My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1587: Linger Return, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

On Mount Tai, the scenery is so beautiful and spectacular.

Panlong Yunhai dominates the five mountains.

When the sun sets, the clouds on the horizon are magnificent and colorful.

Suzhen in black kept standing like this.

Chen Yang was by her side.

In the end, Chen Yang heard the murmur of Suzhen in black, always turning over and over again.

"I should treat her a little bit better, I can treat her a little bit better. Just be better, that's fine!"

Chen Yang felt sore in his heart, but he couldn't do anything.

In life, the most helpless thing is that the child wants to support and does not wait for a kiss.

There will be no regrets for old people who die well. What's afraid is that when the old man is gone, you just remember to be nice to him.

In Black Suzhen's heart, she always felt that there was no feeling between her and her sister. In my sister's heart, there is no such sister as her.

She felt that she had no relatives.

However, she actually wanted to recognize this sister too. Otherwise, with her arrogant temperament, she has never said anything bad about her sister. Nor did she **** my sister's pictures of mountains and rivers. I never even thought about going to my sister to get the body back.

In her heart, she has feelings for her sister.

In her heart, her sister has always had a special status. It's just that she never showed it.

So in the end, she would be so regretful inexplicably.

The day when Chen Yang is leaving is getting closer, and Chen Yang has a feeling in his heart.

When the gate of the sky broke open for him, it was when he left.

Before he knew it, he had been in this Southern Song Dynasty for a year.

During this year, too many things have been experienced. After escaping countless times, Chen Yang's mind became more and more tenacious.

Some people will be depressed in various blows, and some will be tempered to become stronger.

Chen Yang belongs to the latter.

This day is the day when Chen Yang left.

He and Suzhen in black have been staying on this Mount Tai.

"I'm leaving." Chen Yang said.

Suzhen in black looked at Chen Yang, she nodded and said, "Walk all the way. Maybe, 800 years later, we can meet again."

Chen Yang said, "You have to cheer up."

Black Suzhen said lightly: "I will, don't worry."

There is not much to say between each other.

The trace of affection that originally existed seemed to disappear when Suzhen White left.

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "You not only have your sister, but I can also be regarded as your relative."

Hei Suzhen was silent for a moment, and she suddenly said, "You said, can I treat her better, if I can be better, it will be fine."

Chen Yang was slightly startled.

Then, his eyes turned red.

"Don't do this, Susu!" Chen Yang said.

Black Suzhen's tears shed again. "I should treat her better, I'm too bad, if I treat her better, she won't be so sorry."

Chen Yang said, "Don't think so, she has never blamed you in her heart. She loves you."

"But I blame myself!" Black Suzhen cried. She burst into tears suddenly, like a little girl who lost her beloved toy. She couldn't cry too much. "I'm not good to her, I'm a bad sister. I should be good to her."

"I..." Chen Yang suddenly wanted to cry too.

He thought of Luo Ning.

He remembered that he had driven Luo Ning away, and when he saw Luo Ning again, it was just a ray of remnant soul left by her.

At that time, he was like Suzhen in black at the moment, thinking that if he could treat Luo Ning a little better, it would be fine.

However, there is no regret medicine in this world!

The gate of time and space finally opened.

Chen Yang is leaving.

He walked into the gate of the sky at that time, turned around and said, "Susu, see you in 800 years!"

Suzhen Hei did not look up.

Chen Yang entered time and space.


With a bang in front of Chen Yang, he was already inside the time tunnel at this instant.

In the time and space tunnel, the mana of the star master appeared again.

Chen Yang finally felt the horror of the star master at this time. He has seen too many masters, but he feels that these masters still seem to be inferior to the supernatural power of the star master.

Nowadays, what makes Chen Yang most feel is the power of a saint and the power of a star master.

Chen Yang's thoughts are chaotic, he should have been happy. Because Ling'er could be rescued soon, but...but he couldn't worry about Suzhen in black.

She is a very lonely person. Doesn't she have to fall into loneliness again when she leaves?

Chen Yang thought a lot, but all his worries no longer had any effect, and he could not change much.

After a long time, Chen Yang finally returned to a familiar place, the Hall of Stars.

Still in that Star One Hall.

The star master was still in the original place, he never seemed to have moved, nor could he see his true face.

"Meet the star lord!" Chen Yang saluted the star lord.

The star master said in a deep voice, "Congratulations."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned and said, "Do you know that I have succeeded?"

The star master said: "There is no ancient world in the seven realms. Doesn't this mean that you have succeeded?"

Chen Yang was taken aback and said, "What world is there in the seven realms?"

"Shennong World!" said the star master.

