My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1058: Break the world, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The leader Nie Zheng couldn't help but shocked.

Chen Yang sneered, and then he said: "I still know that Nie Zheng, you are watching all this in a secret tunnel. You also went to find someone to arrest Qiao Ning, the little emperor, Zhuoma. Right or wrong. You tricks, I can think of them even with my toes. The reason why I am still here today is to tell you one thing, these people you find are not good, I want to kill you, no one will stop Don't stop!"

The complexion of God and Feng Jianxuan changed slightly.

The fake Nie Zheng said in a deep voice: "But you should also be aware that as long as the prince gives an order, all the people like the little emperor will die. Don't you care about their lives?"

"If you want to kill, kill it!" Chen Yang said: "As long as Nie Zheng is willing to pay with his life, I don't care. If you want to die, I will accompany him.

The fake Nie Zheng remained silent.

At this moment, Feng Jianxuan slowly got up.

God also got up.

The two faced Chen Yang. Chen Yang was still sitting there, motionless.

"Are you sitting still?" God was surprised.

Chen Yang said lightly: "When you came in, I was sitting there."

Sitting while being attacked is extremely deadly. But in the face of these two great masters, Chen Yang did such an incredible thing.

God said: "You are thinking too much of yourself."

Chen Yang said: "It's not that I think too much of myself, but that you and Feng Jianxuan are still a level behind. When you agreed to partner with others to kill me, you have fallen to the altar. And today's appointment If I am afraid of you and do not come, I will also fall off the altar. This is the reason why I came.

The **** said: "Really?" He suddenly shot with Feng Jianxuan.

Two great masters shot at the same time, like lightning.

God's feet are like a plow, and like the giant claws of a dinosaur, galloping towards Chen Yang. The force of this foot can open mountains and crack rocks.

God's aura also burst out, that is the dojo that suppresses the mountains!

Moreover, when God kicked it out, there was a back hand. No matter how Chen Yang changes, his backhands are always surging.

As for Feng Jianxuan, he took one step abruptly, sealing Chen Yang's back path.

The siege of the two masters is beyond the imagination of mortals.

At this moment, Chen Yang was still sitting, the banquet table in front of him was kicked to pieces by God. The power of the dragon elephant on that foot burst out, and it collapsed like a mountain before his eyes.

Chen Yang suddenly kicked his feet on the ground, but the person backed away. At the same time, he crossed his fists into a heart-protecting fist, directly blocking the power of the dragon elephant's feet.


Chen Yang galloped backward. Behind that is the wall.

However, Feng Jianxuan suddenly patted Chen Yang's head with a palm. He found the opportunity and gave a violent palm. This palm is the seal of heaven!

Take the footsteps and hold the sky with your hands!


Chaos Wanjun, the mountains and rivers paled. The violent and violent palm of this palm already had a sign of natural disaster.

As soon as Feng Jianxuan's Great Sky seal appeared, Chen Yang felt that the top of his head went black and Mount Tai collapsed.

At this moment, Chen Yang suddenly shrank his head.

The tortoise shrinks its head!

Suddenly, Chen Yang's head seemed to disappear.

Chen Yang's people were retreating rapidly, so this instant gap caused him to escape Feng Jianxuan's Great Sky Seal.

More importantly, Chen Yang's body suddenly bowed. His back bone was pierced like a punch.

Originally, Chen Yang could not retreat. Because there is a wall behind him, but at this moment, his spine directly shattered the wall.

Chen Yang slapped the ground with a palm, then turned around like a top, and went behind the wall.

When Feng Jianxuan saw this, he immediately shook his shoulders, then smashed the wall and killed him. Such a master fought like a bulldozer fighting.

But God's eyes changed slightly, but he suddenly flashed behind the fake Nie Zheng.

"Stand back!" God said to the fake Nie Zhengning.

At this moment, the wall behind the fake Nie Zheng was shattered by Chen Yang.

The fake Nie Zheng was taken aback.

God stopped in front of Chen Yang. "Go away!" Chen Yang's eyes flashed, and suddenly he shouted angrily. At the same time, Chen Yang plowed the ground with his feet, body like Yuanyue, and suddenly punched God to kill him.

This punch of Chen Yang carried the momentum of the whole person, the punch was like a powerful punch, and the killing intent burst!

And when he rolled away with this sound, his throat swallowed violently, and the air current seemed to be ejected from his throat as a concentrated bomb. God only saw Chen Yang's Adam's apple rolling, and the sound had just entered his ears, the air in front of him suddenly exploded, and the huge waves of air and sound resounded.

Chen Yang exhaled, and the jet of air was within half a foot of violent, almost no different from a real compressed air bomb!

At this moment, God felt extremely dangerous, but after all, he was a figure of the top master level. In an instant, his two ears were close to the ear holes and his eyes were closed. His hands were pushed forward, vigorously whirling. Push the violent air away at once.

