"Oh, husband, why are you such a scoundrel? You...... Ha ha!

Listening to Qin Feng's words, Ling Feier was amused.

She waved her small hand and gently patted Qin Feng's shoulder, her face full of sweetness.

"Stinky husband, are you..." "

Fei'er, what's wrong?" Qin Feng took Ling Feier's hand and said with a smile: "It's not what you just said, why blame me?"

"Husband, does that mean that?" Ling Feier coquettishly said, "I mean, we go to see the squad leader and the camel tomorrow, and we can't wear our current clothes, that is, we have to wear cheaper clothes, understand?"

"Fei'er, are you afraid of being seen by them?"

"Yes," Ling Feier nodded with a smile and said, "Husband, you have finally opened up.

"Little girl, it's not that serious, is it?" Qin Feng said, "That night, the two of us drank with the camel, and he didn't get suspicious!" "

Husband, it's not a camel, it's Lin Wanqing," Ling Feier said: "That camel guy, except for Xiangzi in his eyes, everyone else is!" However, Lin Wanqing is different, that girl is very shrewd, if we go like this, we will definitely show our stuffing. "

Well, wife, you're right," Qin Feng nodded and said with a smile: "Lin Wanqing, this girl is really powerful, we must be careful."

"So, husband, we'll wear our school uniforms tomorrow night," Ling Feier said with a smile, "Otherwise, you can wear other ordinary clothes." "

Hey, little girl, I'm really convinced of you now," Qin Feng patted the top of Ling Feier's head lovingly, and said with a smile: "Tell me about you, sometimes I want to let the whole world know that you have money, but sometimes I have to pretend to be pitiful, I really don't understand!" "

Husband, it's not that people want to pretend to be pitiful," Ling Feier said with a smile: "If you think about it, if we are seen by the squad leader as rich, I am worried that the matter of my reward for the camel will be revealed." At that time, how can the squad leader still like camels? "

Fei'er, I understand what you mean," Qin Feng said with a smile: "Okay, then tomorrow we will pretend to be poor, after we go, I will say that I haven't eaten for three days, this is always okay, right?" "

Haha, smelly husband, you're such a bad guy," Ling Feier smiled extremely sweetly and said, "Do you think people will believe it?"

"Okay, wife, I know what to do," Qin Feng said with a smile, "However, when we spoke on the phone today, Lin Wanqing had already promised to let the camel buy us ice cream assassins to eat tomorrow, the kind that cost more than a hundred yuan." It seems that this kid of camel is going to cry in the bed for a night of distress tonight! "

Husband, don't worry, I won't let the camel spend money," Ling Feier smiled and said, "Go back tonight, I'll send him some gifts, won't it!" "

Fei'er, don't send it to him," Qin Feng deliberately froze his face and said, "It's this kid who invited us to dinner, and you still want to give him a gift?" Doesn't that mean that we invite ourselves? "

Husband, don't be so petty," Ling Feier said with a smile: "This camel guy is very moral, so let's be generous in money!" "

Well, cheap this kid," Qin Feng said with a smile: "Who made my wife so kind, hey, there's really no way!"

"Husband, thank you for the compliment!" Ling Feier smiled and said, "Now, I want to invite my husband to eat an ice cream assassin, is that okay?" "

Forget it, Fei'er, I don't want to eat," Qin Feng said: "You played basketball for half a day, aren't you a little hungry, let's go eat something, okay?" Of course, if you want to eat Ice Cream Assassin, I'll invite you!

"Okay, let's go!"

Ling Feier's mood was extremely good, and she pulled Qin Feng into the night market street.

The street is brightly lit and lined with small stalls of all kinds.

It's a little after eight o'clock in the evening, and it's hot weather at the beginning of September, so it's very lively.

Ling Feier and Qin Feng were shopping with interest, and Ling Feier also spent money to buy a few small items.

Afterwards, the two sat down at a stall selling fried rice and ate a little.

"Husband, are you tired?" Ling Feier looked at Qin Feng and asked, "Otherwise, let's go shopping again?"

"Okay, wife, go!"

Qin Feng agreed, stood up with Ling Feier, and continued to stroll around the night market.

At this moment, a voice sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

"Brother, you have to take a good look at this night market street, and soon, you will also come here to set up a stall!"

"Oh?" Qin Feng was stunned when he heard this, and said with his thoughts: "System brother, what do you mean?"

"What do you say?" The super invincible erha system said: "Little cub, are you addicted to soft rice?" Don't you want to fend for yourself?

"Brother dog, of course I want to support myself," Qin Feng said, "So tomorrow, I will operate stocks to make money, isn't this called self-support?"

"Cut, little cub, isn't that still the money that Ling Fei'er gave you?"

"Brother dog, I understand," Qin Feng said, "Don't worry, I will definitely come to set up a stall, you are right, I can't let Fei'er raise me!" "

Haha!" The Super Invincible Erha System laughed and said, "Brother, I didn't let you set up a stall to earn money, but to meet with Ling Feier's family, understand?"

"Dude, what the hell do you want to do?"

"Okay, you go shopping with Fei'er first," the super invincible erha system said: "When the opportunity comes, I will naturally tell you!"

Qin Feng nodded and continued shopping with Ling Feier, but he remembered this matter in his heart.

Soon, the time was ten o'clock in the evening, Ling Feier looked at her mobile phone, and her face suddenly had an anxious look.

"Husband, let's go back quickly, okay?"

"Fei'er, what's wrong with you?" Qin Feng looked around and said, "Are you being followed by bad people?" Where is it?

"Husband, do you think you're filming a TV series?" Ling Feier's face turned red, and she immediately hugged Qin Feng and whispered in his ear: "Husband, I, I'm going to see a doctor, the doctor said, I want to do artificial respiration for Fei'er, okay?" Let's hurry up, or we'll be late!

"I'm sorry, wife, I almost forgot!" Qin Feng's expression was very guilty, how could he not remember this kind of thing!

Therefore, Qin Feng took Ling Feier's hand and hurriedly walked back.

Artificial respiration can't be done in a lively night market, right?

Therefore, Qin Feng wanted to leave the night market and find a quiet place.

Ten minutes later, Qin Feng took Ling Feier to a remote corner.

Compared with the noise of the night market just now, it seems very silent here.

Moreover, the light in this corner was dim and no one noticed.

Qin Feng gently took Ling Fei'er into his arms and said softly, "Little girl, can we start?"

"Well, husband, Fei'er can't wait!"

As soon as the words fell, Qin Feng hugged Ling Fei'er and began to kiss, and Ling Feier responded to him sweetly.

A moment later, the small object in Ling Feier's hand fell to the ground with a bang.

Qin Feng just wanted to stop, Ling Feier whispered: "Husband, those things are not wanted, Fei'er wants to kiss, please!" "Good


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