My golden finger is delicious

Chapter 67 The Three Views of the Famous Detective (1/2)


"This is impossible!"

Conan took out a special mask from his pocket and ran towards the "crime scene".

After confirming that the four people had vital signs, their breathing was steady, and their heartbeats were strong.

Search the ground immediately.

Nothing, nothing, nothing!

Where is the arrow!

Where are the broken arrows!

Conan looked towards the direction of the arrow, wanting to chase it, but he couldn't let go of the four unconscious people.

Use the telescope function of your glasses to see.

I saw only one building under construction.

If there was anyone there, they would have run away long ago.

"Damn it!" His helpless and uneasy expression pleased the people in the building.

Kaito, who was wearing a school uniform, held up the binoculars and kept laughing wildly, unwilling to take the binoculars off.

It was really not in vain that he skipped class all day.

"It's a pity that I couldn't take a photo. His expression was so funny."

Wu Ding also had a layer of special spells in front of his eyes.

Archery that is only about 300 meters away does not require magic assistance for today's Wuding.

But if you want to see the famous detective's stunned close-up, you still need the blessing of magic.

"It seems he doesn't need our help anymore."

It is difficult to understand this unscientific scene, but it is very simple to solve the matter at hand first.

Conan turned around and tried to wake Toru Amuro and Masumi Sera.

Can't wake up?

Call an ambulance!

I have to call someone else.

Things are too weird. I don’t know what will happen next. Let’s find our own people first.

It’s also easy to answer questions from the police.

Otherwise, it doesn't matter to him, after all, he is just a child.

Just be responsible and know nothing.

But Sera and Toru Amuro couldn't explain clearly.

A female high school student, a male waiter and two men in black were unconscious at the same time.

Good guy, there's a box of cash and another box next to it.

According to Conan's experience, the other unopened lockbox is definitely not something that a first grader can have access to.

A phone call came to Okiya Ang and Mouri Kogoro.

What happens next is simple.

The ambulance just arrived, and the four people woke up without resuscitation.

Initial examination revealed no physical discomfort.

The police are all old acquaintances. They expressed strong criticism for their reckless pursuit of the murderers.

But the good news is that people are fine.

As for what caused everyone's coma...

The three detectives looked like "nothing happened." The two suspects did not pay attention to the suspicious points at the scene, and simply thought that they had fallen into the black technology of these nosy guys.

Tsk, everyone has been arrested, why are you bringing this up?

The police naturally misunderstood. The two wanted to resist and threw sleeping gas and other things. However, they were so poor that both the enemy and ourselves suffered losses.

This complete misunderstanding may not be revealed until detailed notes are taken later.

The ambulance returned happily without success.

The police car returned with two big fish easily.

Conan... was "kidnapped" again.


"Xiaolan, why don't I repay the kindness of saving my life? I'll return it soon. I promise not to delay his schooling tomorrow."

I watched my friends wink at me, and I had reliable neighbors downstairs and next door to vouch for my support. Seeing Conan's expression of excitement and anticipation, Xiaolan could only let him go.

Kogoro was naturally as indifferent as ever.

"I'm probably taking the kids to buy game consoles or ice cream again. This time the kid has made a meritorious deed, so let them be."

Xiaolan wanted to refute that Conan was very good.

But thinking about how often Conan goes to Dr. Agasa's house to play doesn't seem to be so absolute.

As soon as Xiaolan left.

The remaining "detective" team held a meeting with serious expressions.

Even Akai Shuichi, who had not seen it with his own eyes, did not look relaxed.

His official attributes focus on 700-meter sniping, steady shooting from a flat tire car, unprotected combat at Tokyo Tower, etc.

Having a high force value does not mean that his reasoning ability is poor.

He really doesn't know anything at the moment, but just from Conan calling him here, he knows that things are not simple.

The grudge between him and Toru Amuro...the little detective would not let them meet if nothing happened.

Find a quiet coffee shop and listen to Conan's clearest and simple narration.


"There was no debris at the scene, but there was an arrow mark on the ground."

There is a small pit on the cement floor.

A small pit cut by a sharp blade.

The shape and size are exactly the same as the arrows of traditional bows and arrows.

So the question is, where are the arrows?

According to the "truth" they saw, the arrow exploded.

