My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1202: Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Lan Ziyi said: "The time is indeed a long time, but for us, twelve years is just a flick of a finger. We send you there, maybe it was the last second you passed, but the next second, you will complete the task. . Your twelve years is a non-existent time for us. So, you should also enjoy these twelve years."

Chen Yang's mood suddenly became a little complicated. He went on to say: "If my mission is completed after I pass, how can I come back?"

Lan Ziyi said: "You can commit suicide. When you die, we will search for your radio frequency so that we can get you back. It must also be after twelve years have passed, your time will be synchronized with our time. After that, we can find your frequency. So you must remember the time."

"Suicide?" Chen Yang said in surprise, "Wouldn't Chen Yang in that world die?"

Lan Ziyi said, "That's right."

Chen Yang said: "This..."

Lan Ziyi said in a deep voice: "It's like a dream, Chen Yang, after you go this time, there will be a big magic barrier. You may not be able to distinguish between illusion and reality. If you are addicted to that world and never return, we You can only get your radio frequency after you are old and dead. But if you wait for so many years, the immeasurable killing and robbery has long passed, everything here will have great changes."

Chen Yang said, "Don't worry, I will definitely be back."

Lan Ziyi said: "Well, I believe you. You can only come back after the time is synchronized, understand? Otherwise, your soul will be lost in the chaos of time and space forever. Then, your body will be with you. Like Linger, it's in a state of being unable to wake up."

Chen Yang's heart was shocked, and he went on to say, "Well, I know."

The Star One Hall at night looked empty, without light, and it was dark all around.

Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi came to Star One Hall.

Lan Ziyi clasped a fist towards the sculpture and said, "Star Lord!"

The sculpture reacted quickly. The star owner opened his eyes and said, "Lady Blue, you are here!"

Lan Ziyi said, "Chen Yang has understood everything, and I brought him."

The star master said: "Okay, let's start."

Lan Ziyi said: "Okay!" She said to Chen Yang: "You sit cross-legged, close your eyes, and don't think about anything. No matter what power invades, you don't have to resist. This soul stripping thing is like It's an extremely precise operation, and you can't make any mistakes."

Chen Yang said: "Okay!"

The voice of the star master also rang in Chen Yang's ears. "Chen Yang, the parallel world you have entered will be drastically changed and different from the world you are currently in in a year. The parasitic beast army of the insect emperor is so powerful that you must not take it lightly. All parasites The beasts rely on the insect emperor. Only the insect emperor has the ability to reproduce. Once the insect emperor dies, the overall situation can be changed. If the insect emperor does not die, the parasite beast will never be truly eliminated."

"Yes!" Chen Yang said.

Lan Ziyi also said: "Also, Chen Yang, after you enter that world, you must distinguish between illusion and reality, and don't indulge in that world. Otherwise, think about the serious consequences."

"I know, don't worry." Chen Yang said.

The star master said: "You would have died in the summer when you were 15 years old, which is the first three days of the high school entrance examination. The date is June 16. This constellation and Miss Blue will position you on June 15, this day. Prepare for you, you should not be stabbed to death by your classmates again."

Chen Yang was stunned. "I will be stabbed to death by my classmates? What concept?"

In the endless darkness, Chen Yang felt as if he had had a long, long dream.

"Jingle Bell……"

The harsh alarm clock sounded in Chen Yang's ears.

Chen Yang was awakened by a dream, and was very irritable. He habitually reached out and snuffed out the alarm clock beside him.

Then, a woman's voice came from outside.

"Chen Yang, getting up soon, you won't be able to catch up with early self-study later."

Chen Yang sat up suddenly, and in an instant, countless images flashed through his mind. This woman's voice is... mother's voice.

Mother... Lin Qian.

Father, Chen Tianya.

A lot of information merged in Chen Yang's mind. Mother Lin Qian is a worker in a textile factory. This is Dongjiang City. His father is an engineer from the Third Construction of Railway Bureau. I was born in such an ordinary family since I was a child, and my father and mother are also very harmonious. What's more important is that my parents love me very much.

In my memory, at the age of seven, I was seriously ill, acute pneumonia. Father ran to the hospital with himself on his back. It was snowing that day and he was dazed. Father and mother guarded by the bed for three days and three nights.

Chen Yang shook his head.

He looked at his arms again. They weren't thin, but they weren't thick either. Soft, not strong.

He looked forward and found that it was still a little fuzzy.

"It's still like eyes." Chen Yang murmured, but he felt that everything was so logical. It seems that everything should be like this originally.

"Chen Yang..." Mother Lin Qian called out at the door.

"Okay, Mom, I'll get up now." Chen Yang replied.

