My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1064: Brothers showdown, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Lin Zhaonan then said: "This time, plus Chen Jiahong, me, and my junior and senior brothers. No matter how capable this King Garan is, it is enough to kill him." After he said that, he said: "Next The problem is that if King Garan wants to escape, it will be difficult for us to completely block him. We must introduce him into an absolute space and kill him in one fell swoop."

"This is not a problem!" Nie Zheng said, "King Garan is extremely arrogant. As long as I invite him, he will come. He will never lose face in front of me. I will send him another invitation and invite him to come. Banquet, guarantee that he will come here again."

Lin Zhaonan said, "Brother Nie, you are wrong."

Nie Zheng said: "Oh?"

Lin Zhaonan said: "Don't treat King Garan as a fool. Anyone who treats him as a fool would be a disaster. He was willing to come before because he knew that you can't help him. Now you invite him again, His sensitivity will tell him that it is dangerous. So, it won’t work if you use this trick again."

Nie Zheng was slightly depressed and said, "Then what do you say we should do?"

Lin Zhaonan said: "In the past few days, Jian Xuan and I are going to burn incense and bathe in peace of mind. In this way, he will not notice the crisis. In addition, you have cleverly leaked out your secret residence. I guess, now King Garan wants to kill you too, because he also cared about the arrival of the evil dragon."

Nie Zheng's eyes lit up and said, "I know what to do."

In the palace, Chen Yang has been concentrating on luck, his mentality is very peaceful.

The Li family finally considered it clearly and decided to take Chen Yang's side. Naturally, Chen Yang still didn't dare to trust the Li family. He knew if he killed Nie Zheng. Then they will be sincere. If he was killed by Nie Zheng, nothing needs to be said.

But right now, the Li family still has reservations.

However, it is not a big problem for the Li family to disclose some information to himself.

This is the way of survival of the Li family.

In the afternoon, the queen mother told Chen Yang a piece of news. That is, they found the secret residence of Regent Nie Zheng.

"Lin Zhaonan has entered Beijing secretly!" The Empress Dowager said to Chen Yang: "Moreover, Nie Zheng has always acted secretly, and this time he suddenly asked us to find out. We suspect that he deliberately asked us to find out. Maybe they wanted to get you Lead it over and kill you."

Chen Yang was slightly surprised, he looked at the empress mother more often.

The empress mother said: "Why, you don't believe me?"

Chen Yang said: "It's not that I don't believe it, but I just feel that you are too sincere. It is not your character, let alone the Li family's character to press all the treasures on me.

The empress mother gave Chen Yang a look, and she said, "What are you talking about!"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I am a man who doesn't speak secret words."

The empress mother said: "But people have come to stand by your side sincerely."

Chen Yang said: "Well, I know everything in my heart. Thank you for your information!"

The empress mother said, "Then how are you going to give back to others?"

Chen Yang glanced at the sorrowful lady, and said, "It won't work today, but another day."

The empress mother was slightly disappointed, but she didn't force it.

After sending away the empress dowager, Chen Yang fell into deep thought.

What Chen Yang is certain is that Nie Zheng must have deliberately leaked clues. So, this meant that Nie Zheng wanted to lead himself over.

But strangely, Chen Yang didn't notice any danger in this.

Anything abnormal is a demon!

If it's just people like Lin Zhaonan, it's not to be afraid.

Could there be any hidden master who is not weaker than Lin Zhaonan?

who can that be?

For a while, Chen Yang was puzzled.

After nightfall, Chen Yang left the palace. He did not ventilate with anyone.

Chen Yang decided to explore Nie Zheng's bottom. Nobody in this world has any spells. As long as there is no spell, then no matter what the situation is, Chen Yang is sure to escape.

In the night, the sky and the ground are completely dark.

There is no moon tonight, only a few days.

Chen Yang left the palace all the way, and then moved forward like a ghost. After a short while, he had already arrived in the old house where Nie Zheng was. The old house was brightly lit. Chen Yang could hear someone drinking and laughing from a distance.

"This voice belongs to Nie Zheng." Chen Yang immediately confirmed one thing. Chen Yang remembered Nie Zheng's voice. It was a voice that no one could imitate. Even if the imitation is very similar, the subtle differences can't escape Chen Yang.

"Nie Zheng is really inside. I will go in and kill him at this time. Who can stop me? Lin Zhaonan? Or those disciples of Lin Zhaonan?" Chen Yang shook his head and secretly said: "No, they can't stop me!"

"Fuck!" Chen Yang cursed secretly.

Since he came to this wild land, he has always been confident. This time, Nie Zheng's routines made him a little bit unable to understand, which made Chen Yang feel a little angry.

At this moment, Chen Jiahong in the house coldly watched Lin Zhaonan and others and Nie Zheng talk to each other. Naturally, he would not go to these people politely, or socialize with smiles.

A cold light flashed in his eyes suddenly, and he said, "He's here."

Lin Zhaonan and others were slightly startled.

At the moment when Chen Yang's mood was damaged, Chen Jiahong keenly caught it.

Afterwards, Chen Jiahong got up and said: "I will bring him in."

