My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1021: Triumphant return, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Xing Dongfang's eyes flashed brightly, and he suddenly detonated that spiritual mark!


Xing Dongfang immediately felt the spiritual imprint completely blow up the opponent's brain. At the same time, the spiritual imprint has completely disappeared.

According to the truth, Xuan Zhenghao should have been bleeding from Qiqiao at this time, because his brain area had been blown up.

But strangely, Xing Dongfang saw Xuan Zhenghao but nothing happened. He is still quickly laying out more and more difficult equations. The King Ashura and others continued to crack the precise equations laid down by Xuan Zhenghao.

"Why are you okay?" Xing Dongfang felt incredible.

The emperor smiled and said, "You think it's strange again, don't you?" He said, "In fact, it is like this. I didn't take your pill. Because what you saw was an illusion, so I was in Relying on the power of the vast universe of the magic book, the code has created a fake brain domain for you. My power imitates the internal structure of the brain domain, so even you have not noticed the difference."

Xing Dongfang and the others were dumbfounded. Then, Xing Dongfang said: "I'll take it, Emperor Dakang, you are really amazing!" He paused, and said: "But I'm even more curious, how do you break this Qianyuan golden light array? No matter how powerful you are, your mana will be consumed over time. At that time, are you still a dead end?"

The emperor laughed, and he went on to say: "This is even more exciting. Obviously, no one can think about it and find a dead end. You won't do it, and I won't do it. Among them, there is a dead end. There is no way to break the formation!"

"You know this too." Xing Dongfang said coldly.

The emperor said: "I naturally know this. Breaking through the formation from the inside, there is indeed no way to break the formation. Unless it is a master like the **** emperor, who breaks it directly with great mana and brute force. But I don't yet have this ability."

Xing Dongfang, of course, knew that the emperor did not have this ability, if the emperor had this ability, they would not come to lay down this formation.

The emperor continued: "So, people have to use their brains. It can't be broken from the inside, can't it be broken from the outside? Is there an unbreakable formation between the world?"

Xing Dongfang and others were shocked.

"You didn't expect that Wei Wuji would kill you after hearing the Tao. And even less would you think that I had already taught Wei Wuji how to break the formation!" said the emperor Yoyo.

"Break the formation, kill you as well!" King Ashura said coldly.

The emperor laughed and said, "I'm afraid, you won't be able to get out of this battle anymore. You can use the human way to treat the human body. Wouldn't I?"

"The Qianyuan Golden Light Array is so wonderful, can Wei Wuji break it?" Xing Dongfang suppressed the shock in his heart and said in a deep voice.

The emperor said: "Anyway, there is still time, so I will tell you more. This Qianyuan Golden Light Array is the most precious treasure of the Yuntian School, and you probably don’t understand the mystery. Qianyuan Golden Light Array is based on the universe, gossip, yin and yang. It turns out that there are seven or seven forty-nine major changes in it, and in each major change there are 3,600 small changes. Every moment, it is changing, just like the fate of this heaven and earth. There are so many changes and a set of rules. These rules finally form a yuan character. This yuan is a change in the number of one yuan. The Huangji Jingshishu explains the one yuan, and the author Shao Yong based on Heluo Mathematics The yin and yang of Zhouyi, the physics of heaven and earth, and the derivation of human evolution created a set of regular prediction methods for Yuan, Hui, Yun, and the world. 129,600 years is one Yuan, which is a development cycle of mankind. Each Yuan has 12 meetings, each for 10800 years. 。Every 30 years, each 360 years. Every 12 years, each 30 years. Yuanhui has hexagrams to indicate its astronomy, geography, and personnel development and changes every year. As long as the secrets of its secrets, use The principles of biochemistry and the life course of all things in the world are all clear to the heart. Human history, the rise and fall of dynasties, the division and integration of the world, and natural changes are all unpredictable."

"What the hell!" King Asura and the one-eyed monster, King Jinpeng looked dumbfounded after listening. How could they know such a complicated thing.

Xing Dongfang's expression became more solemn. He said, "Emperor Dakang, you know astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom. Is there anything in this world that can hold you up?"

The emperor said: "In the face of absolute strength, no amount of wisdom and luck is in vain. I have worked hard for so many years to have my own strength, and then in the face of absolute strength, I can resist." After a pause, he said: "I have taught Wei Wuji the law of finding the Qianyuan Golden Light Array. He just performed a subtle operation in it, and then the Qianyuan Golden Light Array will reverse."

As soon as he finished speaking, he smiled and said, "It has already begun to reverse."

The emperor's eyes burst with brilliance, and he said: "The Qianyuan Golden Light Array is powerful. You don't understand the true meaning of it, how can you fully display it. I will let you see the true power of this array."

After speaking, the emperor quickly urged the mana.

Suddenly, in the hall, the golden silk thread stretched out endlessly, and it could be bent and wound.