Chen Yang got up, he put on a Bo shirt, and then naturally put on the water blue school uniform. It was still early, only half past five. The geniuses outside are only baffled, but in the evil junior high school life, early self-study has always been so devoid of conscience. Especially Chen Yang, who is about to face the senior high school entrance examination, has to redouble his efforts.

Chen Yang stood in front of the makeup mirror inlaid in the closet, and he saw his immature face in the mirror. Fifteen years old! The face is tender and can be pinched out of water, and some acne has developed.

It's like my previous self, who practiced since childhood, had never had acne.

Chen Yang touched his hair, which was very soft. He looked left and right, he couldn't recover for a long while.

"Chen Yang, why haven't you come out yet, the noodles cooked for you are going to stick." Mother Lin Qian urged impatiently outside.

Chen Yang opened the door and went to the living room.

This is a two-bedroom apartment with a total of 80 square meters. Although it is not a snail dwelling, it is definitely not a big one. The decoration in the room is very old, the TV is still a black and white brick, only 17 inches.

Chen Yang shook his head, he glanced at the lights in the living room. Old-fashioned fluorescent lamp!

At this time, he also saw his mother clearly, she was quite young, in her forties. She is in good shape and is wearing light blue house clothes.

There is a bowl of steaming noodles on the table with a golden fried egg on it.

At this moment, Chen Yang's eyes were wet.

"This kid, what's wrong with getting up early in the morning." Lin Qian asked strangely when Chen Yang looked different. Chen Yang wiped his tears, and suddenly stepped forward and hugged Lin Qian. "It's okay, Mom, I just miss you."

"This child, did you have a bad sleep." Lin Qian felt more inexplicable, and said: "You quarreled with me last night. It seemed like a long time since I saw you this morning?"

The scene of the quarrel last night immediately appeared in Chen Yang's memory. His set of Xiaoao Jianghu under the blanket was discovered by his mother. At that time, my mother was very angry and confiscated Xiaoao Jianghu. But he rented this set of Swordsman in the bookstore, and he was seeing Linghu Chong, who had become a master of attracting stars, came out of Meizhuang to show off his majesty.

Chen Yang bothered his mother for infringing on his privacy, and his mother even bothered Chen Yang at this juncture, even reading novels. Chen Yang's grades were enough to worry her. So there was a big battle between mother and son. Finally, Chen Yang slammed the door shut and ignored his old lady.

"Mom, I was wrong, I was ignorant!" Chen Yang showed emotions, and he hugged his mother tightly. In that lifetime, he had never seen his mother, let alone enjoyed her mother's warmth, but deep in his heart, his mother had always had a very special place.

Lin Qian was confused by Chen Yang's attitude for a while. After a long while, she said, "Hurry up and eat noodles."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Good!"

He ate the noodles and said to Lin Qian, "Mom, the noodles you cook are really delicious."

Lin Qian felt that her son was extraordinarily strange today. It was also at this time that the door to the room over there opened and her father Chen Tianya got up.

Chen Tianya was still wearing checkered pajamas, and his hair was a bit disheveled. In Chen Yang's eyes, he felt that Chen Tianya looked a little old, at least in the original world, Chen Tianya did not have any wrinkles.

And at this moment, Chen Yang suddenly saw Chen Tianya, his eyes suddenly burst into cold light. He stood up subconsciously, then looked at Chen Tianya warily. Chen Tianya also looked at Chen Yang. He was surprised at his son's reaction and couldn't help but said strangely: "Xiao Yang, what are you doing, suddenly treating your dad as a scourge?"

Chen Yang shook his head, and he realized that Chen Tianya in front of him was just an ordinary engineer, not the demon emperor Chen Tianya who galloped horizontally and horizontally.

"Nothing, Dad!" Chen Yang sat down and ate the noodles.

After eating breakfast, Chen Tianya also changed his clothes. He said to Chen Yang, "I'll take you to school."

Chen Yang said: "Okay!"

Chen Tianya rode a small motorcycle scooter. At this time, electric bicycles were not popular. Chen Yang sat in the back, his mind was extremely complicated, Chen Tianya started the car and rode towards Dongjiang No. 2 Middle School.

Everything is very quiet on the streets in the early morning.

At this time, smart phones are not yet popular, and there are not so many cars on the street. Especially in the morning, it will be quieter. The street lights were still not off. Chen Yang looked at the sanitation workers on the street and the students going to school by the side of the road. For a while, he was in a daze.

In a daze, this world is real.

Yes! What gods, immortals, and Buddhas are all so illusory. Flying to the sky is nothing but an imagination.

Maybe, that world is a gorgeous dream. In the real world, the father is an engineer, not a devil.

This world is much more real.

Perhaps, he is an ordinary student. Everything before was my own dream, a very long dream, and now I finally returned to the real world.

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