Then it was blown up to the point where there were no bones left, not even a few scraps?

It can emit light, but some electronic components must be left behind.

For these four people, the disappearance of the light arrow was more important than their collective fainting.

Any one of them could name several kinds of drugs that could make people faint instantly, and Conan's anesthesia needle alone could do it.

However, it violates the conservation of physics and causes an object to disappear out of thin air without even a speck of ash remaining.

The current technology does not exist.

But it happened that the light arrow was not a virtual image.

No matter how hard you take a deep breath, you can't change the facts you saw today.

For a detective, this is a very uncomfortable thing to do.

You meet a criminal and you are about to catch him, but the criminal turns invisible and runs away.

You meet a criminal, and all the evidence points to him, but he knows magic, so he has an alibi.

Even, he doesn't need to leave a "murder scene", just draw a circle and curse, and the other party will die. Leaving a perfect unsolved case drives all detectives crazy.

If metaphysics really exists, it's enough to do divination when encountering a murder case, why do we need detectives.

If unscientific things really exist, if they commit crimes, who can give justice to the victims?

The three people are unwilling to admit it.

But now the matter is clear here.

There is no known science that can explain it.

Conan's next words pushed the three people into the abyss of metaphysics.

The beginning of the matter was the case of the Sanzhi family.

The case that has been identified by himself as a case solved by psychological suggestion, if it is returned to metaphysics, it is so natural.

Then Kid disappeared mysteriously, and he couldn't find him no matter how hard he looked.

Then he suddenly appeared, inexplicably saying that there is hope for revenge for his father's murder.

And left a sentence "Sometimes it's better not to be so scientific."

There is also the fantasy story that Kidd told this morning, plus a "pocket watch" that claims to be able to find the Black Organization.

Everything is related to the wizard named "Wu Ding" who was suddenly treated as a guest of honor by the Sanzhi family.

All metaphysics started with him.

"In fact, it is very strange that the Sanzhi family suddenly obeyed that person." Sera Masumi's family is not simple either, and he knows the style of those top families very well.

If it is an ordinary life-saving grace, it is not enough to be so cautious.

I thought it was something shameful between the rich and powerful... Well, now it seems that it is indeed shameful.

"Half and half." Akai Shuichi took out a pen and paper and began to record the information so far.

The three views were refreshed to be unscientific.

They also have to extract useful things from the unscientific.

"First of all, the core is the person named Wu Ding."

Write down the name and draw a circle.

"He and the Sanzhi family should be mutually beneficial."

He used the power and money of the Sanzhi family, and the Sanzhi family needed his extraordinaryness.

"He has unscientific power that we cannot understand." As for what power it's better to learn something about metaphysics instead of guessing...for example, read a book? Or the mobile game called Onmyoji is very popular recently?

Four detectives who are materialistic above all else try to update their database in a tactful way as much as possible.

Akai Shuichi continues to record the existing information.

"He has a grudge against the Black Organization." Thanks to Kaito Kid for providing clues.

"Not necessarily a grudge." Conan denied that it was not a grudge, but more of a feeling of playing with the world.

The four people who have a grudge against the Black Organization frowned and remained silent.

They don't mind having another strong supporter at all, but they mind that the Black Organization was inexplicably eliminated.

Their crimes should be exposed to the world, and they should be punished by law.

Now, all the undercovers don't know who the leader is, and they haven't found the chaebol who secretly supports this organization.

If they are killed silently by unscientific power.

Thinking of this possibility, the four people were so depressed that they were unwilling to accept it.

Shuichi Akai wrote the last sentence to restore everyone's confidence.

"He is not omnipotent."

If the other party is omnipotent, why do they need to cooperate with the Sanzhi family.

If the other party is omnipotent, why do they need to make a "pocket watch".

If the other party is omnipotent, the Black Organization would no longer exist.

Amuro Toru's cell phone rang.

He took a look and his expression was quite interesting.

"Hello, Gin. What's up?"

Yes, Gin called.

Conan and Sera Masumi immediately stuck to Amuro Toru to eavesdrop.

This is the advantage of children and girls.

Gin didn't say a few words, but asked Amuro Toru to deal with a transaction problem urgently.

Amuro Toru smiled perfunctorily and said a few words as usual, "I can't leave now, can't others solve it?"

