My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1072: Mana recovery, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Even Luo Yin and Lin Zhaonan thought that they couldn't give up halfway here, so Chen Yang had no reason to shrink.

Below is a Pandora's box, which is sure to be mysterious. But after going down, no one knows what will happen.

Chen Yang glanced at Qiao Ning and said, "Or, are you waiting for us up there?"

Qiao Ning smiled and said, "Do you think it's possible? Chen Yang, don't think of me as a weak woman, can you?"

Chen Yang knew it was useless to say anything. He then said to Luo Yin, Lin Zhaonan and Chen Jiahong: "I don't recommend that you go down. No one can say what dangers are here. If someone must go down, I will go down. This is my mission. Whether I die or live, I accept my fate."

"I won't go down anymore." Chen Jiahong said.

Everyone was slightly surprised.

Chen Yang was grateful. He said, "Brother Jiahong, Zhuoma, I will ask you to take care of it."

Naturally, Chen Jiahong's failure to go was not because he was afraid of death, nor would he come and go because he was afraid of death. However, he has concerns in his heart. At such a moment of decision, there is not much more than him. Therefore, he chose to retreat behind. Because he has to take care of the clouds.

Chen Jiahong nodded and said, "Don't worry, as long as I am here, I will not let people bully her."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "Thank you!"

Luo Yin and Lin Zhaonan chose to go on, the two of them didn't realize the mystery of mana. Moreover, they have stayed at the peak of the physical body for a long time, so they are full of expectations for the next step. Even if I pay my life for it, I don't hesitate!

Hearing that, Xi can die!

The reason why Lin Zhaonan fell before was because there was no way to go. Now that there is a way to go, there is no reason to shrink back. And those arena power and wealth are now in his eyes, that is not as good as bullshit.

But since it has been decided to go down, how to go down is also a problem.

"There are trees and vines here!" Luo Yin said suddenly in surprise.

Everyone looked at it and saw that there were countless tree vines under the cliff. The tree vines were verdant and covered the cliff wall like a creeper.

"It seems to be prepared for us." Qiao Ning said: "This way, it will be more interesting."

"Let's go!" Chen Yang said.

Even if the following is a trap, they can only go on without hesitation.

Chen Yang took the lead.

Qiao Ning followed, Luo Yin and Lin Zhaonan also chose other trees and vines to climb down.

"Chen Yang, you have to be careful!" Chen Jiahong couldn't help but exhorted.

"I will!" Chen Yang said to Chen Jiahong.

Then, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning went side by side. The two each grabbed a vine.

As they went down, Chen Yang and Qiao stared at each other. But the two did not say anything. Together, they experienced countless lives and deaths. But this time was the most uncertain and involuntary one.

Thousands of words can only be speechless in the end.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning actually already knew each other's minds. But they will never speak out.

Because you can't love each other!

Soon, they fell into the fog barrier. The surrounding area is like a fairyland, a sea of ​​clouds. Chen Yang originally worried that these foggy days would accumulate toxins over time. But he was relieved now, because these fog barriers were condensed from water vapor and were not poisonous at all.

After a short while, Chen Yang and others finally reached the cliff.

If you look at the top from below the cliff, you can only see the thick layer of fog. After Chen Yang landed, Qiao Ning and others followed.

What you see is an empty place. This empty place is more than 3,000 square meters, surrounded by cliffs. If you want to leave here, you can only climb trees and vines.

The humidity in the air is high.

The ground is sticky and sticky, and it's all rotten leaves.

An unspeakable dull breath came out, making people short of breath. This place is really not suitable for people.

It was also at this moment that joy flashed in Qiao Ning's eyes. "Mana is restored." She was extremely pleasantly surprised, and at the same time sacrificed the ancient lightning talisman.

Chen Yang also immediately felt a change in his brain, and the rushing mana and the essence of the earth evil were able to operate freely.

Luo Yin and Lin Zhaonan immediately looked at Chen Yang and Qiao Ning with dumbfounded expressions.

The ancient thunder talisman gleamed in the air, flashing electric light.

Luo Yin and Lin Zhaonan could feel the huge energy contained in the ancient lightning talisman.

Qiao Ning was overjoyed, and she immediately accepted the Ancient Thunder Talisman.

Chen Yang also sacrificed the essence of earth evil. More than twice as strong as his earth evil spirit, he kept tapping, and the earth evil spirit immediately condensed into a huge earth evil sword.

A strange light flashed in the eyes of Luo Yin and Lin Zhaonan. "This is mana?" Lin Zhaonan couldn't help but said.

"Yes, this is mana!" Chen Yang smiled.

At this time, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning had a lot of confidence.

"Roar!" At this moment, a roar came out.

With this roar, the entire ground shook, making people's eardrums hiss.

Then came the sound of footsteps. I haven't seen what is coming, but I have felt that what is coming here is huge, and every step I take, the ground will vibrate.

Chen Yang and the others looked in the direction of the footsteps, and immediately saw a giant. It was a behemoth with black scales all over.