After a while, all the golden silk threads in the main hall. And these four masters were wounded into cocoons by golden silk threads. When they started with the golden threads, they were shocked and wanted to escape, but the threads had rushed up frantically.

"Don't move around, no matter how powerful your mana is, it can't stop the cutting power of these thousands of sun gods!" The emperor stood up easily.

"In that case, why don't you kill us directly?" Xing Dongfang asked sharply. King Asura roared: "The Dog Emperor, we have the ability to single out!"

The emperor naturally ignored King Asura, he smiled faintly, and said: "I have too many enemies. Keeping a few of you alive is more useful than if you die. I think Yun Huaying will not just watch you die. Just stay here and enjoy!"

After that, the emperor stepped forward, but used the ability to shuttle in the void and went directly outside through the magic book.

Originally, once the Qianyuan Golden Light Array was activated, no one could shuttle out.

Especially when the emperor was besieged in the middle, he couldn't get out by himself after the sun **** light was activated.

Not even with the help of magical artifacts.

However, the emperor has a magic book in his hand, and the magic book can evolve everything in the universe. The emperor left the Qianyuan Golden Light Array directly with the help of the magic book!

After the emperor came out, he grabbed it casually. The Qianyuan Golden Light Array immediately returned to the Yuan and turned it into a little gossip compass. The gossip compass was thrown into the magic book by the emperor.

At this time, the scorching sun was shining.

Wei Wuji immediately knelt down and said: "Long live the emperor, the ministers are sincere and fearful!"

The emperor smiled slightly, and he personally helped Wei Wuji up and said, "Ai Qing is flat, thanks to you this time."

Wei Wuji said immediately: "Weichen dare not take credit, because everything depends on the sage to make tactics. Weichen is just being ordered to do things!"

The emperor smiled faintly. Then he looked around. I saw the unspeakable smell of blood permeating the air, and in the area ahead, corpses were all over the field, wailing again and again.

The emperor looked around and could only see shadowy figures in the distance.

Wei Wuji immediately said: "The emperor, our army has already broken through the enemy's army, and is currently struggling to hunt down!"

The emperor said: "Where to hear the Tao?"

Wei Wuji said, "The head is there!"

The emperor looked over. He saw the head of the person who heard the Tao at a glance, he smiled and said: "Dashun is dead even after hearing the Tao this time, and they must know how to behave."

Wei Wuji said, "The emperor, should we take the opportunity to attack Dashun this time and give them a taste?"

"No need!" the emperor said: "The war is the most costly and economical. Let the people rest and rest. As for this compensation, I will discuss with Dashun."

Wei Wuji was slightly surprised, but he still said, "The Emperor Shengming!"

This day should be the day when Chen Yang killed the most people. More people were killed on this day than Chen Yang had killed in the past combined.

This is a cruel war!

Once it broke, Chen Yang couldn't keep his hands. Only kill, kill, kill!

The battlefield is his slaughterhouse!

Although Chen Yang is not a cruel person, once on the battlefield, he will not go ridiculously soft-hearted.

Kill, kill, kill!

All the way, the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood, leading the soldiers to rush over, completely defeated the enemy.

After that, Chen Yang, Qiao Ning, and Lan Tingyu brought soldiers to intercept and kill them.

After three consecutive days of killings, Dashun's army was left with only a few remnants of soldiers who might have escaped.

Those common people would not show mercy to Dashun's soldiers. Those who could kill would kill themselves, and those who could not kill would report to Dakang officers and soldiers.

Three days later, Chen Yang and others returned with Tang Zhennan triumphantly.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning met on the return trip. Chen Yang asked Qiao Ning with concern, "Your injury?"

Qiao Ning said: "It's okay. I have taken a few Ningxue Pills and have recovered. These days, I don't need to do anything."

Chen Yang was relieved when he heard this.

Afterwards, Chen Yang looked at Qiao Ning carefully, and he smiled and said: "You are really brave in this armor!"

Qiao Ning also smiled.

At this time, Batu also flew out, it grew a lot of horses, and its feathers were especially shiny.

Batu is flying in the sky, and it is now considered as the sky high and let the bird fly. Follow Qiao Ning, don't be so aggrieved. Chen Yang's situation has also changed a lot. Now that he leans back on the big tree of the court, he doesn't need to be a man with his tail between his tails as before.

"The four masters, and the Qianyuan Golden Light Array trapped the sage!" Chen Yang said, "I don't know what is going on with the sage now."

"Look, isn't the sage where?" Qiao Ning pointed forward.

At this time, Qiao Ning and Chen Yang were following the triumphant victory of the army, and they had reached the gate of the city. At the city gate, the emperor, in a bright yellow robe, came out to meet the triumphant soldiers himself.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" After the army approached, Tang Zhennan took the lead to dismount. The soldiers, officers and soldiers knelt down together, the mountain shouted with a tsunami.

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