The basic quality of an excellent undercover is to slack off.


Do a good job and wait for a promotion?

What's more, Gin might be able to say more information if he talks nonsense.

As a result, Gin's next sentence.

"You don't have to go." Hang up the phone.

Four people: ? ? ? ?

What's going on? Gin is so easy to talk to?

Who of Vermouth took over this job?

Forget it, let's discuss Wu Ding first.

Should we send someone to contact him?

Just when the four people were ready to open their hearts to accept metaphysics and cooperate sincerely.

Things seemed to develop in an unpredictable direction.

Kid said to Conan, "Move faster," otherwise the Black Organization would be gone.

This is a joke.

But he never thought that his words would come true and things would develop so quickly.

The winery suddenly had accidents at an incomprehensible speed.

Did Wu Ding do something?


Was it directly caused by Wu Ding?

Well, no.

He just cast a small curse.

Ordinary people would know that the birth date and horoscope can be used to stab villains.

Of course, Wu Ding would cast a curse.

However, this method is evil and not a righteous practice, so Wu Ding doesn't like it very much.

But if you are facing a person who is extremely evil, facing a person who cannot be "redeemed" for the time being.

Wu Ding is not so good-tempered.

What is the most abundant thing in the mountain and sea world?

Well, it is food.

Pah, it is a divine beast, a demon beast, a big boss who can call the wind and rain when it appears.

In addition to their own meat, eating the big bosses has various effects.

Their appearance has its own attributes.

This flood, that fire, this one has prison disaster, that one has exile disaster, and there are also war disasters, etc. ...

Floods, fires, droughts, etc., that one can be said to be caused by their own attributes.

You literati were exiled, and the emperors were imprisoned, etc., what does it have to do with the demon beasts?

The ancients always found a corresponding scapegoat.

However, after carrying the blame for a long time.

The blame becomes real.

Faith is power.

The demon beasts also need to practice, why don’t they use the faith of the human race to increase their strength.

What’s more, humans rely on inheritance, and demons rely on giving birth.

The power they condense is transformed into talent, and it is passed on, and there is a probability that it will become a real racial talent.

The blame-shifting behavior recorded by humans has become a real talent.

Wu Ding relies on the entire mountain and sea world.

It is more difficult for living things to come out.

But the hair, nails, saliva, blood, etc. of the bosses come out easily.

When necessary, just like Lu Duan.

You can directly perform "God's gift".

After Kidd used a pocket watch to find the "salesman".

Because he needs to find other members of the organization.

Wu Ding didn't touch him, but for the things he did.

If he didn't teach him a lesson, his thoughts would not make sense.

He just grabbed some hair provided by the bosses.

Extracted some spiritual thoughts.

Condensed into a spell and hit people.

Wu Ding controlled the strength very well.

After an estimate, the result should be nothing accomplished and everything went wrong.

But what was unexpected was that the effect and strength of this spell far exceeded expectations.

What was even more unexpected was that this salesman was not just a contact person for the "brewery and branch".

His network of relationships in the brewery was too huge.

Many jobs in the brewery were related to him.

The two people who were just taken away and knocked unconscious by the light arrow.

Those who ordered wine from the salesman.

The two made a transaction the next day.

As a result, there was Edogawa Conan in front and Wu Ding passing by to "test the arrow" behind.

Watching the famous detective and those people hold an emergency meeting afterwards.

I don't know whether to continue to be firm in materialism or to embrace metaphysics.

This is not over yet.

The salesperson turned around and participated in another transaction.

Then the transaction site started fighting because of a disagreement.

Before the senior management of the winery came out to stabilize the morale.

Because of their fight... the transaction site caught fire.

The fire was soaring, irreversible.

The goods were all destroyed and many people were injured.

This is why Gin suddenly looked for Amuro Toru and suddenly canceled it.

It was useless for Amuro Toru to go.

Things are far from over.

Wu Ding, who was following the target, watched the curse he cast casually.

It was like getting some unexpected bonus.

The transaction of the Black Organization?

It failed.

The money-making project of the Black Organization in the white way?

It lost money.

The Black Organization's undercover agent in the police...

Died in the line of duty.

The Black Organization's secret research institute.


Gin: What's going on! There must be an undercover agent among us!

Undercover agents: No, no, no, it's really not us this time.

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