He pushed it straight, and it was fierce! The muscles and muscles of his arms tremble, and a series of rumbling muffled thunder sounds erupts. And as fast as lightning. It was almost in sync with Chen Yang's voice. As a result, Chen Yangsheng just squirted out, and the airflow explosion was still roaring, so he was beaten up by his fists, and the fire was dumb!

With this hand, it can fully show that the strength of this **** is absolutely terrifying.

He immediately pushed Chen Yangsheng into a dumb fire, and then he went back and pulled, while his feet rubbed forward, but instead of retreating, he pushed the package hard.

The sensitivity of the whole body of God is much stronger than that of human eyes. After pushing away the air flow, he immediately keenly felt Chen Yang's fist, and he held the tiger back to the mountain to connect the front push back and pull, using skillful skill.

There was a boom.

With two fists, God felt as if he was hit by a road roller thrown down from several floors. The blood in his body was almost shaken away. The bone marrow was like needles, his gums were numb, and his teeth were a little loose. .

But this is far from over. He just received the punch, and his chest jumped violently. It turned out that Chen Yang hit his chest again with a punch.

God rallied, his feet changed, one after another, he took another punch.

Chen Yang spoke again: "Go away!"

Then the third punch was hit.

God couldn't help but took the third punch! With such a strong boxing force, it is a joke to overcome the rigid with softness. In addition to dodge, it is hard-wired.

God is such an arrogant person, he didn't want to get out of the way, so he chose to take it hard.

God could actually have other tricks to entangle Chen Yang. But Chen Yang opened his mouth and just rolled away, which stung the dignity of God. So he insisted.


God took Chen Yang's third punch, and at this time he finally couldn't help it, and a mouthful of blood spurted out with two dies. At the same time, he dodged, and he rolled away after all.

At this moment, God thoroughly experienced Chen Yang's horror.

That Feng Jianxuan just attacked from behind. Chen Yang also freed his hands to deal with Feng Jianxuan.

The other four masters were dispatched together and culled in this way.

Suddenly, the wind is surging.

When Feng Jian Xuangang slaughtered him, Chen Yang suddenly turned around, raising his body. Another move, the Great Sage Seal patted Feng Jianxuan's head. His body is as tall as a mountain.

Such a fierce blow made Feng Jianxuan also pale, and he immediately took it hard.

With a puff, Feng Jian snorted after the fist hit, and he felt the blood in his entire body shake. The power contained in Chen Yang's Great Seal is too terrifying.

That's not the case, Chen Yang took a step forward and took another shot.

After two consecutive palms, Feng Jianxuan was quickly killed and retreated, and then he also spit out a mouthful of blood with teeth.

Feng Jianxuan felt that the blood surging violently throughout his body could not be restrained at all. And the whole body is sore and painful, it's like exhausted from high-intensity exercise.

Chen Yang's body seemed to contain endless amounts of violent violence.

This **** and Feng Jianxuan were in a moment, and Chen Yang retreated one by one.

Then, the remaining four masters just caught up with the rhythm and killed them. Chen Yang's figure flashed, but he passed through their gaps.

The antelope hanging horns!

The fake Nie Zheng was running away, and Chen Yang suddenly appeared behind him like a big bird.

Chen Yang smashed the fake Nie Zheng's head with a palm.

Fake Nie Zheng died on the spot!

Chen Yang then suddenly turned around and he roared fiercely!

The air burst in front of him, and the four masters immediately covered their ears. The whole house was buzzing and shaking, and the wine glasses on his banquet table were blown apart by Chen Yang's sound waves.

"Hahaha..." Chen Yang laughed.

At this moment, he was the ancient demon king. Who would dare to fight against him like this?

This person is no longer a person, he is the true god!

At this time, everyone had this idea in their hearts. And the eyes of that killer king dimmed, he knew that he was really wrong. When he agreed to Nie Zheng, he completely fell to the altar. Now the gap between him and Chen Yang is getting bigger and bigger.

The four masters did not dare to step forward at this time.

Chen Yang raised his voice and said: "Nie Zheng, I know you are hiding nearby. I warn you, before I return to the palace, if I can't see the little emperor, Qiao Ning and Zhuoma. Then, I will treat them all. Already dead. Next, the first thing I do is to demolish your palace. Then, I will use my power for the rest of my life to kill you. If you think you can escape my killing, you can kill with your hands. Lost them."

After speaking, he raised his head and left.

This is the palace of the heaven and the earth, but Chen Yang is free to come and go, as if he had entered the land of no one.

Chen Yang returned to the palace an hour later.

In the palace, he went to Qingxin Palace for the first time. In Qingxin Palace, Qiao Ning and Zhuo Ma are safe and sound.

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief when seeing them safe and sound.

Zhuo Ma saw Chen Yang and immediately ran over to cry aggrieved. "Brother Chen, we were taken away just now. Where have you been?"

Qiao Ning smiled faintly over there, and said, "Brother Chen, save us."

Zhuo Ma suddenly felt strange and said, "Then why didn't I see Big Brother Chen?"

Chen Yang smiled and said to Zhuoma: "Okay, it's okay, go and rest!"

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