My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1615: Hua Tianying, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

"Xuan Zhenghao!" Yun Huaying did not stand up to greet him, but sat on the spot, saying word by word.

These three words have extraordinary meaning. It means that Yun Huaying already knows the origin of Emperor Dakang.

Xuan Zhenghao smiled faintly. He said, "Yun Huaying, I am here today, and I have no other meaning. But it is because I have a courtier and a disciple of your Yuntianzong who have an agreement. So today, I am here."

"Oh, agreement? What agreement?" Yun Huaying said calmly.

Chen Yang immediately stood out from the crowd. He said, "The Master of the Master, I don't know if you still remember me?" He bowed slightly, or bowed. This is his respect for the strong!

If the opponent is just a small school, the cultivation base is low and weak. Then when the other party sees him, they have to salute and shout senior!

Yun Huaying looked at Chen Yang, and he said lightly: "Remember. At the beginning, you and your two brothers were brought here by Yun Tianzong. It's a pity that you soon betrayed the door."

Chen Yang said: "It's really compelling to betray the door. But I always remember the first time I saw the Supreme, the demeanor of the Supreme was amazing and admired by the next."

"Speaking of which, it's the deity that disappointed you now?" Yun Huaying said with a slight smile.

Chen Yang said: "How dare it!" He paused, and said, "The first time I saw Supreme, Supreme asked me to wait for my brother to start as a beginner disciple, saying that even though I am a destiny, Yun Tianzong is exquisite. Fair and just. These words always ring in my ears."

Yun Huaying said: "The deity also remembers, depending on your posture, is the king returning?"

Chen Yang said: "This ability is not enough to be wild in the Yuntianzong. This is self-knowledge, and I still have it. However, this ability can always tell the supreme about the day. It is not me Chen Yang is sorry for the Yuntianzong , But Yun Tianzong forced me to leave."

Yun Huaying frowned slightly, and said, "Okay, you can talk about it."

Chen Yang knew very well that Yun Huaying might not be ignorant of what happened that day. But at this time, he has only two options. One is to pretend not to know, and then give Chen Yang an explanation. Let the relationship between each other not be hatred like that.

The second is that he completely protected his subordinates, waited until Chen Yang was dismissed, and then came back to reckon with that year.

But now it seems that Yunhuaying chose the first solution. But no one knew what he thought.

Chen Yang told the story of the elder Kongtong and his subordinates Mo Qingyu and Zhao Boquan who persecuted him and killed Xiaoling.

Xuan Zhenghao and others listened to the side without speaking.

But the two elders Song Jing and Chao Nanshan looked at each other with complicated eyes.

After Yunhuaying, his face remained calm. It seems that I am not surprised by those things. He glanced at Chen Yang and said, "So, the justice you could not get back then, are you here to get it back today?"

Chen Yang looked at Yun Huaying, his eyes were firm, and he said, "Yes. If the Supreme is unwilling to give this justice, then there is nothing to say today. But as long as I live one day, one day, I will This justice is sought back. Justice may not be in the hearts of the people, but justice must exist. I don’t believe it. I will never be qualified to seek justice.”

At this moment, Song Jing next to Yun Huaying said: "Zhu Zun, this matter is just his side words, it may not be all true."

Yun Huaying waved his hand and said, "A three-generation disciple who had just entered the gate of the mountain that day, no matter how stupid he was, he would not steal the cranes in the beast realm. He was still so upright and upright, he was found, and he didn't admit his mistake. So, these The matter does not need to be checked, it is already clear."

Yun Huaying then looked at Chen Yang again, and he said: "If you are willing to return to the Yuntian School, then the deity can accept you as a closed disciple. He will reward you with a mountain and many magic weapons. And he will deal with those who frame you that day. You confess with satisfaction. Are you willing to come back? You want justice. This is the justice the deity can give you."

Chen Yang said: "The supreme is joking. Now that he is a courtier next to the emperor, it is impossible to change his course."

Yun Huaying said: "If this is the case, then you are a traitor to Yuntianzong. This is an iron fact. As for the crimes committed by Kongtong and others, we will deal with them internally according to Yuntianzong's rules."

Yun Huaying spoke indifferently, rationally and well, advancing and retreating appropriately.

No one could see what he was thinking in his heart.

Chen Yang was slightly startled, he felt that he was hitting a soft wall.

At this moment, Xuan Zhenghao spoke. He said: "Chen Yang is Dakang's courtier and is protected by Dakang."

Yun Huaying said: "Dakang was also a vassal of Yuntianzong before."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "So, what you are talking about is the past. Yun Huaying, let us know that people do not speak secretly. Although Yun Tianzong is a great school of thousands of years, it has deep savings. But Dakang will not be afraid of you Yun Tianzong, you If you want to fight, I will stay with you to the end."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to come or go today." Yun Huaying said lightly.

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said, "Since you can, you must go. You can try."

