by that?!"

"I can't say more." He rubbed Conan's hair fiercely. "You really have a ** that makes people bully you."


The Phantom Thief was about to leave, and Conan couldn't stop him. In the blink of an eye, the person in front of him disappeared.

Conan was the only one left on the entire path.

"Conan? Why are you here alone?" Toru Amuro appeared from behind.

"Nothing, this is yours!" Too lazy to look for Akai Shuichi again, Conan directly dumped the lemon pie to another undercover agent.

"Huh? What? Lemon pie?"

"When Xiaolan asked, she said that you really wanted to eat it, so you took it from Okiya."

"Hey..." Toru Amuro couldn't help but laugh or cry when he was forced to throw the blame away, but that was all.

Just grabbing Akai Shuichi’s late night snack.

He still has no psychological pressure.

"That's right!" Conan thought that this person was from the Public Security Bureau and immediately turned back, but Haiyuan's unhappy face suddenly appeared in his mind.


"Nothing!" Conan turned around and left angrily.

"What? Did you quarrel with Miss Mori?"

Toru Amuro had only taken two steps with his unexpected midnight snack when the two of them heard a scream not far away at the same time.

Emmmm, it’s another peaceful and peaceful day.


In the world of Conan, there seems to be no shortage of various mountain villas, outdoor scenic spots, mountain wilderness, and scenic spots.

Wu Ding was dissatisfied with the ancestral home of the Sanzhi family.

Some of them are large houses that are more in line with his aesthetics.

The winding paths lead to secluded areas, with flowers and trees in the meditation room, birdsong and mountain streams.

The mansion blended into nature also has modern and comfortable home furnishings.

The antique small villa, leaving the small garden that leads directly to the mountains and forests behind, is a simple and comfortable residence with complete smart homes, modern decoration aesthetics.

In terms of surrounding environment, geographical location and some supporting details.

The villa Wu Ding bought in the main world is completely incomparable.

Here, Wu Ding can stay in bed, eat, drink, play games and be an ordinary otaku all day long.

He can even live a life of debauchery and sex.

The Sanzhi family is probably willing to see such a "people-friendly" image of a fallen wizard.

But it's a pity that if he wants to be unrestrained, he can have a group of wives and concubines on the first day of Lu Xiaofeng's world.

If he wants to play with luxury, there are mountains of gold, silver and jade in the Shanhai Realm.

Some things can't be opened.

Some things can't be done.

Without any shackles, self-control can be said to be Wu Ding's most proud bottom line.

I imagined what I would become if I indulged myself... Wu Ding still likes himself now.

So now I live in a comfortable big villa.

Just two words, practice.

Sit in the yard to practice spiritual energy, and go into the forest to practice various witch skills.

Wu Ding has lived a regular life in the martial arts world again.

There are a few more new projects.

For example, firearms, yachts, helicopters, etc.

Wu Ding also felt the joy of being a god of learning.

Upgraded physical fitness, blessed wisdom and memory, and finally strong physical control. Wu Ding finished learning all the "Kudo Shinichi Hawaii Special Training" in just one month.

Enjoying the incredible looks of all the coaches.

Afterwards, the Sanzhi family kept him silent.

Recalling the complaints when he first crossed over.

Now I can only say.

"It smells so good."

In the main world, if you want to learn these, you have to report, at least the guns are not so complete.

"What's so good? Have you eaten? Have you eaten?" Taotie stood up with a carp jump, then saw Wu Ding practicing archery, and fell down disappointedly. "Haven't you eaten yet? It's been two hours since the last meal."

For a Taotie, not eating for two hours is very serious, okay!

Others: But you just slept for two hours.

It can make Taotie wait for dinner every day.

Naturally, it is a creative collection of super mountain and sea food ingredients and modern cooking techniques.

There are very few extraordinary powers in this world.

The highest level is basically like Koizumi Hongzi, casting a love spell and stabbing a villain.

Not only does it sway on a flying broom, but it also limits the speed.

The magic power comes from inheritance, and it doesn't make people cry.

Since there is no one who knows the business, Wu Ding is even more unscrupulous.

Directly named the best chef.

Yes, it's the kind you think.

A good temper, good cooking skills, and a chef who can cook dishes from all over the world, a chef with top cooking skills!

The follow-up of unscrupulous in the small world.

He doesn't need to explain anything to the chef.

Just throw out all kinds of ingredients, don't be too cool.

Taotie is obviously someone who can't wait, and starts howling when he wants to eat.

Wu Ding put down the bow and arrow in his hand, and helplessly snapped his fingers at the butler who was waiting for instructions next to him.

The butler immediately bent down to serve the food, and his steps were a little brisk.

Those who can come to this house have signed a "life and death agreement" in advance.

Yes, it is not a confidentiality agreement, but a life and death agreement.

I thought I would meet a moody magician who does not care about human life, or a magician who digs out people's hearts, drinks human blood, and plays with human life.


Young, handsome, and easy to talk to.

Low-key, hardworking, and loves to learn.

Mr. Butler is not bragging, he graduated from a serious British butler school and has served many wealthy nobles.

Wu Ding is the most special and best taken care of one.

In addition to the easy work.

The "benefits" given by Wu Ding are also quite powerful.

On the first day when the chef arrived.

After Wu Ding affirmed the chef's skills.

He took out several unprecedented ingredients.

These weird ingredients seem to include but are not limited to chickens that have been destroyed by hormones, such as genetically synthesized cows and fish combinations, etc.

The blood-red weird formation in the empty room.

The weird ingredients that appeared in the formation.

At the beginning, everyone had a big psychological shadow.

Later... do I need to explain later?

Every day, a large number of similar strange ingredients appear in the formation.

Most of the food, after being carefully cooked, has to be sent back to the formation for "sacrifice".

