My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1499: Mecha, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

A gap was opened in the sky, and then a stream of light flew out.

"My day, it's really a fighter." This time, Chen Yang saw clearly. He also heard the roar of the engine.

"Shoo!" With a sound, the fighter plane was already out of the sky, the ice. The speed is staggering, and he can't imagine it. It is almost as fast as Chen Yang's move.

This kind of technology has not yet been achieved in modern technology.

But in this wild land, actually appeared.

Chen Yang couldn't think about it, because the sky curtain was about to close. Chen Yang immediately performed the big shift technique, and within a second, he officially escaped in.

After a second, it was a thousand miles away.

Chen Yang went deep into the canopy, which is the Shennongding.

Later, Chen Yang found that the scene before him changed again.

Chen Yang was in the air, he saw the world below and the world above. The world above is actually blue sky and white clouds, and the sun shines.

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment.

"Where is this? Didn't I enter the Shennong cauldron? Why did it seem to be in the outside world?" Chen Yang was puzzled, and then looked around the sky, good fellow...

There are thousands of routes up and down in the sky, and in each route, there are roadblocks, zebra crossings, and so on. Those roadblocks, zebra crossings, which stipulate the flow of routes, are roadblocks set by electric currents. Once they cross over, the consequences will be serious.

And in these thousand routes, densely packed small speed cars are passing by. These speed cars have two more gliding wings than ordinary cars.

"My day, such high technology?" Chen Yang was secretly speechless.

"Is Laozi crossing? This is the future?" Chen Yang looked down again. The world below had super high overpasses and skyscrapers comparable to Dubai.

All constructions are full of super modernization. This kind of modernization, even Chen Yang, is rare in the world. This kind of modernization seems to have only appeared in the future world seen in movies.

At the moment when Chen Yang was stunned, a black speeding car next to him suddenly stopped.

"Huh, cultivator?" The glass window slid down, and a young man came out and said to Chen Yang.

His words were full of surprise.

Chen Yang looked at this boy, dressed in a fashionable and handsome manner. Dressed up like a teenager in the modern world. He immediately said, "Uh, can I get in your car?"

The boy looked at Chen Yang more, then immediately closed the glass window. Then he flew away with a swish.

Chen Yang suddenly felt a little confused by the second monk.

But immediately, Chen Yang noticed something was wrong.

Mecha troops appeared in the air.

Ten figures flashed quickly. Every silhouette is wearing armor and flying on the armor, as fast as lightning.

"My day, Iron Man!" Chen Yang's three views were subverted again.

The ten figures quickly surrounded Chen Yang.

These ten figures, all dressed in uniform white and blue mechas, are like police uniforms. Chen Yang guessed this in his heart.

"Cultivator?" The mecha police headed by him said coldly: "A cultivator's remnant was actually found here. Very good, kill it on the spot!"

"What the **** is going on here? Why do you want to kill the cultivator?" Countless pictures flashed in Chen Yang's head.

The mecha police gave an order, and then they all attacked and killed.

In an instant, they first released the light curtain.

It's like a laser hood.

The speed was so fast that Chen Yang was locked inside in an instant with ten layers of laser cover.

Chen Yang immediately felt that there was also a lightning layer inside these laser covers. The lightning layer was so thick that it was difficult to pass through even with a large shift technique.

"It seems to be something created for cultivators." Chen Yang secretly said.

At the same time, Chen Yang couldn't help but admire that the technology here was unimaginable.

Then, ten laser hoods fired in a volley to kill infinite lasers. Although this is not a formation method, but when modern technology is so powerful, it is also unbelievable.

Thousands of lasers are so powerful that every laser has bred powerful and unmatched energy.

In the laser, there is no law of power.

"Unreasonable!" Chen Yang immediately escaped into the **** pill. The next second, the **** pill froze.

Boom boom boom!

The powerful ice and cold power spread out instantly.

Click! Click!

All the lasers were frozen instantly, just like the sudden advent of the Great Ice Age, everything froze together. Although Chen Yang doesn't know how to freeze, the essence of the Essence of Earth Shame is now unparalleled.

Chen Yang not only froze the laser, but also froze all the mechas of the ten mecha police officers.


The mecha of the ten mecha police lost control and immediately fell downward.

The laser swords around Chen Yang also disappeared.

Chen Yang was free. He was still a little bit overwhelmed by what happened. If he sees ancient Beijing people, or even more primitive existence, he will take it for granted. But at this time, he was still extremely shocked to see the high-tech as shown in the movie.