Yun Huaying laughed and said, "Xuan Zhenghao, you really are a human thing." He paused, and said, "Dakang is indeed no longer a vassal of Yuntianzong. Since Chen Yang belongs to Dakang, the previous thing was again. Injustice, false and wrong case. Since Chen Yang is willing to return to Yuntianzong, then I will no longer force Yuntianzong. In the future, Chen Yang and Yuntianzong will no longer have anything to do with each other."

At this moment, the situation has changed drastically.

This young master teacher is so deep that people are really hard to figure out.

Xuan Zhenghao then said: "Yun Huaying, Dakang and Yun Tianzong, now are well water and not offending river water. I came today without any malice. Chen Yang has a life-and-death battle with Hua Tianying you sent. I will come today, only Please be fair. I don't know if your Hua Tianying will fight?"

When he came, he had already investigated that Hua Tianying was in Yuntianzong.

Yun Huaying said to Song Jing, "Elder Song, go and invite Hua Tianying over."

"Yes, Supreme!" Song Jing said.

Song Jing went soon.

Yun Huaying also smiled at Xuan Zhenghao and said, "Please sit down!"

Xuan Zhenghao, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were seated separately, and the top ten black iron guards stood behind Xuan Zhenghao, like a copper wall and iron wall.

"Take tea!" Yun Huaying said again.

"Yes!" A female disciple came to get tea immediately.

After that, Yun Huaying said: "This tea is cooked with the buds of the tree of life. It has a long aftertaste. If mortals drink this cup, all diseases will disappear and life will be extended for 50 years."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "You can see it is extraordinary if you watch its rush of tea mist and its vitality."

Yun Huaying smiled slightly and said, "Unexpectedly, you and I still have the opportunity to sit down and drink tea."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "We are not enemies, and there is no hatred that cannot be resolved. Although Dakang was a country of Yuntianzong before, there is no reason to be a country of Yuntianzong for a lifetime."

Yun Huaying said: "In the world of monasticism, the strong always respect. You have the means and ability, and the deity also admires."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Say it!"

Yun Huaying said again: "I don't know what you think of this immeasurable killing? What will Tianzhou look like in the end?"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Needless to say, you should also have counts in your heart."

Yun Huaying said: "The deity can only imagine the future, but you are different, you can budget for the secret."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "My magic book has long been unable to calculate the secrets of heaven. However, my feeling is not much different from yours. Since it is an immeasurable killing and robbery that has been rare in thousands of years, I am afraid that no cultivator in Tianzhou will be able to Take care of yourself. The blood flow is the root!"

Yun Huaying said: "So you have been following the way of heaven, trying to get the approval of the way of heaven, asking for a chance to survive?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "You choose to resist the way of heaven, and I choose to follow the way of heaven. You resist because you feel that the way of heaven is nothing but this. And I follow it because I feel that the way of heaven has infinite majesty and good fortune."

Yun Huaying said: "Facts have proved that you are right. You and the God Emperor have already made the Heavenly Continent Plan almost torn up, and the appearance of the Star Master's Hall of Stars makes people feel like a thorn in the back."

"This is the way of heaven is making a move. The move of the way of heaven has always been invisible and cannot be found. But invisible, nothing is done." Xuan Zhenghao said.

Yun Huaying sighed slightly, and said, "My cultivator just wants peace, but it's not available."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The world is in turmoil, wars are raging, and the people are displaced, hungry for thousands of miles, and mourning is everywhere. At that time, the people wanted to ask for peace, how difficult it is. Now, there are many killings and robberies, and the monks of our generation are no different from the displaced people. ."

Yun Huaying said, "The deity understands what you mean."

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly.

Everyone is sensible, so there is no need to say anything.

While they were talking, the voice of an officer came from outside.

"Hua Tianying, the peak master of Tianying Peak, wants to see the Supreme Master!"

"Come in!" Yun Huaying said lightly.

Then, one person appeared outside the door. This person is dressed in black, has a majestic appearance, and his eyes are like swords, and his aura is shocking.

The person here is not someone else, it is...Hua Tianying!

Hua Tianying strode in, and when he came in, his eyes shot from the corner of his eyes, and it was stormy and terrifying.

This person's cultivation level seems to have reached the tenth heaven peak!

Upon seeing this, Xuan Zhenghao was slightly lost.

Qiao Ning was also taken aback. As for Batu, he hid behind Chen Yang in fear.

Hua Tianying's eyes contacted Chen Yang, and both eyes showed a slight surprise at the same time.

Hua Tianying then retracted his gaze, stood ten meters in front of Yun Huaying, bowed and saluted, and said, "Tianying Peak Master Hua Tianying see the Supreme!"

Yun Huaying said lightly, "Hua Tianying, do you know this person in front of you?"

He pointed to Chen Yang.

Hua Tianying glanced at Chen Yang, and then said, "I know."

"Is there a three-year agreement between you?" Yun Huaying asked.

Hua Tianying said: "Yes!"

Yun Huaying said, "Okay, now Chen Yang is here, do you dare to fight?"

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