A small part is eaten by Wu Ding.

The welfare that the housekeeper said is... Wu Ding will reserve a small part every time for the staff in this villa to share.

When eating for the first time, there is no need to mobilize, the fragrant aroma has already convinced all the staff on the scene.

The wonderful taste makes people want to sign a "sell body contract".

Swear allegiance to death, just for a meal.

You must know that when the first wave of ingredients was delivered to the Sanzhi family.

The head of the Sanzhi family came to the door and kowtowed to thank him.

And asked for some meat to go back.

They immediately understood that these things are not just delicious.

And they decided to shut up and never tell anyone about their "welfare".

The 𫛵鶋 meat that Wu Ding sent over was the 𫛵鶋 meat he specially selected.

It looks like a crow, with a white head, a green body, and yellow claws. The cry is like calling your name. Eating it can relieve hunger and cure insomnia and forgetfulness.

Look, one "crow" has three functions.

It doesn't matter that you don't feel hungry, but insomnia and forgetfulness are diseases that modern humans cannot avoid or cure.

The people of the Sanzhi family were stunned at once.

Those who had some complaints about the "island" belonging to Kidd shut up completely.

The wonderful taste and strange effects are said to be directly bestowed by the gods.

Are you tempted?

Then offer it some! ! Coax it a little! !

The butler pushed the cart in.

There was only a super large soup bowl on the cart.

When Wu Ding saw this soup bowl, he knew what the extra meal was.

"Master Tang really likes Henggong fish."

It is seven or eight feet long, like a carp, with a red body. It comes out of the water at night and turns into a human form. It is invulnerable to swords and guns, and cannot be killed by boiling in water. It will die if you put two black plums in it and cook it together. Eating it can eliminate evil diseases.

"I'm afraid it's for revenge." The butler made a little joke.

I'm afraid this joke will not be passed every time I cook Henggong fish.

Most of the ingredients Wu Ding brought out can be cooked directly.

The difference is the cooking methods such as frying, cooking, eating raw, pickling, etc.

However, there are exceptions.

Henggong fish is one of them.

As a top delicacy recorded by countless literati and poets, Henggong fish can definitely make it into the top ten in the rare food rankings, and maybe even into the top three.

But his cooking method is also the most unique in the world.

When Wu Ding brought it out, he forgot to tell him.

It left such a big psychological shadow on Chef Tang, who has mastered the cooking skills of N countries.

It can be imagined that among a large number of strange ingredients, it is rare to see a familiar one (it looks like carp). While the fish is still alive, it is natural to sharpen the knife and prepare to cook one fish three ways.

It tastes good when killed alive.

Then, the precious knife that has been with the chef for many years broke a small hole.

The fish's tail was still flapping as if it was mocking the chef's strength.

After destroying N kitchen utensils, the chef was furious and put it in the pot to cook it, wanting to scald it to death.

Ten minutes later...

The fish was swimming in the hot water.

Just when the chef decided to ignore the taste and scales and internal organs and directly grilled the henggong fish.

Under Wu Ding's guidance, the assistant quickly found black plums from the snack pile, and solved the mess in the kitchen and the chef who was about to explode.

From then on, the frequency of serving henggong fish was particularly high. The chef has developed more than 20 unique methods of cooking henggong fish.

In opposition, those who have the good taste... just smile and keep silent.

Wu Ding first went to the small room and sent all the fish soup on the "altar" into the space for the big guys to taste.

Then he came back to drink his own portion.

The Chinese tradition is to eat and talk.

While the big guys praised the cooking skills of the soup chef, they talked to Wu Ding about... the archery that Wu Ding played before Taotie woke up.

They expressed their admiration for the archery level that Wu Ding had just demonstrated, which was like a flower stand.

Japanese archery is quite famous, mainly in various comics.

Handsome men and beautiful women, wearing simple and elegant archery uniforms, concentrate and calm down, raise their hands and shoot an arrow, piercing through the wind and snow and knocking down cherry blossoms.

The picture is very beautiful.

Rather than saying it is a sports event, archery is more like a ritual to exercise the spirit.

It conveys the concepts of "seeking truth", "not competing" and "beauty".

Wu Ding just punched in to follow the local customs.

Hold your breath and concentrate, hold the bow and arrow, and shoot.

Wu Ding, wearing a archery uniform, shot an arrow casually, and the picture was so beautiful that it amazed the housekeeper next to him and the innocent flowers and plants.

However, it received a collective protest from the bigwigs of the mountain and sea world.

In ancient times, bows and arrows were the most primitive long-range hunting tools, and they have been accompanied by legends since the mythological era.

Have you heard of Yi shooting nine suns? With a bow and arrow.

With a click, the sun came down.

This kind of standing and slowly shooting, besides looking good, what else is there for?

In terms of lethality, it is indeed useless.

"You want me to learn the bow?" Not this kind of ritual bow, but the kind with lethality.

This can only be learned in ancient times.

Lu Xiaofeng was too busy at that time. His spare time was squeezed out by the two sword gods just to lay the foundation. Let alone learning the bow and arrow.

In modern times... maybe there are some.

Let the Sanzhi family look for it.

Wu Ding remembered a good thing he saw in "Shan Hai Jing" before.

Su Tiao

An excellent material for making arrow shafts.

It is said that it has strong spirituality.

I can attach witchcraft or talismans to arrows.

As a long-range attack...

Hey, hey, it seems very good? It can be used as a means of long-range attack.

Just when I was about to turn around and ask the butler to find someone to teach, I saw the butler reading the message on his mobile phone.

Then he walked up with an expression of "good news".

First, the anesthetic formula from Dr. Agasa has been bought. Second, there is news about the mysterious organization that Kaito Kid is fighting.

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