After he finished speaking, he flashed out of the old house.

Lin Zhaonan couldn't help changing his color and said, "This Chen Jiahong, I'm afraid there are some problems, why is so reckless, everyone be careful."

Chen Yang soon saw a person coming out of the old house.

Chen Yang couldn't help being surprised when he saw it clearly.

"Chen Jiahong, how could it be him, how could he be here?" Chen Yang was puzzled.

"Yes, Senior Ling took Chen Jiahong away. Is it such a coincidence that Chen Jiahong was sent to this wild land. But even in the wild land, why did he appear with people like Nie Zheng again? ?"

Chen Yang had too many doubts in his heart.

It was also at this moment that Chen Jiahong came to the front, and he said to Chen Yang in the dark, "Aren't you showing up yet?"

Upon seeing this, Chen Yang stopped hiding. With a flash of his figure, he appeared ten meters in front of Chen Jiahong.

The two stood opposite each other, both looking at each other.

Chen Jiahong said coldly: "Unexpectedly, we met again."

Naturally, Chen Yang couldn't figure out Chen Jiahong's attitude. He said in a deep voice, "I never imagined that you would stand on Nie Zheng's side."

Chen Jiahong said: "Whoever is your enemy is my friend. How can you still not see through this point?"

At this time, Lin Zhaonan and Feng Jianxuan also came out. The other disciples followed Nie Zheng and stood aside. They couldn't get involved in such a battle.

Once he broke in, he gave Chen Yang an opportunity.

"Unexpectedly, the two are old acquaintances." Lin Zhaonan stepped forward and stood on Chen Yang's left. After standing still, he said with a smile.

Feng Jianxuan stood on the right side of Chen Yang, which was surrounded by a triangle. Once Chen Yang turned around and wanted to escape, that was the biggest loophole.

Moreover, in front of these three masters, as long as the thought of fleeing is moved, then the will to fight will be collapsed.

Once the will to fight collapses, it is basically going to die.

Chen Jiahong said coldly: "It's more than acquaintance, he and I have the hatred of seizing a wife!"

"Interesting and interesting!" Lin Zhaonan said.

Chen Jiahong said coldly: "Chen Yang, today is your death date."

Chen Yang's irritation was also forced out. He sneered and said, "Chen Jiahong, your Tm is a wicked pen. It seems that Senior Ling has exiled you here, it really has no effect. By now, you still think Jiang Shiyao's You left because of me? Don’t you think you have a problem? If you’re okay, why didn’t Senior Ling help his son, and in turn helped me? If I have a leg with Jiang Shiyao, do you think Senior Ling can tolerate me? "

Chen Jiahong said coldly: "No matter what you say today, I will kill you!"

Chen Yang said: "I'm paralyzed, do you think you can? When you have mana, you are not Lao Tzu's opponent. Now Lao Tzu hits you, it's not a problem."

At this time, Chen Yang made Lin Zhaonan, Nie Zheng and others dumbfounded.

Isn't this stuff always fluttering? Why is it so vulgar now?

Chen Jiahong said: "Okay, I just see how capable you are?" After he finished speaking, he took the lead.

Lin Zhaonan and Feng Jianxuan moved slightly, but didn't rush to move.

Lin Zhaonan is a good person, he can't guess Chen Jiahong's thoughts at all at this time, so he has to watch the changes first.

However, Feng Jianxuan was the only one looking forward to Lin Zhaonan's horse, so if Lin Zhaonan didn't do it, he didn't do it.

But both of them are ready to take action at any time...

Chen Jiahong twisted his heels and twisted his body a few times. He made seven steps and took one step. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Chen Yang.

This is the Seven-Star Big Dipper, Tian Beng Fist! Chen Jiahong's seven-star Big Dipper step was so fast that it surpassed the limit of human beings, and the human body flickered like a ray of starlight flying away!

Stepping on the Seven Stars, the hands make the fist collapse, and the body shuttles, like the stars of glory, drilling a gap, with the momentum of thunder, it hits instantly.

Chen Yang was engrossed. When Chen Jiahong mobilized, his heart was suffocated and his heart shrank sharply. He already felt the strong wind from the opponent's fist, like an awl, piercing his heart's output blood vessel.

The fist entity did not arrive, but the strong wind in front of the fist had already pierced it. Chen Jiahong's fist collapsed, and the strong wind in front of his fist was not like an ordinary master boxer like a big wave, but condensed into a sharp and silent wind like an awl. It can be seen that Chen Jiahong's kung fu in the internal boxing has reached the point where it is supernatural and superb.

Such a silent punch like an awl is because the speed of the punch is too fast, and the moment the arm is pushed out, the fur of the arm muscle is wrapped in the fur, so that a small section of air in front of the punch gathers and does not disperse, like a bullet. Get out.

Snapped! With Chen Jiahong's powerful fist, his fist had already clicked into the door, hitting Chen Yang's heart, and hitting his clothes almost exactly. When he succeeded, Chen Jiahong's eyes flashed with joy, and the sensitive skin in front of his fist seemed to feel the temperature of the skin in front of Chen Yang's chest for a hundredth of an instant.

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