What's more, the era at this time is still in the Southern Song Dynasty.

If such mechas go out, wouldn’t the Southern Song Dynasty and other countries be a mess?

At this moment, a speeding car stopped next to it.

"My God, you are a cultivator? Just now you defeated our mecha police with your own spells? That's amazing." The car window slid down and a girl couldn't help but exclaimed.

Chen Yang's figure flashed, and the next second he was in the girl's speeding car.

The girl was startled. "Blink? What a powerful trick." The girl got nervous and immediately praised.

"But wait, who let you get in my car?" The girl suddenly pressed a button in the car.

boom! The roof suddenly opened, and a strong elastic force directly bounced Chen Yang out.

Chen Yang went out quickly, but under the flick of the seat, he immediately retracted it. Chen Yang immediately drew back. He didn't bother to be long-winded, grabbed the girl's snow-white neck with one hand, and said, "Leave here immediately."

The girl was taken aback, and at this time she didn't dare to do it again. Immediately activated the throttle and rushed out quickly.

It's not that Chen Yang couldn't leave, but wanted to figure out what was going on. Why do these people know that they are cultivators when they see themselves. Why was he suddenly chased by so many mech policemen?

Everything here, Chen Yang felt full of puzzlement and surprise.

The girl had yellow hair, she looked like a rather non-mainstream girl. She drove up the car quickly, as fast as flying.

It's just that I haven't escaped far. Immediately behind the scene, there was a flash of lightning, and countless mecha policemen chased after him.

"Big Brother, Brother Xiuzhen!" The girl was a little scared, and said: "At this time, the Tier 3 men chasing us. Even if my car is driven to its maximum horsepower, it is not as fast as one-third of them! We can't escape. of."

The girl was extremely nervous. Although she was headstrong and fun, she was still afraid of getting on the police!

Soon, thirty or so soldiers were chasing up from the rear.

Chen Yang sneered and said, "Not necessarily!"

In an instant, Chen Yang launched the big move technique.

In the next second, he grabbed the girl and moved thousands of miles away. And the speed car stayed in place.

In this world, there is actually infinite size. Chen Yang ran for thousands of miles and saw another city below. It's just that the city is a steel city, except for buildings and roads, all the rest are iron mountains after another. There are many large planes to transport these iron ore.

Chen Yang discovered that there was no such kind of private speed car in the sky above.

"Forget it, find a quiet place first." Chen Yang took the girl out again. After several moves, I finally found a beautiful place.

The lake is full of colors in this place.

In the distance is a forest, the lake is clear and smooth as a mirror, it is really a beautiful lake and mountains.

The sun shines, the warmth is extremely warm, and the breeze blows, making people feel comfortable.

Chen Yang fell. He saw a huge building in the distance, just like a resort villa. In the sky, there are still speeding cars or planes flying by.

Chen Yang fell in the woods.

The girl was in shock, and she finally came to the ground at this time, and she came back to her senses. Then he stroked his chest and said in horror: "Big brother, I just watched the excitement, can you let me go?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but laughed, and he said: "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. After I ask some questions, I will let you go."

When the girl heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, you don't look like a bad guy with your eldest brother! You are really amazing if you are not a eldest brother. So many mecha police haven't caught you."

Chen Yang said, "Okay, don't talk about it. Tell me, what is your name?"

The girl said, "My name is Huang Zhenzhen."

Chen Yang said, "Oh, how old are you this year?"

Huang Zhenzhen said: "Eighteen."

Chen Yang said, "Where is your place? What year is it now?"

Huang Zhenzhen immediately looked at Chen Yang like a monster. She said: "You don't know where this is? You don't know what age? Cultivators are so strange?"

Chen Yang said: "Let me tell you this, I am not from your world. I came in from outside."

"Outside? What outside?" Huang Zhenzhen felt very strange.

"Um...this..." Chen Yang found it difficult to explain. It's like if someone suddenly runs in front of you and tells yourself that the world you are in now is a ball. You are in the ball...

This is indeed unbelievable.

Chen Yang said, "Well, you don't have to worry about this. Tell me, what is your existence here? In what age?"

Seeing that Chen Yang refused to say, Huang Zhenzhen didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Huang Zhenzhen said: "This year is 2860 in the Shennong calendar."

"Shennong calendar?" Chen Yang secretly said: "Sure enough, it is still in the Shennong cauldron."

Chen Yang continued to ask: "Why are the police chasing me down?"

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