"Lu Wu!" Qiao Ning changed color slightly.

"What Lu Wu?" Chen Yang wasn't very nervous, because his mana had already recovered.

"It's a kind of giant beast in the prehistoric land. Its name is Lu Wu or Enlightened Beast. According to legend, it can be transformed into a tiger and it has the power of a tiger. When it is a dragon, it has the power of a dragon!" Qiao Ning said.

Luo Yin and Lin Zhaonan felt the majesty of Lu Wu, and their faces turned pale.

Such a monster is really not something they can resist.

In fact, if Chen Yang and Qiao Ning did not restore their mana, they would be dead right now.

Having said that, if the mana is still limited. Then Lu Wu has no ability to change.

Chen Yang said: "There will be these beasts next to the rare and exotic treasures. It seems that there must be a mystery inside!"

There is a golden crown wing on Luwu's head. It is ten meters long and three meters wide. It is a real behemoth.

It was also at this time that Lu Wu roared, and the black scales on its body suddenly stood up, like the thorns of a hedgehog, even on its head. Then, Lu Wu rushed towards Chen Yang.

This rush came forward and immediately shook the cave and mountain.

This kind of power is really scary.

"Frozen!" Chen Yang pointed out, the essence of the evil spirit immediately formed an ice wall.


Lu Wu's head hit the ice wall, and the entire ice wall cracked quickly. However, the ice wall continues to condense, becoming thicker and thicker.

Seeing that Lu Wu couldn't break the ice wall, he suddenly roared to the sky, and then his body began to twist, like a snake shed its skin. After a while, it turned out to be a huge black dragon. The black dragon's eyes exuded a violent aura, and then spewed blue flames toward Chen Yang's ice wall.

"Naughty animal, look for death!" Qiao Ning was impatient. She quickly sacrificed the Ancient Thunder Talisman. That ancient lightning talisman struck a bolt of lightning!

The lightning immediately hit the black dragon's head.


In an instant, this Lu Wu was killed and turned into coke.

Such a behemoth looked like an ant before Qiao Ning's eyes.

Luo Yin and Lin Zhaonan looked at them, and they were dumbfounded. They never dreamed that this humble beauty turned out to be so powerful.

"Go!" Qiao Ning waved and said.

Chen Yang touched his nose, and he couldn't help saying: "I can do it without you. I just try the essence of the evil spirit!"

Qiao Ning chuckled and said, "Why are you still like a child."

Once the mana was restored, Chen Yang's aura of confusion disappeared. In the world of mana, he still has a long way to go!

As soon as Qiao Ning regained his mana, he immediately became energetic.

Qiao Ning took the lead, and Chen Yang followed. The brothers and sisters Luo Yin and Lin Zhaonan immediately followed behind.

Na Lu Wu came out of a cave.

Qiao Ning and others entered the cave.

Inside the cave is a huge lake.

There was nothing unusual around, and the lake was calm.

It was also at this time that the lake began to change.

The water is dark, and the lake surface has no ripples at all, just like a dead lake. But soon, the lake began to have subtle ripples.

Then, the lake actually began to emit steam.

Then, the lake boiled.

The temperature is too high, it is really boiling. Faster, the lake began to evaporate, and the temperature in the huge cave suddenly became frighteningly high.

The water level dropped rapidly.


Suddenly, the lake suddenly burned.

It's like all of it is oil.

The violent high temperature made people unbearable, and Chen Yang quickly displayed an ice wall in front of him, so as to block the high temperature.

The water on the lake was all evaporated, so there was only a huge pothole left.

In that pit, a blazing dragon appeared.

The blazing dragon is thirty meters high and six meters wide.

Its whole body is bathed in flames, and the majesty of this blazing fire dragon is frightening.

"Dragon King is awake?" Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were puzzled.

"Brother Luo, Brother Lin, go out immediately." Chen Yang said first.

Such a battle is simply not something Luo Yin and Lin Zhaonan can bear. The two knew this too, so they didn't say much at the moment and turned around and left.

"No one can leave!" At this moment, the flame dragon spoke. This voice is full of vicissitudes, and there is also a kind of coldness.

Just as Luo Yin and Lin Zhaonan turned and left, the flame dragon suddenly spit out a thunder and lightning!

"Thunder and lightning!" Chen Yang and Qiao Ning couldn't help but lose their color when they saw this.

That mouthful of thunder and lightning is Xiaolong's proud trick!

Moreover, this thunder and lightning spit out, and its power was a hundred times stronger than when the dragon used it before.

In the past, Xiaolong's Thunder and Lightning Divine Fire was already infinitely powerful, but now, this Thunder and Lightning Divine Fire is so powerful that it is hard to imagine.

The speed is reaching its limit.

Chen Yang quickly used the technique of freezing to resist the thunder and lightning.

This Thunder and Lightning Fire attacked Luo Yin and Lin Zhaonan, and Chen Yang took them down, so naturally he couldn't watch them die.

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