Chen Yang shook his body and said secretly: "It is actually Shennong World."

Then he thought of something, and suddenly felt a little creepy. He said: "Since it has been changed, shouldn't there be no ancient world in your memory? Why do you still know the ancient world?"

The star master said lightly: "The universe star field, the past and the future, the secrets of heaven cannot be revealed."

Chen Yang glanced at the star master, the more he touched, the more he felt that the star master was unfathomable.

Subsequently, Chen Yang handed over the jade pendant.

The star master took the jade pendant and said, "Okay, this deity orders people to bring Situ Ling'er."

Chen Yang couldn't help being excited.

So much waiting, finally waiting for this moment.

"Shangqiongbi down Huangquan, Linger, I finally rescued you." Chen Yang secretly said.

The Star One Hall is extremely empty.

The hall was smooth, and there was a cold, lonely smell all around.

Chen Yang felt that it was night, seven or eight in the evening.

His heart couldn't help beating violently, even if it was as calm as him, it couldn't stand it.

Before long, the sound of footsteps came.

A priest in black came forward.

After the black priest saw the star lord, he brought Situ Ling'er out of a magic weapon.

The black priest held Situ Ling'er and said: "Star Lord, Situ Ling'er has already been brought."

The star master said: "Okay, give her to Chen Yang."


Chen Yang trembled slightly, and he took Situ Linger from the black priest.

Situ Ling'er was dressed in a snow-white shirt, and her appearance was still that beautiful. She closed her eyes, like a sleeping princess. Her nails and hair have become very long.

The moment Chen Yang hugged her in his arms, the cold and gentle touch made him tremble.

At this moment, Chen Yang's thoughts traveled thousands of miles.

Others are on Mars, but in their minds there are so many and Linger things on Earth.

"No matter where I go, the soul in my heart will always be on the planet called the earth. Because there are my roots and everything about me. Linger, you will finally wake up."

Chen Yang hugged Situ Ling'er and came to the star master.

The star master took out the Ling'er brain nucleus in the parallel world, and then fed it into Situ Ling'er's mouth.

As soon as the brain nucleus touched Situ Ling'er's lips, it immediately turned into a drenched breath and flowed into her brain.

Afterwards, the star master took out the blood jade again.

As soon as he pointed it out, the blood jade suddenly burst into light.

Soon, a drop of blood condensed from the blood jade and then dripped out.

The luster of the blood jade immediately diminished.

And this drop of blood and tears just fell into the center of Situ Linger's eyebrows.


For an instant, Situ Ling'er's brain was dazzling, full of **** rays.

Situ Ling'er's brain suddenly became clear, visible to the naked eye. That drop of blood and tears enveloped Situ Linger's brain, and then began to change endlessly, turning into countless cells, meridians and so on. It's like rebuilding the brain domain!

This is a process that is as mysterious as the evolution of the universe, and Chen Yang, who is watching, keeps his eyes fixed and motionless.

After a long time, the blood light suddenly disappeared.

All the clear context disappeared.

Situ Linger is still Situ Linger.

However, it still didn't wake up.

Chen Yang couldn't help but anxious, and said, "Star Lord, why Linger?"

The star master said: "Don't worry, her body functions have all returned to normal. You can feel it, and breathing has recovered. As for why she didn't wake up, the deity thought, it should be that some information has not been fully integrated. She needs a certain amount of time. Come adapt."

Chen Yang heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

Afterwards, Chen Yang left Xingyidian with Situ Linger.

Chen Yang directly returned to Ting Taoxuan.

He didn't have time to think about the blue and purple clothes.

In Taoxuan, the maid Lin Yarong and Lin Yasi have been there all the time.

"My son, you are finally back." The two maids were sincerely happy to see Chen Yang.

Chen Yang nodded.

He then gently put Situ Ling'er on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

He could feel Situ Linger's steady breathing, which made him feel at ease.

Lin Yarong came in and asked Chen Yang when to eat. Chen Yang said, "Don't worry about me."

Lin Yarong said: "Yes, son!"

Afterwards, Lin Yarong retreated.

Chen Yang has been guarding Situ Ling'er.

There are so many things to wait for Chen Yang. He had too many grievances and concerns, but at this time, Chen Yang only saw Situ Linger.

He thought of the lonely Linger, the Linger who gave his brain core.

He then thought of the Linger who was studying in the school in the parallel world. That Ling'er has more past with him. They also have a daughter.

Everything is intertwined, so that Chen Yang is a little confused as to whether the Linger in front of him is the Linger of the parallel world or the original Linger.

Although, both Ling'er are his wives. But in the middle, I always feel a little weird and unspeakable.

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