"More exercise!" Wang Zifei said, "it's good for you to have a baby later."


Yue Zisi walked forward. It seems that Wang Zifei and Fu Rongyi get along well. Since this is the case, she also comforts her heart by saying, "how about a dance, miss?" Yue Zisi was about to move forward, but someone was blocking her way.

Yue Zisi laughed, and it was not easy to refute people's face. He hesitated for a moment, "that All right

Although yuezisi didn't like it, she had to go there as the host.

"What's your name, miss?"

Yue Zisi frowned, "who is Mr. Zhang? You haven't made an introduction yet!"

The man reached out and stroked her body. Yue Zisi felt a little uncomfortable. Unexpectedly, this guy dared to touch her body so boldly. While touching, she was still in a flow of gas and said, "where is me! He is the first childe in the world

Yue Zisi said with a smile, "today, you still feel satisfied!" Yue Zisi said with a smile, "as the master, I should have a toast to you!" After that, Yue Zisi let her go without a trace, went to one side, took the wine from one side and handed it to the guy, "my name is Yue Zisi, the daughter of Mr. Yue Mingkang and the wife of Mr. Zhou linyue." Yue Zisi said with a smile, "after that, please take good care of me."

With that, Yue Zisi took the wine and took a sip. "Young master, play slowly. I'll go first."


The man looked at Yue Zisi, "you are Zhou linyue's pretty girl..." Men's eyes more and more obscene up, and he's very contemptuous attitude to Zhou linyue makes her very upset.

He knew that he was Zhou linyue's wife, and did not stop, but more and more to live up!

Yue Zisi pushed him away. "Please respect yourself, sir." Yue Zisi began to look for Zhou linyue's shadow in the crowd.

"Ouch The man laughed and rushed to yuezisi and pushed her against the wall. "You are not untouched

Yue Zisi really wanted to slap him in the face like a rotten peach blossom, but Yue Zisi knew that if she did, she might write something in the newspaper tomorrow!

This disgusting guy, I don't know what role he will play.

Yue Zisi laughed and looked at him fearlessly, "what's the matter with you?"

Yue Zisi pushed him aside and strode forward! Just after two steps, the man chased after him. Yue Zisi took the wine, shook his body and turned his back to the past with a brush. The whole glass of wine was spilled out

"Ah..." Yue Zisi immediately cried out. “sorry! I'm sorry, sir. I slipped just now. I was so careless... "

Yuezisi quickly took a tissue to help him wipe, "Sir, I'm really sorry!"

Yue Zisi's call quickly attracted people's attention! Yue Zisi wiped the wine with his hand. It seems that there are many people who want to see her make a fool of herself. However, compared with being insulted by others, this is nothing!

"What's the matter, Zisi!"

Yuezisi quickly walked over and nestled in Zhou linyue's body. "I almost slipped and spilled wine just now, which dirtied the gentleman's clothes!"

Zhou linyue looked at the people in front of him and held yuezisi in his arms. "Are you ok?"

"It's OK!" Yue Zisi shook his head.

Zhou linyue called people, let people take the man to change clothes! "Take good care of this young master." Zhou linyue grabbed her hand. "Time is almost up. Let them do it. We're going back."

"No Yue Zisi looked at it and found that there were many people in it. It would be very impolite for her to leave now!

"What happened just now?"

"Who's that guy?" Yue Zisi asked. He forgot to ask his name just now! "So dirty!" Yuezisi reached out to wipe the place that the guy had touched, "disgusting to death!"

"I don't know where they came in, but they have been cleaned up. Have you done anything to you?"

"Let him eat tofu in vain

Zhou linyue is a face of anger, "I don't think it should be a good take care of him!" Zhou linyue is leaving.

Yue Zisi pulled him, "forget it! There's nothing to lose. Let's go over and sit for a while. We'll wait until we're almost gone

"It's OK. Someone will arrange it here!"

"Are you busy?" Yuezisi looked at him, "otherwise, you go back first!"

"Do you think I can rest assured that you are here alone?" Zhou linyue looks at her, he absolutely does not allow today's thing to happen!

Tang SHIMENG also walked past, "uncomfortable? Mr. Yue! "

"What are you doing here?" Zhou linyue is very unhappy!

"I mean, if Mr. Yue is not feeling well, go back first. I'll take care of these people for general manager Yue here."

"What kind of thing are you?" Zhou linyue's bad words!"All right, you!" Yue Zisi interrupted them, "you really want me to make a fool of myself, don't you?"

"I didn't!" Tang SHIMENG said, "I'm looking at my friends to help. However, what some people think in their hearts can really make people feel uncomfortable!"

"Don't feel aggrieved if you are surnamed Tang. No one has wronged you..."

"All right Yue Zisi blocked the two people, "you are all my closest people, one is my husband, the other is my good friend, you are all my great benefactor, you don't want to be like this

"Zisi, when did he become your relative?" I don't know how to eat it

Yue Zisi quickly grabbed him, "OK, OK, let's go back first In order to prevent some people from eating something out of nothing and eating something they shouldn't eat! "

"What are you talking about?"

"I didn't say anything!"

"Don, it's up to you here!" "Think first," I smile

"Don't look!" Zhou linyue was very dissatisfied with her attitude towards Tang SHIMENG, so he grabbed Yue Zisi's head. "I told you not to look at any guy like that in the future!"

"What are you doing?" Yue Zisi frowned, "dare you say that you haven't seen other men like that, and everyone has a love for beauty..."

"Yue Zisi!" Zhou linyue severely pinched yuezisi's waist. Yuezisi immediately called out, "you, what are you doing?"

"Why. I dare to talk back to my husband and see how I deal with you Zhou linyue looked at her viciously.

"Oh, what did I say? Did I say anything when you were hanging out with other women Yue Zisi said, "you only allow the state officials to set fire to the people and do not allow the people to light the lamps. Who are you? Besides, I have nothing to do with Tang SHIMENG."

"Yue Zisi!"

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