"Young man, the Jingshan high-speed railway station has arrived, and the fare is thirty yuan!"

"Master, I swept it over for you, I wish you a safe journey, hard work!"

"Young man, you really can talk, you will definitely have good luck!"

"Thank you for your words, goodbye!"

Qin Feng got out of the taxi, so he quickly grabbed the pick-up sign and ran to the exit gate of the high-speed rail station.

Last night, he promised his good brother Ling Fei to come to the train station to pick him up.

The two of them have not seen each other for more than half a year, and since the Spring Festival, Qin Feng has not been able to contact him.

But just yesterday, Ling Fei suddenly sent a message to Qin Feng, saying that he would come to Jingshan City to find him today.

Moreover, Ling Fei told him that he had transferred to Jingshan University and was in the same class as soon as his sophomore year began.

Qin Feng was a little anxious when he heard this, because the good brother was admitted to a prestigious school, which was much stronger than Jingshan University.

Therefore, Qin Feng persuaded him in WeChat for a long time, asking him to try not to transfer schools, but Ling Fei just didn't listen.

Later, Qin Feng wanted to video call Ling Fei, but Ling Fei didn't answer either dead or alive.

Qin Feng felt very sorry in his heart, but he was still very excited when he thought that his good brother was coming.

So, he didn't sleep well all night, specially made a pick-up sign, and then rushed in.

He and Ling Fei have been classmates since junior high school, but Ling Fei is an orphan and grew up eating a hundred meals when he was a child.

Therefore, Qin Feng usually took good care of him, and the two became good brothers in this way.

Especially in the three years of high school, Qin Feng's care for Ling Fei has increased unabated.

As soon as the third year of high school started, Qin Feng directly let Ling Fei live in his home.

This year, because of the careful help of the Qin family, Ling Fei was able to study with peace of mind, and finally was admitted to a top famous school in a foreign country.

However, from the first half of his freshman year, Ling Fei seemed to have disappeared and became silent.

Qin Feng was very worried about his brother, but after looking for a long time, he couldn't find news of him.

Unexpectedly, yesterday Ling Fei took the initiative to contact him and said that he would come to pick him up.

Qin Feng promised with his mouth, he really cared too much about Ling Fei, a good brother.

Coming to the exit of the high-speed rail station, Qin Feng looked at his mobile phone, it was three forty in the afternoon.

Ling Fei told him that the arrival time of the high-speed train was 3:50 p.m.

Ten minutes away, it's time to meet your good brother!

Standing there, Qin Feng's heart was very excited, and he thought in his mind, what should the two of them do after meeting?

Do you still need to ask? Of course, first hug him warmly, and then give him two punches in the chest!

Then, the two of them go to drink, not drunk and do not return!

Today is Friday, and I will rest for two days tomorrow, and I want to accompany Ling Fei to relax.

It's really not good, I will go to the hotel in the past two days, drink and brag every day, and go back to the hotel directly after drinking!

So, today I even brought my ID card!

Last night, he told Ling Fei about this plan in WeChat, and he gave himself back several thumbs!

Strong! Strong! Strong!

I glanced at my phone again, and it was already three forty-five!

"Dear friends, the G147 high-speed train is about to enter the station, please be prepared for pick-up."

"Haha, here it comes!"

Qin Feng was very happy when he heard this, and he quickly put the mobile phone into his pocket and raised the pick-up sign in his hand high.

There were a few big words written on it: Brother Ling Fei, come to my bowl quickly!

The people nearby couldn't help but laugh when they saw his pick-up sign.

However, Qin Feng didn't care at all, because his relationship with Ling Fei was too good.

Don't say let him come to his own bowl, even if he is allowed to come into his arms, this guy will not object.

A minute later, passengers on the G147 train began to depart.

Qin Feng looked hard while holding the pick-up sign high.

Travelers came out one after another, and many were picked up by family, lovers and friends.

Everyone's faces were beaming, but Qin Feng's face was full of anxiety.

Brother Ling Fei, did you fall asleep in the car?

You can't fucking remember the site wrong, right?

Grandma's, it's unreliable!

Forget it, call him anyway!

Qin Feng thought about pulling out his mobile phone, but at this moment... A sweet voice came from beside him.

"Qin Feng, I, I'm here!"

Qin Feng turned his head and looked at it, and he couldn't help but exclaim in his heart, I'll go, beauty!

I don't know when, there was already a girl standing beside him.

This girl looked so beautiful, and many idioms immediately popped up in Qin Feng's mind.

Sinking fish falling geese, closed moon shy flowers, white skin and beauty, overwhelmed the country.

Graceful, out of the water hibiscus, sent into the cave room, take it for yourself!

Ahem, fucking mother's, want to be crooked!

Qin Feng quickly straightened his thoughts, but he had to admit that this girl was too attractive.

In particular, she has a natural goddess temperament, which looks like a rich family.

This kind of thing is piled up with money, even if she is covered with sack pieces, she can't hide it at all.

Her face was very shy, looking at Qin Feng's eyes full of tenderness, and her right hand tightly pulled a trolley case.

"Qin Feng, I'm here, let's go?"

"Okay, okay, let's go now... Oh, no, where to go? Qin

Feng reacted violently, didn't he come to pick up his brother Ling Fei?

Where to follow this beautiful girl? Heavy color and light friends!

Thinking of this, Qin Fan slapped himself and said with a smile: "Little beauty, I'm sorry, I just now... I'm here to pick up my brother, you hurry home, there are many bad people here! "

Hey, Qin Feng, I'm Ling Fei, you don't know me?"

"You... Yes? As

soon as he heard this, Qin Feng was petrified at that time!


The pick-up card in his hand also fell to the ground, Qin Feng looked at the girl in front of him, how could this not be associated with Ling Fei?

By the way, this guy won't let his girlfriend test himself first, right?

That's right, it must be like this.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng laughed and said, "Beauty, you are Ling Fei's girlfriend, right? What about Ling Fei? What about my brother? "

Qin Feng, I'm Ling Fei," the girl's expression was very embarrassed, "I have something to say to you, let's find a clean place, okay?" "

Where to clean?" Qin Feng's expression suddenly became grim and said, "Beauty, how about we go to the hospital?"

"Go to the hospital, what for?"

"What do you say? Of course it's my waist! Qin Feng's face changed abruptly, and he scolded: "You fucking lack morality, and you actually come out to do this kind of lack of virtue because of your beauty?" Heh, no, what about my brother, have you already given Ling Fei to Ka? Then got his phone and lied to me again?

"I, I really am Ling Fei, you believe me!"

"Trust you? You're stupid for me! Qin Feng said loudly: "My brother is a man, but looking at you like this, you won't be a male, right?" "

Qin Feng, I can't tell you a word or two," the girl's tears had begun to roll up, and she begged: "However, please believe me, I am really Ling Fei, can you leave here with me first, please!"

"Fuck off, why should I go with you?" Qin Feng said angrily: "I warn you, I will call my brother now, and if you pester me again, I will call the police directly!"

After that, Qin Feng took out his mobile phone and started dialing, but the girl's mobile phone rang.

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